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Wow, new folks to chat... Hey guys, I had to actually work all day. I will try an post about the ever so exciting life I am living (lol) after I get back from the Gym.


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Cindy, if you are at .5cc then you can probably use a fill and it shouldn't make you pb at all. I know everyone is different, but I didn't even feel my fill until I hit 2.5cc, but when they put 3.0cc in, I was not liking it at all. I am at 2.80cc now and it is fine. I can still gulp Water, and eat almost anything I want. I don't do bread by choice though, or rice, etc. I have to say even though I have had a lot of fills, I still hit many long plateaus, but I just kept doing the same thing and eventually it would drop. Just remember that if you do get too tight, you can always have some removed.

Zan - that is so cool that you saw Carrie!

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OK. I must get some points for doing the gym thing two nights in a row, right? It's pretty pathetic, though. I have to walk pretty slowly to keep my heart-rate on target.

The good news is that my Sadistic Spouse will force me to go back and do it again, tomorrow...Wait - did I say that was GOOD news?? grrr. My knees are Not happy campers right now. I guess we'll all have to get over it...

We Texans are going to have a little get-together in Irving on Saturday, so I am getting all excited about that. Now all I have to do is soothe my DH's feelings of neglect. My friend Cathy was here this weekend, and now I have a hot date with y'all on Saturday, and he is feeling a bit neglected. Aside from the obvious wife-thing, anybody have any suggestions?

Cindy - Re: To Fill or Not to Fill... I have read posts from people where even as little as .2cc makes ALL the difference. Maybe just a small one? If you are hungry and feeling out of control, then go for it.

Zan - cool tidbit about Carnie. It's good to know that she has kept the weight off. I expect the motivation of a public carreer would be pretty strong. Don't worry about going off topic on this thread... It's all off topic. We just come here to hang out and talk about any old thing.

Seppi - How's by you? Tell us all there is to know... We love that stuff.

Maybe tomorrow I will be able to check in a little earlier... I will have to spend some time filling out the paperwork for submitting to the State Insurance Board, though. I read in another thread where BC/BS of Kentucky (I think it was KY) will not be covering ANY bariatric surgeries after 12/31/05 - so my concern that the friendly folks at Blue Cross might be stalling for time is probably accurate. I can't imagine that only ONE state will drop weight loss coverage, can you?? So, now, the race is on. I will have every scrap of paper completed and a letter written to accompany it.

I meet & greet with the surgeon next Tuesday - so I will have him review my stuff and give me some pointers. I still have time, but it will take a minor miracle...

So much for optimism... Insurance companies are from HELL. Of course, miracles could still happen - they MIGHT approve me on the first appeal, but I will not be holding my breath for that.

Anyway, I will check in with all you Merry Bandsters tomorrow... Everybody think good thoughts about SANITY prevailing over greed.


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Good Morning :mad:

I only have a few minutes b/c I have to run DD to school.

Zeppi, thats so neet you got to see Carnie. My nephew basically lives in manhatten and he as run into so many stars. His favorites are Madonna which he got to meet, and he was at a bar one night, got up to go to the bathroom and when he got back there was some guy with a BIG hat sitting in his seat. It was BOY GEORGE !! they partied all night and he had a good time.

Betty, I'm doing pretty good. I can feel it when I do to much but then its usually to late lol. I see my surgeon tomorrow at 11 am.

Beanie you go get em (the insurance co that is). Chat w/us when you have time and good for you for getting on that dreadmill !!!! As far as your DH goes.... tell him "tough titty said the kitty but the milks still good" or get over it LOL !!! men.

Cindy, you do what you feel is right for you. But you brought up some good points about hanging on to food for comfort. I agree with you and the chicklets here that just go a little at a time. All I think about is how painful this operation was and that I did it to lose weight, and I'm not going backwards. My goal is for this spring. I want to go bike riding with DD :mad: Do you have some sort of goal(s) that will keep you pumped? if not, start thinking and make some.

Okay my darlings, I must run. I'll talk to you all later :( Have a great day.

Ira, Lisa, Ray, Pat ***WAVE***

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Good Morning Y'all!

Beanie - Good for you! When I first started walking, my legs, knees, and hips hurt, but each day it got better. I think you are right about the insurance, I have heard a lot of them are dropping the WLS beginning the first of the year. Hopefully you can get things set up and going before then.

Cindy - Sometimes I have to really think am I eating right? Sometimes I find that I am eating a lot of things I shouldn't be eating and that is what is causing the problem. So, if you are eating right, then by all means have a small fill. I was really scared of getting a fill too, afraid of the PB/slime, I think everyone has those concerns, but sometimes we just have to take that chance. Like I said, if it doesn't work for you, you can have a little removed.

Eileen - Good luck at the doctor's office today! I see mushy food coming into your life! :mad: :mad: :(

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Well, I did the right thing by bucking the system and forcing an appointment with my surgeon prior to insurance approval. One of the documents I need to have completed in order to send off to the State Insurance Board needs to be completed by my doctor... the one I have never seen, yet.

YAY - I have an appointment with him on Tuesday and I can have him complete it then. So, I will be all ready with the paperwork completed and copied and ready to put into a fed-ex envelope and ship to the insurance board the day I get my answer. Can you say OVERNIGHT 8am delivery? Sure you can.

I WILL get a band - and my insurance WILL pay for it. (See my cynicism and my optimism walk hand in hand on this little journey. They are becoming best friends).

Way to go on the Chip Betty! I must confess that I ate of the evil corn only today.

Eileen - you still down from that cold? I hope you get to rest some this weekend. How's the whole Band thing going? Everything healing up well? Cheated on the liquids!! ooooooo, I'm telling your doc! (lol)

I just don't know how I will manage that whole thing - but I have always said that I could do ANYTHING for two weeks... It will just be nostalgia for those long ago times when I was young and poor and occassionally hungry. (Thank goodness I worked at a restaurant - I knew I would get at least one meal a day, no matter what!)

Cindy, I understand your fear of the dreaded PB - but I hear that they CAN be avoided with care. I have been sort of observing myself lately when I eat. Chewing is going to be the hardest part for me. When I get hungry, I INHALE the food... I am trying to work on it now - but it is hard to do if there are no consequences to worry about.

Well Folks, I have to run. Another glorious night on the Dreadmill.... I tried the bike, I really did - but I could only hack it for THREE minutes. My knees just would not take it. Plus, they kept hitting my big ol' belly - pretty demoralizing, and even painful. *sigh* I guess tonight I will have to embarrass myself on the eliptical machine... Just be sure and watch the late news... I might be on it as a point of humor...


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Beanie, your diabolical plan appears to be working! I am keeping my fingers crossed for you!

All of you guys are right...and I'll call tomorrow to schedule a fill, though it might not be until the week of Thanksgiving, because I have some time off then. I think I'm tired of being a turtle.

Beanie, you're funny! I love the words you use like "dreadmill"! You just have a wonderful attitude, and thanks for that!

Betty, absolutely correct! I'm not always eating the best I could, and that has to contribute to the slow losing, and maybe since I feel hungry, I am easier tempted to the Halloween candy? There's only one way to find out, so let's get on with it! Thanks!

I'm feeling bad and have been since Tuesday...but I thought it would get better with each day. Instead, it has gotten worse...maybe I'll call in sick tomorrow, but that is such a wrestle with my conscience! So, I'll see how sleep is tonight, and how I am feeling in the morning.

Everyone, have a good night...

Until tomorrow, Cindy

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Aw, Heck. I stole Dreadmill from Eileen!! She's the clever one... I just plagarize at opportune moments. :]

Aside from the constant burning feeling in my knees, I don't feel too bad after 3 days of excercise. (I am continuing based on the belief that eventually, it will stop hurting...)

Maybe that is what I will do for my next Chip. 4 days a week at the gym. We will call this week one. (yep, we are going tonight...) Although, I suppose if I wanted it to mean something, I would make it FIVE days... Hmmm. I will have to think about that.

I have the "no snacking after dinner" thing down. Now I just have to maintain that...

Cindy - I hope you are at home resting... Take care of yourself, first.

Well, it's another glorious day in mortgage lending... Nothing new here and no exciting plans for the weekend other than the little visit to Irving tomorrow.

Anybody else have exciting plans? How is everybody? Check in, People.


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Hi, all! Yes, I am at home resting, if you call reading LBT and shopping on Ebay resting! Still, I am not talking and running around a classroom, so it is rest in that way.

I want to thank everyone for the support in my decision "to fill or not to fill". I called this morning and made an appointment for next Thursday afternoon...this time they had afternoon appointments, so I can work 1/2 day (our busiest time) and take off at lunch and drive over there. I am actually excited now, and not nervous...it takes me a while to process something, then when I decide, I DECIDE! I really am tired of turtleville, and ready to kick it up a notch! LOL!

I wanted to be at 240 for my birthday, so I still think I have a fair chance of it.

Did ya'll see my DD's Halloween picture posted on the Halloween costumes thread Nana started?

I think I will go take a little snoozeroo...and check back here this afternoon!

Happy Friday! Cindy

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Beanie you go girl, sickem!! I am very proud of you for starting on the dreadmill. This is JMHO but when I was over 300 lbs, I could not exercise. It just hurt to much. What I would do is walk. I did not want to do damage to my knees or ankles. It wasn't until I was about 200 lbs that I started to exercise. I felt more comfortable. So what I'm trying to say is, don't push it with the fancy equipment and such, I truly believe that the walking is EXCELLENT for you and even if its 15 minutes a day. The more you lose, the more you'll "feel" like doing. It will automatically come. YEAH on the doc appt :D :D :D WHOOHOOO !!!

Cindy, I'm really glad you decided to go for the fill. I bet you'll reach your goal for your birthday :D I have not seen the thread w/your DD's picture...but Im gonna go check it out.

I went to the doc today and lost 13 lbs in 1 and 1/2 weeks. I didn't tell them I gradulated myself to thick liquids but I did say I was ready for food and the doc said just to go slow.... They also told me to go on Vitamins... I just stood there and smiled and he said Oh, guess your already on them.. I said yes :D hehehehe. No exercising for me yet, they said a few more weeks (like 4). Also no fill for me for another 2 months. Thats okay b/c that will put me past the holidays. I just hope I don't gain during the holidays LOL. OY.

Whats everyone doing this weekend? I know you Texas girls are meeting up, thats gonna be a blast !! Wish I could be there.

My cold is still dragging me down but I'm able to do what I have to.

How is everyone today ????

Luv Yah's :)

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13 Lbs, that's great!

Well, I'm in a pretty good way because I have 3 whole days off in a row! Today and the weekend. My wife went to the craft show at the meadowlands, so I had Zach all day after he got home from school. I'm not sure what we are doing over the weekend but at least it's not work.

I heard back from a second Life Insurance company, better news, they don't want to talk to me until 6 months after the surgery. (the first one wanted to make sure I was still alive after a full year) So as long as I don't die in the next 3 months, I guess it will be OK. When this is all over, I will do something positive with all this frustration and find a way to let future banders know how to avoid this for themselves.

Halloween wasn't to bad, we never get trick or treaters so there was not candy around, but I did crack during Zach's party because DW put out a spread with tortilla chips and guacamole etc. I broke down and had two or three fully loaded chips with a small glass of sangria. Thanksgiving will be no big deal food-wise for me but Chirstmas and New Years will be a challenge. I know I can't eat the pizza Bagels, but the miniature hot dogs should go down as easy as a chicken nugget.

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Good Morning :)

Its a beautiful day today, the weather is expected to be in the 70's... no wonder I can't shake this cold LOL.

Watcha all got planned? Nothing much here, just cooking, cleaning, visiting MIL, a trip to the park.

Ira, its good not to have trick or treaters, it keeps the unwanted candy out of the house... okay wanted candy lol. What is with the life insurance people, don't they see the band is a good thing?



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Good Morning!

It's going to be a pretty day here today too, in the 80's.

I'm excited about going to Irving and meeting the other gals. I do have my camera ready to go, just so I don't walk out and forget it! :);):)

Tomorrow we will be watching the race, but other than that, no special plans for the weekend.

Catch you all later!

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Good Morning :)

Yes its pretty darn early lol. I love the mornings, nice and quiet and peaceful.... coffeeeeeeeeee.

So whats everyone got on the agenda for today? For me its church, then a visit to see my MIL in the rehab place they put her. She is doing well. then home to cook some skettie and meaty balls for DH and DD. I'll also make some salsbury steaks for him for the week's dinners. Thadda be it.



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Good Morning!

I think we are going gor a ride as soon as it warms up a little bit. I am cooking Breakfast right now, then do a little housework, then go riding, then watch the race and do some more cooking etc. Nothing special today!

I really enjoyed meeting the girls yesterday, it's always nice to know the person you visit with each day here, it puts a whole new meaning to your posts.

I am also wanting to check in on some family I have in Illinois, sounds like a bad storm hit there and I want to make sure they are ok.

Catch y'all later!

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