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Can someone tell me what is going on!!

I was banded Nov 11th '09. Two weeks prior to that I was on a two week liquid diet and had no problems. Well, sence then I have been banded nearly 4 weeks with no restriction!!! :scared2:What is going on? I get my first fill Dec 10th. I thought I would have at least a little restriction before this fill but I have none:sad:.




Why do people treat others differently when they are fat?

People in this world can be so cruel and out right mean. I am very over weight and find that people treat me differently than a skinny person is treated. I was resently on a plane flyng on vacation. On the plane know one wanted me to set by them be cause of my size. Finally the stewardest said to the people on the plan, "this lady needs a seat can some one please scoot over". I had never been so humiliated and embarrased in all my life! So I sat next to this couple and cried my eyes out. They were very rude and had no empathy. They laughed while I was cring and pretened that something was funny outside the airplane window :crying:.




Help I'm Scared!!

Hello, I'm getting banded Nov 11th 09' exactly one month for today. I'm getting anxious and wondering if I'm going the right direction with this decision. I've been gearing up for this surgery for over a year now. I need some encouragement. I want to make a healthy life style change in my life. I hope I'm doing the right thing. I'm scared I don't want to be. Help!!



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