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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    Rdsegobia got a reaction from lorri716 in Letty's journey post-op   
  2. Like
    Rdsegobia reacted to Champ715 in NSV Handstand Edition   
    I had vsg on 9/30/15 and have been working with a personal trainer for one month now. Every week we have tried a handstand but I just haven't been able to hold myself up. Yesterday I was finally able to hold myself up! I did 7 of these bad boys. Now to work on actually staying up there for more than 3 seconds
    I've lost 44 lbs since surgery. I've had times when I consider myself a "slow loser" but I try to keep everything in perspective. I've lost inches, gained muscle, and gained endurance that I never had before. I say all this to say, you are stronger than you think you are. Don't get discouraged with "slow" progress. You are awesome and can do amazing things. Even if you can't do those things RIGHT NOW, just be patient. I couldn't do that handstand four weeks ago but it was always there waiting for me. Whatever you want from life, take it. You got this!

  3. Like
    Rdsegobia reacted to Djmohr in I said "No Way"!   
    Ok so today I went shopping because my size 12 jeans were getting fairly loose. I went to my favorite place to buy jeans since having WLS. Lucky Brand Jeans.
    I grab a pair of sweet and straight jeans in a size 10 and I am grinning from ear to ear because I am confident they are going to fit and I love that feeling. I have not fit into jeans this small since I was a teenager.
    I put them on and I am right! They fit fantastic! I come out of the dressing room and model for hubby who promptly says, those look a little big. Maybe you should think about a smaller size.
    I the immediately say "no way!" An 8 is not going to fit me. I am honestly not sure if I have ever worn a size that small. I decide to encourage him and prove there is no way I will get them up.
    I grab an 8 and head back into the dressing room. I look at this tiny pair of jeans and go, here goes nothing. They fit perfectly! I could hardly believe my eyes.
    Then the sales clerk tells me that they are buy one get one half off but she says the darker dyes seem to be more forgiving so she gives me an 8 and a 6 to try on. I laughed but thought well just see how far off you are.
    Well, I put the 6 on, buttoned them up and stood there in shock. Now, I didn't buy the 6 because although I could wear them, I do like my jeans to be comfortable and have a little room.
    So when I started this journey I wore 24 jeans and 26/28 tops. I am now in a size 8 and a medium or large top. Sometimes I have to get the large because I have a lot of loose skin.
    I cannot believe where I am today! For me, clothes shopping is when I can really see the thinner me.
  4. Like
    Rdsegobia got a reaction from lorri716 in Letty's journey post-op   
    Today I'm 184 and based on the BMI calculator I'm no longer Obese now is Overweight at 29.7 BMI, this is a big accomplishment! haven't seen this number for over a decade This last three months have been slow weight loss (11 pound loss in those 3 months), but I'm happy I could tell my clothes feels much better. Plus I know its not a race I know I will get to my goal weight, I just have to stay focus.
  5. Like
    Rdsegobia got a reaction from lorri716 in Letty's journey post-op   
    I feel much better today. l started my day with a delicious Breakfast albacore tuna with eggs, mushrooms, spinach, tomatoes a peppers and 4 tablespoons of lentils. It was very filling ones able to eat about 2/3 cup.
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    Rdsegobia reacted to VanessaVSGforme in Update and Picturessss! :D   
    Update as of today! Current weight...267!!! Officially 100 pounds since surgery and even more than that since I weighed in at410, June 5, 2015!! Hope everyone is well! I feel great!!!

  7. Like
    Rdsegobia reacted to 24601 in Things that have surprised me about being thin   
    I am 10 lbs away from goal, but I am probably what people would now call thin. I am 5ft 9in and 150 lbs. Here are some experiences lately that I have found interesting:
    - At night when I sleep on my side, my knees knob together when I try to have one on top of the other. It never used to be a problem with there was a thick layer of padding in between my knees.
    - When I sit, my legs cross so much easier!
    - People are nicer to me. Now, I have many feelings about this that I won't go into, but it is a fact. People just notice me more and are kinder. For example, all of a sudden these moms that I see all the time (but am not necessarily friends with) want our kids to have playdates. People say hi to me on the street more. Just little things like that.
    - It's weird to shave and feel like it went so fast, and where is the rest of my leg?
    - My bath towel wraps around me so much better.
    - I don't mind being photographed.
    - I am constantly shocked when I see myself in a full length mirror.
    - I was very physically active before I had the surgery, and it was one thing that worried me. I was so sure that I would lose my hard earned muscle and stamina due to the low calories. Well, turns out losing 40 lbs more than made up for my muscle loss. I have since returned back to normal workouts and find that I can go longer and not get as winded now.
    - Trying on clothes is fun and not a chore.
    - I don't snore anymore. At all.
    - My 7 year old son can wrap his arms all the way around me when we hug now.
    - I am looking forward to summer for the first time in years!
    In all of this, I feel like I am still me, the person I was before, but I have a renewed outlook on life now. I feel like anything is possible!
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    Rdsegobia reacted to alexsisv in Sharing My Story -- Sleeve post op 18 months out   
    Hi Friends,
    I’ve taken a bit of time to write my story as it comes from my heart and I hope that it’s helpful. Let me say – I’m here if you have questions or if there’s anything I can do to help.
    LIFE BEFORE: My quality of life wasn't very good, although my health #'s weren't incredibly high, I just didn’t feel healthy. My blood pressure was borderline high but otherwise pretty much normal. Personally, I just didn't feel good in my skin. Clothes didn't fit right or they just felt like potato sacks. I was a size 24 at my highest, 260 lbs and I’m 5’6”. My biggest worry day to day was – am I going to break a chair. It was dreadful. I hated airline travel, movie theaters, going to amusement parks (size of the rides).
    I think the part that hurt the most was feeling like a “ghost” in society. People really didn't make eye contact or engage in conversation with me. Maybe that was my own perception but it was pretty consistent. Let’s be honest now: my go-to relief when feeling stressed was fast food. If I forgot to eat a meal, I'd just run and get fast food. The problem was the quantity and frequency I'd eat burgers, burritos, fries and so much diet soda. So much soda that even my little daughter would comment about it. She was 4.5 at the time! I recall a day where I had fast food for: Breakfast, lunch, a snack and then dinner. These were burgers and fries. It was just so tasty, fast and easy but I knew it was unhealthy. I just couldn’t find a stop!
    I met my surgeon and instantly felt connected to him. I could be honest with him and he wouldn't judge or make me feel bad. I ran my "numbers" prior to meeting him -- I think this helped me justify wanting to do the sleeve and I’m a very analytical person. My numbers were -- how many diets I've tried and failed, how many years I've been dieting, max weight lost and then regained..... this all added up to spending 13+ years of my life on a diet! So eye opening. This wasn't a great quality of life! My surgeon showed me all of the options and spent probably 45 mins. during initial consult.
    I read books about being sleeved, combed this forum to learn everything. When I was ready, I took home my information and reviewed it with my husband. For me, it was essential to have him on board and to be a key support. Everything aligned and I was approved by my insurance in about 10 working days. There really was no contest with a BMI of 41. I decided that getting the VSG was right for me. I was ready to make this life-long commitment. I had the mind-set that this was not a quick fix or a fad. My doctor recommended I lose as much weight as I could but required no specific pre-surgery diet, except no food 8 hours prior to surgery. I had no food funeral as I didn’t want to glorify food any more than I already had. I was also researching and really putting my heart into finding another stress outlet rather than food.
    SURGERY: I was sleeved on Sept. 15, 2014 with a high weight of 260, BMI 41. On surgery day I remember feeling extremely nervous, scared and at the same time ready to open a new chapter of my life. Anyhow, the surgery went well and I remember having loads of pain meds if I needed them, using a button I would press and pain med would go into my IV. I had a bit of abdominal pain but otherwise surgery went well and my hiatal hernia was repaired.
    POST-SURGERY: My weight loss was slow and I had several plateaus. I just let it flow and I chose not to obsess over the scale. It would come off at the pace my body was ready to let the pounds go. This is a lifelong commitment and I had/have the mindset that I would not freak out if I only lost .5 pounds a week or nothing at all. Just to be patient! I did have several chronic illnesses develop but I can't honestly say they were due to the VSG…. However, dramatic weight loss is a stressor on the body and stressors will make the body do weird things. Keep that in mind.
    I had two instances where I threw up and I can say this was a complete learning experience! My food cravings slowly went from cheese burgers to things like fresh organic carrots… very weird, right?! I cut out the fast food for a year. I am at the point where I can only eat about 1/4 of a burger and then just toss the rest. It was definitely tough!! Learning how much my sleeve could hold, learning how to eat out and not feel uncomfortable, buying new clothes, seeing myself becoming "visible" to society again. Struggling with seeing myself as a different kind of beautiful..... getting the VSG is a lifelong commitment, you have to be ready for a complete rework. There will be loose skin but gosh, it's just skin. My biggest pain in the butt areas -- my chin and my belly loose skin. Ah, well.
    FOOD NOW: I now spend a lot of time preparing fresh meals, going to specialty shops.... I have the mentality that if I'm going to eat 3 ounces, it better taste really darn good! I also just breathe a lot, consciously slow down when eating and just chew the heck out of my food bites. Ironically, I’m now reading a lot about food preparation and have taken an interest in cooking classes. Fast foods taste very salty tome. I probably should be drinking more Water. I do rely on Protein Shakes when I need food quickly – like for breakfast. I plan to take fruit with me or granola bars if I’m going to be out running errands and may get hungry. I eat more like 6 small meals a day. I eat out at restaurants but typically take ½ of my meal in a to-go box. My go to explanation: “I have a small stomach” or “I will enjoy the rest tomorrow!” --- be ready for this… there are food police that worry about you. They mean well (ex: friends).
    LIFE TODAY: My family has been incredibly supportive, non-judgemental and very kind. It is absolutely crucial to your success that you have a "team" to be your cheerleaders. For me, there were points when I doubted my decision (I’m being honest with you) and just generally struggled. As I write, I’m feeling pretty darn good – except for chronic illnesses that make things very painful. Food isn't a really big deal in my life now. It's just food now - rather than my stress reliever. However, when I’m hit with bad news, I find myself thinking “gosh, maybe I should get some fries”. I don’t act on my thoughts.
    I chose not to tell most people as I didn’t want them making a judgement call on my decision to do VSG. I “blame” my weight loss on my chronic illnesses and people will leave that alone. VSG is such a personal decision – it’s your body.
    After 18 months - I have lost 85 pounds and I’m a size 12. I have 15 more pounds to go. I have not been able to really resume an active, exercise program as I'm fighting 3 chronic illnesses (Lupus, RA and Fibromylgia). I have had to absolutely reduce the stress in my life and stop working at my lifelong career due to my illnesses. My blood pressure is now well below normal and I feel really good about how things progressed. I feel physically beautiful and I'm okay if I don't lose the last 15 pounds. I would like to start running when I feel better and also resuming scuba diving! :-)
    I am all over the place writing to you and it's 1 AM --- anyhow, I'm proud of everyone on this site. VSG is tough, it's a complete lifestyle changer and we are very lucky to have each other. I am here for you and happy to answer any questions. Please know that at ANY weight, you are important and you are beautiful. VSG is a tool and you can do it! Please really do your homework, find a support network and breathe…. It just takes time. This is a life long journey and will take months, maybe years.
    I found a before picture but my now picture only shows my face. I can't find a full body right now. Will attach more to my profile when I find them :-)
    Namaste and God bless each of you. Hugs. -- Alexsis

  9. Like
    Rdsegobia reacted to lorri716 in Letty's journey post-op   
    Ok I have to edit my post from an hour ago. I'm officially 191 woo hoo the dreaded scale has moved! Happy dancing this morning. Have a great day!
  10. Like
    Rdsegobia got a reaction from fay123 in Before and After Pics   
    Surgery date 8/10/15 HW 253 lbs and 3 months later CW 196 lbs (incl 2 weeks pre-op)!! 41 years old height 5'6"????
  11. Like
    Rdsegobia got a reaction from Cervidae in Yogurt....I need help!   
    I eat the Fage Greek yogurt 0% total, by itself it doesn't taste that good, but I add crystal light fruit punch and I love it. Some other people told me to add Torani sugar free Syrup or Jello of course sugar free. This yogurt is high in Protein and low carbs
  12. Like
    Rdsegobia reacted to Inner Surfer Girl in A Significant Milestone   
    I just wanted to post today because I hit a significant milestone. I am in the 300's! My scale this morning read 398.8 and I am thrilled. I can't remember the last time I was under 400. It has to have been over a decade ago and maybe two. I was really good about sticking my head in the sand for a very long time. Just saying the numbers out loud is a huge change for me.
    I also started treatment on my lymphedema a couple of weeks ago. I met with the PT pre-surgery and we decided to wait until after surgery to start aggressive treatment. It already seems to be helping.
    I am also starting a creative writing class this evening in a neighboring city. I couldn't have done that a year ago, especially in the winter time because I was having such a hard time getting around.
    Now, I need to schedule my next reward massage!
  13. Like
    Rdsegobia reacted to Kindle in "Exercising" your self control   
    I read so many posts from people who go out of their way to avoid temptation. They don't attend certain parties or events because there will be too many tempting foods. They don't go out to restaurants or movies with friends. They don't eat with or cook for their families. And in trying to avoid temptation they may be missing out on a lot of fun stuff. Eventually, a lot of people end up caving in to their temptations, resorting back to old habits and either never reach goal or regain their lost weight. So how are you supposed to strengthen your willpower and self control if you never exercise or test them? How do you learn new habits without attending "school".
    IMHO it's the same thing as exercising your body or mind. How can you build muscle without picking up some weights? How do you train for a marathon without running everyday? How do you win a spelling bee without opening a dictionary?
    I realized that I specifically put myself in situations where I know I will face temptation just to be able to put my willpower to the test. I go to events that I know people will be partying and I stand by the food table and drink Water all night. I look at the dessert menu but don't order. I walk down the candy and chip aisles in the grocery store. I linger in the bakery department. And whenever I feel like my willpower is fading or I find myself eating off track I put myself back on the liquid preop diet for a few days just to prove I can do it. We all know how hard it was the first time around, but doing it again voluntarily really boosts my confidence and ability to succeed.
    Just like when you cheat, it makes it easier to cheat the next time, saying no makes it easier to say no the next time....you get better at making good choices. You build up your immunity against temptation. So I say don't run away from those food demons, turn and face them head on! You have to train your brain and get in fighting shape in order to win those long term head games.
  14. Like
    Rdsegobia reacted to Lemm61 in Letty's journey post-op   
    I like the sf cherry, sf salted caramel and sf cinnamon.
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    Rdsegobia got a reaction from meganmom in Bathroom Problems   
    I take two tablespoons of ground flaxseed at night with 8-10 oz Water (at first I started with 4oz water). It was approved by my doctor at my 8 weeks post op. That made a big difference no problems going to the bathroom at all.
    I used to take it in the morning but know I changed it to the night which works better for me.

  16. Like
    Rdsegobia got a reaction from RLH7882 in Letty's journey post-op   
    Surgery date 8/10/2015, HW 253 lbs, CW 196 lbs (incl 2 weeks pre-op) 41 years old, height 5'6"
    Hi everyone! I been learning so much from everyone's comments and still in the learning process. I was sleeved on 8/10/2015 and just this week I hit below 200 yaay super excited!! Haven't seen this number since 2010.

  17. Like
    Rdsegobia reacted to nikkimapr in June 2015 sleevers   
    My year journey
    Dec 2014 HW 296
    June 23, 2015 SW 257
    CW 167

  18. Like
    Rdsegobia reacted to lorri716 in Letty's journey post-op   
    I had a huge waist too. I'm also at a 36 now. The only Greek yogurt I can eat is oikos triple zero. Yes nuts are the devil. I have issues with just eating away like it's nothing with them too. Glad your getting back on track. I weighed in at 193 today.
  19. Like
    Rdsegobia got a reaction from lorri716 in Letty's journey post-op   
    Well just wanted to give a quick update I'm up 2lbs from last time I weight on 1/10 - today I'm 189 lbs little disappointed, but I just think I need to change things since my weight is been stuck for couple of weeks. I will keep up with my 3 mile walks every day, however I will start doing 40 min workout during my lunch hour at work. I believe tomorrow is spinning will see how it goes.
    My eating have been good, I put in all the Protein needed between 70-90 grams, Water between 70-80 oz however I do see carbs have increase to 60-70 grams, but they are usually from Beans, vegetables , yogurt and flaxseed. I'm going to stop eating beans at least for a while cause I been eating them with every meal, I used to have 1/4 cup per meal but now is closer to 1/2 cup.
    I also changed the yogurt which now has more carbs I should have never tried those in the first place cause now I want them, but they are the yoplait whips 100 calorie ones. I'm going back to chobani 100 calories or I'm going to look for the fage Greek yogurt. Other thing is the nuts of course those are my weakness but I will stop completely eating them since I cannot control the portion that I'm eating. I just know this is stopping the weight loss.
    Well on the bright side: I did not took measurements when I started my journey with the exception of my waist.... Well when I started my journey I had a HUGE waist of 52in and as of today is 36!!! that just makes my day ????????????
  20. Like
    Rdsegobia reacted to RammerJammer in I DID IT! I Reached My Goal!   
    Starting at 326 lbs. last April, I could only dream of being 199 lbs. again for the last 30 years. It was a dream I never expected to come true. I'm so happy to say that I OFFICIALLY hit my goal this morning and cannot be happier with where this journey has taken me and what all it has taught me. Thanks to God, my family, doctors, friends, and nutritionists!!! Without all of them, this would have never happened or been this enjoyable of a story. Eating right and keeping a positive mind will never allow me to go back to the pain, both physically and mentally that I experienced for most of my adult life. I encourage anyone reading this that is thinking of surgery to talk with your doctor and look at its benefits. It's not the magic pill, but it is the tool to get you back in charge of your life.

  21. Like
    Rdsegobia reacted to Champ715 in Before and After Pics   
    I was sleeved on 9.30.15 and am down 41 lbs as of today. I still have 36 lbs to lose but I'm happy to see progress already. Photos on the left are from my highest weight of 205 in March 2015. Photos on the right are last month around 167.
    PS Sorry they're kind of blurry. I had to zoom in a lot on the before photos.

  22. Like
    Rdsegobia reacted to OutsideMatchInside in Almost a year out and only lost 64lbs   
    If I keep my carbs under 30, I lose about a 1lb a day.
    The kind of fruit you eat really matters. Bananas are full of carbs, while berries have fewer carbs.
    Here is a list of low carb items, if you eat fruit, try to pick from the fruits on this list.
    Also tracking everything is really important.
    If your nutrition isn't right, your cardio won't matter. You can't out train a bad diet.
  23. Like
    Rdsegobia reacted to WL WARRIOR in Become a vegetarian maybe?   
    If you thinking of going more vegetarian, then you should check out Dr. Weiner's youtube videos and book. I don't know how far out you are, but it is NOT recommended to try a plant based diet until you are 6 months out. I do somewhat of a plant based diet. This is probably because fresh fruits and vegetables cost more and have lower quality during this time of year.
    Here's the link:
  24. Like
    Rdsegobia reacted to lorri716 in Letty's journey post-op   
    Happy to report I'm still 195. I didn't gain but I didn't lose either. Hoping this week to be able to get atleast 3# off. The dr wants me to lose another 30 to 40# in the next 4 months. I see that as almost impossible since most months I'm only losing 5#. Being a slow loser sucks but atleast it's coming off. You are so lucky not to be a big bread eater, I'm ok with regular sliced bread, but it's the heavy Italian or french breads and things I can't avoid. I will be trying much harder now though. I like my fruits too. Especially cantaloupe and pineapple, they are my favs. I avoid fruit most times too because of the sugar. But every once in awhile is ok. Hope you have a great day.
  25. Like
    Rdsegobia reacted to BigTink2LilTink in So I reached my 1 year anniverserary a few days ago   
    December 22nd, 2014 was the day that I had changed my life and body forever. On that day I had a Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy done to help me lose a lot of excessive body weight. In 366 days, I have gone from being 463lbs to now 267lbs as of yesterday afternoon. I though that by having the surgery that I was taking the easy way out......Boy oh boy was I freaking wrong.

    There is nothing about this process that is easy. In fact its the total opposite of easy. Its hard as f**k. Probably the hardest thing I've had to overcome in my life so far. Besides the reality of having one's body altered forever, I had to learn how to eat all over again, deal with emotional issues I've spent a lifetime trying to avoid, and also dealing with some of the complications post surgery, that even now 1 year later I still have to struggle with. So what are some of those bad, not so easy things have I had to deal with within the past year.
    Well for starters I've had to give up the following items for a time period and/or forever:
    Bread/Wheat - Forever Pasta - Forever Rice - Forever Red Meat/Pork - 6 months Sugar - 6/8 months Soda (Carbonated beverages) - Forever Alcoholic beverages -6/8 months Smoking - Forever And then there were the habits and routines I had to take on as part of change. Things that I had to make habit forming and stay consistent with in order to be successful with this.
    Multivitamin supplements - Forever Iron supplements - Forever B12 supplements - Forever Yearly blood/cholesterol checks - Forever Daily walking/cardio work outs - Forever Yearly checkups with Surgeon to make sure I have no ulcers or leaks from staples - Forever Yeah, and then there were the complications from the surgery that I had to and still am having to deal with. One of the main ones was short term memory loss and comprehension issues. Issues that even as I type this post I am still dealing with in some shape or form. Just this past Monday morning I had to have spinal Fluid drawn from my back (better known as a Lumbar Puncture Procedure) to be analyzed by my Neurologist to give a final determining cause as to why I've been suffering from short term memory issues post surgery. Right now the major ruling is some sort of allergic reaction to the general anesthesia I was under during my surgery. Its funny cause I have been under anesthesia before, its just that I wasn't under for longer that 15-20 minutes at a time. When I had the surgery I was under for almost 3 hours.
    My life has gotten a lot better in the last year, its just that things just haven't returned to a state of normalcy that I would like it to be at before the surgery. So as I sit around and wait for the test results of my spinal tap to come back, I move on and keep moving forward. I have too. If I sit around and dwell on everything that has/had gone wrong in the past year, I would be so depressed and miserable . And I refuse to allow that to be. So I stay focused on the positives of what has happened. I take comfort in all of the things I can check off my list as successes, and I continue on to the next goal.
    I look in the mirror and I see a person staring back at me that I am now getting use to seeing. A person that I am actually comfortable seeing in the mirror. And not the stranger I was seeing for the first few months of this year as I was drastically dropping weight off of me. Dropping years of the affects that emotional eating had caused me. Its a change that I can now say that I comfortably welcome, from both the physical and now emotional aspect.

    As far as weight lost goal, I am still about 70-80lbs away from the goal that I had set for myself. These last 70 -80lbs are going to be the hardest to get rid of, but I accept the challenge. I have no choice but to, because I didn't come this far, sacrificed so much just to quite 3 quarters of the way from completing the race.

    I share this with the world because I know that my words, my thoughts right now, may not only help me down the road at some point, but it may help someone else out there right now who is struggling with self-image/body issues, obesity, diabetes, and/or deciding whether or not to have weight loss surgery. I hope that my words and experiences can help you when it comes to making a decision on surgery or not.
    The question I am sure that anyone who is reading this would ask me:

    "knowing now what I know, would I still have gone through with the procedure/surgery?"

    My answer would still have been yes. Yes because now I no longer have to take insulin to keep my body's blood sugars under control. Yes because I can now buy clothing out of Walmart & other stores like a normal person and not having to go to the Big & Tall custom stores to find simple things like underwear and socks. Yes, because when I look in the mirror I see the person I was meant to be and not the person I was dreading to see. And finally yes, because I know that by doing this, I've given myself a fighting change to reach a longer life expectancy than 50-55 years. So did I do this all for me, you better believe I did!

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