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LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Comments posted by ajoneen

  1. HI all.

    Im hearing alot of self bashing going on. Believe me I'm just as hard on myself. I think there is something happening that needs to be looked into. It is a vicious cycle.

    Scale stops moving, "I must be a failure".

    Didn't exercise for a few days "I must be a failure".

    Shouldn't have eaten that cookie "I'm a failure".

    Im not at goal "I failed"

    I'm a failure so I might as well;

    -eat all the other cookies

    - just lay in bed

    - sit and watch another mind numbing TV show

    -look back and beat myself up for all my short comings.

    Yep the motivation isn't as strong as when we first started this journey. Im not sure I will ever be that motivated again. But to say I'm a failure is just not correct.

    These last few weeks I've been trying to find my MoJo again. When I have a particularity good day I try to see what made it so good. Why did I bounce out of bed, work so hard with my trainer, take the dog for a walk and go to yoga class? Plus I made good food choices. So what gives? Is there a way to bottle this and reproduce it on the days Im just not getting it in gear?

    Because when Im at that place where I don't want to move my body or the peanut butter is looking really good willpower is out the door. It is really easy to say F it I'm just not meant to lose another 10lbs (or 1lb).

    So Im left to try to acknowledge what works. Really mindfully acknowledge that something is going right. Maybe even write myself notes of encouragement to the sorry self I might be the next day. Focus on the good. We all know what we are bad at. What is hard. Directing your energy to trying to figure out a negative will just keep you in that negative place. So why not find what you're good at and build on that.

    Do you work out more consistently with another person? Well make it your business to get a buddy or join a group.

    Do you need to make a commitment to something? Do a charity walk where they have training help. Like the Avon 3 Day Walk.

    Does telling your story about the band and your decision to get it remind you why you did this in the first place? Than offer to talk at your Drs support group or informational meeting. Be a mentor here on LBT.

    Do you do well with a list or goals? Than write a few and support them with an action plan of how you will succeed.

    Do you struggle with food choices? Start using The Daily Plate/Calorie King or whatever. Set yourself up with a menu for the next day or the whole week. Make a list before you go shopping, and stick to it.

    You get the idea. Find what works. Baby steps. Stop beating yourself up about what you haven't done. Be kind to yourself.

    -Since I choose not to have another cookie I feel empowered.

    -That walk yesterday really energized me, how can I fit in another one tomorrow?

    -I have come so far on my journey and Im still committed to a more healthy lifestyle.

    We all slip up. Sometimes for a day sometimes for a few weeks. Main thing is you have it within yourself to make the change. For Gods sake at some point you were motivated enough to get the band. Pat yourself on the back and shout "WooHoo!" Move forward. Tomorrow is a new day.

    I think you're doing a great job!!

  2. I found that I had to change the kind of protein shake for the gas to settle down. I got the most gas from the Body Fortress protein from Walmart. I got the least gas from Unjury. Lactade tablets actually helped a bit too.

    Perhaps also going over to the "mens room" on the main board and see if other guys had the same issue and what they did.

    Good luck on your journey.


  3. (response to last comment)

    We have surgery on our stomach not our brain. So if you haven't worked out the 'why' of self destructive eating the weight will come back. I've found my band a reminder of sorts. Im still working on my 'whys' which is why my weight loss has slowed (hell it's stopped most of the time). I wish it was as easy as-put the band on and stop eating bad food- but it's not.

    Tracy-Just keep working the band and staying on top of what you eat. You know what it feels like to have lost, it will happen again. This time you will know how easy it can all go down the tubes and be mindful of your choices.

    Good work!!


  4. Ok after my major whine-fest I'm back on track. Back to the trainer twice a week. I have an exercise focus again. Which seems to be the only way to keep my mind interested in moving the bod. I've entered the 2009 Muddy Buddy Ride & Run in Richmond VA. with my husband. He's not all that happy but he wants me to succeed so he's supporting me in my whim. I'm trying to keep food choices good and think I'm succeeding about half the time. Better than nothing. I have an appointment for a fill on Monday because I've been stupidly hungry most of the time.

    Best of all I'm back in the game. :confused: Yay me!

  5. I've been indulging in treats of the sweets & booze variety. Plus I've not worked with my trainer for 2 weeks. I had a stupidly huge meal the day after Christmas. The only saving grace was that it was pretty much the only thing I eat that day.

    Im actually a bit depressed how easily I have slipped back to my former self. It has been almost a year of changing food habits and trying to create exercise habits and nothing stuck. It is so not true about doing something for a certain amount of time (3 weeks, 3 months ???) and it becomes a (new) habit. I am very fearful that this will be like other attempts. It is only a matter of time before the weight comes back, plus more.

    Maybe I should have had my damn stomach stapled.

    PS I have also developed a F*%&ing hemorrhoid!!! WONDERFUL

  6. Yep! Whenever the scale stops moving down or starts to move up. That's when the bypass looks like a more attractive option because it does a little more work for you, in the beginning.

    There is work to be done when you have the band. It's not just having surgery and you start losing and keep losing. With the band you are more involved in the process of weight loss. Which is GOOD. The "why" you packed on the weight is very important and you have to change those behaviors as well as having the band as a tool.

    I think for most of us bandsters we made the decision to go with the band because we wanted to loose the weight and keep it off. The keeping it off is the hard part and the band gives you the time and learning opportunity to make the lifestyle changes that will stand the test of time and life's challenges.

    I 'm sure you've done the research into the difference between the band and bypass. The pro's and con's of both and found the right fit for you. Knowledge is very powerful in helping to make you feel comfortable with your decision.

    Good luck on your journey.

  7. Im doing the Thanksgiving cooking/baking too. Cookies are my downfall. One becomes two then I start thinking "well maybe I could just have cookies for dinner. Same calories. But that's what got me here in the first place.

    Onederland is meant to be, just not today or tomorrow. It will happen. Soon. Really!

    Gobble gobble.

  8. Dude you lost me at doomed.

    Sounds like you're having a tough time. I think.

    I just looked at your pics over on your profile and you look like a happy guy. Just know that whatever is happening will pass. Hey, Happy New Minute!!

    How is your journey with the band going? Keep us posted, OK?


  9. Hi PrettyLady

    Yep you need some more information. I don't even think you have enough to make an informed decision on the LapBand over the ByPass (or any WLS). Im not coming down on you. I just want you to have the correct information on all your surgical choices. Over at Obesity Help .com (Weight Loss Surgery ) they have good information all the surgical options.

    For information on the Bands go over to: Official Site: the LAP-BAND® Adjustable Gastric Banding System for weight loss surgery or Home - REALIZEBand.com These are the 2 makers of the bands.

    You can find technical information there on how the bands work and what they are made of.

    Generally the band are made of solid silicone(apposed to the gel in breast implants), are hollow(like an inner tube) and when you need more restriction they are filled with saline.

    Don't get me wrong I think the Band is great. I can't think of living without it now. I just think you need to be well informed before you have any surgery.

    Also anyone who has had any of these surgeries will tell you it's not the surgery that "does the work" it is you. You have to wrap your mind around a lifestyle change. Food, exercise and accepting yourself in all phases of your life.

    Poke around on the LBT forums. Most any question you have has already been asked and answered a few times. :thumbup:

    Good luck on your journey


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