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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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I'm in a bad mood today. :(

I got a bill in the mail for my contribution towards the sleep study I had done in February. I called the Center and told them that when they first contacted me to confirm my appointment, I asked them at that time how much it would cost me. They told me it would be covered 100% by insurance. Great, I thought. She said all I needed was a pre-notification number. So I called my insurance company and requested one. I remember being told at the time that the Center I was going to wasn't part of my insurance company's network. That was all I was told. Stupid of me not to ask her if that meant I would be required to pay anything. I called the Sleep Study Center back and gave them the number, then went for the study. I thought that was the end of it.

Today, more than 6 months later I received a bill for my portion totalling $734. I thought it must have been a mistake. Perhaps because I was denied at first for surgery, that any claim relating to the surgery was also denied at first. So I called my insurance company again and was told "You were informed when you called for your pre-notification number that the Center in question was not in the network." I told her I was aware of that, but I wasn't aware I would be responsible for 40% of the cost. It wasn't me who initiated the appointment, my surgeon's office arranged it. They told me it would be covered 100% as did the woman from the Center who confirmed my appointment.

I'm annoyed (to put it politely). We already saved for our portion of the surgery. To date we've had to pay $52 for pre-op tests done at the hospital, a "deposit" of $400 at the hospital where the surgery was performed. This MAY be returned if the insurance company covers all of the expenses. So now I'm worried that I'll be responsible for even more costs.

When I agreed to surgery, I agreed to an amount that was to cover surgery costs and all fills. I thought that was going to be it. I'm discovering now there are hidden costs involved that I wasn't made fully aware of. I'm MAD!!! :):mad:

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I'm in a bad mood today. :)

I got a bill in the mail for my contribution towards the sleep study I had done in February. I called the Center and told them that when they first contacted me to confirm my appointment, I asked them at that time how much it would cost me. They told me it would be covered 100% by insurance. Great, I thought. She said all I needed was a pre-notification number. So I called my insurance company and requested one. I remember being told at the time that the Center I was going to wasn't part of my insurance company's network. That was all I was told. Stupid of me not to ask her if that meant I would be required to pay anything. I called the Sleep Study Center back and gave them the number, then went for the study. I thought that was the end of it.

Today, more than 6 months later I received a bill for my portion totalling $734. I thought it must have been a mistake. Perhaps because I was denied at first for surgery, that any claim relating to the surgery was also denied at first. So I called my insurance company again and was told "You were informed when you called for your pre-notification number that the Center in question was not in the network." I told her I was aware of that, but I wasn't aware I would be responsible for 40% of the cost. It wasn't me who initiated the appointment, my surgeon's office arranged it. They told me it would be covered 100% as did the woman from the Center who confirmed my appointment.

I'm annoyed (to put it politely). We already saved for our portion of the surgery. To date we've had to pay $52 for pre-op tests done at the hospital, a "deposit" of $400 at the hospital where the surgery was performed. This MAY be returned if the insurance company covers all of the expenses. So now I'm worried that I'll be responsible for even more costs.

When I agreed to surgery, I agreed to an amount that was to cover surgery costs and all fills. I thought that was going to be it. I'm discovering now there are hidden costs involved that I wasn't made fully aware of. I'm MAD!!! :car::mad:

Can't blame you! I would be upset too! Isn't there anything else you can do? Seems there should be a way to approach this situation! You get tired of always just letting things slide! They sure don't, lol!

Marcy, love your pics! You are a hoot!!! Love the baggy jeans!!!

Hi, everyone! Hope all is well and that everyone is losing. I seem to be on hold here lately. Not sure why, but nothing seems to be happening!

Lynette, Chim, Dini, Kathy, Sunny ... hope all is well with each of you! Really missing everyone and haven't had much free time lately! Hope to catch some of you online real soon! :(

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Jeanie, I need your night time restriction! I feel it great in the morning less in the day, hardly at night - so the last too days I know I have eaten too much.

Weight loss is stalled. It is nice to have had some of you go through this (and come back out the other side!). I realize it is temporary (unless I keep eating like I have been at night!) I have worked out Fri, Mon, Tues, and plan to make it again today. Maybe my muscle coming back is weighing more. Have a great day everyone! CC

Yes, it does help, because nights are my downfall! I could eat everything in sight! But the tightening is not much fun and actually rather painful, so definitely a detriment! LOL

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School started yesterday and I feel like I have been run over by a train...already we've had kids trying to run away, biting the teachers, kicking etc... and they were all pre-K and K. What can I say? I am exhausted.

Anyways, I have managed not to take my stress out on food, instead I played solitarie until I was almost blind. And I sat at a meeting today for I kid you not 2 1/2 hours, with a huge chocolate basket RIGHT in front of me. Quite proud of myself, did not have any.

OK, I will post more later when I feel human again.

I AM proud of you, if a basket of chocolate was sitting in front of me these past few days, I KNOW I would have HAD to have it! I am such a stress eater, lol! ... not to mention that chocolate and I are old friends, lol! Definitely my comfort food! Can't wait for these 3 days off! Been quite a trying week! YIKES:eek:

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I'm in a bad mood today. :(

I got a bill in the mail for my contribution towards the sleep study I had done in February. I called the Center and told them that when they first contacted me to confirm my appointment, I asked them at that time how much it would cost me. They told me it would be covered 100% by insurance. Great, I thought. She said all I needed was a pre-notification number. So I called my insurance company and requested one. I remember being told at the time that the Center I was going to wasn't part of my insurance company's network. That was all I was told. Stupid of me not to ask her if that meant I would be required to pay anything. I called the Sleep Study Center back and gave them the number, then went for the study. I thought that was the end of it.

Today, more than 6 months later I received a bill for my portion totalling $734. I thought it must have been a mistake. Perhaps because I was denied at first for surgery, that any claim relating to the surgery was also denied at first. So I called my insurance company again and was told "You were informed when you called for your pre-notification number that the Center in question was not in the network." I told her I was aware of that, but I wasn't aware I would be responsible for 40% of the cost. It wasn't me who initiated the appointment, my surgeon's office arranged it. They told me it would be covered 100% as did the woman from the Center who confirmed my appointment.

I'm annoyed (to put it politely). We already saved for our portion of the surgery. To date we've had to pay $52 for pre-op tests done at the hospital, a "deposit" of $400 at the hospital where the surgery was performed. This MAY be returned if the insurance company covers all of the expenses. So now I'm worried that I'll be responsible for even more costs.

When I agreed to surgery, I agreed to an amount that was to cover surgery costs and all fills. I thought that was going to be it. I'm discovering now there are hidden costs involved that I wasn't made fully aware of. I'm MAD!!! :):mad:

Ruby- Im sure you are very upset, I deal with insurance company's daily and know what I am going to say it going to sound insensitive, but as the policy subscriber, you have to be well informed of your policy. The minute they told you that the facility is out of network, you should have asked exactly what that meant. You are lucky that they covered anything out of the network at all, my policy does not cover anyone who is out of the network period! Trust me, the minute they said that to you they document what was said so that they are covered by disclosing that information to you. Also, every test you go for, any hospital bill, any other Surgeon that you see, even the anesthesia is considered a separate charge from the surgeons bill. The Surgeons bill is only one of many required for this surgery. I know that from dealing with insurance companies, The will say to you that it is your resposibility to know your policy, and to stay within guidelines to maximize your benefits. I know that none of this helps you now, and I am sorry that this happened to you.

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Hey Jeanie! How are you chickadee??? chocolate and I are DEFINITELY good friends. We go WAAAAAAAAAYYYY back! LOL.

Ruby, I'm sorry. That is beyond frustrating. Unfortunately, Only4Me is right. I know it doesn't help now, after the fact...:( I hope it all works out for you. Keep us posted!

Where is everyone? Am I smelly or s'thing???

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We hope you're having fun in Italy! I'm sure you'll have some interesting stories to tell us upon your return.

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My back is killing me! Whenever I get really stressed, I tense up my back muscles until they really start to hurt, and apparently I'm really stressed right now. I am teaching my second class of the semester tomorrow, and it's material that I'm not very good at. Who'd have thought that you'd have to teach chemistry in a general biology class? Plus, my adviser wants me to send him my Excel file of data for my thesis so that he can tell me how to analyze it and make a poster to present in November. Of course, I haven't actually done anything on my thesis data since my seminar in April, so I'm going to have to think of a way to explain that to him.

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Hey everybody!!! LTNS

I have been so busy since I started back to work. A quick update: Since I had my surgery I have really concentrated on eating things good for me and drinking plenty of fluids. Problem is, I started getting REALLY hungry about a week ago and although I am eating "right", I just can't seem to get enough and have actually gained 3 lbs back. I have till Sept 12th before my first fill. OMG, what am I gonna do? Is this what everyone calls Bandster Hell?

Sorry for dumping but this is so depressing....I am terrified that I will just gain everything back that I have already lost...just like old times :think

I hear ya, Baby!! I'm there, too. One more week until my 1st fill. I' hungry 1 1/2 - 2 hrs after eating. Gained back a couple of pounds and can't get rid of them!!

:faint: :help: :faint: :help: :faint: :help: :faint:

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My back is killing me! Whenever I get really stressed, I tense up my back muscles until they really start to hurt, and apparently I'm really stressed right now. I am teaching my second class of the semester tomorrow, and it's material that I'm not very good at. Who'd have thought that you'd have to teach chemistry in a general biology class? Plus, my adviser wants me to send him my Excel file of data for my thesis so that he can tell me how to analyze it and make a poster to present in November. Of course, I haven't actually done anything on my thesis data since my seminar in April, so I'm going to have to think of a way to explain that to him.

I'm sorry!!! I'm sure you'll do just fine. You are very bright and I'm sure you know youre stuff. That is kinda odd, though - chemistry in the bio class. Just take a few deep breaths, try not to be so hard on yourself, and know you'll be okay. Think about it, you know more than they do! As for the adviser situation, just tell him point blank. You still have time to work on it.

Breathe...take something for the pain, if necessary, and go to bed.

Let us know how the class goes.

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I hear ya, Baby!! I'm there, too. One more week until my 1st fill. I' hungry 1 1/2 - 2 hrs after eating. Gained back a couple of pounds and can't get rid of them!!

:faint: :help: :faint: :help: :faint: :help: :faint:

Ya'll aren't alone. We'll get through this. We just need some restriction. We have to hang on until then. And don't worry. Once we do get restriction, those pounds will MELT off!

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Ya'll aren't alone. We'll get through this. We just need some restriction. We have to hang on until then. And don't worry. Once we do get restriction, those pounds will MELT off!

Thanks, Chim! I guess I KNOW that in my head, but still scares me that I can't seem to lose anything right now. I've been stalled pretty much this whole month!!

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Anna and Chim : Yes I know that I should've been a little more diligent. I'm more angry at myself than the insurance, sleep study, doctor's because usually I'm meticulous when it comes to these types of things. It's an expensive lesson, but one well learned! As soon as I realised, I double checked to make sure the hospital I had my surgery in was in network. Thanks goodness it was! That would've been a LOT more expensive.

Unfortunately it's sent me into grazing mode today and I ate so many things I shouldn't have. :hungry:

Must do better tomorrow. :help:

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For those of you waiting for your first fill, believe me, restriction makes it SO much easier. I was kicking myself before my first fill, just because I'd gained back a lot of what I had originally lost after surgery.

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I ordered some roasted almonds and some pistachios through the internet and I finally got them today. They are SO good, and they really seem to help my hunger. Whenever I get a little hungry, I grab a small handful of them (maybe 4 or 5 nuts). That way, I get a nice boost of Protein and I get to chew something at the same time (one of my issues is feeling the need to chew). Plus, it satisfies my hunger for a few more hours.

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