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My Journey Starting With Pre Op Diet

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"One day at a time" is also a good motto. I love the idea of putting sticky notes around the house. I'm going to use that. This whole thing seems so intense. I hope I have what it takes. I'm afraid I'm already having doubts and I haven't even done the class yet. When your dietician talks about protein' date=' what exactly is she referring to? Rib eye? Peanut Butter?

Have you been able to be referred to a doctor regarding the lap band? Are fills something a regular doctor can do, or will you have to have someone specific? Oh... and if its ok, where are you moving to?

Tell your daughter that cats do NOT like to walked. lol I want a medium sized dog who will walk at the pace I want to go. Whatever that means. I think its important to get your pet from the human society/pound. On my soapbox, I think they should also be spayed/neutered and chipped. Its the responsible thing to do.

My grandson will be two on Tuesday of next week. He's an amazingly busy and quite resourceful little guy. Constantly busy. I can't imagine keeping up with a two year old for any extended period of time. lol

Walking will start in earnest after I start my blood pressure medication this weekend. I'll be a turtle. Slow and steady wins the race. I've never seen that show, but I seem to be consumed by watching shows like "My 600 lb life." Glutton for punishment? I feel for these people. I honestly do. I think maybe I'll try to find something more productive and positive. TWC has exercise videos on demand. Some of them are easy, but a lot are hard and require equipment. I've just been doing my own thing and hope something sticks. I really need a scale.< /p>


Sticky notes are the best. I think I'm also going to try printing a picture of myself at the start of my journey and then stick it on my fridge and treadmill, I believe that will also be a good motivator for me. At this point I need all the motivation I can get. It had been an intense journey for me, but I think with the fills it will be so much easier to not have to focus on food, because I will actually fill full longer. Don't get discouraged, you can do this. If you take baby steps now to prepare yourself for your surgery you will do great. When the dietician says Protein , she means lean healthy protein like eggs, chicken, fish, steak as long as it is not fatty, also low fat dairy like cottage cheese , milk. She wants me to eat my protein first and then veggies or fruit. After my fills I should only be eating a cup full of food at a time. I'm trying to make a schedule of my meals for two weeks, but I'm going to wait until after I see the dietician so I can get more input into what my 3 meals a day should look like.

The doctor who did my surgery is the one I will go to for my fills. Only doctors that specialize in bariatric surgery can do the fills. When I move I will have to get a new doctor, but I think my doctor now had already found me one.

My daughter insist on getting a kitten a training to walk on a leash. I told her you said they don't like it and she started laughing.

You think I would be skinny from having to chase my 2 year old. He likes to play with me, like I got your phone mom now come get me, little stinker...lol... Happy early birthday to your grandson!!! Happy early 30th anniversary, I know you said that was coming up soon as well. I think it is so wonderful to see couples who have been together for such a long time.

Walking is good especially if you can find someone to go with. I watch that show my 600 pound life, it makes me sad as well to see those people trapped and not even able to walk. It's crazy to think how food consumes us when really all we need to eat is just a little bit of the right stuff to keep us alive and healthy. You gotta get a scale, but try not to go on it all the time like I was doing.

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I'm so sorry for your loss with your mom and brother. I'm sure that must have been really hard on you. Your poor mom, god rest her soul. I can see why this surgery means a lot to you.

Don't get me wrong I love my family since all I have is my mom, sister, and 2 nieces. Yes sometimes they make me so mad that I don't talk to them for a little bit, but I can't stay mad long since they are all I have besides the family I have created and my husbands family. I know I will have there support as far as walking and hiking with me. I just wish they would stop the negative comments.

That sucks, I'm sorry to hear you and your sister had a huge blowout. My mom told me the same thing about my anxiety/panic attacks, she said it was all in my head and I could control it if I wanted to and that I don't need medication. That is so true, I'm the one that's overweight and had the lap band not them and they have no idea how hard it is. They should just be proud that I'm trying to do something about it. I'm my have falls along the way, but at least I pick myself right back up and keep on trying.

My brother died in 1994,.. Mom in 2008. Seems like yesterday. My sister and I would probably never meet or be friends in the *real* world. We're completely different people. The only thing we have in common are our parents. Our blowout was a long time ago. I only see her now on occasions. Deaths, weddings. I love my dad to death, but after Mom died, we saw what she had protected us from all those years. I can only take him in small doses. I do love him, but its complicated. No wonder she ate her feelings.

I think it takes a very strong person to look deep inside and find there is a better way of doing things. Look past what people see or say. To do better for yourself. To do things you know are right despite what other people... close to you people... think. I was the first in my family to get help for bipolar disorder. My dad is the oldest of nine. They ALL have something in the mentally ill family. Those things didn't get talked about until I sought help. It was just a given that you'd have *something.* I will be the second to get lap band surgery.

I think we are strong because we are intelligent enough to realize that things need changing. We are strong because we look for solutions and follow through with them. We are also smart enough to know that everything we've done about our weight hasn't worked, and so we need to move to the next step. That comes from a place of strength.


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Sticky notes are the best. I think I'm also going to try printing a picture of myself at the start of my journey and then stick it on my fridge and treadmill, I believe that will also be a good motivator for me. At this point I need all the motivation I can get. It had been an intense journey for me, but I think with the fills it will be so much easier to not have to focus on food, because I will actually fill full longer. Don't get discouraged, you can do this. If you take baby steps now to prepare yourself for your surgery you will do great. When the dietician says Protein , she means lean healthy protein like eggs, chicken, fish, steak as long as it is not fatty, also low fat dairy like cottage cheese , milk. She wants me to eat my protein first and then veggies or fruit. After my fills I should only be eating a cup full of food at a time. I'm trying to make a schedule of my meals for two weeks, but I'm going to wait until after I see the dietician so I can get more input into what my 3 meals a day should look like.

The doctor who did my surgery is the one I will go to for my fills. Only doctors that specialize in bariatric surgery can do the fills. When I move I will have to get a new doctor, but I think my doctor now had already found me one.

My daughter insist on getting a kitten a training to walk on a leash. I told her you said they don't like it and she started laughing.

You think I would be skinny from having to chase my 2 year old. He likes to play with me, like I got your phone mom now come get me, little stinker...lol... Happy early birthday to your grandson!!! Happy early 30th anniversary, I know you said that was coming up soon as well. I think it is so wonderful to see couples who have been together for such a long time.

Walking is good especially if you can find someone to go with. I watch that show my 600 pound life, it makes me sad as well to see those people trapped and not even able to walk. It's crazy to think how food consumes us when really all we need to eat is just a little bit of the right stuff to keep us alive and healthy. You gotta get a scale, but try not to go on it all the time like I was doing.

Sticky notes are awesome. I have a computer/craft room in my house. I let the grandkids help decorate. They made pictures that I have (yes) taped to the walls. Sticky notes aboud. On another wall I have a plaque that says, "Welcome to Grandma's House, Children Spoiled While You Wait, and then current pictures of my babies underneath. The craft table is for them to do anything they want. They have all kids of different papers, marker, pencils, sissors, glue, sequins. lol Oh... so the sticky notes are everywhere.

Its good to know there are guidelines to follow. I'm sure there are SO many things to remember. I hope I'll be as organized as you.

Two-year olds are a trip. I can't imagine chasing one around at my age. I don't remember how I did it at your age. lol Today is the day. 30 years at 10:30. Larry has been working overtime. Not over, but under. He goes in at 2:00 am instead of 6:00. By the time he gets home, he won't want to Celebrate. I am making a special dinner. We'll have fresh steamed spinach, a small bbq'd chicken breast, and my favorite... mashed root vegetables (potatoes, turnips, parsnips, carrots). I won't ever make regular mashed potatoes again. If I do my portions right, it'll be very health,. I usually do spinach and yellow squash, but the store's selection left a lot to be desired.

Now that its warm out, I want to walk every day. Cat be damned! I'll start with small trips around the block, and then drive to the big cemetary in the next town up. It has a bit of hilly terrain. Not today, though. Its raining cats. I don't think I want a walking partner. I will just use my ipod.

I feel so bad for those people because I know that but for the grace of God, I'd be right there with them. I can't imagine what they must go through day to day. And then there are the ones who don't make it. It breaks my heart. I do need to get a scale. I think I want one with the BMI thing too. I also need to get a new blood pressure monitor. I was doing research and found that they aren't as accurate as the arm cuff ones. Been looking for that for a few days. I think my best bet is to go to Walgreens, or the local medical supply place in town.

Sorry for the length.


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Happy anniversary! My 30th is on Monday the 10th. We aren't doing anything special' date=' though my daughter-in-law insists its a milestone.

Moving is a lot of work, Tawnya. You'll sweat in places unbecoming of a lady. lol At least your weight is coming down. You should be proud of each pound you lose, no matter what. I'm in awe.


Thanks. Happy Anniversary!!!


Luckily the army comes and packs everything and has movers move it to our next location. I'm still trying to go through everything so that I don't move with stuff I don't need. My son has so many toys and he doesn't even play with half of them. He room is full and he is taking up a whole wall in my living room with all his toys. I just sold his play kitchen, tool bench, and tent with tunnel and his room is still full. I realized we have to much stuff. Thank goodness the army packs and moves it, because who knows how long that would take us ( we have a 4 bedroom, 3 bath, with 2 storages, and a garage full of stuff). Every time I go outside I sweat I cannot imagine when we move, it's like 88 degrees here and in the hundreds where we are moving, it even gets up to 130. I don't know how much walking outside I will do there. To bad the army doesn't unpack us...lol.....

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Had my consult and even went to an informational/support group- it was good. Am beginning all of the testing. Definitely getting the band just trying to decide if I want it with plication which my doc is offering me- like the sleeve but they dont cut your stomach-they fold and suture it to make it smaller. Im a bit obsessed with researching and reading all that I can.

Everyone here is such an inspiration and I am getting such wonderful information! Im looking forwad to learning from everyone here

I didn't even know what with plication meant until reading it on one of these forums. I kinda wish my doctor offered that to me. Maybe then my stomach wouldn't feel like a bottom-less pit..lol...

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that is the one im havin they have good results in texerkana mine is 12 -this month I hope it does good

Congrats and Best Wishes for your upcoming surgery!!! Let us know how it goes.

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"One day at a time" is also a good motto. I love the idea of putting sticky notes around the house. I'm going to use that. This whole thing seems so intense. I hope I have what it takes. I'm afraid I'm already having doubts and I haven't even done the class yet. When your dietician talks about protein' date=' what exactly is she referring to? Rib eye? Peanut Butter?

Have you been able to be referred to a doctor regarding the lap band? Are fills something a regular doctor can do, or will you have to have someone specific? Oh... and if its ok, where are you moving to?

Tell your daughter that cats do NOT like to walked. lol I want a medium sized dog who will walk at the pace I want to go. Whatever that means. I think its important to get your pet from the human society/pound. On my soapbox, I think they should also be spayed/neutered and chipped. Its the responsible thing to do.

My grandson will be two on Tuesday of next week. He's an amazingly busy and quite resourceful little guy. Constantly busy. I can't imagine keeping up with a two year old for any extended period of time. lol

Walking will start in earnest after I start my blood pressure medication this weekend. I'll be a turtle. Slow and steady wins the race. I've never seen that show, but I seem to be consumed by watching shows like "My 600 lb life." Glutton for punishment? I feel for these people. I honestly do. I think maybe I'll try to find something more productive and positive. TWC has exercise videos on demand. Some of them are easy, but a lot are hard and require equipment. I've just been doing my own thing and hope something sticks. I really need a scale.< /p>


Sorry forgot to answer where I'm moving to. We are moving to Fort Irwin which is in the desert in the middle of no where and its very hot, but we choose to go there to be closer to family. My mom and sister are 2 hours away in Big Bear Lake Mountains which will be nice to get away to. My husbands family is 2 hours away in the opposite direction in Los Angeles and Las Vegas is 3 hours away. Things are around just a couple hour drive to get to.

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Tawnya... a bit worried. I know you're moving and such. I hope you'll have time to check in and let us know how you're doing.


I'm trying to be more proactive in checking in. Last night I kept falling asleep after every post I would reply to and then I would wake up and reply to another one...lol...

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I keep going up and down on my weight. I became dehydrated and ill. I'm not sure if I have a kidney infection or if I was just passing stones. It kinda felt like I was passing stones yesterday and the day before. I had kidney stones one other time and was in the hospital for a few days, I also have had a bad kidney infection that has landed me in the hospital. So I don't know what it is. I know that I should be drinking more Water, but I get so busy and forget. I'm really paying for that now. I need to see the doctor, but right my husband is doing a military class and needs the car all day and we only have one car. We want to buy another car when we move, but that doesn't help now. I'm just trying to drink lots of water and I will ask my surgeon when I see him if he can check for a kidney infection. I felt so ill that I spent the last 2 days in the bath for a couple hours a day and my side was hurting. I also felt like I was running a fever, but don't know for sure, I gotta buy a new thermometer. I have gained weight from the excess water intake. I'm back to 257 :(

Today I'm feeling a little better, but I don't feel like doing anything and when I move around to much it hurts. I have so much to do. I just want to feel better. I'm working on putting my meal plans together for 2 weeks so that I can show the dietician and she can help me fill in the blank spots where I don't know what I'm going to eat. I want to start fresh with this fill and hopefully have good results. I haven't got any working out in lately, but I plan to as soon as I feel better.

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Thanks. Happy Anniversary!!!


Luckily the army comes and packs everything and has movers move it to our next location. I'm still trying to go through everything so that I don't move with stuff I don't need. My son has so many toys and he doesn't even play with half of them. He room is full and he is taking up a whole wall in my living room with all his toys. I just sold his play kitchen, tool bench, and tent with tunnel and his room is still full. I realized we have to much stuff. Thank goodness the army packs and moves it, because who knows how long that would take us ( we have a 4 bedroom, 3 bath, with 2 storages, and a garage full of stuff). Every time I go outside I sweat I cannot imagine when we move, it's like 88 degrees here and in the hundreds where we are moving, it even gets up to 130. I don't know how much walking outside I will do there. To bad the army doesn't unpack us...lol.....

OMG! Where are you going that its so hot??? I wonder if you could count just sitting in the sun (like a sauna, there) as exercising. I think I'd count it. hehe

Good luck on the move. I hope it doesn't put too much strain on you.


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I didn't even know what with plication meant until reading it on one of these forums. I kinda wish my doctor offered that to me. Maybe then my stomach wouldn't feel like a bottom-less pit..lol...

Something else to research. Thank you for the information.


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Sorry forgot to answer where I'm moving to. We are moving to Fort Irwin which is in the desert in the middle of no where and its very hot, but we choose to go there to be closer to family. My mom and sister are 2 hours away in Big Bear Lake Mountains which will be nice to get away to. My husbands family is 2 hours away in the opposite direction in Los Angeles and Las Vegas is 3 hours away. Things are around just a couple hour drive to get to.

Its nice to have family so close... but not TOO close. ;-) I'm in Ohio. It takes 2 hours in any direction to get out of the state. You'll have a lot of great destinations to choose from. I loved Las Vegas. Maybe too much. We missed the Grand Canyon that year. Lots of touristy things to do.


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I'm trying to be more proactive in checking in. Last night I kept falling asleep after every post I would reply to and then I would wake up and reply to another one...lol...

I love that about this place. You do have a lot to do shortly. I don't wonder that you fall asleep so easily. Don't sweat it. We'll be here when you're ready.


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I keep going up and down on my weight. I became dehydrated and ill. I'm not sure if I have a kidney infection or if I was just passing stones. It kinda felt like I was passing stones yesterday and the day before. I had kidney stones one other time and was in the hospital for a few days, I also have had a bad kidney infection that has landed me in the hospital. So I don't know what it is. I know that I should be drinking more Water, but I get so busy and forget. I'm really paying for that now. I need to see the doctor, but right my husband is doing a military class and needs the car all day and we only have one car. We want to buy another car when we move, but that doesn't help now. I'm just trying to drink lots of water and I will ask my surgeon when I see him if he can check for a kidney infection. I felt so ill that I spent the last 2 days in the bath for a couple hours a day and my side was hurting. I also felt like I was running a fever, but don't know for sure, I gotta buy a new thermometer. I have gained weight from the excess water intake. I'm back to 257 :(

Today I'm feeling a little better, but I don't feel like doing anything and when I move around to much it hurts. I have so much to do. I just want to feel better. I'm working on putting my meal plans together for 2 weeks so that I can show the dietician and she can help me fill in the blank spots where I don't know what I'm going to eat. I want to start fresh with this fill and hopefully have good results. I haven't got any working out in lately, but I plan to as soon as I feel better.

I'm sorry you get dehydrated. Is that something that is normal? Definitely check to see if you have stones. Have your husband pick up a new thermometer on the way home. I sure hope you don't have an infection. I wouldn't worry about the weight right now. Just concentrate on getting well.


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