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Blog Comments posted by tonya66

  1. I really hate the scale sometimes, I really do. Today is one day I want to kick it and stomp on it and throw it against the wall and smash the little head in!

    I've done sooooo good, I have great restriction, was on liquids for three days, and when I did start back to eating, I ate good lean protein. So what the heck is the problem with the scale GOING UP? AND NOT GOING DOWN!

    Weighed this morning at 165.1. What the *&()^)_(y%$# - I was cursing at that little demon this morning! Oh, makes me so livid mad, tempting to go get a donut from my bosses desk, but I refrained! Plus, not sure if a donut would even go down without some sliming, lol.

    Anyhow, just coming to vent this morning. As you can tell, the scale has put me in a fowl mood today!

    I was thinking about me being "a scale whore", I just gotta have it everyday, every morning, gotta have my scale fix. Sometimes I love it, I can see the numbers going down, but today it was just a disgusting habit! grrrrrrr:mad::sad::biggrin:

  2. I am loving my restriction! Its not too tight, no acid reflux and I feel full after a few bites! Yay!

    I do notices that I'm wide open in the evening, but have really good restriction in the day time. I need to focus on eating good protein in the evening to help with my hunger so I don't pig out.

    I also notice I snack too much, a candy kiss here, a candy kiss there, No more candy kisses! I must keep my dirty hands out of the candy dish!

    Exercise - I MUST pick it up again, slacker this week.

    I'm about to head to the gym now!

    Menu today:


    coffee w/cream

    1 boiled egg

    2 slices of bacon


    salad with roasted chicken

    (candy kiss, candy kiss, candy kiss - grrrrr)


    Protein shake - just not that hungry tonight.

  3. what contributed to your weight gain? Just curious? Could there be a leak? Or do you think that you just became complacent and not watching what went in your mouth? We all get that way at times?

    I'm just asking so maybe your experience can help others, can you share a little more on your battle. The good news is like your title states - Your back! We are all battling this thing together. The great news that you do have a little helper called "the Band", its always there ready to help you when your ready to use it. You have proven you can do it, so dont be discouraged and we can do it together!

  4. I went for "hopefully" my very last fill yesterday. The doctor added about 2/10th of a cc and it was a bit much, so he withdrew (he said less then 1/10th). I really don't know what I have in my band, but I think right at 4cc's in a 4cc band. I am on liquids/soft foods for three days. I'm hoping this is the fill that gets me to goal. Only 15 pounds until goal - I'm so close I can smell - taste - and see the goal in sight! Below is my fill history.

    Fill #1 - 3/6/07 - 2.2cc's

    Fill #2 - 4/17/07 - 3.0cc's

    Fill #3 - 7/6/07 - 3.5 cc's (I think it was only 2.5cc's because when I went back for fill #4, he could only w/draw 1.8 cc's)

    Fill #4 - 7/20/07 - filled me back to 3.0 ccs - He should have filled me more!

    Fill #5 - 8/17/07 - 3.4cc's

    Fill #6 - 10/08/07 - filled me to 3.8cc's - the best restriction I've ever had,but still could eat big bites of food, so I figured I needed to be tighter.

    Fill #7 - 11/21/07 filled to 4.0 cc's. By the evening could not hold anything down, not even my saliva. PBing all night - horrilble experieince

    UNFILL #1 - 11/23/07 - unfilled to somewhere between 2.5 to 3.0 cc's - NO RESTRICTIONS AGAIN :sad:

    Fill #8 - 1/18/08 Went in and the doc filled me back up to just right under 4.0, according to Flouro, it was perfect. Well, by next morning, could not hold down saliva again, ended up back in hospital

    UNFILL #2 - 1/19/08 - Doctor had to unfill me to 3.0 again because of the swelling from all the PBing for being too tight. Again, NO RESTRICTION - :biggrin:

    Fill #9 - 2/12/08 - 3.5 cc's - was tight for about a week, now feel lose again. grrrr, still have "some" restriction, just not quite enough! Next fill scheduled for 4/7/08 - I hate that it takes sooooooo long to get in to see the fill doc.

    FILL #10 - 4/7/08 The doc just added .4cc's, making me at 3.9cc's. I think this might be the one!

    FILL #11 - Was scheduled on 6/25/08 - but the doc did not fill me up, I was leaving for a cruise on 6/27 so he didn't want to risk me being too tight, so did not get a fill.

    FILL #11 - 8/5/08 Went for a fill, this time the doc took all my fill out and all he could get out was 2.4 cc's. Filled me up to 4.0 cc's, I left, had to go right back because I could not drink, he took out a little over .2 cc's, he said I'm somewhere between 3.5 to 3.7 cc's. - I had great restriction for 2 weeks, but It has now loosened some. I feel I might need a tad more. I'm worried I have a very slow leak.

    UNFILL #3 - 8/5/08 - Took a little over .2 cc's out, had pretty good restriction, but still a tad too lose.

    FILL #12 - 9/17/08 - Added just 1/10th of a cc - I think I'm somewhere between 3.8 to 3.9 cc in a 4cc band. I am hoping and praying this is the fill that I stop with! I do not have another appointment for another fill, will wait this one out and see.

    Fill #13 - 10/06/08 - Doc added about 2/10's of a cc. He took everything out and put it all back in and said I was about 3.7 to 3.8cc's. - which is where he said I was last time.

    FILL #14 - 11/10/08 - Doc took everything out and I had about 3.6cc's, which is pretty good. He then filled me up to just under 4.0cc's I believe I'm about 3.9cc's. I ate some canned peaches and set around the office for a bit, made sure none came back up. Seems to be doing good so far. I hope this is my last fill!

    FILL #15 - 08/10/09 - Added about 1/10th of a cc. I think I'm right at 4.0 cc. Wt on the morning of my fill was at 165. But was very bloated from steroids I was on for the previous week.

  5. Hello girl, how in the world are you? I tried to post a comment on your blog but you have it set up for not comments. I wanted to tell you what a great idea and great thing your doing with the foundation of Start the healing. You look absolutely beautiful! I also saw your pics in your album. stunning girl! You go!

  6. Well, I got my happy butt out of bed this morning at 5:00 am and headed to the gym. I'm on a roll. lol. I did 35 min on the elliptical. I knew that tonight was going to be busy and I needed to do my exercise in the am if I was going to get it done, and I did it! Yay for me! I'm patting myself on the back right now....pat, pat, pat.

    Okay, enough of my bragging. Today's menu:

    Bfast - Matabolism is going crazy because I am STARVING!

    fresh tomatoes and carrots, dipped in hummus. yum yum

    Snack Ww yogurt - 1 WW point

    Lunch - the rest of my lunch from Applebees from yesterday. Talapia & broccoli. yum. Only 7 WW points for the entire meal.

    Dinner - Low fat chick tortillia soup - 4 ww pts

    Snack - Skinny cow ice cream sandwhich (2 WW points)

    Exercise - 35 min on Elliptical

  7. Well its Wednesday night, I just made it back from the gym, had a GREAT workout. I am trying to savor this feeling, so the next time I want to blow the workout off, I need to recall this wonderful feeling I have right now after my workout......

    Ate very clean today -

    Bfast - got so busy and didn't really eat bfast (something I don't like to do is skip bfast - bad me)

    Lunch - Went to applebees had the grilled talapia with broccoli, only ate 1/2 my meal, I will eat the rest tomorrow for lunch.

    Dinner - made a low fat chicken tortillia soup, skipped the tortillia chips. Very good and filling!

    Snack - had 4 grape tomatoes (that I personally grew in my garden) and 3 TBSP of hummus

    I'm about to go take a shower, get ready for bed and come relax on my couch and watch a little TV and have a small bowl of Red seedless grapes. Yum!

    Wt this morning was still up......163.4 grrrrr.


  8. Wow, its been a month since I posted? I should be ashamed of myself.

    Whats new, well, shoulder is still not healed, and really struggling these days to even get any exercise in. Well, to be honest, I haven't exercised in awhile, and I finally made it back to the gym last night. I am not lifting weight since I have an injury but I am doing cardio.

    Eating has been on and off. We went on vacation July 4th week and that started me down the bad path. It took 3 weeks for me to quit eating bad and get back on track.

    I am finally back on track and trying to get back to exercising.

    I guess I just a break from everything, eating right, exercising and blogging. I'm refocussed again and will start blogging again. It holds me accountable.

    Bfast - protein shake

    Lunch - FF tuna salad with 4 crackers

    Snack - grapes (red seedless)

    Dinner - roasted chicken and fresh tomatoes

    snack - Skinny Cow ice cream bar

    Exercise - 30 min on elliptical machine.

    wt - this morning 162.9 grrrrrrr

  9. Okay, I was doing great on my 84 day challenge, then on day 10, I was exercising, lifting weights and I felt something very wrong in my shoulder.

    I went to the doctor and it turn out I tore my rotary cuff - hurts like a dickens. So no weights for the upper body for awhile.....the doctor said it can take 6 mos to a year to heal, and I could have to have surgery, but we are trying physical therapy first.

    Anyhow, so I will stick to cardio and lower body workouts.

    I will be leaving for vacation Saturday afternoon, I plan on exercising while we are on vacation. We are going to our family cabin in the mountains and I will be in control of what I eat, so I think I can eat pretty healthy too.

    I'm looking forward to so R&R. My goal on this vacation is to LOSE WEIGHT, even if its just a pound. My last 5 vacations have been on a cruise, and I always gain! So this is the first vacation in awhile without gourmet food. lol. I will be doing the cooking, and let me tell ya, it won't be gourmet! hehehehe.

    Okay, I will post when I get back to my blog - My goal is to be at 158 when I get back home, thats 1 lbs lighter. Hopefully I will be more, but I will be thrilled with 1 lbs lighter!

  10. OMG, shoot me now and put me out of my pain!!!! That's exactly how I feel, my butt hurts so bad, it hurts to sit, it hurts to walk, I'm in so much pain.

    Those lunges yesterday did me in for sure! I had such a great lower body workout yesterday, but I sure feel it today. Ouch, I'm hurting!

    But, onward we go with the challenge, I will not quit, I will not stop, I'm going all the way to the end!



    Bfast - protein shake, added a TBSP of peanut butter to it

    M2 - peach, string cheese

    M3 - hummus, carrtos

    M4 - salad, grilled chicken

    M5 - turkey chilli,veggies

    M6 - WW ice cream bar

    Exercise - Cardio, HIIT,

    Wt - didn't weigh

    Notes - I'm sooooooooooo sore! :(

  11. So far I've stuck to my plan. Now, I'm only on day 3, but hey, I'm still proud of myself. :(

    I'm soooo sore today from my upper body workout on Monday, but I do a lower body workout today, so shouldn't be a problem.

    I'm already seeing changes, I know it sounds impossible, but I really feel skinnier, even if the scales haven't moved much. So I know that I'm building muscle and working off some fat!

    Today's plan:

    M1 - yogurt mixed with cottage cheese

    M2 - hummus, veggies

    M3 - stuffed bell pepper (only 1/2), edamame beans, cantelope

    M4 - peach, string cheese

    M5 - 3 oz chicken breast, spinach

    Snack - WW ice cream bar (I'm addicted to these and they are only 2 pts!)

    Exercise - Lower Body workout

    Wt 160.7 - grrrrr up from 159, but I'm okay, my body does that quite often. I drop, then bounce back up, then drop again a few more pounds. So I'm not upset at all.:)

  12. Yay, I did it! I got my happy fat butt up and went to the gym at 5:00 am this morning and did my cardio. Per the BFL challenge, I am to do my cardio 3x's per week first thing in the morning.

    So, today was cardio day, I sure didn't want to get up, but I forced myself up and did it. Feels so good to have won this morning! I didn't let my evil twin talk me into staying in bed, lol. Usually I get this little voice in my head and that says "oh, come on, you don't have to get up, you can work out tonight". But this time, I just got up and did it. Yay!

    Menu today:


    cottage cheese mixed with yogurt

    Meal 2

    hummus (2 TBSP)


    Meal 3

    Turkey meatloaf

    edamame beans

    Meal 4


    string cheese

    Meal 5

    Stuffed Bell Pepper

    Wt - Didnt weigh this morning.

  13. its a 12 week program - intense exercise and eating every 3 to 4 hours to build your muscles and burn fat. You can find more information at www.bodyforlife.com. You should look at the before and after pictures of all these people, its amazing and its done in 12 weeks. My friend entered the contest in 2005 and won! At that time, she won $50K, just for getting her body in shape. Anyhow, its a good program so I decided to do it again.

  14. Okay, I decided to start the BFL challenge AGAIN...I've only done it once completely. Usually I don't make it to the end of the 12 weeks, but this time, I'm going to do it!

    I did it about 18 months ago and had good results, so I need to focus on the results I had and not the "working out 6 days a week". I know I can do it, I just need to do it!

    I took my before pics last night, so I can compare my pics every 4 weeks and compare my changes.

    I brought my workout clothes with me to work, so I can workout during lunch, there is NO EXCUSES.

    Menu today


    yogurt mixed with cottage cheese


    hummus/carrot sticks


    3 0z chicken

    spinach salad



    1 string cheese



    Exercise - Upper Body work out

    Wt - 159.1 - Yay, in the 150's!!!!!

  15. Yay, its Friday!!!! I love Fridays! Knowing that I don't work the next day is just a darn good feeling.

    I ate terrible last night, didn't eat a lot, but just ate the wrong stuff!

    Again, no exercise.........

    Menu today


    Fiber One bar

    Coffee with cream


    3 oz grilled chicken

    1 cup of spinach leaves

    1 tbsp ff dressing


    WW yogurt


    4 oz steak


    taboli - only a bite or two

    maybe a bite or two of cabbage rolls

    (we're going to a labanese steak house)

    Wt - 160.7 (down .4 from yesterday)

  16. Eating has been good, exercise on the other hand, not so good.

    I don't know what in the world is my problem, just seems I have lost my mojo! I gotta get my mind right, make no more excuses and get my butt moving!

    Weighed in at weight watchers and lost another .8 lbs. Thats a total of 9.8 lbs since joing weight watchers. It has taken my 3 months to lose it, but hey, I'm losing right? I know its slow, but I'll take anything right now.

    My weight keeps bouncing around from 158 to 162, I wish it would dip down into the 150's and stay. Maybe if I would exercise it would! I really gotta get to the gym!

    Menu today:


    1/4 cantelop (1 pt)

    1 ww yogurt (1 pt)

    Dark chocolate (organic) - (2 pts)


    talapia, 3 oz (3 pts)

    Broccoli (steamed) 2/3 cup (1 pt)


    few almonds, humus (4 pts)


    3 oz grilled chicken - (3 pts)

    green beans - ( zero pts)

    WW sugar free ice cream bar (2 pts)

    Wt - AM - 161.1

  17. New Month, and new goals! This month, I WILL get back to the gym, not tomorrow, but TODAY.

    I have got to get back to exercising!!!!!

    On a good note, we had our District Convention (religion) this weekend - three day, and I ate great! I packed my lunch everyday and had hummus and carrot sticks, very filling. I would also throw in a yogurt or piece of fruit.

    Dinner consited of grilled, or smoked chicken. yum.

    When I left (Thursday I was at 159, this morning I am at 161). But my body bounces around until it decides what weight it wants to stay at. Also, traveling always makes me hold more fluid.

    I am upping my water today, and we'll see how tonights weigh in at weight watchers goes.

    I can't believe I'm getting so close to goal!!!!

  18. BG - thanks! You know - even though life threw me some curve balls in 2008 (had knee surgery, Gma died, house flouded, etc), I gained some weight, but pre-band, when life threw me some curve balls, I would gain at least 30 lbs, sometimes even 50. So, I'm grateful for the band. I know that I will never weigh 200 lbs again!

  19. 28 months ago I got the band. What a ride its been. Below are my stats - month by month - as you can see, the longer you have the band and the closer you get to goal, the harder its been for me. Some fly right to their goal, for me, its been hard work - and lots of it!

    Consultation with Doc 11/24/06 - 248.9

    Surgery Date 1/18/07 - 226

    1 mo post op (Feb 18)- 206.8

    2 mo post op (March 18) - 198

    3 mo post op (April 18th)- 193

    4 mo post op (May 18th)- 184.2

    5 mo post op (June 18th(- 178

    6 mo post op (July 18th)– 174

    7 mo post op (Aug 18th)- 178 - went on vacation and ate big (7 day cruise)

    8 mo post op (Sept 18th)- 174

    9 mo post op (Oct 18th)- 170

    10 mo post op (Nov 18th) - 167

    11 mo post op (Dec 18th) - 170 - haven’t even been trying

    12 mo post op (Jan 18th 2008)- 174 - again, not trying. But finally refocused - exactly where I was at 6 mos post op – so basically no weight loss in the past 6 mos

    13 mo post op (Feb 18th) - 183 - Ouch! started taking steroids and made my weight go up, along with not eating right and no exercise!

    14 mo post op (March 18th)- 185 - grrrrr

    15 mo post op (April 18th)- 180 - weight is finally going down, but inches are actually coming off faster since I've been exercising a lot.

    16 mo post op (May 18th)- 178

    17 mo post op (June 18th)- 175

    18 mo post op (July 18th)- 179- still not focussed:sad:

    19 mo post op -(Aug 18th) - 178 - focussed again - This time I am committed to getting to goal and will not stray! I do not ever want to see the 180's again!

    20 mo post op (Sept. 18) - 171 - :cursing:

    21 mo post op (Oct 18) - 168

    22 mo post op (Nov 18) - 169 - I am focussed and doing good, but need to get back to exercising. I want to hit 160 by year end.

    23 mo post op (Dec 18) - 166 - only 6 more pounds to get to my goal by year end. I don't think it will happen, but I will continue to try.

    24 mo post op (Jan 18, 2009) - 168 - had hysterectomy and gained from all the fluid due to surgery

    25 mo post op (Feb 18) - 168 - not losing, maintaining - joined Weight Watchers to give me some accountability and some structure.

    26 mo post op (March 18) - 165 - WW going slow, but finally moving down again

    27 mo post op (April 18) - 165 - grrrr -

    28 mo post op (May 18) - 160 - FINALLY, almost out of the 160's. The lowest I have been in YEARS! 5 lbs away from being at a healthy weight, and 15 lbs away from my ultimate goal of 145!!!

    Had my Weight Watchers meeting last night, I hit my 5% goal of weight loss, so I was excited. I'm half way to my goal of 10% - which would put me to 17 lbs and at a healthy weight (with clothes on).

    WW scales last night read 163.2 - fully clothed, my scales read 160 - first thing in the am in my bday suit. I go by my scales since that is the way I've weighed all along.

    It feels so good to be so close to being HEALTHY. My BMI was at 25.89. I want to get it to around 23. Something below 25. I love my band, but its a tool that I have to work with, not let it do all the work.

    Today's menu

    Bfast -

    Iced Mocha - non fat milk


    grilled chicken

    tossed salad


    Apple - peanut butter (1 TBS)



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