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I was hoping some of the veteran sleevers could share their Tips for Success please, would be so helpful for a newbie like me! Thanks so much!

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Just follow any instructions your surgeon gives you! Use this forum to the fullest, there's tons of people who will be able to help you.

In the beginning I tried to limit my carbs and sugar intake, 3 months out I still try to do it but it's not as bad as before.

I have a blog if you wanna check it out! www.mamamonner.blogspot.com =)

Good luck!

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Learn new habits & keep your follow up appts with your own surgeon. Follow their advice but rememeber to:

  • Eat slowly/chew well and Protein first (try to get in 70 grams of Protein a day)
  • Hydrate often during the day - no soda/alcohol, limit caffeine such as ice tea, coffee - drink minimum of 64oz a day
  • Take your supplements daily
  • Seriously limit your carbs while trying to reach goal - I followed Tiffykins advice of under 30 a day and met my surgeons weight loss goal in a little over 5 months - my goal in 6 months
  • Don't slip back into old patterns - slider foods can sabotage your weight loss (chips, bread, Cookies, potatoes) Do you see my weakness here?
  • Exercise daily! If all else fails take a 20 minute walk after dinner before you sit down to "relax." Walking is relaxing. Use light weights to tone up those arms - you will be happier
  • Enjoy the journey of change. I was a good lady before but now, I am improved version. :)

Good luck ... no regrets!

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We did this over on obesityehlp the other day, and this is my top secrets to my success in losing and maintenance.

1) Adhered to the post-op dietary guideline prescribed by my surgeon to a "T" no justifying those 2 miniature snickers just because it's "only 80 calories", or I would have eaten 2 king size snicker's bars pre-op. Like Brandilynn says "Justification is just like masturbation, you're just screwing yourself." Edit to add: my guidelines for losing 60+ gr of Protein, no more than 30gr of carbs, 600-800 calories and no fat guidelines. . . I did not eat carbs except from dairy and green veggies during my losing stage. No net carb, carb carb counting, every carb counted, bottom line, a carb was a carb while I was losing. I really didn't have room for carbs either since Protein was my focus.

2) Measured portions by VOLUME religiously

3) Never ate until I felt full/stuffed (that's what got me Fat)

4) Fluids, Fluids, Fluids and more Fluids

5) Never once doubted my ability to be successful

6) Counted every carb that crossed my lip including the 2carbs that were in my multi-Vitamin, yep those carbs count too

7) I ate 4 meals per day with each meal consisting of 15 gr of protein, this gave me my protein goal and complete satiety

8) No Snacks. I wasn't hungry. Pretty logical not to just throw food in there because I could, umm that's what got me fat too. It was a habit that had to be broken. I'm not saying it's easy, but if I chose to have 85% of my stomach removed to put the fork down, I need to be accountable for those behaviors that led me to pick up the fork in the first place, right? No justifying it, just stop the behavior, and accept that snacking/grazing is what contributed to me being obese.

9) Celebrated every little success that came my way. I.E. I cried when I finally saw all the bones in my formerly chubby feet, seems pretty trivial huh? Did you know that many bones were in the feet and could actually be seen? I had no clue, and that was pretty awesome.

10) I fought through every struggle/obstacle knowing that making it to the other side would have a bigger reward.

11) Slowly added in foods that allowed me to eat more calories/carbs/protein to get my losing to stop

12) Identified my slider foods, and ate them moderation

13) Once in maintenance; Refused to deprive myself of certain foods 1/4 cup of mashed potatoes did NOT make me Fat, 2 cups of potatoes on top of that 12oz ribeye with 2 cups of mac-n-cheese, and 60oz of sweet tea in one meal made me fat.

14) I wanted normalcy, but I wanted reality as well. I could not go back to bad habits that would give me an end result of regain.

15) It's a balancing act. It's a choice every day, every meal, every bite

16) Recognized that I could and do cheat the sleeve on occasion. HEY I'm a fatty, and a foodie, I love food NO less than before VSG. I recognize the behavior, and I have found a balance that works for me. This will not be everyone's experience, but it is mine, and I'm perfectly content with how I choose to live every day, every meal, every bite.

17) I was/am okay with a 5lb bounce around on the scale. I do not know a single one of my naturally thin girlfriends that stay the same weight day in, day out, every week, every month. Shit happens, Water weight happens if I eat chicken wings with ranch, I'm not going to beat myself up for a 5lbs bounce around on the scale.

18) Just because I can stretch my meal further, and eat more, just because I can chew my food to mush so I can fit more in, just because I can eat sliders and get in more calories and yumminess, DOES NOT mean I SHOULD DO IT. On occasion, do I do these things, damn right, and I have zero guilt because it's what works for me ! ! !

I should add that I had zero compulsive tendencies, was/am not an emotional eater, am not carb sensitive, I do not get the eat a carb, crave a carb thing, and I learned real quick that my journey was just that, MINE. I did it, do it according to what I know works best not only phsyically, but mentally.

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wow how comprehensive and inspirational....

I needed this and especially like the don't just do it because you can attitude I think this has gotten me in trouble.

My 3 rules that have worked are Protein first and foremost, Water, and exercise

Obviously support, Vitamins and many other things are important but if you're getting in your Protein and Water there won't be room for anything else... Exercise will help break through a stall keep the weight loss moving, help with your excess skin, and make you feel better.

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Thank you all so much for the wonderful tips and inspiration! This forum is amazing, I cannot imagine navigating through this journey without all of you and your stories. THANK YOU!!!

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Thank you all so much for the wonderful tips and inspiration! This forum is amazing, I cannot imagine navigating through this journey without all of you and your stories. THANK YOU!!!

ditto, this forum is extremely helpful


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We did this over on obesityehlp the other day, and this is my top secrets to my success in losing and maintenance.

1) Adhered to the post-op dietary guideline prescribed by my surgeon to a "T" no justifying those 2 miniature snickers just because it's "only 80 calories", or I would have eaten 2 king size snicker's bars pre-op. Like Brandilynn says "Justification is just like masturbation, you're just screwing yourself." Edit to add: my guidelines for losing 60+ gr of Protein, no more than 30gr of carbs, 600-800 calories and no fat guidelines. . . I did not eat carbs except from dairy and green veggies during my losing stage. No net carb, carb carb counting, every carb counted, bottom line, a carb was a carb while I was losing. I really didn't have room for carbs either since Protein was my focus.

2) Measured portions by VOLUME religiously

3) Never ate until I felt full/stuffed (that's what got me Fat)

4) Fluids, Fluids, Fluids and more Fluids

5) Never once doubted my ability to be successful

6) Counted every carb that crossed my lip including the 2carbs that were in my multi-Vitamin, yep those carbs count too

7) I ate 4 meals per day with each meal consisting of 15 gr of protein, this gave me my protein goal and complete satiety

8) No Snacks. I wasn't hungry. Pretty logical not to just throw food in there because I could, umm that's what got me fat too. It was a habit that had to be broken. I'm not saying it's easy, but if I chose to have 85% of my stomach removed to put the fork down, I need to be accountable for those behaviors that led me to pick up the fork in the first place, right? No justifying it, just stop the behavior, and accept that snacking/grazing is what contributed to me being obese.

9) Celebrated every little success that came my way. I.E. I cried when I finally saw all the bones in my formerly chubby feet, seems pretty trivial huh? Did you know that many bones were in the feet and could actually be seen? I had no clue, and that was pretty awesome.

10) I fought through every struggle/obstacle knowing that making it to the other side would have a bigger reward.

11) Slowly added in foods that allowed me to eat more calories/carbs/protein to get my losing to stop

12) Identified my slider foods, and ate them moderation

13) Once in maintenance; Refused to deprive myself of certain foods 1/4 cup of mashed potatoes did NOT make me Fat, 2 cups of potatoes on top of that 12oz ribeye with 2 cups of mac-n-cheese, and 60oz of sweet tea in one meal made me fat.

14) I wanted normalcy, but I wanted reality as well. I could not go back to bad habits that would give me an end result of regain.

15) It's a balancing act. It's a choice every day, every meal, every bite

16) Recognized that I could and do cheat the sleeve on occasion. HEY I'm a fatty, and a foodie, I love food NO less than before VSG. I recognize the behavior, and I have found a balance that works for me. This will not be everyone's experience, but it is mine, and I'm perfectly content with how I choose to live every day, every meal, every bite.

17) I was/am okay with a 5lb bounce around on the scale. I do not know a single one of my naturally thin girlfriends that stay the same weight day in, day out, every week, every month. Shit happens, Water weight happens if I eat chicken wings with ranch, I'm not going to beat myself up for a 5lbs bounce around on the scale.

18) Just because I can stretch my meal further, and eat more, just because I can chew my food to mush so I can fit more in, just because I can eat sliders and get in more calories and yumminess, DOES NOT mean I SHOULD DO IT. On occasion, do I do these things, damn right, and I have zero guilt because it's what works for me ! ! !

I should add that I had zero compulsive tendencies, was/am not an emotional eater, am not carb sensitive, I do not get the eat a carb, crave a carb thing, and I learned real quick that my journey was just that, MINE. I did it, do it according to what I know works best not only phsyically, but mentally.

Thank you for being so thorough. It helps so much to read veteran sleevers' tips. When you said 'no fat guidelines', did you mean as in eating NO FAT or you did not count your fat grams?

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Can I ask when you all started hitting your Protein goals and were you as strict about carbs during your liquid phase? I am starting full liquids tomorrow and it just seems like so many things we can have (warm Cereal, soups) are full of carbs. To be honest, I have felt like I'll be able to get most of my protein in with my shakes but I really want some real food (malt o meal) tomorrow morning after the week I've had on clears! Then I step back and ask myself "WWTD" (what would Tiffykins do?) LOL! All joking aside, I don't want to cheat myself out of weight loss and I want to be as successful as I possibly can be.....but I feel like I have been more in survival/healing mode rather than losing mode. Make sense?

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You are so much younger than I, yet so much wiser. I enjoy reading and learning from your posts. I just printed out your "guidelines for success".

BTW, my husband is retired military and I had the best doctors do my sleeve here at Lackland. I am so happy for you and your pregnancy. Congratulations.


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Thank you for being so thorough. It helps so much to read veteran sleevers' tips. When you said 'no fat guidelines', did you mean as in eating NO FAT or you did not count your fat grams?

I didn't have to count fat grams. Our bodies need fat to function properly. The only thing I can say that I ate on a regular basis that was non-fat was plain greek yogurt that was non-fat. Everything else was full fat, I did eat 2% milk fat cheese because I liked it and developed a hint of lactose intolerance, but other than that, I ate full fat everything. I looked at non-fat or low-fat stuff and found it had more sugar, sodium and carbs.

The only time I went low fat was after my gallbladder surgery, and I couldn't tolerate fat in sauces, cheeses, dressings, etc etc.

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Can I ask when you all started hitting your Protein goals and were you as strict about carbs during your liquid phase? I am starting full liquids tomorrow and it just seems like so many things we can have (warm Cereal, soups) are full of carbs. To be honest, I have felt like I'll be able to get most of my Protein in with my shakes but I really want some real food (malt o meal) tomorrow morning after the week I've had on clears! Then I step back and ask myself "WWTD" (what would Tiffykins do?) LOL! All joking aside, I don't want to cheat myself out of weight loss and I want to be as successful as I possibly can be.....but I feel like I have been more in survival/healing mode rather than losing mode. Make sense?

Honestly, the first few weeks the main objective was hydration and recovery. I drank regular gatorade just to get in calories, and fluids so I didn't worry about carbs until I hit mushies, and could eat soft meats to get in protein. During the first couple of weeks, get in what you can, that you are allowed to have, and enjoy it. Your body will thank you tremendously. I couldn't do Protein drinks. I tried the entire time I was on liquids, and they either made me puke, or have diarrhea. So, it defeated the purpose of trying to get in protein. I was definitely in survival mode as well so I understand how you feel. A week of a few more carbs, plus nutrition, Fiber, calories is not going to cheat you out of losing. You'll be approaching the dreaded 3-4 week stall so don't panic or think because you had 1/4 cup of malt-o-meal that your weight loss automatically stopped.

Just keep sipping, get protein when you can and focus on healing. That was at least my thought process through those first 3-4 weeks of the liquid diet.

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You are so much younger than I, yet so much wiser. I enjoy reading and learning from your posts. I just printed out your "guidelines for success".

BTW, my husband is retired military and I had the best doctors do my sleeve here at Lackland. I am so happy for you and your pregnancy. Congratulations.


Thanks sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo very much ! ! ! I hear the surgeons are amazing at Lackland. Least to say our "dream sheet" has changed dramatically due to my VSG because I won't go anywhere that doesn't perform VSG LOL.

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What more is there to say after Tiffy's post!

I'm 1 year 4 months out, lost 100#. My advice: STICK TO INSTRUCTIONS AT THE VERY BEGINNING...it sets you up for sucess...my hardest time was my fist 2 months...

I took on a totally different attitude towards food....At first I mourned it, then I was disinterested, then I treated it as energy (i.e. food in=energy out) Then...eventually, I came back full circle to comfort, savory enjoyment....in between all that, I had a hell of an emotional journey (which is still happening!)

I eat what I like, what I crave, what I want...I LOVE IT!! Believe it or not, it will be a challenge to EAT ENOUGH CALORIES (at least for me it is) Keep reading posts here, its hands down the BEST INFORMATION you can find out there, from real people who are living it everyday!!

Hope this helps!!

Good Luck!

Shontel :)

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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

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        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

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