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New here, low-BMI patient thinking about getting sleeved in Mexico.

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So, hi! I'm totally new here -- this is my first post on this site. I'm a 23-year-old American woman who currently is studying abroad in Germany. I've been thinking about getting sleeved since January. I'm 5'6" and weigh about 187lbs.

I guess even though I'm not "that" big right now, I feel like I have no control whatsoever over my weight. I've been overweight since I was about 9, and now, not even 10 minutes go by that I don't think about my weight. I'll lose weight on a diet, gain it all back with interest, wash, rinse, repeat. I have to eat fewer than 1200 kcal and exercise for at least an hour every day to lose even a pound a week.

I'm considering this surgery, in short, because dieting not only has proven not to work for me, but it makes me totally miserable. I have a very emotional relationship with food, so when I diet and am inevitably hungry, I am always in a downright terrible mood until I can get my "fix." I have a really hard time controlling my portions and stopping eating when I'm no longer hungry. When I do diet, I spend my days feeling depressed and being very irritable. Then, the weight always eventually creeps back on anyway despite all my effort. I don't like the way I look or feel right now at all. I am really happy for and supportive of big people who can love themselves and accept who they are, but I think it's time I accept that I am just not one of those people. I want to be able to wear what I want and be comfortable in my own skin. I want to stop worrying about my health and enjoy being young. I want to feel beautiful again. I have a history of severe emotional trauma, am trying to finish my education, and have a lot of other things I should be focusing on besides my weight.

I've just recently learned that I'm officially "obese." My BMI is about 30-31. I'm 40% body fat. I can't climb a small hill or go for a brisk walk without getting winded. I have borderline HBP and suffered a pulmonary embolism last winter, which almost killed me and was probably related to my weight. In Germany, most young people are quite thin, so being a big girl, I stick out like a sore thumb. And it's pretty much impossible for me to find cute clothes here, since there just aren't enough chunky 20-somethings looking for fashionable clothes to have a market for that kind of thing. Basically, I've had enough, and I'm sick of suffering and busting my butt with no results. I want this battle to be over so I can enjoy my life to the fullest.

So, I found a surgeon in Mexico who is willing to sleeve me. I have the money, but he's about the best I could afford. So, these are my questions:

1. Does anyone have any personal experience with Dr. Guillermo Alvarez in Piedas Negras? If so, what was your experience like? Do you recommend them, or are there any other Mexican doctors that you can recommend?

2. Has anyone with a lower BMI undergone the surgery? If so, what were your results like? Side effects? Hair loss? Complications? I want to hear it all: the good, the bad, and the ugly.

3. Does anyone who has experienced the surgery have any regrets?

4. Anything else of note that you'd like to mention, or comments about my dilemma?

Thank you all so much for your time. :)

Edited by pinkpeanuts

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I have emotional eating problems too, and I sought help with a therapist before I started the process to get sleeved. And that's with an over 40 BMI and multiple comorbidities. If you don't address the emotional eating problem, nothing will work for you long term. If you address them, you may find the surgery is not what you need. I strongly suggest you get a good therapist to work with you on food and body issues first, and put this off until after. You can always have the sleeve later, but you can't take it back.

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I've actually been in therapy since I was 16, so 7 years now. I've done intensive outpatient several times and one month-long inpatient rehab program. Various therapists and I have addressed my emotional eating more times than I can count. Despite this, I continue gaining weight.

My hope is that if I am physically unable to overeat, the food addiction will work itself out.

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I've actually been in therapy since I was 16, so 7 years now. I've done intensive outpatient several times and one month-long inpatient rehab program. Various therapists and I have addressed my emotional eating more times than I can count. Despite this, I continue gaining weight.

My hope is that if I am physically unable to overeat, the food addiction will work itself out.

Unfortunately - you can always eat around your sleeve and if emotional eating is that much of an issue for you now - I'd be very concerned at your emotional health and physical health after surgery. You still need to change behaviors - eat healthy and mindfully.

The surgery is only a tool - you still need to do the work. Please really think seriously about this!

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Honestly, I feel like I am being condescended. I don't know where this presumption is coming from that I think this will magically make me thin, or that I am doing this on a whim and haven't seriously considered it yet. I've been thinking about having WLS for the better part of a year, have done extensive research, and I completely grasp the gravity of this and that I will have to permanently alter my eating habits. I think this alteration will be easier for me to make when I have use of this tool, because it's proven impossible by every other method. I'm young, but I'm not reckless or stupid by default. To be frank, I came here not to be judged or have virtual eyebrows raised at me, but to actually receive answers to my questions from people who have had similar experiences.

I have been doing everything under the sun to control my weight for at least ten years and literally everything has backfired. I'm not extremely obese and I'm not in imminent danger of death, but I'm still significantly overweight and have failed to fix it on my own dozens and dozens of times. My weight negatively affects my life to a major extent, and I don't want to keep living like this. My size makes me unhappy. I certainly don't want to wait until I develop diabetes or become morbidly obese to fix this. That approach doesn't really make much sense to me.

My mind is not completely made up. If I am presented with new evidence or information from people who have had negative mental or physical effects from this surgery, I could be budged, but strangers making assumptions about my intentions and emotional health is not going to alter my feelings about this.

Edited by pinkpeanuts

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@@pinkpeanuts I was not being condescending - I apologize if that's what you thought. I was being concerned. Many others have posted not understanding that this surgery would prevent you from overeating. It's as much mental as it is physical. I encourage you to read this book - it might help. Good luck with your journey!


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Honestly, I feel like I am being condescended.

You're not. No one is putting you down or speaking to you in a condescending manner AT ALL. Every response you were given was answering YOUR question in a well thought out and caring manner. I was about to give you my opinion, but clearly that would NOT be a good idea.

Good luck to you!

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@@KristenLe, okay, thank you. I am sorry I misinterpreted your comment.

@@LipstickLady, this is a support forum, isn't it? I felt belittled by people jumping to conclusions about my history and intentions instead of actually answering my questions. Maybe they weren't trying to condescend me, but I'm entitled to have feelings. If you think invalidating people's emotions is a helpful way to support people, maybe it really is better if you don't share your opinion with me.

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I'm not going to invalidate your feelings at all. My point was simply that if you didn't like the two genuinely caring answers already given, and you felt they were "condescend you", you certainly didn't need mine added to it.

It might be best if you block me all together. :D

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@@LipstickLady, jeez. I don't feel the need to block you. Why would I do that? We're not 13 and this isn't MySpace. I more feel the need to leave this site altogether. I was looking to get judgment-free support and information about this surgery, and apparently that's not what I'm going to get here. My mistake.

So, bye, I guess. It's been real.

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pinkpeanuts--Everyone I have seen on this site recognizes that this is major surgery with strong emotional effects--both good and bad. The real people will tell you what they truly believe, not what you want to hear.

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@@LipstickLady, jeez. I don't feel the need to block you. Why would I do that? We're not 13 and this isn't MySpace. I more feel the need to leave this site altogether. I was looking to get judgment-free support and information about this surgery, and apparently that's not what I'm going to get here. My mistake.

So, bye, I guess. It's been real.

You were GIVEN judgement free support and information. YOU made the decision to be offended by something where no offense was there.

Again, I wish you good luck in your decision.

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@@LipstickLady, jeez. I don't feel the need to block you. Why would I do that? We're not 13 and this isn't MySpace. I more feel the need to leave this site altogether. I was looking to get judgment-free support and information about this surgery, and apparently that's not what I'm going to get here. My mistake.

So, bye, I guess. It's been real.

Grow up.

So, hi! I'm totally new here -- this is my first post on this site. I'm a 23-year-old American woman who currently is studying abroad in Germany. I've been thinking about getting sleeved since January. I'm 5'6" and weigh about 187lbs.

I guess even though I'm not "that" big right now, I feel like I have no control whatsoever over my weight. I've been overweight since I was about 9, and now, not even 10 minutes go by that I don't think about my weight. I'll lose weight on a diet, gain it all back with interest, wash, rinse, repeat. I have to eat fewer than 1200 kcal and exercise for at least an hour every day to lose even a pound a week.

I'm considering this surgery, in short, because dieting not only has proven not to work for me, but it makes me totally miserable. I have a very emotional relationship with food, so when I diet and am inevitably hungry, I am always in a downright terrible mood until I can get my "fix." I have a really hard time controlling my portions and stopping eating when I'm no longer hungry. When I do diet, I spend my days feeling depressed and being very irritable. Then, the weight always eventually creeps back on anyway despite all my effort. I don't like the way I look or feel right now at all. I am really happy for and supportive of big people who can love themselves and accept who they are, but I think it's time I accept that I am just not one of those people. I want to be able to wear what I want and be comfortable in my own skin. I want to stop worrying about my health and enjoy being young. I want to feel beautiful again. I have a history of severe emotional trauma, am trying to finish my education, and have a lot of other things I should be focusing on besides my weight.

I've just recently learned that I'm officially "obese." My BMI is about 30-31. I'm 40% body fat. I can't climb a small hill or go for a brisk walk without getting winded. I have borderline HBP and suffered a pulmonary embolism last winter, which almost killed me and was probably related to my weight. In Germany, most young people are quite thin, so being a big girl, I stick out like a sore thumb. And it's pretty much impossible for me to find cute clothes here, since there just aren't enough chunky 20-somethings looking for fashionable clothes to have a market for that kind of thing. Basically, I've had enough, and I'm sick of suffering and busting my butt with no results. I want this battle to be over so I can enjoy my life to the fullest.

So, I found a surgeon in Mexico who is willing to sleeve me. I have the money, but he's about the best I could afford. So, these are my questions:

1. Does anyone have any personal experience with Dr. Guillermo Alvarez in Piedas Negras? If so, what was your experience like? Do you recommend them, or are there any other Mexican doctors that you can recommend?

2. Has anyone with a lower BMI undergone the surgery? If so, what were your results like? Side effects? hair loss? Complications? I want to hear it all: the good, the bad, and the ugly.

3. Does anyone who has experienced the surgery have any regrets?

4. Anything else of note that you'd like to mention, or comments about my dilemma?

Thank you all so much for your time. :)

I've actually been in therapy since I was 16, so 7 years now. I've done intensive outpatient several times and one month-long inpatient rehab program. Various therapists and I have addressed my emotional eating more times than I can count. Despite this, I continue gaining weight.

My hope is that if I am physically unable to overeat, the food addiction will work itself out.

Honestly, I feel like I am being condescended. I don't know where this presumption is coming from that I think this will magically make me thin, or that I am doing this on a whim and haven't seriously considered it yet. I've been thinking about having WLS for the better part of a year, have done extensive research, and I completely grasp the gravity of this and that I will have to permanently alter my eating habits. I think this alteration will be easier for me to make when I have use of this tool, because it's proven impossible by every other method. I'm young, but I'm not reckless or stupid by default. To be frank, I came here not to be judged or have virtual eyebrows raised at me, but to actually receive answers to my questions from people who have had similar experiences.

I have been doing everything under the sun to control my weight for at least ten years and literally everything has backfired. I'm not extremely obese and I'm not in imminent danger of death, but I'm still significantly overweight and have failed to fix it on my own dozens and dozens of times. My weight negatively affects my life to a major extent, and I don't want to keep living like this. My size makes me unhappy. I certainly don't want to wait until I develop diabetes or become morbidly obese to fix this. That approach doesn't really make much sense to me.

My mind is not completely made up. If I am presented with new evidence or information from people who have had negative mental or physical effects from this surgery, I could be budged, but strangers making assumptions about my intentions and emotional health is not going to alter my feelings about this.

Honestly, I feel like I am being condescended.

You're not. No one is putting you down or speaking to you in a condescending manner AT ALL. Every response you were given was answering YOUR question in a well thought out and caring manner. I was about to give you my opinion, but clearly that would NOT be a good idea.

Good luck to you!

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G530AZ using the BariatricPal App

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So, hi! I'm totally new here -- this is my first post on this site. I'm a 23-year-old American woman who currently is studying abroad in Germany. I've been thinking about getting sleeved since January. I'm 5'6" and weigh about 187lbs.

I guess even though I'm not "that" big right now, I feel like I have no control whatsoever over my weight. I've been overweight since I was about 9, and now, not even 10 minutes go by that I don't think about my weight. I'll lose weight on a diet, gain it all back with interest, wash, rinse, repeat. I have to eat fewer than 1200 kcal and exercise for at least an hour every day to lose even a pound a week.

I'm considering this surgery, in short, because dieting not only has proven not to work for me, but it makes me totally miserable. I have a very emotional relationship with food, so when I diet and am inevitably hungry, I am always in a downright terrible mood until I can get my "fix." I have a really hard time controlling my portions and stopping eating when I'm no longer hungry. When I do diet, I spend my days feeling depressed and being very irritable. Then, the weight always eventually creeps back on anyway despite all my effort. I don't like the way I look or feel right now at all. I am really happy for and supportive of big people who can love themselves and accept who they are, but I think it's time I accept that I am just not one of those people. I want to be able to wear what I want and be comfortable in my own skin. I want to stop worrying about my health and enjoy being young. I want to feel beautiful again. I have a history of severe emotional trauma, am trying to finish my education, and have a lot of other things I should be focusing on besides my weight.

I've just recently learned that I'm officially "obese." My BMI is about 30-31. I'm 40% body fat. I can't climb a small hill or go for a brisk walk without getting winded. I have borderline HBP and suffered a pulmonary embolism last winter, which almost killed me and was probably related to my weight. In Germany, most young people are quite thin, so being a big girl, I stick out like a sore thumb. And it's pretty much impossible for me to find cute clothes here, since there just aren't enough chunky 20-somethings looking for fashionable clothes to have a market for that kind of thing. Basically, I've had enough, and I'm sick of suffering and busting my butt with no results. I want this battle to be over so I can enjoy my life to the fullest.

So, I found a surgeon in Mexico who is willing to sleeve me. I have the money, but he's about the best I could afford. So, these are my questions:

1. Does anyone have any personal experience with Dr. Guillermo Alvarez in Piedas Negras? If so, what was your experience like? Do you recommend them, or are there any other Mexican doctors that you can recommend?

2. Has anyone with a lower BMI undergone the surgery? If so, what were your results like? Side effects? hair loss? Complications?

I want to hear it all: the good, the bad, and the ugly.

3. Does anyone who has experienced the surgery have any regrets?

4. Anything else of note that you'd like to mention, or comments about my dilemma?

Thank you all so much for your time. :)

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@@LipstickLady, you're taking my words out of context and twisting them to mean what you want them to mean. Kind of like, you know, you were accusing me of doing.

"Good, bad, and ugly" was part of number 2 -- I meant of people's personal experiences with this surgery, not "any judgment that pops into your head that you feel like spewing at me."

I don't know where you people get off on ganging up on and bullying other people, but this is fucking ridiculous.

How do I delete my account?

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