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Blog Comments posted by janetsjourneytoslim

  1. Wearing High Heels again! Walking without pain again! Playing with my grandchildren in the floor and getting up without help again! So very many things, but a special one is having my tall, handsome husband wrap his arms around my waist while I am washing dishes at the sink and tell me how pretty I am and how much he loves me! Yes I think that is the best, that he can now wrap his arms fully around me and I feel so skinny in his arms. God Bless and Keep You.

  2. Hey I am 14 months out, 91 lbs down and I have Always weighed and recorded my weight EVERY day. ? That is the only way I can see WHAT and How what I eat is affecting my weight. I also used Ketosis to burn fat faster on my diet plan and then I had to weigh every morning, after the first urine and record the weight, weigh in the nude too. Best and most accurate weight of the day. I do not just jump on the scale at all times during the day, only in the AM. Bought a new set too, so they would be reliable. Ups and downs are to be expected along this journey, just enjoy the trip.

  3. Oh Shonette, You WILL make it! Keep praying for that strength for me, all these showers for the wedding and grandbabies are so tempting!! Yea, ladybug I so need a Granny Lap, have one coming on the 30th of this month, a little boy! Monkey,marw, bandranger, and Sandra I so want that size 12, I am going to start walking about two miles a day to see if I can't find it by Christmas for my present to ME! Love you all, thanks for your comments and support!

  4. Great for you, that is about what I had lost the first three months too. You are doing fine. The hungry part is natural, cause we use to put so much into our tummys and that tummy still wants it. But now we have to change our behavior and eating habits and it takes a while to get use to it. Just keep up the good work. Drink water when the growling starts, or Crystal Light. It works!

  5. I always hated Salmon before the surgery, now I love it! The first glass of wine I had was about three weeks after the surgery and I got so dizzy I had to lay down. Two ounces, watered down!!! It just does not agree with me at all now. Sounds like you are having "real life" issues and dealing with them correctly. You will do fine. Great choice on food too. Enjoy!

  6. I too have toned down some of my exercise, but they say if it hurts don't do it. Make that jewelry, it is soothing to say the least, are you beading? My girlfriend makes some nice jewelry, she is hooked! You deserve one for yourself, Yes! Good Blog, enjoy reading them, keep up the good work.

  7. Well put Shonette, You are on the best track for health, and a wealth of blessings. God will give you many opportunities to share with many people along the way. I have those who have watched me and my success from the beginning. Some have had the band, and are pleased so far. Some have just gotten serious and lost weight and joined a gym for exercise, I am proud for them all. I too felt like the Fat Lady with the Skinny me trapped inside, screaming to be released. Even tho I waited till now, I feel it was in Gods time. I am a little older and wiser too I guess. I don't know how I would have handled it at any other time in my life other than now. But I am growing accustomed to my life and it is truly Good!~I thank God for you and pray for only the best for you!

  8. Very Good Dr.s Visit. I started at 272.6 So I was right where you are a year ago. Lost 91 lbs so far, but want a little more, it gets slower at the tail end. Hunger will subside after the first month, you body and stomach and head hunger will work with you soon. God Bless!

  9. Thanks to all who replied to this post, it is encouraging to hear from you. We will overcome this battle with obesity. My greatest fear is gaining the weight back, but I know that is a long time fear built up by always failing myself on a diet, we don't have to worry about that anylonger cause the band is there and in place and ready to be our constant help. Thankful for the band and all of you too.

  10. Hi Kathy, I gave it up for awhile too, now I drink a cup or two a week, not a whole cup about a half, I just lost the desire for a lot of it. I drink it Black now too! Soda's I may have one every now and then, not crazy for them like I use to be either. Just bare with this and in a few weeks, you will want other things. I drank some Hot tea too. It was just wanting that Hot drink in the AM for me. This is a life walk, and we learn to MODIFY our behaviors a little at the time. God Bless and best wishes.

  11. Best way to really "see" yourself, UNDRESS, stand in front of the Mirror and ask "Is this really what I want?" It is harder to get the last 25 to 30 lbs off for me. I am happy, just not satisfied. I will not resolve to buy candy. I stay on High Protein and that helps alleviate my desire for sweets period. Oh I have them on occasion, but very seldom. One year out 91 lbs down and counting. I will pray for you to get back on track, and accept the band for what it is to you, your helper. I know that I could be farther along if I would write all the foods I eat down again and stay with an exercise routine. That is difficult at best for me at this time, but I do stay busier than ever before. And I am back on track with my eating, took me two weeks and a couple of trips to the grocery store, and correcting my husband, who slips in the goodies in front of me. He will help, he just thinks I am "Fine enough" now. I am not to my goal, so I am not Fine! I want to lose 9 more lbs in the next two months, but won't be dissapointed if it takes three or four months. God Bless You and your new efforts, we will be watching and helping to encourage you and you us! So glad to hear that two year people are out there and they are real and your photo is amazing.

  12. I think Sandra is right on track. But this post did make me laugh out loud, Sorry~~~ Funny how we stress and think crazy things and dream them too. It is the fear of the unknown. Not knowing what the scars will look like, will they be big, hurt, itch? I wondered that. I did not stay on the pre-op diet to the letter and was afraid about the liver too, even so I asked my Dr. after the surgery if my liver was big, he said it was small, flat and looked healthy!! And I think we just feel so big and ready to get this body thin again that we are a little embarrassed by getting undressed and exposed for the surgery itself. But when you get to the operating room you will just be so humbled by those there to help you and how sweet they are and not in a condecending way either, really caring. So like Sandra says, " Don't worry, be excited~~you are about to venture into a new and wonderful life! Be happy and blessed.

  13. It is that boost to our Moral that makes us stay on the program and work hard to attain our goals. You will go down about a size per month if you stay on track, so always shop the $6 deals and you will stay in love with the band, God bless and good job.

  14. OMG, I have been right where you are, but not with 5cc's at the time. I have not gotten over 1.5 cc's at the time. That does seem like a lot to me. I think I only have 6.5 cc's in an 11 cc band after one year. I think you should stay on soft foods for a day or two and only ever sip water, gulping water can add a lot of air and cause you to burp. Check with your Dr. if it does not get any better soon. Good luck I wish you much success.

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