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July 2006 Band Crew

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Great to see you back!! My family and I are loyal Idol fans, so we will be watching for you!! You go girl!! Simon better treat you right!! Paula will love you and Randy...well...who knows about him...except for the "Dog" phrase!! LOL!!!

I will confess July bandsters, as I've already told Edie...I haven't been exercising much these past couple weeks. I was working out with trainer, but now, I have the plan and should be doing it. It's been almost a week. So, today, I will go for it. I just need to daily get on my bike...what's up with my lazy butt? I need it kicked or I need Edie to come live with me for 6 months...LOL!!! I'd be at goal then. What do you think Edie?? LOL!!!

Have a great weekend gang!!

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Hope you exercise today Mary! It really does change your body faster and better than the loss of pounds I think. Last night I was rubbing lotion on and I could feel my muscles flexing under my skin...it kind of freaked me out for a sec... and then I was ready to dance lol for joy. Yayyy muscles again!! Next week hubby and I are going to go golfing and WALK alll the holes. I love to golf, so yayyy I get to actually enjoy exercise that day!! Maybe you could think of some fun activities you might enjoy doing with your hubby or one of your children? Last week I went roller blading with my sis, that was fun, used muscles I forgot existed. Like inner thigh muscles.. forgot all about um lol but they are still there waiting to be used. I also find that I work wayyyy harder on the treadmil if there is some jammin music going or if something funny is on TV, like a morning talk show.

On the other hand I am eating way way too much lately of nothing but junk. I've got to get my eating under control. I think its time for a fill. I think im scared to get one again after the swolling shut episode. ughh.

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<p>Okay everyone - don't die of shock! Yes, it's me...I didn't have Internet directly in my room at the rehabilitation center, and I've been home for a week continuing to rehabilitate here. On June 15th I had both of my knees totally replaced. The right one was more damaged than the left, so the surgery was a bit more extensive on that one and took a bit longer, and rehabilitated a bit slower, but I'm doing really great today and functioning WAY ahead of schedule. They did the surgery in a non-invasive way where they didn't cut through the quad muscles, so the recovery is quicker in that regard as well. I spent 5 days 6/15-6/19) in the hospital while they worked on getting me up on my feet, bending, and walking while controling (and sometimes losing control) of the pain. Then I went and lived at the sister hospital's swing bed rehabilitation unit for 8 days (6/19-6/26). I had PT and OT twice a day, had my own private room, and spent all the down time exercising on my own. I kept the attitude that I wasn't there for a hotel stay, so I worked really hard. Only 5% of people ever have both knees done at one time. I just didn't have a good one to rely on; rehabilitation would have been ineffective on the one that we did do if we had only done one. </p> <p> </p> <p>My days now consist of exercising, using the continuous passive motion (CPM) machine to bend each knee 4 hours per day per knee; walking outside, and riding my recumbant bike. I go back to work on Aug. 27th, so I consider this my full time job for the summer. I go to outpatient PT twice a week. I got to have my shakes twice a day at rehab and I continue to do that at home because I am on coumadin for a month after surgery and my diet needs to stay consistent and the shakes have Vitamin K in them and you can't have a lot of VK, so as long as I'm consistent with it, they adjust my coumadin level by my blood INR readings. I stop the coumadin next Friday the 13th. </p> <p> </p> <p>In regards to my weight - my one year "bandiversary" was July 5th and my grand total for the first year is 102.6 lbs. When I checked in on June 15th I was 244 (I had been stuck at 244 for almost 2 months). When I checked into rehab 5 days later I was 252 (retaining Fluid and new metal knees). On my bandiversary I was 238.4...so I was very pleased. I have been exercising and having 2 shakes a day, so hopefully the scale will continue to move.</p> <p> </p> <p>Here I was 2 weeks after surgery and then today <img src="http://www.LapBandTalk.com/images/smilies/happy.gif" border="0" alt="" title="" smilieid="60" class="inlineimg" /></p>



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Stephanie!! So glad to finally have you back on the July thread!!! Im so happy that your surgery went so well for you. You look great! I can see such a remarkable differance in your face. Your glasses even sit differantly in relation to your head lol. Even your shoulders look so much more delicate!! Yayyyy. wtg. you are just such a go getter, its inspiring to know you. :)

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Thanks Kari! I have missed you all SO much! It's been a long haul, but with the support of family, friends, co-workers and LBT, I'm succeeding a little bit every day...

You're doing great, too! Keep up the good work :)

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Stephanie: You know that I'm a Physical Therapist Assistant, right? So, keep up those exercises!! How is your range of motion in both knees? I'm sure that you are working on that with PT. That's one of the challenges, getting your knees to full extension and being able to bend at least 90. You sound like you are doing terrific!! I will probably need a new knee in the next 10-20 years (hoping I last that long) on my right. Aren't you so glad that you had lost that 100 lbs. before the surgery? Congrats on that!!

Kari: I did get in my pool yesterday, but mainly just swam around. So, I didn't really get a cardiac workout, but more of a muscle workout. I didn't do weights either. I bet you are looking fine with your muscles getting more definition and with the fat being burned off. I prefer exercising with someone and doing a sport, like you will be doing with your hubby. But, with my pool and a bike and the weights, I just need to DO IT!! Like I said, I think I need a kick in the butt or have Edie or you come live with me for awhile!! You both have been so disciplined with the exercise part!!

I will be heading up to Michigan next Sat. as my mom is getting a new knee. Unfortunately, she is not getting the minimally invasive procedure, as they don't do it yet where she's at (small northern Michigan town). I'll check in though this week and when I'm up there!!!

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You are turning back into a beautiful woman. Your pic makes me cry with happiness.

No offence intended but my looks were hidden under the weight too.

I hope you KNOW that I am paying you a very sincere and well meaning compliment.

Health is the most important part of this whole journey but getting the woman part of us back is wonderful bonus to the band.


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Hello everyone!

I was successfully rebanded on July 5th by my original surgeon

Dr. Carlos Quesada Ramirez in San Jose, Costa Roca. He used the new

AP small Lap Band on me and hopes to have better results as far as slipping goes, this was supposedly made to prohibit that.....I have my fingers crossed!

I just got home last night and had a great experience. The hospital, "Hospital Clinica Biblica" was outstanding in every way you could imagine! I had 3 nurses assigned to me per shift and all were spectacular! I felt like I was at the Ritz....no kidding. Beautiful, clean like you have never seen before rooms! Wonderful and very restful. Had my own plasma tv on the wall in front of me with all of the US channels you could need. The care there is second to none. Good luck to all of us! :clap2:

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Stephanie: You know that I'm a Physical Therapist Assistant, right? So, keep up those exercises!! How is your range of motion in both knees? I'm sure that you are working on that with PT. That's one of the challenges, getting your knees to full extension and being able to bend at least 90. You sound like you are doing terrific!! I will probably need a new knee in the next 10-20 years (hoping I last that long) on my right. Aren't you so glad that you had lost that 100 lbs. before the surgery? Congrats on that!!

I will be heading up to Michigan next Sat. as my mom is getting a new knee. Unfortunately, she is not getting the minimally invasive procedure, as they don't do it yet where she's at (small northern Michigan town). I'll check in though this week and when I'm up there!!!

Yes, I am so glad I lost the 100 before the surgery. I saw him three years ago and he said lose the weight or I won't do it. My employer then wouldn't change their insurance to help me, so I got a new job. Turned out it was my calling...My range of motion on my right is 110 degrees and my left is 105 degrees. The goal is 110 - 115 for each. The right was the one that was behind by almost 30 degrees in the hospital (the right one was much more damaged and so the surgery took longer and was harder), so I'm surprised it's taken the lead now. I go to PT two times a week, do exercises faithfully here at home (it's my full-time job while I'm off for the summer) and ride my recumbant bike.


You are turning back into a beautiful woman. Your pic makes me cry with happiness.

No offence intended but my looks were hidden under the weight too.

I hope you KNOW that I am paying you a very sincere and well meaning compliment.

Health is the most important part of this whole journey but getting the woman part of us back is wonderful bonus to the band.


Edie - yes, I know you are paying me a compliment. You've made me cry with your kind words...I see pictures of me in my late teens and early 20's and wonder where that person went. I am slowly seeing her emerge - as a 40-yr-old, of course :). I have lived here in Superior, WI for 19.5 years and everyone I know has more or less known me as overweight, so they are seeing the transformation, but didn't know me before when I grew up in the Twin Cities. It's definitely an interesting journey. Thanks again for your kind words.

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Hey guys I found you. The computer likes to kick me off and I have a hard time getting back. I am bookmarking this site so that won't happen again. Well as far as how I am doing, I am doing better. I ate some real veggies today. I have been eating some dried fruit even though it has some sugar in them they are better than no fruit which I can't eem to get down. I am still eating 2 Protein bars a day but now I have added some fruit and now veggies. I hope the scales shows a difference soon. I am basically weighing in at the same weight. No loss but no gain either.

I have the most wonderful news in the world. I found out this past Sat. that my babygirl (26 years old) is going to have a baby. I am sooooo excited I can't stand it. I am so giddy it is driving my hubby and mom crazy. The baby is due in Feb. so she is 7 weeks pregnant. I have been telling everybody I see but mostly I know them but some I don't. Well I will probably wear you all out soon enough.

You all sound like you are doing good. I am going to try harder because I have been having a problem with my blood sugar levels. I might have to take more medicine for it. I can't seem to control it with what I eat. I don't have much else to share right now but I am not going to lose this site again and I am going to try to post as often as I can. I hope you all have a great week and keep up the weight loss. My anniversary for my surgery is in two days. I have only lost 45 pounds but hey it is better than nothing. Talk to you all later. Love you all. Hugs

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Congratualtions, Beth! So happy for you, your daughter and your family! That's such great news...

I am doing good...exercise is still my number one daily priority as I continue to rehabilitate from my knee surgeries. I ride my recumbant bike 10 minutes at a time, 3 times a day. Plus, I do my exercises I have been shown to do laying on my bed and from the side of my bed. I have lost a few more pounds as well. The scale is starting to move now that I can do some exercising. Something I was never really able to do before. I am 235 now...the lowest I've been. At 231 I will have lost 110 lbs. It's coming slowly but surely. I have physical therapy tomorrow morning and then I have to have X-rays taken before seeing my knee surgeon. I am still not allowed to drive because of my medications, and I have lessened the amount I take considerably, so I am hoping he'll release me to start driving again soon.

Hope everyone is having a good day.

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Monk here...I have not been a very good poster girl, I really didn't start losing until Jan/2007. I had a hernia operation, got the flu and then pnumonia. I found a great guy for fills right around the corner for 100 bucks a shot.I gave away my scale so I really don't know my weight, but I've gone from a 22/20 size to a loose 16.I was really feeling sorry for myself but then after getting the right fills and not feeling like poop I have been on track. I still have restriction but I'm going for a fill next week because I still can eat too much in the evenings (if this makes sense)and I've slowed down in my weight loss.I still don't have much tolerence for much more than Vitamin Water and fluids until I'm really

awake.Nice to see so many July banders! Did I meet any of you at Dr. Ortiz's last summer?

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Hi all,

Well, it has been ages since I posted. I have been exercising my little heart out, but apparently eating enough to make up for it. I have gained a bit, although I now have a personal trainer and according to her it is muscle and I have lost a lot of fat. I guess I should be happy with that, but I would really like to see the scale go down instead of up!

I am seriously thinking about getting a bodybugg, but really don't want to spend the money

As of today, I decided to go back and start logging on sparkpeople and being HONEST about everything I eat!

I am still in a size 10, I want to be a 6 or the most an 8 when I buy clothes for next school year.

Stephanie, you are doing fantastic! Keep up all the great work!

I have to take my son to the dentist and I'll check back later.

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Congrats everyone!! My personal trainer has been kicking my butt, but I am doing it 3xs a week along with cardio. whew! I finally realized how much my body need the right nutrition. I am now eating every 3 hours... alternating Snacks and meals. Hopefully it will work!

I have good news... my friend (a bit more than a friend but not anymore... we're just friends now haha), was approved for lapband and is getting it on Aug 6th-keep him in your prayers!!!

ok, gotta go get my nails done! Being beautiful is hard work! haha

Stay Strong everyone!

and Congrats Iluvmyboys on your successful rebanding! I hope the recovery is quick and you lose fast!

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Hey everyone! Its me! Donnamarie.. you know, the newlywed.. *grin*.. I am doing alright. I have kinda been stuck but the scale is starting to move again. I am down to almost a size 18.. started at size 28 so I am very happy. My hubby and I have been having a blast. He is a great support. In fact, he bought me a mountain bike. (and himself one too!) I cannot go very far yet but I am trying real hard and he is encouraging me. Right now I have sore thighs and a sore arse but am getting there and working thru it.

Congrats steph on the knees! Glad you are doing well and lost so much weight! We had surgery the same day. I have lost about 75 since my highest weight. Kudos to you!!

I had a doc's appointment this past week and he told me he thinks he put too large of a band in me. (gee thanks) I am maxed at 10cc in a 10cc band and I can still eat over 1/4 of a cup at a time. Granted it is WAY less than what I used to eat. I can eat about 3/4 to a cup at a time now. He said if I wanted, I could have another surgery next year and put a smaller band in. Ummm no.. I will just work on my exercise and see what happens. I don't want another surgery. I am going to be 34 in December and Mike and I want to start our family soon so I am gonna work on being fit and getting out there with my wonderful husband.

That is the update on me! I missed you all so much!

~Donnamarie~ :)

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    • BeanitoDiego

      I've hit a stall 9 months out. I'm not worried, though. My fitness levels continue to improve and I have nearly accomplished my pre-surgery goal of learning to scuba dive! One dive left to complete to get my PADI card 🐠
      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
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      1. BabySpoons

        Amazing! Congrats!!! Watch out for the sharks. 🦈

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