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Blog Comments posted by janetsjourneytoslim

  1. You are so right Debra G! I am going to use some of your recipies for my low carb diet this week, thanks so much for helping me with this. I also want to add that there are those that would feel they will NEVER be small enough and are never content with the way they look and feel. I have tiny friends and fat friends too and I love them all! Some of my tiny friends freak out when they gain five lbs, that is a tremendous amount of weight for them to gain. I kinda know how they feel, the five lbs point is a stopping point and they turn it around, it bothers me when I follow a plan and don't lose weight at all, but I have learned to be content in all things.

  2. When you feel tired, maybe you should eat some carbs! They will give you the energy you need. Also when we get tired, we get depressed? I do, then I feel helpless. I know that band is STILL there. Maybe your body is use to the diet and exercise program you are on so that is is COMFORTABLE there. Shake it up a bit, try to eat not counting calories, I DO! I only count the carbohydrate grams in food and I don't go over 50 per day! I eat all the bacon, eggs, butter, cheese, meat, and berries I want! And I eat peanuts and almonds too! I have lost 91 lbs in a year! Get the Adkins Diet online, follow it to the letter, and you will lose with the band. I also eat salads with vinegar and oil dressing, boiled eggs and lots of meat for toppings, pepperoni for a twist! Canned chicken with pickles and mayonaise, salt and pepper is so delicious too! There are lot of foods you CAN have and they make me feel good. Also, try the website www.400caloriesorless.com

  3. Loved your blog today, so glad you are where you are, you sound mentally healthier! You have grown from where you were. And the weight loss is wonderful an avg of about 10 lbs per month! GREAT! Always love reading your blogs too! You are inspiring! Have a wonderful day and keep up the good work, God Bless YOU!

  4. I am so happy for you grizzlyrider! I know exactly how you feel! You are doing wonderful, and I too look at my skin and think the same things! LOL I am planning a daughters wedding too for Oct. and must order my dress this week. I think I will get a size 14! Amazing isn't it? You are so right about everything you said in your blog, keep them coming now, you are encouraging ME! We all need each other for these little "mini-meetings"! God bless you!

  5. God Bless you as your body heals and your spirits improve after the surgery! You will begin to adjust and grow use to the idea you are now banded! When the weight starts to come off, you will be so happy that this was your choice, I am one year out and down 91 lbs. It really changes your life for the better.

  6. Bless you NewMechelle and LostIt. It is hard to stand up, but we must and grow stronger through it. I have a dear friend who died at age 57 from a stroke, she had been overweight all her life, then about 4 yrs. ago she had gastric bypass, and she was never happier. I thank God for the happiness she knew and the wonderful things she did in her life the last four years of it. She even bought a Harley and learned to ride it. Something she would never have done when she was heavy. I do miss her so much!

  7. Thanks finallyncontrol, I accepted your friendship request today. I check in every morning on all of us going down the path of living with the band. Pray for us all on a daily basis, and I feel we are close without really knowing each other personally. We have a connection that is real!

  8. Congrats! 65 lbs! Wow, you are doing wonderful. I pray every day for the strength to keep on losing the weight I need to lose, lots of daily problems to deal with don't help with the stress related issues and the LapBand eating regiment. I try to eat too fast! I always have and then not being able to drink with my meal that is another thing to face. You are doing so well, continued success.

  9. My first meal was Chinese, I ate a small portion from the Buffet, it was SOOOO tasty! I just stopped and rested between each bite to make sure it was all going down and staying down. I had to remember that the stomach is still swollen and you don't want to irritate it! Eat soft foods like the CHILI that you did, and you will know when to stop. It is just off kilter from the Norm, but when you return home, just get back on track, life will happen and we will learn to live with it and go with the flow! Continued success! Praying for you!

  10. This site always gave me my motivation along with my innerself! I have a VERY skinny husband who NEVER gained a pound for the past 31 years of our marriage! I was always up and down, and I think he just thought this was another one of my TRYS at something new! I am living proof it can be done and NOW he is a true believer in the LapBand! He is a great help to me, but does not go to the Gym with me and I felt all alone there, but pushed on!!!! Keep on Keepin ON! I am praying for you!

  11. You will do fine! I remember the first time I got stuck, oh it was terrible, yes and I too thought drinking something would help me to move it down the track, WRONG! LOL it is funny now but not then. Keep up the good work, don't expect too much weight loss the first month, just heal and get well and the losses WILL Come, Praying for you!

  12. Don't get upset over this, just get a pencil paper and start logging again, that is the first and hardest step for me, but when I do it, I can see so clearly where I have messed up. Today I had no energy! Had a headache, but I did , manage to eat right today, and that I know from experience will show up on the scales in the morning. Keep On Keepin on and you will acheive your goal!

  13. Great Post, the only place I really despise on my body right now is my underarm wings, and I have worked out since 8 weeks after surgery, weight lifting ;the works, they don't look real bad to others, but to me I am bothered by them, I may have them fixed, and then there is the tummy that held my four babies, yes a tummy tuck will be nice, but I too have noticed my stomach shrinking very nicely!!! But my scars have moved several times over the past year as well, my port moves too as I continue to lose in the stomach area! It is a real learning experience, and has been a marvelous experience for me too! Loved the blog tonight!

  14. You are so welcome Healthy111! I feel that we are probably more discriminated against than any race, they have far more protection from it! I too now work in HR, but as an assistant, and it just infuriates me to see people who "on purpose" can hurt others lives because they can. No empathy for others. NOT Sympothy, I never needed that, but put yourself in my shoes for one time and try not to criticise others to the degree that you make fun of others. God gave us a freedom to choose the "Right" path, the "Right" things to do and the "Right" things to say. If we do not make good use of that Freedom, we might not have it too long, he is in control of our lives, but allows the freedom to choose, so we can apply our teachings to our lives. We are being graded too!

  15. Hey Stay with Lindora! I followed it too, printed off the materials daily, and it WORKS! It is difficult to stay with but honestly you will lose faster on that program than any other, I now teach it at our support group. I never bought any of their products, I just ate off the shelf and learned to look for high carb foods and avoid them, it is the best way to live. Good Luck to you, I am down 91 lbs now.

  16. I had heard this a while back, and it is true, we even got supersized too! LOL, we always want more bang for the buck, and they know we are hungry so why not? Fries are so good, but they are the reason we have severely clogged arteries! Heart attack and strokes are the number one killer of women. My friend just passed away at age 56, she had only had a gastric bypass about three years ago and looked wonderful! She had clogged arteries and it was massive. Even though we are losing weight and getting healthy, lets not forget to get regular checkups with our doctors, to check on the damage that may have already been done! Miss her terribly and she was so beautiful, and so happy she was smaller, she had even bought a Harley and learned to ride and loved it!

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