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Marchies in July

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About your eating issue, for the most part I have similar problems with eating. I find I can eat junk much better than good piece of Protein. I was at my aunts house last sunday and I couldn't eat the steak that she made (it was super tender), even though I chewed it into a paste, but 15 minutes later I downed 4 gingerbread Cookies. I don't know what the deal is.

As to the post where you feel like your talking to yourself, I know how you feel. I post on other threads where I feel like I'm part of a group. On this thread, I just blab, but don't get too much in return.

Hi There!

I don't know if your grocery has this--but they are called Soy Crisp. They are like chips, but are made of soy. Soooooooo for 20 chips you get 9 grams of protein (yeah) and only 110 calories. The awesome part is that they go down really well!!!! And you get the added benefit of Fiber and protein!!!!:hungry:

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Hi Marchies! I'm in the "less-than-30-lbs-since-surgery club" as well. Sure, it's discouraging. But we ARE losing! That is what is important. Slow and steady wins the race, true, but it's really not a race--we are all helping each other along the track and hoping everyone wins!

I had a fill just before I left town for three weeks to help two of my daughters on opposite sides of the country with their firstborn sons. As I type this my 37-year-old daughter is in the hospital hoping that the cervical gel will soften her cervix, she will start labor tonight, and they won't need to induce her tomorrow. We're all hopeful! But either way we'll have a new family member tomorrow. Hooray!

My fill seems to finally be working--I've had a few close calls but still no PB (thankfully). I do get full faster and have to stop eating before the pain becomes unbearable, which is a first for me. Does anyone get a pain in their left shoulder when they get full? It's like when I had pain after surgery and attributed it to gas pain but I'm wondering if it's a nerve connected to the stoma or something. Any ideas?

Good luck to everyone! I feel like no one reads my posts either but it's sometimes nice to vent and there is always a small chance someone will respond. It seems like we've lost so many Marchies. But I'm like OH Juli--I read them all but sometimes think someone else can answer the question better. I've asked a lot of questions that have never been addressed so I know how that feels. I'll try to do better. We need each other!

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momlambert--congrats on the new addition. Hope all goes well tomorrow. I know it will be a great day and you will be on cloud nine for a few days. Is this your 1st grandchild. I have nine and they are wonderful. best luck.:P

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momlambert--congrats on the new addition. Hope all goes well tomorrow. I know it will be a great day and you will be on cloud nine for a few days. Is this your 1st grandchild. I have nine and they are wonderful. best luck.:P

Thanks for the reply and good wishes, Carol. No, this is our 4th grandson (and 4th grandchild). The other one due in two weeks will be our 5th grandson--which is really strange because we had nine daughters and one son. It's funny how that has happened. We have a granddaughter due in October and I have to say I'm VERY excited about that as well. Yes, grandkids are wonderful--certainly a blessing for living through raising your own children!

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What a blessed day tomorrow will be for you and your family! How wonderful.

Your daughter will be in my thoughts. I hope she has a good delivery.

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Hey Marchies.

I'm feeling a piece of the disconnect too. It's on the extreme other side of the equation, but it's real none the less.

I know I get on here and talk about my biking long distances and losing with out a fill. I'm not on here bragging, but sharing my experiences going through this journey that we all started around the same time.

But to be frank, I don't report all of the NSVs and all the good stuff that's happening because I don't want to seem as if I am gloating. I recognize that many of you are not seeing the same results that I am.

I want to say "hang tough" and "keep to the plan" and support and encourage and I do that to a certain extent, but apparently not enough.

And yeah to make my point, yesterday my surgeon asked me to speak at his next group orientation of 100 people because in his words I'm "the perfect banded patient." I didn't feel like I could share that here, because it would be recieved as Juli bragging. But I was flattered and proud and feel like for once in my life I'm in control of food instead of food being in control of me.

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judi, congrats on being ask to speak. I couldn't do it, I way to shy to speak to others. Thats one of the reasons I don't post very often. I always feel like no one really care about what I have to say. I can't even imagine what it would be like to get up in front of people and talk. I know you will be good at it, you have so many things going for youself. I wish I had the nerve to go biking. I never learned as a child, I was raise on a farm all I ever rode was a pony or old cow. I still haven't got the excerise thing done yet. I can't even go walk by myself. I have a deathly fear of dogs. I would if I had someone that would walk with me. My DH is pretty supportive, but I can't get him to walk with me. So I just a little green.

anyway best of luck with you talk. You go girl.

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Hi Marchies! I'm in the "less-than-30-lbs-since-surgery club" as well. Sure, it's discouraging. But we ARE losing! That is what is important. Slow and steady wins the race, true, but it's really not a race--we are all helping each other along the track and hoping everyone wins!

I had a fill just before I left town for three weeks to help two of my daughters on opposite sides of the country with their firstborn sons. As I type this my 37-year-old daughter is in the hospital hoping that the cervical gel will soften her cervix, she will start labor tonight, and they won't need to induce her tomorrow. We're all hopeful! But either way we'll have a new family member tomorrow. Hooray!

My fill seems to finally be working--I've had a few close calls but still no PB (thankfully). I do get full faster and have to stop eating before the pain becomes unbearable, which is a first for me. Does anyone get a pain in their left shoulder when they get full? It's like when I had pain after surgery and attributed it to gas pain but I'm wondering if it's a nerve connected to the stoma or something. Any ideas?

Good luck to everyone! I feel like no one reads my posts either but it's sometimes nice to vent and there is always a small chance someone will respond. It seems like we've lost so many Marchies. But I'm like OH Juli--I read them all but sometimes think someone else can answer the question better. I've asked a lot of questions that have never been addressed so I know how that feels. I'll try to do better. We need each other!

I get the left shoulder pain after I get a fill and when I have over done it when I eat. What I found out was that if the pouch gets too full ( or too much gas) it hits a nerve in the diaphragm that will then radiate to your left shoulder---pain from Satan as I call it. The best thing to do is after your fill...take it really easy---and the only way that I get the pain to stop is to lay completely flat or lean over a chair--I know it sounds weird. But it will take pressure off your diaphragm.

Go luck with the babies!!!!!!!!! I am so happy for you!!!!!!

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Hey Marchies.

I'm feeling a piece of the disconnect too. It's on the extreme other side of the equation, but it's real none the less.

I know I get on here and talk about my biking long distances and losing with out a fill. I'm not on here bragging, but sharing my experiences going through this journey that we all started around the same time.

But to be frank, I don't report all of the NSVs and all the good stuff that's happening because I don't want to seem as if I am gloating. I recognize that many of you are not seeing the same results that I am.

I want to say "hang tough" and "keep to the plan" and support and encourage and I do that to a certain extent, but apparently not enough.

And yeah to make my point, yesterday my surgeon asked me to speak at his next group orientation of 100 people because in his words I'm "the perfect banded patient." I didn't feel like I could share that here, because it would be recieved as Juli bragging. But I was flattered and proud and feel like for once in my life I'm in control of food instead of food being in control of me.

Hey my ever shrinkin' Poster Bandster Friend! I am so proud of you!!!! You are like a celebrity!! Tell your doctor you want some kick backs!!!!!

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judi, congrats on being ask to speak. I couldn't do it, I way to shy to speak to others. Thats one of the reasons I don't post very often. I always feel like no one really care about what I have to say. I can't even imagine what it would be like to get up in front of people and talk. I know you will be good at it, you have so many things going for youself. I wish I had the nerve to go biking. I never learned as a child, I was raise on a farm all I ever rode was a pony or old cow. I still haven't got the excerise thing done yet. I can't even go walk by myself. I have a deathly fear of dogs. I would if I had someone that would walk with me. My DH is pretty supportive, but I can't get him to walk with me. So I just a little green.

anyway best of luck with you talk. You go girl.

Thanks for being encouraging.

Funny about ponys and cows. You couldn't give me $100 to get within 15 feet of one. I cringe when my duaghter pets the goats and sheep at the zoo! I'm a city girl through and through! I mean they are cute and all, but far too unpredictable for me!

Maybe you could exercises in the house like walk up and down the stairs? Or is there a mall you could drive to and walk inside? There are walking videos out there that people really like. You'll find what works for you...you will.

And as for being comfortable in front of a group, yeah if I'm prepared, and trust me I will be, I find it fun. I was actually thinking about joining Toast Masters when I have some free time to really hone the public speaking skill.

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Denise, I have tried the soy crisps before and they are good. I totally forgot about them. I'll have to start adding them to the diet.

Oh Juli, I never think you are bragging, in fact I love reading what your up to next. You are one of the ones that has motivated me to get off my butt and into the gym - what with your bicycling 50 miles?!? I have to compete somehow...

momlambert, congrats on the new addition. Can't wait to hear how your daughter and new baby are doing!

josiebies, don't quit on the marchies just yet...now that you know some of us have the same feelings you may want to stick it out with us...

demsvmejm, never babbling, love to hear what other people are doing, and how they're doing

carol1951, I can't believe you ate a muffin. I'm still scared to try a muffin. I have done the pie filling thing though...

lilnena, are you trying any other Snacks besides Jello?

nurseamy, I have tried soda after the surgery, but I'm not as in love with it as I used to be. I kind of lost my taste for it...which I'm completely happy about!

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Thanks, friends, for your good wishes. I'm on my way to the hospital! They broke her Water and she is finally in labor--no pitocin yet, which is good for her since she has hoped for a natural birth. There was some meconium in the Fluid but I'm sure the dr.'s are watching that closely. Exciting!

Denise, thanks for responding to my question about left shoulder pain--I thought I must be the only one ever who had such a weird thing happen when I overeat (I haven't had it after a fill yet). It's kind of an unmistakeable warning sign that I need to stop eating so I don't mind but it is very strange to me.

OH Juli--you are our poster child! Don't ever worry about saying too much or not being able to share your successes--we need them! Yeah, we all wish we had lost as much as you and that we didn't have to struggle with the fill aspect, but so what??? Everyone is different and your story is a great one. Sure I get discouraged that I have lost so little (but it's still about a lb a week average), but I know I started with a lower BMI and I'm a heck of a lot older than you so those two factors are part of my weight loss formula resulting in my success being on the other end of the weight loss spectrum--but it is success and I'm happy for any success at all. I can rejoice in my success as well as yours and others on the board. We're all doing what we can and making the most of our experience.

Off to the hospital! Thanks everyone for your prayers, positive energy, and thoughts--you are awesome.

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shoulder pain is constantly with me. My Dr. dismisses my complaints and looks at me like i'm crazy, obviously no other LB patients he sees has this problem. I have them now and I haven't eaten anything since bkfst. Tylenol seems to take the edge off.


Sometimes I get tired of exercising by myself also. So I bought a CD walkman so I can either play a CD or listen to the radio. I have a little pouch on a belt around my waist to put it in. I even use it on my bike and it is amazing how it makes the time fly! Last night I listened to Elton John's greatest hits and the next thing I knew it was 45 minutes later. I was sweating like a pig 3.5 MPH at a 3.5 incline on treadmill, I was kicking a$$!

Just give walking a try, you'd be surprised how it will boost your energy level.

I did extra yesterday just to burn off some damn cherry walnut bars I purchased from the fruit market, along with broccoli, hummus (YUM-O) green Beans and blueberries.

gotta run for now!

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Hey Mary! I am so jealous of the 3.5 incline!!! I have only gotten up to 2.5 at 3.5 MPH. I am going to bump up the incline and let you know how it goes---but I don't know if I can do the 45 minutes--I have been doing 30 min and that's about it. I probably won't exercise today--I am SICK--I think it is a sinus infection...aargh--I am talking like "frogie" from Little Rascals! He He

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      I have no clue where to upload this, so I'll put it here. This is pre-op vs the morning of my 6 month appointment! In office I weight 232, that's 88 lbs down since my highest weight, 75 lbs since my surgery weight! I can't believe this jacket fit... I am smaller now than the last time I was this size which the surgeon found really amusing. He's happy with where I am in my weight loss and estimates I'll be around 200 lbs by my 1 year anniversary! My lowest weight as an adult is 195, so that's pretty damn exciting to think I'll be near that at a year. Everything from there will be unknown territory!!

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      1. AmberFL

        You look amazing!!! 😻 you have been killing it!

      2. NickelChip

        Congratulations! You're making excellent progress and looking amazing!

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        So proud of you Cat. Getting into those smaller size clothes is half the fun isn't it?. Keep up the good work!!!!

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