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I think My Surgeon Just Fired Me...

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After being banded for almost 2 years I am now on my own.

I've had a history of epigastric pain in the past. They have messed with my band (adding and removing saline) several times. I get to the same level of saline and have problems. I went today for a slight unfill and was told I had a questionable mass in my stomach by the nurse at the fill center.

My husband was banded by the same surgeon 6 months after me. He has lost 20 pounds, has a larger band, and the surgeon refuses to authorize fills for him anymore. My husband is so down about still being 325.

It's almost impossible to find another surgeon after one has touched you. I'm so down and disapointed. I feel that my surgeon and the fill center care more about $$$$$ than their patients. I feel so taken advantage of because I still have an obesity problem, it's like being an alcoholic you never get over it...

I'm supposed to find out in a few days if I am still his patient. I feel like I am up against a wall. The fill center took my fill out, take it I feel better, but I gained 14lbs the last time this happened.

I wish at times I could rip this stupid plastic out of my body. I'm scared at what damage it has caused my stomach.

About the mass, my surgeon told me he didn't get a call (from the center) and he isn't concerned... hmmmmm

I now know why my doctor that I work for (a digestive disease specialist) is so much against Lap Band. It's all about the $$$$. :cry It sucks that a medical doctor would take advantage of obese people. It's taken me two years to realize what my boss knew from the beginning.

I would NEVER recommend this surgery to anyone. They know that losing weight is the most important thing to an obese person and they take advantage of them.

My surgeon told me it was 6 pm and time for him to head to the house that his staff was on overtime and he couldn't do anything more for me.

The bottom line, I start having complications with a questionable mass and he runs the other way. The surgery center (fill center) can't do anything even if they wanted to without him authorizing it.

They are all connected. From the people who make the band, to the fill center to the surgeons.. they are get a slice of the pie and that's pretty much all they care about.

His office even tried to get me to sign a release of full liability in order to get our medical records. I wonder what he is so worried about now.

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It's almost impossible to find another surgeon after one has touched you. I'm so down and disapointed. I feel that my surgeon and the fill center care more about $$$$$ than their patients. I feel so taken advantage of because I still have an obesity problem, it's like being an alcoholic you never get over it...

Oh my God you have read my mind!! I am in Northern California and my surgeon left the practice that I was a patient of and has moved to a place that is really inconvenient for me. My original surgeons are pretty inconvenient to begin with, only 45 miles away but in San Francisco, which can often be a pain to travel to.

There are band surgeons galore within 5-30 minutes and 2 to 30 miles of my house, including 3 right in my own town (Pleasanton). Even though I was operated on by a US surgeon, not one of them will take me as a patient. It's ridiculous and annoying.

I don't understand what the big deal is. Geez, if I could get $300 for a 5 minute appointment to stick a needle in someone I would jump at the chance and that is pretty much I have needed my surgeons for in the last 18 months!

All of that being said, please don't think you made the wrong decision. I don't know where you are, but hopefully you will find someone in your area that can take really good care of you and help you with this newest problem.

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I don't understand what the big deal is. Geez, if I could get $300 for a 5 minute appointment to stick a needle in someone I would jump at the chance and that is pretty much I have needed my surgeons for in the last 18 months!

It's liability. Nobody wants to be responsible for someone else's mistakes. I worked for a group of spine surgeons before I got into gastro.

Pt. care doesn't come first anymore. It's all CTA (cover they azz).

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Oh, Carrie what a hassle! If it makes you feel any better, I'm experiencing the same fill--pain--unfill--OKforawhile--refill--OKforawhile--pain--unfill cycle that you are in. So please don't feel you have done anything wrong by seeking continued care and attention. Questionable mass? Get a second opinion! That doesn't have to come from a surgeon...see a gastroenterologist to get that diagnosed if you think there's anything really there. Yikes!

But I have to say that there really may come a point (and I think I'm there) when some people can't tolerate any fill at all. I may have to have my current .5 ccs removed soon and if they take it out I'm sure that will be it for me. I don't want to have my band removed but will be happy to live with no fill if it means no reflux. I've always figured the band would take me to a certain point and no further, and now I know what that point is.

Good luck!! I hope you and your doctor "make up" and find a way to continue your care. Keep us posted!

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After being banded for almost 2 years I am now on my own.

I've had a history of epigastric pain in the past. They have messed with my band (adding and removing saline) several times. I get to the same level of saline and have problems. I went today for a slight unfill and was told I had a questionable mass in my stomach by the nurse at the fill center.

My husband was banded by the same surgeon 6 months after me. He has lost 20 pounds, has a larger band, and the surgeon refuses to authorize fills for him anymore. My husband is so down about still being 325.

It's almost impossible to find another surgeon after one has touched you. I'm so down and disapointed. I feel that my surgeon and the fill center care more about $$$$$ than their patients. I feel so taken advantage of because I still have an obesity problem, it's like being an alcoholic you never get over it...

I'm supposed to find out in a few days if I am still his patient. I feel like I am up against a wall. The fill center took my fill out, take it I feel better, but I gained 14lbs the last time this happened.

I wish at times I could rip this stupid plastic out of my body. I'm scared at what damage it has caused my stomach.

About the mass, my surgeon told me he didn't get a call (from the center) and he isn't concerned... hmmmmm

I now know why my doctor that I work for (a digestive disease specialist) is so much against Lap Band. It's all about the $$$$. :cry It sucks that a medical doctor would take advantage of obese people. It's taken me two years to realize what my boss knew from the beginning.

I would NEVER recommend this surgery to anyone. They know that losing weight is the most important thing to an obese person and they take advantage of them.

My surgeon told me it was 6 pm and time for him to head to the house that his staff was on overtime and he couldn't do anything more for me.

The bottom line, I start having complications with a questionable mass and he runs the other way. The surgery center (fill center) can't do anything even if they wanted to without him authorizing it.

They are all connected. From the people who make the band, to the fill center to the surgeons.. they are get a slice of the pie and that's pretty much all they care about.

His office even tried to get me to sign a release of full liability in order to get our medical records. I wonder what he is so worried about now.

Just by your description of the surgeon it sounds like you didn't get proper aftercare. I'm sure I would be feeling the same way. I would definately file a complaint about him after I got my records. Find another surgeon. There is remedy.

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I don't know where you're located Carrie but I'd be happy to see you if you can make it to Cincinnati.

Dr. C

Cincinnati, Ohio

Got a question? Ask the doctor at www.TheBandDoctor.com


DISCLAIMER: I am not your surgeon, any comments made by me are not meant to be taken as medical advice, just general guidelines. Contact your surgeon about your specific problem!

After being banded for almost 2 years I am now on my own.

I've had a history of epigastric pain in the past. They have messed with my band (adding and removing saline) several times. I get to the same level of saline and have problems. I went today for a slight unfill and was told I had a questionable mass in my stomach by the nurse at the fill center.

My husband was banded by the same surgeon 6 months after me. He has lost 20 pounds, has a larger band, and the surgeon refuses to authorize fills for him anymore. My husband is so down about still being 325.

It's almost impossible to find another surgeon after one has touched you. I'm so down and disapointed. I feel that my surgeon and the fill center care more about $$$$$ than their patients. I feel so taken advantage of because I still have an obesity problem, it's like being an alcoholic you never get over it...

I'm supposed to find out in a few days if I am still his patient. I feel like I am up against a wall. The fill center took my fill out, take it I feel better, but I gained 14lbs the last time this happened.

I wish at times I could rip this stupid plastic out of my body. I'm scared at what damage it has caused my stomach.

About the mass, my surgeon told me he didn't get a call (from the center) and he isn't concerned... hmmmmm

I now know why my doctor that I work for (a digestive disease specialist) is so much against Lap Band. It's all about the $$$$. :cry It sucks that a medical doctor would take advantage of obese people. It's taken me two years to realize what my boss knew from the beginning.

I would NEVER recommend this surgery to anyone. They know that losing weight is the most important thing to an obese person and they take advantage of them.

My surgeon told me it was 6 pm and time for him to head to the house that his staff was on overtime and he couldn't do anything more for me.

The bottom line, I start having complications with a questionable mass and he runs the other way. The surgery center (fill center) can't do anything even if they wanted to without him authorizing it.

They are all connected. From the people who make the band, to the fill center to the surgeons.. they are get a slice of the pie and that's pretty much all they care about.

His office even tried to get me to sign a release of full liability in order to get our medical records. I wonder what he is so worried about now.

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WOW i am so sorry to hear about this lack of care you are experiencing, there are 2 doctors i have seen in this forum (Dr. C is one of them) try asking them what you should do. They should be able to point you in the right direction. From what i know your medical records should be available to you upon your written request all they can do is charge you for the copies, is that just here in florida?

Whats the name of your band surgery doctor? its good that his name is mentioned on here so that people know what to expect if they go to him...

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Not all band surgeons are like yours. Mine will take patients who were banded by another doctor if their insurance changes and the surgeon who placed the band is no longer in their network.

And I've never heard of him refusing to authorize a fill for anyone, unless they were already too tight. What is that all about?

I hope you can find a doctor who cares about people and understands that none of us are perfect. There really are some out there.....just keep looking.

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Thanks everyone..

I am very lucky to work for the group I do. My doctor (boss) is going to order me a barium swallow in the next few days to see how that goes. He is a gastrointerologist, we do colonoscopies and endoscopies all the time.

He has a friend who is a lap band surgeon and he is going to call in a favor. I'm sure I will have an endoscopy soon.

I'll keep ya posted. I'm definately not going back to the money hungry jerk that banded me.

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I am so sorry you are having to go through this. There are good surgeons out there that do care about people. Sadly it appears that yours is not one of them. I wish you the best in finding a new band doc, one that actually cares about you and your DH.

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I think you were intelligent enough not to sign what you knew to be a waiver. I'm with you. What IS he afraid of?

BTW: You can avoid that office by going to a new surgeon, signing a release of records for them and your ex-surgeon has no recourse but to send them on.

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Him trying to get you to sign a waiver to release records is illegal! Those records belong to the patient in every state in the US as far as I know. They sure do in Washington. I'd call him on it.

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Send it to me digitally if you can I would be happy to look at it.

Dr. C

Cincinnati, Ohio

Got a question? Ask the doctor at www.TheBandDoctor.com


DISCLAIMER: I am not your surgeon, any comments made by me are not meant to be taken as medical advice, just general guidelines. Contact your surgeon about your specific problem!

Thanks everyone..

I am very lucky to work for the group I do. My doctor (boss) is going to order me a barium swallow in the next few days to see how that goes. He is a gastrointerologist, we do colonoscopies and endoscopies all the time.

He has a friend who is a lap band surgeon and he is going to call in a favor. I'm sure I will have an endoscopy soon.

I'll keep ya posted. I'm definately not going back to the money hungry jerk that banded me.

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This really stinks...I am so sorry you are stuck in this situation. I am so fortunate that my surgeon and his whole staff are fabulous. He truly cares about my success and I couldn't do this without him. I hope you are able to find someone in your area who can provide you with the best care possible. Just like with anything else, there are some real jerks out there but there are also the ones who are really committed to what they're doing. Hopefully, you can find an office who really cares about your future. Keep us posted!

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I am so sorry to hear that. I have no problems with my band. But a few years ago I had a "questionble mass" off of my left ovary. Because I had a horrible incompetant Dr it took them months to even look at my ovary and then when they did find the mass the gyno I saw was so busy covering her ass ordering every test imaginable and then more tests that I just got sicker and sicker and no body cared at all. Then when the cyst ruptered (it was a complex cyst), it damaged a nerve ending my abdominal wall, and I saw another gyno, a surgeon who said all this stuff, then told me I was crazy after she cut me open cause she couldn't figure it out. I went to mayo. They figured it out and helped me. But the whole incident destroyed my health. I'm in constant pain.

So when you say that they found a questionable mass and didn't do anything that reminds me of my experiences. And that makes huge alarms go off in my head. Also that form... Those kinds of doctors are dangerous. They would rather watch your health get destroyed than do anything that they thing might but them in an uncomfortable situation. Don't see that doctor anymore. Find another one. Keep going to doctors. Travel farther and farther if you have to. There are great doctors out there who really do care.

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