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July Bandsters....lets Here You....

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Hang in there! I have been on vacation for the last week and there is food everywhere in sight. I have a doctor's appointment on Thursday and am scared to see the scale. But I did buy a new kindle book about how to succeed with lap band. Hope to get motivated! Best of luck everyone.

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Linda...I feel yer pain!! I've lost only 16 - and that's including the 5 I lost on the pre-op liquid diet!! I have been feeling hungry all day long, then when supper comes, I'm ravenous and want to eat everything in sight.

My DR removed about 2cc of Fluid about 3 weeks ago, when I was so so sick. So, I really have had NO restriction, either. And that's been very noticeable. I do fine during the day because I'm working in another part of my home, away from my kitchen. AND my hubby works from home, too, and I'd hate myself if he knew I was "cheating" - esp after what this is going to cost us. (the hosp bill was just under $30,000!!! Still don't know what our portion is after ins. pays theirs - but YIKES)...so considering the price ($$ and emotional), I'm really not willing to be dumb and sabotage this for myself. BUT, that's not to say I don't have my moments - like today ... bought a bag of Baked Lay's...and ate a bunch on the drive home.

I did get a fill yesterday...but today I'm not noticing any significant change. Still feeling hungry and those potato chips went down just fine. BUT I AM DONE.

NOW, you've GOT to look for those NSVs (non-scale victories!)...I KNOW there are at least a couple, right???

For me, its my rings fitting loose enough to roll around my finger. My watch fitting loosely around my wrist. My pants getting a little baggy in the butt. A friend noticing my face looks slimmer (tho I really don't see that).

ARE YOU WALKING?? Lucy asked the question...so, are you?? I have been, and I know that's helping w/ the NSVs...even tho the scale is not really moving, moving my butt IS causing other good things to happen. Do I like walking? Not really. I'd rather sit on the couch...but I know this is in MY best interest, and I'm finally realizing that "I" have to do this for "me"... tho, honestly, I'm doing it for my family, too.

Don't give up on yourself or your dream to get that 40+ lbs off by November. KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE PRIZE - of how great you'll feel when you can trek through Disney without feeling like you're gonna die...of being able to say NO to the crappy food that's in front of your face all day long...of being able to ride a ride you've always wanted to...of not feeling embarrassed or ashamed of yourself (okay, maybe that's just me!?)...

Remember, THIS IS SIMPLY A TOOL...you are still the one who controls what goes down the hatch. Choices Choices Choices. And yes, its hard and yes it makes me mad, too, some days...but you are worth it!!

Now, get out and take a walk sometime today. This does not have to be a 5K or a 1/2 marathon...Just make it 15 mins. That's 7.5 mins one way and back. Do that for the rest of this week, then next week, make it 10mins one way then back - for the whole week. For me, its daunting to think I "have" to go 30 mins. The exercise girl at my clinic says you can do three 10-min bursts, throughout the day. ITS BETTER THAN NOTHING, and I can truly promise that you'll start seeing the changes. It'll tighten your butt (which makes your pants looser!! - then you'll have to buy a smaller size because who wants a baggy butt??), and your legs (then you can wear a shorter skirt/dress!)...oh gosh, there are so many good things about it!!

So, FOCUS on your "whys" - so I can get off the floor w/o help (or a wench), so I can get up off the beach w/o people rolling their eyes, so I can cross my legs w/o having to hook a foot around something to keep it there!, so I can get my rings re-sized - smaller! -, so I can sleep on my side w/o a limb falling asleep, so I can make love to my husband with the lights on!, so I can SEE my feet when I look down, so I can move my bra hooks over one row, so I can begin to see the definition of my jaw line - and not just a jowl, so I can hold my head up higher when I'm at a school function w/ my children....those are just a few of mine. Maybe yours are the same - and maybe you have a few more or something different. FOCUS ON YOUR WHYs. (I'm preaching to myself here, too!!)...WRITE THEM DOWN!

We can do this, ladies. We've been given such a wonderful tool...we'd be crazy not to do EVERYTHING in "OUR" power to maximize its benefits and helps. Until the pain of remaining the same becomes greater than the pain of change, you will remain the same. THIS IS NOTHING compared to the pain we've all felt when we've been at our heaviest....yes??? Yes. I have hated myself for long enough.

That's my sermon for the day...and maybe it was just what "I" needed to hear from myself. So, if I've stepped on some toes, I'm sorry. BUT, if it resonates w/ you - any of you - then hold your head up and move forward. You cannot change yesterday, but you can move forward today and affect tomorrow!!



So make today a NEW DAY. A NEW ATTITUDE.

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I have had some of those victories, my rings are to big now didn't wear them today because of that. My pandora Bracelet that was tight now fits :) and I was able to buy an AL shirt that they did not have in plus sizes in an ladies extra large, my daughters say it looks great. All my other Bama shirts are 2x and are way to big now. I can get up and down my steps without cringing from knee pain, my dogs are very happy about this! No I haven't walked as much as I should, I was and then we got into this rainy pattern and everyday when I get off work it has been raining. I have exercise equipment in my basement but can not get to it because my daughter recently moved back in and has it covered with her junk but I could do some cardio instead of watching dance moms!! So that's on me! I am feeling like I could do much more as far as exercise now then I did, I was so sore after the surgery that I knew anything other than walking was not going to happen. I think I can I think I can..................

I am keeping up with exercise and what I eat on myfitness pal, it's been a great help to me.

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See.....YOU ARE MAKING PROGRESS!! Woo-hoo!! Gosh, Linda, those are some awesome victiories.

Yes, we'll have a few set-back. I mean, good grief, we didn't get here since last week and we ain't gonna get "there" by next week! A lifetime of bad habits and crummy attitudes take a while to adjust...so we gotta give ourselves TIME.

I realize the urgency you feel about this upcoming trip. That's a lot of pressure...so lets just take it one day at a time. Control what YOU can control = food intake. Do what you can to MOVE each day. Do you know Leslie Sansone? You can pop in one of her DVDs and do a "walk" right in your livingroom!

Be proud of what you are seeing. That is truly something to Celebrate - and just remind yourself of how much better its going to get!!

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I am 6 weeks post op and (Linda) you seem to be right on track with where you "should be" considering that everyone is different even you are still right in the same range as most. Try not to get discouraged.

Are you drinking enough? I notice several people say if they don't they feel hungrier than they should. Also, yesterday I went for my 6 week checkup and first fill (I have lost 23 lbs post surgery on 7/25). They asked about my exercise. I said well, I had been walking except the past week it has been raining, etc. (justifying it in my mind). The nurse followed up with well, is there somewhere nearby you can walk indoors with winter coming, etc. I said, I know, I know.. I am only 2 miles from the mall and can walk there. She said she was just planting a seed for me to think about but it was a little "aha" moment for me that I was making excuses as I really could have been walking if I wanted. You are doing well and there are ways you can help aid the process too (ie. cleaning off the treadmill, or walking at a local mall or gym, etc). Try not to put so much pressure about your trip though and take each day as they come. You are not a failure. There are things you can do to help aid your weight loss but certainly are doing well.

As for your portion sizes, I would suggest measuring out your cup of food, putting that on your plate and that is what you eat. When you freely serve yourself you will overserve/overeat much easier. If you measure it, eat what you measured/served and that is what you can have. If you are really physically hungry (not head hungry) between meals, try upping your liquid intake or have a small healthy snack in between (hard boiled egg, cottage cheese, yogurt, etc) so you don't get to the point of "starving" and wanting to gorge at your next meal.

Good luck ~ look forward to the trip in excitement, not angst. :)

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That is great advice. There truly is no where close by that I can walk indoors. I live in a rural area 20-30 miles from the nearest mall and the area I work in doesn't have anything that I would go to because it's such a bad area, I stay at my office and don't really go out much. I could do the "walk" in my home, I will have to look that up, never heard of her. I am posting a picture of me in that new shirt. (Bad hair day it's so humid)

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Leslie Sansone is the QUEEN of "Walk At Home"...she has a boat-load of DVDs, available EVERYWHERE. You can get them reasonably priced from Amazon, if you want to have them mailed (since you live outside town). You cannot go wrong. She's very motivating, and most of her walking 'crew' are all testimonials of her program...some of the gals on my DVDs have lost more than 100 lbs with Leslie!!

She does have a meal plan/program, but you can just do her walking DVDs. No special equipment or clothing -- just a little space (she'll tell you to move the coffee table!), and you can choose how long/far to go with her. Most of the DVDs are set up in 1, 2, 3 or more miles, with a break in between.

A couple years ago, I was doing a 4 mile...straight!! Its a workout. I did get bored with it, but she has enough variety that ANYONE can go a long time and not run out of routines. She's perky and fun and lives her walk! Literally.

Dawn had so many great points...walking, Water and portions. I need to take her advice, esp on the portion-control. That's an issue for me, and I need to get with it. I know I'll see the scale start moving if I'd just do that!!

Hang in there!

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I'm going to Amazon now and looking her up, thanks I'm excited about that and yea Water I'm not getting enough.

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:) I just bought one for $7.00 :) woohoo!!!!!!!!!

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AWESOME!! This will be such a great kick-start for you...woo-hoo!!

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6 weeks since I had my surgery and they can't find the port. My 1st fill was two weeks ago and they ran into problems finding my port due to swelling and scar tissue. They said they may have got 2 to 3 cc's in, so today needing a fill very bad I go back. Same problem today I still have swelling and this time they even got the sonogram machine on me and still can't really find the port. Now I have to go back on Monday for some type of xray(fluoroscope) to see if they can see the port. I'm very upset and nervous about this, I really hope there is not a problem because if they have to go back in I don't know what I'll do. They poked me several times and I still don't think we got anything, I'm so confused and now very sore, bruised and swollen.

Please tell me has anyone else had this happen to them :(

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Oh, Linda...bless your heart...how frustrating and confusing, to be sure!! Oh wow...

Here's where I am on this experience: I was in on Tuesday for a fill. I am certain my appt was missed in their books - I was called last week to see if I could move my 8:45am to 2pm. Sure.

I show up before 2 and the receptionist was clearly scattered about me being there. She asked my name a couple times (new girl - not the usual gal who knows me)...but she assured me it was all fine.

Forty minutes later, I went to the desk and said, "Do I need to reschedule?" No, someone would be right now.

The nurse came and got me, asked me a check-list of questions, then the surgeon came in.

He was CLEARLY in a hurry, but asked me the routine things and proceeded to agree that I needed to get some Fluid back in there, since he'd removed 2cc a few weeks ago. So, he gave me the numbing shot, then DID NOT WAIT for it to take effect, but began prodding around, stuck the needle in and sort of dug around, and I could tell he was injecting the Fluid.< /p>

And in under 3 minutes (i'm guessing) he was out the door.

Yesterday and today, I feel NO different than I did before I went. I wonder if he didn't get the saline into the band at all??? I, too, was sore and slightly bruised...but it sounds like NOTHING like you've experienced.

I'm guessing that because I carry lots of my weight right in the middle, that finding the head of the port IS challenging, but it sure seems it should not be impossible...

Oh, Linda, I hope they get things sorted out for you, dear. Hopefully the 'attaching' part of the procedure was done correctly during the surgery and that the thing isn't just rattling around in there!! We'll pray its not so -- just that it has shifted slightly and that the fluoroscope settles it once and for all.

Hang in there...stay focused on good things (not food!!) and keep looking up! You are in my prayers!


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I am so sorry to hear the fills have been such a struggle. I had my second one yesterday and it seems to be okay. But I am feeling like it is pretty tight. I couldn't even eat yogurt this morning. So i am back on the Protein Shakes (yum, I know!). I am trying some that are in the refrigerator section and have more calories. They are more expensive but are much better than what I had before and its only for two days. I lost 3 more lbs since my last fill three weeks ago. So getting close to the 20 lb mark. I also read a very inspirational book called Lapband and Laughter. The author went through all of the ups and downs of her 3 year experince. I would recommend it for anyone needing motivation. Here's the link: http://lapbandsandlaughter.com.au/

All the best,


PS I am going to the Bahamas in January and think that is a good goal for a little more weight loss.

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Melissa....girly, YOU ROCK! We are all so proud of you...even tho these first hours after your fill seem to be a challenge. YOU CAN MAKE IT...and oh my gosh..THE BAHAMAS! How awesome is that?? TALK ABOUT MOTIVATION to do this....wow!!

Just think, you could potentially have more than 20 lbs off by then! That would be almost 40...and won't you feel like a million bucks??

I got a fill on Tuesday, but honestly, wonder if he even got the Fluid in??? I am STARVING and nothing is seeming to fill me up. I had a shake for b'fast (25g protein) (rather sugary, I'm afraid, but so tasty!)... I used fruit "nectar" which is pretty high in sugars...then I ate a Nature Valley Protein Bar mid-morning (10g protein), had some Water. Then for lunch I ate most of a can of Bean w/ Bacon Soup. I simply quit before I'd eaten it all, but I still felt/feel hungry!!

I am resisting going down there and eating everything in the pantry...can't do it. Want this to work SO BAD, ya know??

So, keep on keepin' on...it'll work. We just gotta do our part to un-do what we did!!


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Thank you, Kim! I am thinking about a good goal for vacation in January. I want to set something challenging and realistic so I can make it. 20 more lbs might be the right number. This is my second time losing weight. I lost about 80 before on weight watchers. I even maintained for five years or so. But I went back to work full time and disrupted my eating and work out schedule and I gained it all back within about a six month period of time. My career has been a great success but my health has suffered. I have had the weight on for the last three years or so. And I remember how good I felt when I was at my goal. I wasn't super skinny but I was a perfectly fine and healthy. I am soooo ready to be back at that place. I am sorry you are hungry. I wonder if you can ask for more of a fill? Or try lots of Water. Or any distraction. It is so difficult. But you can do it.

If you'd like to see pictures I am on Facebook at Melissa McCabe Gombosky. I am just too lazy to upload them here!!

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