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August NJ Thread......

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Wow Mandy---they all look great!!!!! I like the last one, in the way that it looks younger---more fun than serious. But heck the other 2 are VERY flattering as well. So I based my vote on your young age, and hip attitude, and went for the least conservative!!!

Happy Birthday Eileenies DD!!! Hope y'all have a great party!

We are hanging out, at home, Kinsey is napping right now. Rick worked late, so we did not get to take her for her Pot Stickers she requested for dinner (so much for 2 year olds wanting McDonalds!!), so will try to get there today. We took her to our friends ice cream shop last night, and I had one of those moments we all look forward to!!!

We were standing listening to Kinsey rattle on with Pam, the owner, and this couple walked up. The gal and I used to be very good friends, until she decided to sleep with my boyfriend of the time. She is now married to another friends former (her being the cause) fiance. When we were friends, I was very thin, but through the years she has seen me many times, and always has a smirk---and tries to act like we are still best buds. So last night they walked up, right past us, never aknowledging us at all. I let them order, then I said "Hi Debbie, how's it goin'?" She turned with this questioning look, then her jaw literally dropped--you could see the shock! She semi recovered and spoke, and the attention was turned to Kinsey--she never said a word about my weight, but with her reaction, no words were necessary! I LOVED it! We both are about equal in our "overweight" now!!! And I have 7 inches on her in height, so I can carry my extra 20-25 much easier! That is tacky---but she deserves it!!! She worked as a receptionist where we had gone for years to have our taxes done. I cringed when I saw her there, but figured oh well. She called me over and told me with as much money as Rick makes, we are withholding way too much, then she wanted to know how many hours he had to work to make that much money. Girls I lied! He works a wierd schedule, where he has over 40 one week, and under the next. I just told her 40 a week....she was just wondering, her DH was thinking of a change!!! She was thinking $$$$!!

I took our dishes out to the park, for the church picnic, but by the time I got there Kinsey was asleep in her car seat. It is already over 90----so I dropped the food, and come home, carried her in, and she has yet to wake up. We might go out for a few minutes when she wakes up. I was not willing to face the heat, with a 2 year old grumpy from an interupted nap!!! Call me chicken!!!

So Darcy---what's crawled up the ex's hiney? Is the cabin too far for him to see Emily as often? Is she bothered by that?

Cindy---you going to be volunteering all year at school again? Did they ever decide for sure one way or another on the paid position you hoped for? Sorry if you already answered that---this last year has been so crazy---I forget everything!

Betty---looks like we will be planning to go down the first week or so in November. Rick has quite a bit of time off coming---so we have to work out the exact days. I am excited to go, I miss the place, plus going makes life feel normal again.

Sherry, Chris, Beannie, miss you girls!

Jessica, this group, is especially wonderful for support. I also recommend you look up and find a thread, for the month you are banded--you know--say an October group, if you end up banded in October. Not that all of us would not do our best to help and remember how we did for you (like we try for Patty), but it is so nice to have others going through similar things at the time! My DH has finally quit looking at me strangely when I speak of my friends here at LBT. I cannot say that he "gets it", but he accepts it! Men have different friendships anyway, and for me to feel this close to women I have never met, confuses him I suppose!!! You will find wonderful support here! We are glad you joined us!

Patty---I don't have a strict diet plan---I eat whatever--I just eat less of it, and eat what we have in different ways. Yesterday as an example. For Breakfast, I had a scrambled egg with cheese and green chile. I ate most of it....if I slow down towards the end, and it gets cold, it is unappealling, so I don't eat it, cold eggs, yuck!

I had 5 Bugle snack things with Kinsey later, I know it was 5 because she put them on the tips of all of my fingers! For lunch I ate some chicken salad, on Town House crackers....probably 1/2 cup salad, and 5-6 crackers. I ate a nectarine, and some almonds yesterday afternoon. The nectarine was iffy, it sat high in my belly for awhile, when I finally began drinking lots, it passed on through. For supper, we had grilled chicken, macaroni and cheese, and fried zucchini, and fresh tomatoes. Normally I would have eaten my fill of the mac & cheese, and the fried squash, and settled with a standard serving of chicken. Now I make the chicken the biggest part of my meal. I have learned I need to have teeny tiny bites, and not being a real picky person, if I load my fork with a combo, it is much easier for me to chew, and I haven't had nearly the problems with things sticking. We had the shells and cheese last night, and I would take like a small bite of chicken, and a single shell, and not have any problem, if I try to eat a full bite of just Pasta, it is too hard to chew thoroughly. All total I ate less than 1/4 cup of pasta, had mostly chicken, and a spear of squash. I was full! When they had ice cream last night, I was still too full to entertain the idea of dessert! I feel like I probably ate too much chicken, I would have been better off weight wise, to cut down the amount, but...it kept me good and full for a long time.

This morning we had Cereal for breakfast, and had a banana for snack. We were going to eat at the picnic, and instead she is sleeping---so I have not eaten lunch, I may skip it, since we are doing Chinese tonight!!!

I could probably get the rest of the weight off if I would diet seriously, or consider another fill. But I am doing so well health wise, no PB problems, or anything, and the weight is slowly dropping still. I have decided to just let it be. With my luck I would get over full, and begin a chain of problems due to my own impatience!!!

Well I am off to pick up a little, my MIL just called, and my FIL is coming over for a hair cut, so best check and clean up.

Talk to y'all later!!!


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i vote for the suit on the right in my opinion its the nicest. its shows off your great shape better and no offense to anyone but the other 2 are a little more "old lady"

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Mandy I like the one on the far right the best but, they all look great. The colors of the one in the middle are my favorites for a bathing suit. Where were you able to get suits this late in the season? I really need to pick one up before Florida UGH.

DH took a motorcycle ride up to his mom's in NY and I stayed here with DS to go to my Godson's birthday party. It's been a fun day actually...some mom and son time. Taking him out to dinner now,just waiting for him to get ready.

Anyone have a good recipe for homemade Mac N' cheese they can share with me. I've had a craving for it all day and no place around here makes it like homemade. I love it when it has the crunchy crumb topping on it. Please share if ya have one yummmmmm.

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Mandy I love the striped one the best. I think it matches your personality more and is way more fun. Very cute!

Ummm...Sherry I have a recipe you goober. I made you mac n' cheese, remember?? lol. But you know my recipes - no exact measurements. But here you go:

Half gallon Milk (I usually use 2%). Heat in large pot on stovetop. Don't boil, just warm it. Add Velveeta, Cheddar and American cheese. I usually do a small block of Velveeta, 1/2 a block of cheddar and 1/2 lb of american cheese. Cube the cheese and add it to the milk, stirring until cheese melts. You can fiddle with the amount of cheese or types of cheese depending on your taste. Once cheese is melted add salt, pepper and parsley. Par-boil some egg noodles and put in baking dish sprayed with pam. Cover with cheese mixture, which will be very soupy. Top with breadcrumbs and a little butter and bake at 350 until bubbly, brown and the cheese thickens up. Yep, very band friendly but not so calorie friendly. lol

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So, Chris is feeding Sherry macaroni & cheese...... like when did that happen? When did you guys have a potluck?

Today, I went to a lunch thing with some local lapband folks here in Orange County and we all talked for a few hours. Much more informative that what the hospital offers. I'm still processing what we all talked about..... nothing comes to mind about what to share.

Darcy: dying to know whats bugging the ex. I came down HARD on my ex for leaving the boys alone for 6 hours while I was on medical leave. His excuse "things took alittle longer than expected"...... jerk. It just gets me all riled up.

Hmmmm, just realized it's after midnight -- nighty, night.

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Good Morning Ladies,

Nice to see you all this morning. DD's party went well yesterday...glad its over. The Water in the pool was 82 degrees but it felt like it was 70 LOL. But no complaints from the pnut-gallery.

Kat, you rock !! I'm so glad you got to ut ummmm rub it a little in your ex-friends face...musta felt wonderful. Doesn't missy hubby stealer realize that what goes around comes around?

Cindy........where are ya chickie? You to Beanster?

Sherry, I saw Paula Dean make a recipe for mac and cheese on one of her shows....I think she used a crock pot but I remember drooling watching her eat it and I think she used sour cream as well...not sure. You might wanna check our her recipes on the food network. I love that Lady LOLOL.

Patty thats so nice that you had lunch with the support group. I kinda wish I had one here. They do offer it at the hospital but its once a month on a Thursday at 6 pm (which I'd never make it there on time). Your doing great !!!

Well girlies, the rug rats are awake, so I'm gonna hit the kitchen and give them some breakfast (my 2 nieces are here).

You all have a wonderful week ahead.... Luv yah's :huggie:


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Thanks everyone for the compliments. I can't wait to go swimming on vacation. We have a pool in our subdivision for the residents but never use it. It opened June 1st and Abi had surgery on the 5th, then I had surgery 2 weeks later. Just as I was cleared to swim it was time for the hysto, so I got zero pool time in and of course it closes next week. It's only 78 here today, nice and cool. Fall is approaching here in Chicago. We had really bad storms last week and a tornado touched down less than a mile from my house. We had no damage and were not home when the worst of it hit so it wasn't too bad for us. There are still people without power, this all happened last friday. My front yard flooded but it's better now. Usually we have one huge storm and then the really hot weather is gone until next year. It will be in the 70's and rainy until the really cold stuff hits. We usually have icy rain for Halloween, and that kicks off winter. Sounds fun huh? Have I ever mentioned that I HATE WINTER???? I lived in the south growing up and had never even seen snow until I was like 13 or 14. I don't understand the draw to snow, it's cold, makes the roads dangerous and it's cold. I prefer beach sand anyday. ~Mandy

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Morning girls-

Feeling quite yucky! I made some cookie/cake bars to go to the church picnic, and then didn't go personally....heat of the day, and napping 2 year old...so my Mom brought back what was left. Apparently turn out was dismal (not sure what the heck they expected, on a Saturday when it is over 100 degrees out!). So I thought that sounded yummy. I should know nothing like that should be eaten, especially this early in the morning. Now it is bubbling around in my tummy, not wanting to really go either way. I feel slimes hiding around the corner, ready to start! And I DO know better! My restriction is always tighter in the morning---plus it is high calorie anyway, and I would be better off without it. Lessons learned the hard way just suck!

Mandy, I hear ya with the swimming. We usually hit the lake a few times, but with Rick's issues, and then Kinsey getting so sick, we missed that time, and it seems like the rest of the time off we have had this year, we spent taking mini motorcycle trips. I enjoyed the summer though. We had fun weekends, full of things I enjoyed, and they were all pretty close to home---and yet most of the locals I speak with, have never done them! We have a rally about 30 miles away next weekend, depending on what my Dad finds out in ABQ when we take him Friday. IF all is well, or they schedule him for a later date, we will go up to the rally for Sat. & Sun. Then sometime in the next month or 6 weeks we want to get a couple of desert trips in. Maybe to the Grand Canyon again, and also to Arches National Park. We just have to wait until the serious heat of summer has passed! I think I want to go check out the new walk thing at the Grand Canyon---where you walk out in the glass horseshoe looking thing 4000 feet up or something like that! We are limited in some of our exploring by fears between my friend Becky and I!!! If we go to the walk in the Grand Canyon, Becky won't go, she does not like heights! My issue is caves, or tunnels, tightly enclosed spaces. I did the Carlsbad Caverns ok, I just talked non stop, kept my mind occupied!!! Oh well---we have found fun things to do anyway!

So what did you decide on the suits Mandy?

Sherry, I have a recipe for mac & cheese, stuck away somewhere. It too was calorie laden, but yummy. I know it had some strange things, that I went eeewwww over, but it tasted delicious! Like it calledfor something like a teaspoon and a half of mustard! If you still want one, I will dig it out. I have a hard time with Pasta, I eat it, but I can only eat such a small amount of it, I tend to go with what is easy these days, and buy the shells and cheese in a box them doctor them up a bit!!!

Glad the party went well Eileenie. We are headed into the party season for kids and grandkids here. All but my youngest grandson, have birthdays between now and Christmas!

Today I am off to pick Beans, a nd black eyed peas, corn, squash, cucumbers, anything I can find ready in the garden, and hope I stay busy until Rick gets home so HE can dig the potatoes!!! Our son and DIL were instrumental at getting his folks to put in a HUGE garden. Well work sent him to Houston for 2 weeks to school, so the DIL decided she was scared to stay alone that long, so packed up & went to Tuscon to her Grandparents....leaving 2 80+ year olds to handle the busiest time of the year in the garden. I could throttle my DIL. Yes son is gone too, but he is working, and the sole support of the family, so as I see it she should have stayed here and dealt with the house, and all. But with her it never works that way. So today I am picking, will snap and get ready to help can them tomorrow. I don't find them worth the work personally! I am fine with store canned green beans. I always cook up a big bunch or 2 while they are fresh, but see no savings in canning my own. But my inlaws, would be hung before they would waste what they have grown of course....so can I will! I have a feeling knowing my MIL, and how she thinks, I will also be cutting corn from the cob---a job that somehow always falls on me! Lucky, lucky me!

Looks cloudy and dark outside, so maybe I won't roast alive getting my stuff done today.

Everyone have a good day, enjoy the last of your weekend. Will look in on you later!


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I am keeping all 3 suits. The striped one and the blue one are going to Disney with me. The brown one is a bit tight so it will be great for next season. I got them all at Macy's and Kohls, on clearance. Macy's had suits for 80% off last week.

Kat, have fun canning. I just made home made blackberry jam, 2 batches of it. One with splenda and one with sugar. It turned out better this year than last. ~Mandy

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Kat: A vegetable garden and canning.... how cool. OK, let me explain. Years ago I read all about canning in a book called "the tightwad gazette". Over a period of time I gathered all the equipment, but without a garden all my efforts fall short. My dream house would be an old farmhouse with lots of rooms for my brood, a larger kitchen to prepare all those meals and occasionally can my own garden produce. Oh, yeah.... I want chickens too! OK, call me a Laura Ingalls wanna-be, but I can make my own bread :confused:

Mandy: When is your trip? 80% off swimwear... what a deal!

OK guys, I need some encouragement. At that luncheon yesterday I was told that I'm really not a lapbander because I have never had a fill. I don't understand how the band works and until you have a fill you aren't part of this secrect club. Remember when I told you all that I don't want a fill and that I felt wonderful with my weight loss and restriction as it is today..... well someone just went and squashed all my happy thoughts. I won't let someone dictate my life by any means but that sure flustered me for a brief moment and then it got me angry. I like you guys alot, and you would never say such hurtful things to me. I just wanted to tattle a bit. OK, I'm thru bitching, gonna head to Disneyland and forget my cares for a while.

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Patty, for some the band works without a fill, others need more restriction. I am going to guess that if you are dropping pounds you don't need a fill unless you are struggling to drop those pounds. I always say that you are a bandster as soon as you are awake from surgery. No secret club, no secret handshake. Just a major surgical proceedure. LOL. ~Mandy

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Jeez ladies all this talk about going to Disney and swimming is get me depressed!! I had a long weekend working my part time job and my feet are rebelling against my 280lb body!!!! I would give anything to kick back and relax by the pool and dream the pain away but anywho...I hope you all are having a great weekend.

by the way where is everyone from? I have already heard that not everyone is from NJ I was just wondering

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I'm in Chicago. Well the western suburbs of Chicago. ~Mandy

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Hello Y'all!

I am in the middle of cooking supper, I can't stay just wanted to check in. By the time I read everything, I don't have much time!

Mandy - I love all the suits and they all look great on you!

Kat - Easy way to do the green beans: Pick the Beans, DO NOT WASH THEM,

then snap them like you would when cooking them. Stick them in a freezer bag and freeze. When you take them out of the freezer wash them then and they taste just like they are fresh picked. Much easier than canning them! I use to can a lot of stuff, now with just the two of us I don't do much anymore. I miss the canning sometimes, I sure miss all the tomatoes and banana hot peppers I use to have all the time. Those are the two things I miss the most! Try it, you'll like them that way, just remember not to wash them until they come out of the freezer to eat.

I'll try my best to get back here tonight or tomorrow. I have just been so busy!

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Hi all! I had a wonderful day with Sherry today. We took a day off so we could go to the beach, but then decided to go shopping instead. lol. It was so much fun, even if we did have candy for lunch. We are so looking forward to Disney too. Just 3 more weeks - I can hardly believe it!! Mandy, we have no plans other than lunch with Cinderella on the 17th, so let us know what day would be good for you. :) Well, sorry this is short but I have a headache and my bed is calling my name. Hope everyone had a good Monday.

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    • BeanitoDiego

      I've hit a stall 9 months out. I'm not worried, though. My fitness levels continue to improve and I have nearly accomplished my pre-surgery goal of learning to scuba dive! One dive left to complete to get my PADI card 🐠
      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
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      1. BabySpoons

        Amazing! Congrats!!! Watch out for the sharks. 🦈

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