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A New Day

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Hi, Ladies,

Janet, thank you (and Paula) soooo much for my "new Dawn" Water bottle. I LOVE IT and LOVE the card!!! You are an awesome C Mom!!!

Sorry to hear about your stuck today with your grandkids. Ah, the other "joys" of banded life. :) It's all worth it though. I am a little concerned about my band and will see how I am feeling when I do GO to my doc appointment on Tues. I have never had reflux and it has been off an on this week. I thought it was some food I ate but after several days, it seems it is more than that. I also have had intermittent pain in the middle of my back. Gonna stick to soft or mushies tomorrow and see if that helps.

My friend and I went and saw "The Heat" tonight. It was funny. Certainly, not kid friendly with a lot of f bombs, but funny! There's a scene we want to re-enact with scotch tape too, lol. My major news for today was that I went out in public wearing shorts. Of course it was a dark theater. I bet my friend, in our 10+ years of friendship has probably never seen me in shorts. Brad was shocked I went out in them. LOL. :)

Carole, I hope the procedure goes easily for Jack. I agree that a test run driving is in order. The last weekend in Omaha, I insisted on driving us to the mall 20 minutes away. The roads are very easy to navigate in Omaha but I just couldn't grasp where anything was. I realized it's because I never do any of the local driving there. Now after doing the one trip, I get it and it makes sense to me now. :)

Diane, I hope your brother is ok and thriving. I know life is throwing a lot at you right now. Know that you are loved and thought of often.

Terri, how's the walking going? It has been so nice here that I went to the outdoor outlet mall to get fresh air. It was really nice.

Dee, oh dear, I would be screaming not taking pictures if there were snakes in my yard, lol. I don't even like bugs.... :)

Michelle, I hope you have a very nice weekend! Anything exciting going on?

It's almost midnight, guess I should call it a night (me and my reflux, that is).


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Hi guys!

I am back in South Carolina, thank you Jesus! I came home Thursday night. I got my brother home, stayed to make sure he could do his Lovenox injections and helped him get his RX's and appointments set up. He is doing very well and is so very lucky. Thank you all for all the prayers, this is definitely one of those times when God and his amazing grace lifted us up and guided all the wonderful team to take care of my brother. Technically he should not be here, nor should he have had such a miraculous recover. I am amazed at what little deficit he has, and also thankful. I was very exhausted driving home but was determined to get my life back to it's normal!

Mama.....She was a mess when I got back, a week without day care really set her back or maybe I should say took her back to pre day care mood and behaviors. I became the "b***h" again, but oh well it is what it is. Got her back on track yesterday and she is back to cooperative but confused. I also made a decision yesterday. I am not spending nights with Mama, if family thinks mom can live by herself than that is what we will do until she fails in all eyes. So I decided to take her to day care, make sure she has her meals and her meds on time but I am not staying with her daily, if she fails than I have the proof I need to move her to Memory Care. Of course we all know, meaning me and my immediate family is where she needs to be and would be safest. I am continuing to look for placement that we can afford and that in itself is a big job.

Me and my band. Boy stress does play havoc with the band, I was able to maintain my weight and not lose while gone. Yeah! I did eat mostly Snacks, Protein Bars, nuts and drank plenty of Water and tea and of course I did find a star bucks in the hospital. ;-) I have found that even this far post op when stressed I still migrate to carbs, especially chips. The good thing is the band does not allow me to over endulge and often makes me feel like crap. So I am guessing this is a good thing.

So another page in my life is turned and ready to move on to the next adventure. lol.

Hope everyone has a wonderful Saturday, I am enjoying quiet time, the boys went to work and me and the kitty are having coffee and a little computer time by ourselves.

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Janet, glad the endo went well for Maddy. It is amazing how a children's hospital can not get an IV on a kid. So sorry for the stuck episode, I have had several lately and it always freaks everyone around here also. I just take it in stride and move on but I guess to others it looks pretty scary. I am glad your Mom is home and hope they wait to do the surgery till that GB quiets down a little. Prayers back to you my friend.

Dawn, thank you so much for all your well wishes and support these past few weeks. I know you have been yoyoing for a while but understand this happens and the pounds will start to drop again. Just refocus and establish mini goals and you will get to onederland. I actually thought I would never get there and they day I did it was by only half a pound but so exciting and motivating.

Carole, you will learn the roads. I grew up on mountain roads and they can be confusing, just be careful and look for landmarks when you drive. A special tree, a curve in the road, etc. Sorry Jack has to have surgery, hope all goes well, where is he having surgery? Mission or one of the hospitals closer to you? Proud of you DIL, as you know cardiology is my favorite and have spent 30 years in that type of nursing. I know she is excited to start this new chapter in her career. I think NP's are such an added plus to our physician groups. Glad your Migraine is better, used to have these but they stopped when my hormone levels stopped yoyoing. Get some rest and take care of your self, hoping the band is being kinder to you and I know you will lose your last 25 lbs. Those pounds were my hardest and that is when I really started exercising my butt off, raising my metabolism and ability to burn calories helped a lot. I will send prayers up the mountain to you and Jack. ;-)

Teri, thank you for always checking on me and for being there late at night. It helped just knowing you were there when I was in the hospital, nights were the hardest. I kept thinking about what all could go wrong and it was hard to turn my head off some nights. I really loved the quilt and your granddaughter is so cute.

Mini, I hope alternative therapies work for your son, he will learn to live with his illness and hopefully he can overcome any frustrations with his wonderful musical talents. You are really looking good these days.

Dee, I know you are getting excited about your meeting with Teri. You will love her, I actually can not weight for you guys to meet.

I so hope one days we can all meet as a group, I think we should plan this for we we are all at or near goal. I say we make a plan for next spring or summer we could do mountains or beach, some place of equal distance. I know it would take a lot of planning but it would be so worth it.

I love all you guys and am so glad that we remained friends. Together we can accomplish anything.

Have a great Saturday Friends! off to make my famous oatmeal with egg whites and blueberries, yummy!

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So, I just had my post disappear...will keep this a shortened version.

Dawn, good for you to wear shorts and get yourself out of your comfort zone!

Diane, so good to read that you are finally back home and that your brother is recovering well. I hope you have some calm seas now, you really deserve it!

Terri, the sign of a great friend...so happy to know that you were there for Diane. Night time is the most difficult to cope with... Just curious, have you ever asked your nutritionist or physician about a "set point"? Perhaps that is why your weight is resistant to move? Just a thought...

Janet, glad you are feeling better. Are they sure that your mother needs her GB removed? How is Ange feeling these days? I'm certain they are enjoying their new home.

Dee, the paces boys put us through. W

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That was close...almost lost the post again...

As I was writing, what boys put us moms through. Eeeek! I remember when Seth was about 5, and came in and pulled a "frug" from his pocket (he was attending speech therapy at the time). The frog was dead, I have no idea how long he had it. Needless to say, he was immediately marched outside to dispose of his "treasure" then marched upstairs to the bath and clean clothes. We had a long discussion about why bugs, frogs and snakes needed to be allowed to live where God intended them to...outside and never in a pocket.

Michelle, have a great weekend!

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I've discovered that I will sleep well only if I strictly follow the new rules and routine for the evening.

The night before last, our schedule had been disrupted. I've noticed that the reflux returns if my stomach is totally empty. I cannot fall asleep if I am hungry, so I ate 3 crackers after I took my medications, and waited about 90 minuted before I tried to lay down to sleep. Big mistake. About 2-3 hours later the crackers came up again...and I ended up needing to change my pillow case and night gown. I'm not going to deviate from the rules again. I don't understand what is happening, but will just have to bite the bullet and follow the new rules.

I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend...

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Diane, I am so happy to hear you are back home and your brother as well~!!! That is WONDERFUL news!!!!! I really enjoyed your FB post too today! It is sooo true. We seem to always be wanting it to be Friday or the end of the week or month or another point in time and lose sight of enjoying our right here and now.

For any of you that may eat sandwiches from time to time. I found these things at costco today called "One Buns" folded bread. It reminds me of a pita. It is a whole grain folded bread. It's not real doughy since it is whole grain and is the size of about 1/2 a normal sandwich. They are 130 calories, 1 g of fat, and 5 grams of Protein per "bun". I am sticking to mushies/soft food today but did try a tiny piece of one and it was tasty and not overly doughy like white bread would be.

Carole, sorry to hear about your reflux again. :( Do they know what's causing it or what's behind it? I have been struggling with reflux lately and just curious.

Diane, I love the idea of us all meeting next summer. I WILL be at goal next summer or at least damn close. You ladies are very dear to me and I would love that opportunity. :D

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Soggy Saturday! Hope the rain clears out for the pool party tomorrow. Today began the Christmas season for me. I picked up my Hallmark ornaments. I will never tell how many I have! LOL!

I love Christmas!

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OMG Terri, you use the word Christmas in July! That scare me, next you will tell me that by August your shopping will be done. Tonight I brought Mom home to my house to spend the night. She had a melt down earlier this evening and I just told her she needed to spend the night at my house, and I thought the day had went well! So much for thinking on my part.

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Good Evening All...perhaps Good Morning...

Terri, kindred spirit! I also went to the Hallmark Store today to pick up my annual series ornaments. As we already have around 30 storage tubs of just Christmas decorations, I have cut back this year. I still purchase ones I like, and continue the series ornaments. I have no clue how many ornaments we have...I just love Christmas and the spirit of the season.

Dawn, sorry to read about your current issues with reflux. It's no fun. In my case, I believe that my band is particularly sensitive to stress. I am by nature an anxious person. Add to that major life events, which I was managing well until I was informed of my son's deployment to the war. That was the turning point. My band tightened up way too tight, and has stayed that way. Go figure, I have too much restriction, and am essentially in the green zone, and no Fluid in my band.

I also have a long history of treatment for reflux. The physician in Asheville immediately recognized that my band was too tight with 1cc. I still will have severe symptoms (choking cough waking me up, and vomiting/pbing

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Hello all! Diane, glad ur bro is doing good! Carole, sorry to hear about prob with band. Thanks for the encouragement with Tyler too. He is having a hard time with it and is playing it off like its no big deal. His feelings seeps out of the edges though and he is being a real jerk to me. He is off at his sisters house for two days. I needed a break. I'm not asking him to confront at all times but good grief burying it isn't healthy either. And I refuse to be his outlet. We are super close so I can tell he is really hurting and I can't do much for him but be understanding.

I can't believe I haven't been in here for two days. Yesterday I bought new cushions for my yard furniture. We are spray painting a cooking table that goes along the BBQ grill. Just getting back yard presentable and enjoyable for entertaining.

I also am hanging curtains on my gazebo made out of painters drop cloths. I'll take pics when they are done. I still have to hang my twinkle lights.

Weather is so nice here now. Hubby and I are sitting outside now enjoying the yard.

Dawn, c-mom, Terri, Dee, anyone else? Have a great weekend! I text Nicole but didn't get an answer :(

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Almost lost my previous post... iPad with a mind of it's own again.

As I was attempting to write, I'm not certain what I would call it, but TMI, anything I ate several hours before will come back up while asleep. The rules whic I have discovered are to not have anything to eat for at least 2-3 hours before I go to bed, and only enough Water to take my evenings medication.Then I wait for another 90 minutes before I go to sleep.

Typing invisibly again...

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Dawn, I hope you will feel better. The surgeon in Asheville has offered to remove my band both times I have been there. I will be keeping appointments with both my PCP and surgeon in Florida next month. I hope they have some sound advice for me. My PCP told me before we moved that he thought I may have to have my band removed. Time will tell...but for the time being, I will do all I can to preserve it.

Michelle...your yard is beautiful...enjoy it! Very sad to read your comments about your son. Part of this is his age and stage in life. Patience and perseverance will help to get through the rough spots in the road. It took Seth the better part of 15 years to come to terms with his diagnosis and resolve the anger he projected onto me because of it. We moms have a tough job...hugs!

Diane, take a day at a time...hugs and strength to you!

Janet...hope you are enjoying your weekend.

Dee...any more snakes around? We have had bears trying to tear up the "box" which houses our garbage cans out by the road. So far bears 2, Jack 0. Jack has now replaced all of the nails with screws...I hope that works.

Today my knee is not sore and stiff, so back to the gym tomorrow.

I did not make the drive today...Jack was a PITA and kept "correcting" my driving. So within 5 minutes of leaving the garage I stopped the car in the middle of the road, put the emergency flashers on, and also the parking brake, and got of the car, and told him to drive. No, there is really no traffic here so no risks. Then he tells me that I really need to learn how to drive on the mountain. I will, just not with him in the car...

I hope everyone enjoys their Sunday...thank you all for caring and sharing. It does make such a difference.

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Carole, good luck with driving and bears! Both sound like Jack problems to me! :P

Diane, my shopping is not usually done until October, but I am an early bird. Getting a list from the Grandaughters takes the longest! Most of our gifts to our daughters and SIL are gift cards. Easier for them and me!

Dawn, love that precious pup. Good luck with the reflux to both you and Carole. How is the band and weight loss doing overall? When is your appointment?

Doreen, have the boys clean out all the snakes before I get there. I hate them all!

Janet, hope you are having and good weekend. Prayers for your Mom and her GB. Hope everything works out for her.

Michelle, mothers take all the abuse. My love and strength to you as Tyler works out his diagnosis. You yard look lovely and relaxing. Spend more time enjoying it and less worrying about Tyler. He wil come around eventually. (I however and still waiting for my 41 yo daughter to "come around"... LOL)

Wish you the best!

Franc and I will be heading off to DC on Wednesday morning. We will be there through Sunday afternoon and then on to Pennsylvania. Family events Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Doreen on Wednesday and drive back home on Thursday. OK... so my butt is sore just thinking about it. Franc has meetings in DC all the days we are there, so I will be mall walking, with maybe a bit of shopping thrown in! :unsure: Sightseeing will depend on the weather. I will keep in touch though! Love to you all!

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Good morning...

Last night was not a good one, as I was slightly off schedule with eating times...it did not help that just before going to bed to read, Seth called via FaceTime. His timezone is 8.5 hours ahead of ours. So it was with thoughts of him(increased anxiety) and feeling my band tighter than usual that I attempted to go to sleep. I finally fell asleep around 5am. I'm going have to take my medications earlier in the evening if I want them to stay down. I've got to figure this out once and for all.

Terri, your trip reads like a good time...please take the rest of us along, and post some pictures of your meeting. Say hi to Nordstrom for me...I remember shopping at a beautiful mall up there years ago. I still love going to the Smithsonian. Seth is planning to return to the DC area when his assignment to Germany is completed, so we will have a reason to go back.

Time to get productive with projects...I hope all enjoy their Sunday.

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