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ANNIE!!! OMG :confused:

OMG :)

Did I say OMG?!!?!? :)

WOW, WOW, WOW... Yoour PICTURES!!!! You are amazing girl! You look incredible. I mean absolutely incredible. incredible difference girl. You should have no trouble seeing THAT. You've worked so hard. Great job. I would not even recognize you if I'd known you before.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Um, OMG ;)

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Thanks Brandi! :confused:

Funny thing is, sometimes I still think I look like I did before. I think it's all the extra skin. So, come my bandiversary, I've got no excuses :) Ok, I'll still be swollen and sore, but I'll have a flat tummy for the first time in my life!

And you're right, even some people who know me well haven't recognized me. It'll be awesome going to my big races this coming week since many of them haven't seen me since last year and have no idea I've slimmed down...

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Ok girls, I feel left out...lol....

I have no idea what this gorup is where you get to see Miss Hottie's pictures! lol... What yahoo group is it? :D

I am feeling a bit better than yesterday. I am still feeling really run down though. I called for a slight unfill I have one schedualed for tommorow and wouldn't you guess it that I am feeling better and questioing it? UGH...I hate that completely....ugh....

Claud--congrats girl, and definatetly take those compliments with grace, you deserve them! :D

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Annie - I said it on yahoo and I'm saying it here -


You look unbelievable!!! You are my hero!!! I don't see a tummy at all but you go for it - you deserve it! And wtg on the racing - is that like a job or do you work too?

Boo - VA will hook ya up - we started the yahoo group for when we want to talk "privately" - no offense to anyone else but we all know that this is an open forum and alot of people - some of us - have keep our banding private.

I went last night and bought two more pairs of size 12's :D - ok I'm obsessed! But these are cords and slacks for work :D - I'm loving it.

My kitchen is moving along - I had to buy a couple of unfinished cabinets and stain them to match the rest of the cabinets - I was really leary about the whole thing BUT I took a door to Lowes and they matched the stain up really good, I put on a coat last night and then was out there at 5:30 putting on the 2nd coat, and after this 2nd coat they all match wonderfully.

Tonight is support group - I really hope they have the ps tonight. I called my insurance co. yesterday and they said that just like with the band surgery my dr will have to submit all to them and then they will review it to see if I'm covered. If its a medical necessity or not. My fingers are crossed and I'm praying it will. They wouldn't tell me what the guidelines are tho, like if I had to lose so much or have a certain amount of skin, they said they can only give that info out to the dr. Do any of you know?

I must work today...talk to yen's later.

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Thanks guys! And believe me, if you saw me nekkid, you'd agree there's some excess baggage that needs to come off. I'm just hiding it well in that picture! :D Since I'm a single gal, I want to be HOT when this is all done, and with the extra skin, I'm actually MORE self-conscious of my body now than I was before!

And yeah, I do have to work - the racing is a hobby. I typically do well enough to get some $ back, but it's not even enough to cover all my costs let alone live on. I wish it was!

And WTG on the 12's! :D :party:

As for PS, it's really hard to get most insurance companies to cover it. I didn't even try. Typically, to get them to cover skin removal you have to be able to demonstrate that it affects your health, like you're getting infections in the folds of the skin or something. But, each insurance co. is different. I'm out of pocket since I don't have any bad health issues with the skin, just head issues! :Banane18:

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Thank you for approving me for the Yahoo group.

I really need some inspiration. I'm almost to the point where I hate my band. That sounds awful, but it's true.

I don't know why I can't do this. It's so frustrating! I think I need psychiatric help!

Those of you who have had awesome success, how do you stay motivated? How do you keep going? What keeps you eating the right way and not eating crap?


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I did 30 minutes on the elliptical last night :-)

Just did 45 minutes of weight training and Yoga/Ab work.

Getting ready to hop back on that bad boy. Elliptical here I come!

Rode 2 miles on the bike earlier today. Went and bought some riding gloves for her and a new GEL contoured seat... HECK YEAH! Got a water bottle holder for her too... I am freakin set. :-) She and I have a date tomorrow!

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Thank you for approving me for the Yahoo group.

I really need some inspiration. I'm almost to the point where I hate my band. That sounds awful, but it's true.

I don't know why I can't do this. It's so frustrating! I think I need psychiatric help!

Those of you who have had awesome success, how do you stay motivated? How do you keep going? What keeps you eating the right way and not eating crap?



To stay away from crap and make good choices the first thing I do is NOT have it available. I don't have it in my house or near me. To stay motivated I think of the way I want to look and feel.

One thing to remember to eat shit, or not exercise is a SHORT term fix. It is also just a short term satisfaction, being happy, being skinny is long term. It takes longer to get there but definately worth the wait!

If you need help maybe you should look for a support group on the outside. But if I can help you in any way at all, please just let me know! You can do this, you deserve it!


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:rolleyes: Boy, i was sore this morning... YEAH!!!

I like being sore... means I did something with that workout last night :clap2:

I did another 30 minutes on the elliptical. Boy i can tell it does NOT work out the same muscles i use biking. I am heaving by the time I get to 30 minutes... and i am not doing nearly as many steps in that time as i used to do. The body is a funny funny thing....

My carbs were super low... calories right around 800... exercise UP.

OK scale... work with me here!!!


Maurdan - Hey, don't beat yourself up, and don't hate your band. (even though we ALL do somedays) :-) We all have fought with this thing UP and DOWN. If you read back on my post, hell... these people probably think I am Bi-polar. One week I am good... the next week??? I am falling off the band-wagon.

We all do it. You just have to pick yourself back up and readjust and work... HARD. Like BOO said... I do not have ANY snack/bad items in my house. Easy because I live alone... I don't know your family situation. If you have family... THAT makes it alot harder because you have foods they like laying around to tempt you.

Eliminate as many temptations as possible. If it is just you, get rid of them all.

Don't eat process/prepackages food. It all contains something that we should NOT eat... be it a little too much fat... generally too many carbs... Make your own food. Stick to chicken, turkey, and seafood.

TURKEY BURGER is your friend. Turkey Tacos are AWESOME! you cant even tell the difference between them and a regular taco (if you ask me)

Water... this is my hang up. Drinking at least 2 liters of Water a day. You have to flush out all of the impurities that your body is releasing during they day through the dieting. I forget to drink alllllll the time. I get so aggrivated at myself.

Exercise... I lose when i am exercising my butt off. i ride my bike 15 miles a day... if I take a day off then I hit the elliptical for at least 30 minutes and do at least 45 minutes of weight training and Ab work. Now, dont get me wrong... I go through slumps or days where I dont work out, and THAT is when i stop losing weight. You have to develop some kind of work out plan. (Start very slow and small) and keep adding to it. Stay active.

Biggest thing is dont get down on yourself and make sure you find a group that helps you through it. I don't know what I would do without these ladies here. :-) If we aren't enough to keep you going, then find a group locally. My family supports me BUT they don't know how to support me like someone else going through this same thing. So, I rely on their understanding and guidance on a daily basis.

Good luck, ask any questions you want. Whine and gripe all you want to us :-) We understand and can help.

Biggest thing is YOU have to take the initative. We can tell you things to help, but (like me when I decided to sit on the couch instead of get on my elliptical) if you don't make the changes... things will stay the same.

Good news it... your band will be there waiting for you when you are ready. Dont give up on it. Get a good fill and get to work :clap2: You can do it girl!


Ladies - Someday we all have to meet eachother. Most of us have been talking for over 9 months. It is kind of crazy to think of all that we've been through together

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Hi girls!

Brandi - awesome job on all the exercise! Now doesn't a gel seat for the bike make a ton of difference? :rolleyes:

Maurdan - I was super duper strict for the first 7 months to the point that my mind and body just said "no more!" and I fell far off the bandwagon. I'm back on now, but really it comes down to what do you want more, junk food or losing weight? Brandi and Brandy did great writeups for you. I bet you know what to do, but are struggling. Have you thought of getting a counselor, to figure out what's driving you to eat emotionally? That may help!

Anyhow ladies, I fly out today for some big car races and will be gone until the 29th... I am not taking my laptop as it's my work computer, and that would make me feel like I needed to log in to work - not gonna do it! The hotel I'm staying at has a computer but I won't be at the hotel much. So... if I'm MIA for the next week or so, you'll know why!! ;) Hopefully I'll come home with a big trophy...

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Maurdan - Hon, we've all been there. I went for 2+ months with only losing 1 - yes - one - pound. I knew I wasn't eating what I should have been and eating what I shouldn't have been - YET my lesson learned through all that was that even when I wasn't working on my 'diet' (by diet I mean eating habits) at least I wasn't gaining! After weight watchers and all those other diets I'd lose 20 lbs go back to all my old habits and gain 30 lbs. I felt like if I wasnt' dieting I was gaining. All that said was to say - DON'T BEAT YOURSELF UP!

I actually think first of all you need a fill, get in there get a good adjustment and start fresh. I know what Bman is saying about not eating processed foods but thats not for me, sorry Bman, I don't count carbs but I do count calories, FitDay - Free Weight Loss and Diet Journal , and I eat a Healty Choice for lunch and pretty much whatever I want for supper, last night I had a chicken chalupa - with this fill I don't over eat, which is why I told you to get a good fill first. But with this fill I can eat junk food but like Bman I try not to have it in the house. Confession:I get a fat free creamy chocolate ice cream, 90 calories for 1/2 cup. I measure the ice cream into a 1/2 measure and savor every bite. When my youngest daughter brings her bf over to watch the football game we have to make a trip to the store for Snacks, its just better for us to only have healthy foods available. Ok so thats my food intake or output :rolleyes: As for exercising.. Bman is just amazing, no other word for it, just amazing. I pretty much hate to exercise BUT I love to walk. There are plenty of days that I dont' feel like walking but then my little pupsters come lick my face and say get off your fat arse mama we wanna walk, so that gets me up and out. I plan an extra 1/2 hour in the morning before work that I give myself to walk. Then again in the evening those same little pupsters put the guilt on me bc they've been kenneled all day so I get out there again. And at least 3-5 times a week my neice and I walk and we push each other to go, sometimes she doesnt' feel like it and I do so she goes and other times she's the one pushing me. So if you can find someone or something that will give you the extra little shove I think that will really help motivate you. And find what kind of movement suits you. Like Sweethot doing the soccer, me walking, Bman riding, Kaydoll was a runner, but if you enjoy it it'll be easier. And like Bman I also lose better when I'm exercising, I think mainly its bc my job requires sitting on my butt all day that if I don't make the effort to move I just don't have any activity at all.

Lastly but the MOST important thing to me is my support group. All my steady loser girls. When I'm not online everyday I tend to start to slide back, I NEED to keep in touch with all of you. I know you all probably get sick of my ramblings but I really need to check in, get inspired and just feel the love and support from everyone.

Last night I went to support group, which is also very important to me. I told them how much I need all of you. Support is really important to me. I also told Shirley (she leads the group) that if ever I'm not there she should check on me. I feel like I need to be there EVERY month, it really encourages me to talk with all of them.

Good luck sweetie and we're all here for you.

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:rolleyes: Good luck Annie!!! We're rooting for you!!!!

I talked briefly with my dr last night about ps. He said it all depends on the person. Truth is I think I'll qualify. My dd (one in college) doesn't think I need it. The younger one thinks I should do it. The older one isn't around everyday to see me and the flap of fat. I told her that I can't even jog bc my fat slaps as I run - its horrible. So I've decided to give it a try, if the insurance will cover it I'm doing it, if the insurance won't I guess I won't be doing it.

Bman - you go girl! Enjoy that gel seat!!!

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haha, i plan on enjoying the new seat....

as soon as i play mechanic and figure out how to put it on my bike! ha

THAT is step one tonight :-) THEN I get to ride it. I will figure it out though i am sure. I am pretty handy that way.

Ive been eating good again today. No snacking. Just main meals - VERY low carb. Calories are good so far for today. nice and low...

You know, I think I was doing alot more snacking than I realized. I really cant wait until my fill on Monday. I am going to have him be a little aggresive with it and see if I cant get it to where I can eat like THIS and not be a bit hungry. Because, right now, I am hungry and my tummy is growling. yuck.

Good luck Bannannie! Wish I was racing along side of you. We would be some hot ass drivers. What a pair! Kick some racing ass!

Steph - thanks for all the kind words... wish I felt like I lived up to half of them. I haven't lost a pound in over a month. I am working out like crazy too. I am hoping the drastic changes in my eating will start things moving again. I am so frustrated with the scale. I just don't understand why it is so hard to drop a pound lately.

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      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

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      Just for fun last week, I ran two 5Ks in two days, something I would have never done in the past! Next goal is a 10K before the end of this month.
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      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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