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Hi all, I've been stuck at one and a half stone loss now for a few weeks, I'm not complaining at that but I'm really losing my way. I'm eating too much, too often and need some motivation or a boot up my arse :thumbup: I've got a few weeks until I can have my 1st fill and I'm desperate for one. Could someone please tell me when you initially register with WLS do they ask to see paperwork concerning your band op and when it was done, if I could have a fill now, I would.

Big Sis, I hope you enjoy your time in Edinburgh. It's a beautiful city and we have some of the best restaurants in the world here. There's a plethera of michelin star restaurants in the area and dozens n dozens of excellent restaurants offering food from all over the world. I sound like I work for the Edinburgh tourist board :biggrin: but I think we've got fab food and I've never seen a deep fried mars bar in my life :tongue2:. As you say though, you'll have to watch yourself because temptation is all around!!!!!! Have a great time.

Hi Fatduck, just back from Edinburgh and loved it. Altho we only had 2 nights there which just isn't long enough. So many great restaurants to choose from and had lovely food while we were there. Loved the scary underground city tour! Need to go back and spend about a week there I think. You're so lucky to live there, Bigsis x

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Hi everyone what a lovely day it was yesterday so was invited to a bbq. I put a lot of thought into what i put on my plate ie 1 hamburger ,cous cous, sausage, Pasta salad. After eating a bite of hamburger, sausage and pasta salad, I mean 3 mouthfulls I was in agony. I was Pbing but just saliva and then I was sick twice but not very much food came up as I hadn't eaten much but it was a relief from the pain! I seem to be able to eat softer foods ie on Friday I had WW spaghetti bologneise. I think I should try and eat more solid foods but Im scared of the pain and I haven't even had my first fill which is due on the 11th of August. Any advice Jx

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~Freckles its a lot of work running to visit in a hospital everyday I do hope your mum picks up as up to now she seems like a true fighter.

Gary is it this week you see CDB I do hope he can solve the problem. Was it his colleague in Glasgow who did your last fill?

Fatduck youve done really well so far wont be long until your fill.

Big sis Edinburgh is great and if you go again for longer you have to come through to Glasgow where the shopping clubs and resturants are fantastic. Jx

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Homecare, what a bloody nightmare, that kind of thing happens to me. Your band must be very snug you dont sound like you even need a fill.

The band (as previously discussed by us) has a mind of its own and changes from day to day.

Some days you can eat what you couldnt eat yesterday, so you have to play it by ear, not so easy though, when it changes so rapidly. I can only say you seem to have gotten good restriction, make the most of it babe.

If anyone likes my puppies, feel free to steal them, cos I stole them lol

Yes it is very time-consuming going hospital visiting, I feel drained, I have been doing it for 5 months now, almost every day. You have to get your shower and get the hair and make-up done every day, I am getting fed up with it now. Thanx for your sweet words.

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Sounds to me, that you got all the problems tucked up & put to bed!!! You are so lucky to be able to do your own fills.

I am concerned about not being able to get enough fluids as Im not the best drinker now, I already dont drink enough and like you, get headaches often.

Its not because I cant be bothered, Im just not thirsty and usually dont think about getting a drink, Im too busy at work to find time. It doesnt help when your secretary doesn't drink tea or coffee either !!!

I would also love it if I didnt get obsessed about food but its on my mind constantly at the moment. I hope the band helps me to get over this as I want to be 'normal'.

Keep up the good work. :tongue2:

Hi Starsky - I too have a problem drinking enough Fluid as I hardly ever feel thirsty either but think it is something you need to address if possible because of the benefits. What I do now is fill a half litre bottle with low cal squash (can't do water) and keep swigging on that. I find that this amount doesn't seem like too much to get through and so can easily manage a couple or more of these throughout the day. I think it definitely does help with the weight loss and I must admit I've had fewer headaches too so it really is worth going into 'training' now before the band and build up your intake. Good luck, Bigsister x

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Hi Starsky

I have not had any problems with the band apart from when i have cheated it with naughty slider food!

I am lucky because i can do my own fills so i can control my restriction very easily. I am at 7cc in a 10cc band and i think it will probably just be maintenance from now on. My outlook on food has definately changed, i dont rely on it now its just to give me a bit of energy and stop my stomach making noises! Of course its still lovely to have treats and much easier to eat a bowl of cake covered in cream than a plate of chicken and veg. The main problem i have now is getting enough Fluid in. Its easy to not drink very much and end up with a massive headache at the end of the day. I also find it very dfficult to eat before about 1pm but the later it gets the more i can eat.

Everyone goes through the awful stage where you are not at the correct restriction level and you feel as if you can eat everything but when you do get to the right level the difference is amazing. I have always tried to eat foods which do not slide through too quickly (once your allowed to of course) a proper meal will stay in your stomach and keep you fuller for longer even if you can't eat that much of it rather than a bowl of Soup and a yoghurt. The one lesson i still have not learnt is to stop eating when your starting to get full, i still push it until i cant physically eat any more even if it is a much smaller portion.

I have also overfilled myself before which a scary experience! Its better to go through the horrible eating anything stage and get to a good level of restriction rather than pushing it and overfilling which is awful!

I have also really tried not to become obsessed with the weight loss and think like a person who does not have a food problem. Normal people will still go out with their friends and have a few glasses of wine or eat a chocolate bar occasionally if they fancy it and not feel guilty.

Hope this helps and please anyone ask any questions if you want.

Good luck!

Hi Carriejess. Congratulations on officially being 'normal'! And hope you had a lovely birthday too. You look great!

I so agree about eating 'proper' foods rather than the easier option soft foods as it is logical that they do stay in your upper/smaller pouch for longer and therefore you feel satisfied for longer. Altho, I have to say that for me restriction seems to be more about feeling discomfort rather than feeling full with smaller amounts. I only give myself small tea plate portions but usually find I can eat these quite easily and could even eat more sometimes but don't. Though after a meal I usually feel full enough for a good few hours but just wish I could get that feeling of being 'stuffed' while eating a small meal. But never mind, it has been working even if it hasn't been that quickly so I shouldn't complain.

Well done again and hope you reach your ultimate goal very soon now, Bigsis x

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Been on a camping trip in Northumberland this weekend. Definately need a fill because this weekend I've managed to eat a 9" pizza & some chips, filled rolls, a fish supper ( ate half the chips) biscuits, ice cream, blah, blah. No wonder I'm in the state I am and hang all about the place like a pound of mince in a poly bag!!!!!!:mad::tongue2::mad::(

Edited by fatduck

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Been on a camping trip in Northumberland this weekend. Definately need a fill because this weekend I've managed to eat a 9" pizza & some chips, filled rolls, a fish supper ( ate half the chips) biscuits, ice cream, blah, blah. No wonder I'm in the state I am and hang all about the place like a pound of mince in a poly bag!!!!!!:mad::tongue2::mad::(

Fat duck I seem to have opposite problem. I went to bbq yesterday ate 1 bite of sausage, 1 bite of hamburger and a piece of Pasta I was in agony and was sick twice it took about 45 minutes to come up before I got some relief. Strange thing is I made myself eat a sausage on a krackerbread today and it went down ok. My bands got a mind of its own. Jx:sleep:

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Howdy everyone im back finally got sitting to say hello as the lovely sisters have said everything went perfect iv had no pain except for the first day out of bed i had nerve pain for my drain but it was gone in a day my right arm is still leaking some kind of Fluid which i really wish it would stop but worst of all where i had my tummy drains is leaking like mad i hate being graphic but im having to pack over them really tight so they dont leak cos i was getting destroyed and bandages isnt enough to hold the fluid and everytime i go to the loo i have to remove the tight packing and it just runs out like a tap which is scary even though surgeon said its better out than in and will stop and will leave me less chance of getting a seroma like garry but other than my leaks i feel perfectly normal and not having to take pain meds i must say my scars are excellent still quite swollen but can see improvement every day and the band op for me was worse... I did stay a extra nite in hospital cos of my drains and he did flush my insides out with some type of steroid solution to try slow down the draining i have no bandages on just wee steri strips cant notic scar on my arms at all except minimal bruising and the bottom of my belly is yuck to touch cos it doesnt feel like its mine i have very little sensation but i think thats it just say a wee prayer that il stop leaking asap

PS Gill and big sis are fab 2glamour dolls i felt so bad pale faced and far from glam so thank u girlies for coming to visit and for the lovely teddy which has now been made resident beside my bed i love him...

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Hi flirty good to see you back fit and healthy.I hope your drain holes heal up nice and they stop leaking.

I cant belive you have done all this inside a year of being banded.

Are you ok bending up and down or is it tight.

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Howdy everyone im back finally got sitting to say hello as the lovely sisters have said everything went perfect iv had no pain except for the first day out of bed i had nerve pain for my drain but it was gone in a day my right arm is still leaking some kind of Fluid which i really wish it would stop but worst of all where i had my tummy drains is leaking like mad i hate being graphic but im having to pack over them really tight so they dont leak cos i was getting destroyed and bandages isnt enough to hold the fluid and everytime i go to the loo i have to remove the tight packing and it just runs out like a tap which is scary even though surgeon said its better out than in and will stop and will leave me less chance of getting a seroma like garry but other than my leaks i feel perfectly normal and not having to take pain meds i must say my scars are excellent still quite swollen but can see improvement every day and the band op for me was worse... I did stay a extra nite in hospital cos of my drains and he did flush my insides out with some type of steroid solution to try slow down the draining i have no bandages on just wee steri strips cant notic scar on my arms at all except minimal bruising and the bottom of my belly is yuck to touch cos it doesnt feel like its mine i have very little sensation but i think thats it just say a wee prayer that il stop leaking asap

PS Gill and big sis are fab 2glamour dolls i felt so bad pale faced and far from glam so thank u girlies for coming to visit and for the lovely teddy which has now been made resident beside my bed i love him...

Hey you, it was our pleasure to visit you. And you looked lovely (especially after major surgery), a face like yours doesn't need much make up to look great you know. Your 'leakages' must be a big nuisance more than anything, as long as you're not in pain and not got infection is the main thing. I'm sure your internal tap will turn itself off before long so that you can hit the shops etc without the Met Office putting out a flood warning! You will soon be out and buying those tiny CK knicks you want so badly!

Keep well and take it really easy for a while before hitting everyone with that great new bod you gorgeous girl......lots of love, Bigsis xxxx

ps Isn't teddy a 'she' cos its little jacket said 'sister'? Or maybe 'he' is a tranny?! You can never tell with teddies these days....

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Hey bobo i can stand straight up no probs im here in house on my own i have sky music channels on and i had a great dance round living room as ya do but without a prob as if i had nothing done i can move my arms any way as well... Yeah its a bit mad alright to think this time last yr i had only thought of the band and joined the forum but i do think now id still like to lose a stone or 2more now but im same weight now as before getting nipped and tucked lol even though between ski and Lipo i think he said he removed 11lbs... Im just excited to see the final result im a wee bit boxy looking at the min due to swelling im just dying to go out and the only thing thats stopping me going out tonight is this bloody leaking its doing my head in and i keep having wee panicy moments saying omg what if it doesnt stop lol but other than that id be out on the town...

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Haha big sister my leakages are a damm pain im here listening to music and my foot is tapping mad to go out im torturing myself i should really put the news on put clubs out of my head haha And OMG anyone who hasnt seen big sis im in shock at her age cos u look no more than late 30's and thats pushing it so fab and so funny but we'l defo have a mini meet up and i bet with a few drinks the laugh would be unreal but thanks again for being so good to me x

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hi gary

sorry to hear about the problems your having with your band.(not saying anything serious is wrong)but if you do have to have a opp I dont think you should be paying a penny after all it was'nt your fault.I have a hernia caused by getting banded it's not bothering me just now but I'll get it fixed on the NHS.It's took a long time for my band to start working.I'v got 6.25 in mine and have good restriction now.I was banded in Belgium on Nov 08.Wendy has worked great with me because I could'nt get passed the head hungers.There's a lot of things I just cant eat,I think I must be still eating to fast as I'm sick a bit.not to worry at least the weights comming off.I really hope you get everything sorted out.fingers crossed beeboo x

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        You look amazing!!! 😻 you have been killing it!

      2. NickelChip

        Congratulations! You're making excellent progress and looking amazing!

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        So proud of you Cat. Getting into those smaller size clothes is half the fun isn't it?. Keep up the good work!!!!

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