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December Bandsters

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Welcom DeiselAngel! I was also banded on Dec 18 and our weight stats are very simaler. I was 284 but only posted 279 cause that is what I was when I started my preop diet.

Incisions....I had a bit of oozing from the big one. I have been using polysporin on them. It is working for me. I am a little concerned about the peroxide drying them out but what do I know! Trust your instincts.

Have a great day everyone!

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Hi Everyone,

I am off to another Christmas party today..when will it end? This has beena tough week emotionally since I cannot eat anything when I go to these functions. This is my 4th party since Sunday. I just wish my MD would transition me to mushies. I did however have some loosely whipped mashed potatoes (hope I don;t get in trouble) because I rationalized that if I am allowed cream of wheat which is technically mushy, why can I not have potatoes? It is just nice to have something with a little flavor. I have also had a couple of thin crackers that I mushed up to nothing in my mouth before swallowing. I am not proud of my rebellion, but I don't really regret it either. I think seeing that so many of you have transitioned makes it seem like it must be okay. I will not try anything else until I get to go ahead from MD but I still have 12 days until I see him...aarrghh!

The scale has not budged this week. Not like it did last week, but I am not going to stress about it. I really shouldn't be so darn scale obsessive anyway. That cannot be a good thing.

I cannot wait to go back to the gym. Only 4 more days until the kids are back in school and that is when I told myself the gym starts again. I have not been in 2 weeks.

How is everyone else? Any big plans for New Year's? Nothing here. I don't feel much inthe partying mood since New Years would be a big drinking and eating night and those days are over. I think we will just hang in with the kids and play games or something.

Have a very nice weekend everyone.

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Sweethot. You are so lucky to have it done for 5,000. My first 3 fills are free, but I paid 10,000. Plus a nutrition class for $300 and the first consult was 260.00

So that is 10, 560. Now I have to go for a swallow test at the hospital and I am sure that will be expensive too. Nothing at the hosptial is free. Oh wel, I keep telling myself, I am worth the money :)

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Welcom DeiselAngel! I was also banded on Dec 18 and our weight stats are very simaler. I was 284 but only posted 279 cause that is what I was when I started my preop diet.

Incisions....I had a bit of oozing from the big one. I have been using polysporin on them. It is working for me. I am a little concerned about the peroxide drying them out but what do I know! Trust your instincts.

Have a great day everyone!

Bandiva dont use peroxide on incisions... only alcohol!!

I have a ton of piercings that that is RULE #1!!

Peroxide bubbles the dirt but then when done bubbling gets back into the deep incision taking the dirt in with it... USE alcohol.

It drys instantly and keeps the dirt OUT.

:-) I dont want you to get an infection :-)

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Hello everyone in bandland hope everyone is doing well. I can't get over how I seem to have a thought or problem and before I can type it on the board one of you have already got an answer for me. I never come on when I don't leave with a smile on my face. well I probley will be in trouble but I have started eating. I am not doing breads or Pasta but I have done crackers. I bought 3 lean cruisean meals for today , both chicken and vegtables. I go the 9th for my first follow up so we will see. My new 20s are fitting very well and my Daughter bought me a pair of 18s and said put them in the closet for your next size drop. That girl sure has faith in me. LOL I am sure I need a fill cause I seem to empty out quicker now. I don't crave anything in paticular which suprises me cause I am a real carb addict. Well with the Water thing I have been using Crystal light packets in bottled water and that has helped me get the H2o down cause I hate water. Well all in all I will be glad when the holidays are over. I am tiered of people sticking food in my face and saying just try a bite. Oh well I guess thats just life and we all have to deal with it. Remember I love you all. Has anybody thought about a cloths swap while we are losing? just a thought.

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When did you get banded?? Are you enjoying the food you're able to eat now? I transitioned to food a bit early myself b/c of the Holiday and Family visiting/eating out, etc....although when eating out I did tend to only order Soup or chilli, so I don't think I did too bad.....

Has anyone else had a friend that got banded by a different Dr. and it caused problems b/c their "rules" were different (more strict?) than yours? I have a friend that was banded a month before me...and his Dr. is a "by the book" Dr. (a Bariatric "center of excellence" kind of thing), so he has had to follow very strict rules about liquids 4 weeks, mushies 4 weeks, and even mushies only 1/4 cup at a time, etc.... However, my Dr. is much more "liberal" and said only 1 week liquids, make sure you get your Protein in and transition to soft foods anytime after 2 weeks when you feel ready. and whatever you do, Don't Puke LOL. Soo....now the friend is "telling" me how I should be doing things and making me feel like a bad bandster that I'm not following His rules....I did tell him the other day to remember that my Dr. and his Dr. do not have the same rules and that he has to trust me that I know what I'm doing, but obviously it's still bothering me b/c I'm bringing it up here. I don't want to hurt his feelings, or make him feel like he wasted his time doing what he did, but I also don't want to feel like I'm wrong either for doing things the way MY dr. told me to do?

Any friendly words of advice/support out there?? It would be much appreciated.


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vabandster - don't feel bad if u are following your doc's advice I think u should be fine

bandiva-perxoide makes your skin not grow back over the open wounds as well my dad fell about two months ago and his day nurse was treating his wound with perxoide and not telling anyone he fell and I noticed it and we went to the doc his wound would have healed within a wk with no treatment vs what she was doing so wanted to let u know what my dads doc said

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Banded Dec 18th 2006, had a pre op diet ( YUck all those nasty shakes I tried). Working towards my Post op 2 week diet. YAY all is well, except for my stiches are dissolving too soon and my incisions are opening, they told me to wash them with peroxide 3x a day and only put a little piece of gauze over it to stop things from falling in it, aka, dust and dirt if i'm out side... Did this happen to any one else?

But other than that all is well and i'm progressing well.

Beversman - Thank you for the advice on the peroxide. It was Deiselangel who had the question about it. I was worried to about her too, although I didn't have the details that you have. I am sure she will read this....I hope!

Maybe I will switch from polysporin to alcohol, it will probably get rid of some glue marks as well! Thanks.;)

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Hi all - I wasn't able to get on yesterday but came back and you are all doing so well!

I think I'll get my first fill around Jan 22/23. Thats 6 weeks for me. I go in again on the 9th just to have another food talk - thats when he'll tell me to eat regular foods. I'm not doing bad on mushie/soft foods. My diet now is interchangeable with soft foods and its been pretty easy. Yesterday we went to a wrestling tournament - my great nephew just started in the peewee's - so darn cute - anyway, for Breakfast I ate a banana, lunch 3 pirogis, and a little Soup, supper was chicken and rice in general tso's sauce. I woke up in a hot flash tonight and started thinking about what I had ate so I had to get up and check the calorie content of the chicken - it was 240/cup - so I think I'm keeping my calories well below 1000. I also had 2 bites of my daughters milky way. I haven't felt sick at all since I had the surgery. None of the golf ball stuff or pb's - has anyone else? I keep worrying that I'm making the right food choices and now and then I feel like I need to burp - which if I get up and walk I do burp - big loud burps but thats probably from eating too fast. And I also find it so much easier NOT to snack between meals - I don't feel hungry at all unless its meal time. I LOVE MY BAND!

The clothes swap sounds cool. I'm fitting nicely into my clothes again, yesterday I went through a bunch of old ones that still didn't fit and tried a pair of jeans on that did but then I remembered why I didn't like them. I hate low riding jeans! Why on earth would they make fatlady jeans that button below the belly button? I know I've got an odd shape with a apple belly and not pear shaped but still my belly button is low and these jeans still come 3 inches below MY belly button. I get no sympathy from my daughters who are a size 6 and 10 - they can wear crap like that. They usually start giggling when it comes to me and jeans. I hate the look but its so much more comfortable to wear the old lady stretchy slacks that come up above my belly button. My daughter has a pair of jeans that are all ripped up - you know they buy them that way for $50 - I"m old, I know - anyway I told her that next christmas I'm going to wear them. LOL not that I want to wear ripped up jeans but dang I can't wait to be that size!

Well I've been up and hour - the hot flash is over so I guess I'll try to sleep again. This is my insomnia. I haven't had it for a while and when I feel like I haven't been sleeping well I take and otc sleeping pill - usually a half will give me a good nights sleep. Its so irratating because I know that tomorrow is New Years Eve and if I don't sleep tonight I will be crashing before the ball drops tomorrow. Which btw - Kay - I have 2 partys to go to - I'm taking mushy/soft food that I can eat - you know they are always potluck - I may have a glass of wine - I had one on Christmas and it went down well. I'm not a big drinker anyway so its not a big deal. Its funny because other then a glass of wine now and then the only alcohol I drink is dark beer and now I can't drink that at all.

If I don't see you all later today - have a Happy safe New year celebration! Love ya bandsters!

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a clothes swap sounds great. I have lot's of 18/20's to hopefully grow out of soon! I don't have any 16's left. I threw them all out before we moved to Germany.

I am feeling good today, swelling in my port area is finally going down a bit, it's still huge, but getting better.

anyone else really swollen in the port area? I can feel the port. The whole area feels heavy like i'm carrying a baby.

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hi all

this board moves so fast when i come back and check how your all doing i have to read at least two pages..lol and today was three pages!!!!

my fill is 20th of january:)

sweethot....i can feel my port but thankfully cant see it it also still looks a little swollen but maybe i was always that swollen..pmsl i think i have noticed my weight and the bits i hate even more since having band as i now dare to believe that these wobbly extras will be one day gone:) i was really upset when i took b4 pics (in my underwear on boxing day not great idea)i was sooooo upset i couldnt believe thats how i really looked i guess i had a different view of me.

stephc..i had my first meal out two nights ago in chinese resteraunt it was m8s birthday so felt like i should go i had a great time...ok food not succesful i had wan ton Soup and it lovely but hubby ate half dumplings as they gave me 5..and i tried a duck in black bean and duck tough so i just chewed three bits and then politely got rid in napkin..ewww it felt great i was like anorexic chick...pmsl but my point was i have 4 glasses of wine and a cocktail and was fine and my surgeon french and is a great believer of having fun,his exact advise is you must try very hard to eat all the right things for this to work but if you are at party you must have fun and a few glasses of good wine is absolutely fine:) dont think he would recommend lots of partying though but at least he understand it party season !!

blackbutterfly & stacey &denise congrats and welcome

vabandster...i cant wait for all the visiting and party food to leave the house as i dont mind my diet but you cant help feeling a little dismayed at tins of sweets and fancy biscuits and a whole cupboard full of nice treats ,if i had no children i would throw it all out .:faint: also first week i lost 14lbs then throughout last week the scales were moving up:mad: and finally when i weighed in on saturday 2 weeks i was back down so im still at 14lbs lost but im not worried at all because i know im not eating enough for any weight gain and it will move and besides that my clothes are getting baggier it looks like im shrinking in height because the trouser legs are too long now i must have been holding them up with my tummy :embarassed:

slnp..when did you get banded ??saw your quick message you sound great

dieselangel...geez that sound awful about stitches why cant they put paper stitches on now or glue i think that seems so strange just to leave opening wounds as your scars surely will be wider than neccesary if they heal opened ,i think i would kick up a bit..good luck il be worrying for you

tonijo..i think it be great to have a target for whole of dec bandsters i wonder how many of us there actually are ???

beversman...hi honey you doing really well your dr also seems really happy with you and im glad you getting fill quickly you can tell me what its like ..lol also i think you be great diplomat...i think it important in this type of group were we all have varying advice and ideas and opinions that we dont condemn someone else because they do things differently or their treatment is different ,as you said

"lets keep things positive ;) " your a great girl !!!!

kay...those scales will be moving really well when you get back to gym ,but i understand how you feel patience is not a virtue i posses as far as weight loss concerned i would have like to have band on and then lose 102 pound ,seems i will have to work at it after all....lol

carol..what a wonderful support your daughter is she has no doubts of your abilty to lose the weight

clothes swap is a great idea but im so lucky im a hoarder and i have in my wardrobe descending sizes im a 22 now a baggy one though yeah!!! and i have 20s 18s 16s all awaiting me after that il be sooooo happy to shop til i drop as last time i was below that i think i was 14 years old .

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      I've hit a stall 9 months out. I'm not worried, though. My fitness levels continue to improve and I have nearly accomplished my pre-surgery goal of learning to scuba dive! One dive left to complete to get my PADI card 🐠
      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
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        Amazing! Congrats!!! Watch out for the sharks. 🦈

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