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Blog Comments posted by Ladykron4

  1. Congrats I still find myself stopping at the plus size and thinking god nothing fits and these are just ugly. They my 4 beautiful daughters tell me, mom other side remember... Being Fat is like a habit hard to break. Take a pic of you in the bra and panties and feel sexy.. Just my size is no longer my modo...

  2. Hitting under 200 was just the start, Just continue to do what your doing and do it slow. Change things up, you have to remember your body adapts to a routine. Change it up incrase your food intake from 3 meals a day to 6oz snacks about every 3-4 hours your body may need more fuel.. I did this and I have lost 200lbs since Feb 08 Im on my way to the 2yrs mark. After Each adjustment I usually do shakes for 2days then move up to soft food. So for the 24-48hours I can clense my body.. Now I just cleanse every 30days. Slow is better.

  3. Its about moderation I still eat cookie dough but its only a taste and the size of a baby spoon just enough to satisfiy my taste and move forward dont make the food your enemy experiment with Splenda Surgar I will bake cookies sugar free now and have so much fun coming up with new ones with my kids.

  4. If your only eating 3 meals a day try increasing your snacks is what I call them I went from 3 to 8 snacks a day but they were only 6oz and not over that.. Some days smaller some days not.. You have to remember you are the one in control now.. Just continue with your band adjustments and support groups and the key rules Protein first, then veggies then Fruits.. I am 2yrs post op in Feb and have lost 200lbs I also now work for a Bariatric surgeon.. Pack your meals so your never left with bad choice and not eating. Skipping meals is the worst enemy you will have, and exercise.. Swimming, walking, I joing the walk for a cure so not only am I walking for the cure Im walking for my health... Get involved and make your family make the healthy changes if that is the problem and as well cooking for the family is different the only cook the way you eat and they will have to change as well.. You family will be alot healthier for it.

  5. I am 2yrs post op in Feb 08 I have a glass every so often. Just remember you live for you life and want to enjoy is not to be miserable. You are in control of your weight. Tell your husband you quit smoking and drinking and are replacing these habits for sex.. Having fun burning calories.. Or if that doent work get the kids up go outside for a walk, playing with the kids and replace the bad habit with a good one for the family after all they will all have to change with you.. Email me at anytime. I also have to advantage of working for a Bariatric Surgeon

  6. Here is the thing with the band you are always in control, Always take snacks with you so when your straned you have the choice in what you eat. 3lbs were you having a menstral cycle possible just getting off or getting ready to start. Weight will flux sometimes around that time I usually get very well restriction and put on about 8lbs. Never feel guilty this is not and exact science. The 6oz rule only eat 6oz every 3-4 hours eat protein first, then veggies then fruits and always prepare in advanced. I am post of 2yrs in Feb and have had to adjust to so many things Ups downs and making a choice to put myself forward. Some time sabbatoge comes in different forms, You just have to say I live for me and me alone, Since I live by that rule I am much happier and my family seems to have finally grasped it. Took them awhile. I also have the advantage of working for a surgeon too now.. Get your adjustments, go to support groups and find friends that are into being healthy and active.. Think of your relationships with family and friends and think about the Toxic relationships they may pose with you.. Mine was my mother and old friends. I just had to tell them I no long had and intrest in being their eating partners. Its so hard to say no and its so hard to do with family.. Im just so glad I did and you may loose friends like I have but I have so much more gained the most luving supportive family I could have ever imagined... I am always here.. Just hang in there...

  7. I am 2yrs post op in Feb and have lost 200lbs It wasnt easy but now I run circles around my 18,17,15 and 13yr olds. HA to them and my family well as for that If they cant handle it tough. Its all about you now..

  8. My goal was to never walk into the handicap stall in the restroom, but you get so much more from that. Let the world know baby, Because as the watch you enjoy your weight loss, the journey you will have and the feeling of being sexy, energized and flaunting how happy your are.. This you your life and welcome to the new happier chapter. Shout it from the roof tops, I LUV ME, I AM DOING THIS FOR ME BECAUSE I CHOOSE LIFE. I cant wait for your journey and to help you along the way

  9. It takes time. You can try increasing your food intake from 3 meals to 6oz every 3-4 hours I am Post Op 2yrs in Feb and have lost quite a bit of weight. Mine was slow at first and I felt like I was starving all the time. So I increased my food intake I eat 6-8 Snacks a day and cheat once a week.. We are here to help you try various things and live life. 5Lbs was more than you every lost previously. The slower you loose the weight the longer it stays off as well as not looking like a sharpe puppy. LOL After my post op I moved to Vegas and now work for my after care Bariatric surgeon now. So It is all still a learning curve. Maintain your band adjustments, attend support groups and try different things to see what works for you.. Call on me at any time Best of Luck

  10. You will be so suprised in how much you are willing to give up before surgery. I was a pepsi queen now I live for life not for food. I eat what ever I want excluding Carbs and have a cheat once a week. I am post op 2yrs in Feb 08.. Welcome to the rest of your life.

  11. Your husband is just afraid for you and worried about the surgery as mine was. But baby welcome to the rest of your life. This is your body, your choice and sometimes know one understands you.. I am post op 2yrs in Feb I have lost 200lbs and luv it. My family now realized I did this for me and to be here for them, I can run, play out last anyone of them now.. I feel sexy and confident and enjoy my life. I also after surgery moved to Vegas where I have found a home working with a Bariatric Surgeon so we have learned from each other.. You biggest fear is I have failed at everything else what if I fail at this.. You wont. We are here to help and support you in anyway possible. Stick to the shakes I can email you some great recepies that I had to come up with because you get tired of them. I still continue to use my shakes every so often. You need to put your self before you family this time so they will be able to enjoy you longer. Hopefully give them a run for their money.. I am so happy for you.. Good luck hope so see you in the post op period email me any time and if you want my number to call let me know.

  12. Never Never feel bad about eating. You are eating less and doing great. I am 2yrs Post op as of Feb 08 and I find myself having a Cheat once a week to my treat I have lost 200lbs. It seems like it takes time. Just relize while traveling the different Altitudes you can have restriction when traveling and if you still have a menstral cycle. Just remember hot liquids first when you feel restriction, also Stress can cause restriction as well as pain.. Trust me been thru it all. Im am ever so greatful to work for a surgeon now and we both have learned from each other to you can email me at any time for any reason. We are not alone and Never, Never feel guilty you are always in control of your weigth loss, just stick to the 6oz every 3-4 hours you are eating to statain not feel full

  13. Being restricted is a wonderful thing but keep in mind you are in control of your weigth loss. Post surgery I only ate 6oz of food every 3-4 hours due to my energy demand I have lost 200lbs Since Feb. Band adjustments are like a sleep number bed each person has there own number.. Everyone is different. The band is not an exact science, Working for a Surgeon my self I have learned so much from the Surgeon and he as learned alot from me.

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