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LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Comments posted by bashful1269

  1. I go for my second fill tomorrow. I am hoping to start getting some restriction. Pretty much anything goes down and I can eat way more than I am supposed to eat. I know this because I have been STRESSED and eating too much, this week trying to get everything done that I need to get done before going on vacation. I have a friends wedding on Saturday and I am doing all of her decorations and flowers and photography for, it's going to be CRAZY busy!

    I don't think that I've lost. I haven't gotten on the scales because I'm afraid of them this week. One good thing that I've been doing is exercise. An hour a day of cardio, weight lifting twice a week, and yoga and zumba twice a week. I'm sure I've lost a few inches at least.

    I had a margarita last night...half a margarita more like it...I AM A CHEAP DrunK!!!! Bonus on the banding...little food...little drink= CHEAP DATE!

    That's it for tonight, time to rest.

  2. Good for you! Keep it up, you can do this! It's a lifestyle change that's for sure! I had my first fill, my friend cooked dinner for me the next night and I got stuck after two bites! It hurt and scared me and I cried at the table too, it happens...this is not an easy journey that's for certain!

    I pray that God gives you and every banster out there the ability to make healthy choices.

    Keep in touch and let me know how you're doing.

  3. I was talking to a friend of mine tonight and he says "You're going to the gym pretty much every day?" I said yes, he says "So, the dedication was there before the surgery...so you really could have done this without the surgery?"....GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

    If I could have maintained the results I've had the last one million attempts...do ya think I would have had the surgery???




    I'm frustrated as heck!! I just didn't even say anything to him, I just kept quite! Grrrrrrr, I hate stupid people~!

    Sorry just made me M A D!!!!!!!!!

  4. Seems my post aren't posting...this is a test...Ok that seemed to work...finally!

    It's been a long week! I'm ready to relax.

    We went to steak and shake tonight...they have the perfect little hamburgers for 89 cents! I love eating small, it's so much cheaper!

    Hope everyone has a great weekend.

  5. The weekend was great, Hot Greg came out Saturday night with us and we had a blast. He was only able to stay for a little while because he had to work at 6 am Sunday morning...It was still fun. I sat next to him and he kept bumping into me with his shoulders or pressing his leg up against mine...I get the feeling I might actually have a chance. I'm just going to sit back and let what happens happen.

    Sunday we had the softball bbq, I cooked for thirty people and was happy that I could eat a little bit of the stuff I cooked. It was nice not having to be on soft foods. I ate very slow and tried to concentrate on what I was eating so as not to have any stuck episodes. That would be embarrassing. We played volleyball for three solid hours...I was whipped by the time we were done. That's some exercise for sure! I'm going to start having Sunday afternoon volleyball at my house so I can have a change of pace from just going to the gym.

    Zumba class tomorrow, I can't wait! It's been a while since I've done it, it should be a good time.

    Food has been a bit of a challenge, the restriction is less than it was a week ago. I do great during the day but at night I tend to want to snack and I know I'm not supposed to. Need to work on that, maybe I'm not eating enough protein...or maybe it's just head hunger and bad habits.

    That's all of my thoughts for tonight...I'm BRAIN TOAST.

  6. I got my first fill yesterday and I can tell the difference today. It took me 40 minutes to eat about 2 oz of meat and a tablespoon of green beans. I started out eating a little too fast and FELT IT!! OUCH! So, I've learned that I MUST chew chew chew!!! The restriction has officially begun!

    It makes me a little nervous to eat now, I'm sure that I will get used to it. I have to say it's amazing to me to take a piece of meat that before the band would have been two bites, and turn it into a complete portion and still not be able to eat it all. CRAZY!! I'm loving it though.

    I worked out hard today, it felt good. An hour of cardio, then 30 minutes of weight lifting then a two mile bike ride. I feel energized!

    I've officially RETIRED my size 16's!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited; and to be honest my 14's aren't going to be around long, they are already a little big. Way cool.

    The weekend is here and should be a good time. I've got to go SHOPPING!! Need to find something to make HOT Greg notice me.

    So, I'm off...

  7. I went for my first fill today, easy nothin to it! Just had to lay there he stuck a needle in to numb it and then the fill needle, didn't hardly feel it at all.

    I am losing an average of 2.6 pounds a week according to the dietitian, I'm ok with that. I'm glad that I can start weight lifting now. I'm ready to hit the gym on something besides cardio.

    I'm glad to be on real food!!!! FINALLY~!~

    on to other things....

    I cooked dinner for HOT Greg and my mom and roommate last night. That was FUN. HG needed a place to store his 68 vet and my mom has four garages and she offered to let him use one of hers for a little while. So, since he was going over there anyway...I offered to cook.

    It was fun! He acted surprised that I knew how to cook, I wanted to say "HELLO, I'm a fat chick, of course I know how to cook!...I didn't though. I kept it pretty simple and ate just a small amount. We talked a lot last night which was fun for me. He's so HOT he makes me nervous. At least it's a step! He's going to go out with a group of us on Saturday night, now I have to find some clothes that fit so I can show off the 30 pounds I've lost!!!!!

    FUN TIMES AHEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. The liquid diet sucks! No doubt about it. I was like you it killed my memory!

    One thing about this surgery is that you can cheat, you can eat around the band. But you also cheat YOURSELF!

    It's a HUGE commitment to have the band, it's not easy that's for sure. I'm four weeks out and I can tell you that there have been times that I have wanted to just go take a bite out of a poor unsuspecting cow out in the field because I was SO hungry. Until the band starts working you're on your own and it's hard to stay on the diet they give you to follow... So...Just be prepared.

    Good luck I hope that things get better for you.

  9. It's been a week since I've posted on my blog, I feel bad for that, I've found it's a great source of stress relief from me and really should do it everyday.

    My friend John who retired (at the age of 42) last year from being an air traffic controller came in for a visit on Monday. It was an unexpected visit and I had to work which was a bummer. I did take off Tuesday with him and we went to the gym together. That was fun. He's addicted to my rockband game! We had a blast just jammin.

    My friend Dalena moved in last Friday with her ten year old son. It's been a lot better than I thought it would be. Mikey her son is going to have some serious food issues if she doesn't change his eating habits I can already see that. He doesn't want to eat what is on the table and then goes to the cabinet that is now loaded (ugh ugh ugh) with JUNK food and gets whatever he wants.

    Dalena has never once read a food label doesn't know the difference between fat, carbs and protein and no clue what a serving size is. I'm working on teaching her. I think that I will take her to the nut with me on Thursday when I go for my first fill.

    I am SOOOOOOO ready for my first fill. It's so hard sticking to just what I am supposed to be eating. I've been cooking a lot more since Dalena has been here which is rough for me. I'm going to back off on that. It's better not to have the temptation of tasting while I cook. I'm getting burnt out on cottage cheese and yogurt. I do great during the day when I am at work and want to eat the house at night.

    Dang scale must be broken it's not moving:cursing:

    I am exercising at least an hour of cardio every day and have noticed a difference in the size of my clothing. I was SHOCKED:w00t: last night when I bought a pair of inspiration workout pants from old navy in a size medium and they FIT!!!:sad::thumbup::biggrin: Doing the happy dance!

    Today my cardio will be spent in the garden, my Weed, oh I mean flower beds have been overtaken and i must find them.

    With that I'm going to sign off and get to work. Hope everyone one is doing well with their band, I hope mine starts working soon, it's been a slacker!

  10. Finally, the stupid scale moved this morning!! All at once I'm down to 234!!! Yeah, I'm so excited. In fact I had to get on and off the scale four times just to make sure it was right.

    That gives me 19 pounds to lose to make it to my first goal. I was hoping to hit 215 by October 18th, I think I can do it! Wouldn't it be great to be in Onderland before Christmas??

    Well, it's off to the gym.

  11. How is it that you can be hungry without being hungry? Head hunger..SUCKS!

    The dietitian says between 300 to 400 calories a day is what I'm supposed to be eating. I'm eating around that many ...I wonder though...What does eating this few calories do to the metabolism?

    I worry about my metabolism shutting down and going into starvation mode. I have been exercising at least an hour a day and eating somewhere between 300 to 500 calories a day and I have stopped losing...HOW??? what the heck???? I mean I've lost 10 inches total but come on ...Move scale!!! I know I'm burning more than I'm taking in.

    Ok, enough ranting about that...

    My friend Dalena is moving in this weekend. I'm a little nervous. I haven't lived with anyone in over a year...It'll take some getting used to...Oh well it will be nice to have help with the mortgage.

    Hot Greg was working today, it was pretty cool he was stressing trying to find the mistake on a cash drawer and I walked by and could tell he was stressing...I asked him if he needed help and he said "Sure". I found the mistake the accounting dept had made in a matter of about 30 seconds and he was Sooo, impressed...I shrugged my shoulders and said...12 years of accounting...and smiled at him...He's YUMMY!!! April thinks that I should just ask him out...I just don't have the nerve enough to do that just yet...in a few months, when I hit my first goal then heck yeah~!~ I'm hoping he will ask me out before then.

    So I was trying to keep the surgery kindof quite at work, I was just telling people that I had hiatal hernia which I did...anyway, everybody knows now ...apparently people think it's their business to know my business.

    Joe comes up to me and says "so, I heard you had the lap band done?" I thought that was for the morbidly obesed? I just looked at him and said..."that would be me". He said "I wouldn't have ever guessed you to be that over weight"...I thought to myself...Sweet, I don't look as big as I feel...He then goes on to tell me how he's 30 pounds overweight and he's just going to have to do it the "Hard way" HELLLLLOOOOOOOOOO Did he just say this was THE EASY WAY?????...Captain obvious needs a reality check...let's see, 10 days liquid pre op, two weeks of full liquids and now who knows how long on 5 TABLESPOONS three times a day... all the while the freaking band is not doing anything but sitting there...Oh and not to mention an hour in the gym doing cardio, sweating my ass off!....YUP definitely, the "easy" way! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!

    This is the reason I was not telling people!

    I did give him the reality check and had to give my sister the reality check as well...She said "Well, then why did you need the band if you're doing all the work?" I said "to keep it off!" GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! I think she's going to be the jealous type. She has always been smaller than me and now I'm probably a little smaller than her and will be a lot smaller by the time I'm done.

    Ok, so I'm just gripping, I'm going to turn this off for the night. Maybe, I'll go hop on my eliptical trainer and do this the easy way....

  12. I'm in a much better mood today. I went to bed really early last night and finally got a good nights sleep.

    Today has been a food struggle kindof day, I'm hungry and everything looks good. It doesn't help that I work at Hy-Vee and for those of you who don't know it's a HUGE grocery store that has the constant smell of fresh baked breads and cookies, chinese food, pizza and starbucks...Oh well, at least I love my job...it's a good time! Nice to be able to say that after sixteen years of working there. I think I like it so much because I'm spoiled!

    I worked out for an hour of cardio today. It felt good. 20 minutes on the treadclimber, 20 minutes on the cross glider and 20 minutes on the treadmill. Wheeeewwwww, what a workout! Feeling good!:thumbup:

  13. Start small, just add a little bit in here and there at first such as park in the farthest parking spot you can find, take the steps, or get a pedometer and find out how many steps you take in a day and then try to increase that number by 500 a week until you've built yourself up. You can do it! Every little effort will add up in the big picture!

    Ever try water aerobics?

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