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Had my 2nd fill yesterday... on the road to recovery from my hysterctomy

I sure have had alot going on since I have had my lap band on december 19th. I currently weigh 169 lbs on the clinic scale, we all know that our scales at home are different but Im so proud of myself. I wouldnt change this surgery for the world. I started out at 215 lbs. so a total weight loss of 46 lbs. I FINALLY HAD MY FILL YESTERDAY.. I can now exercise more since my surgery. I can ride my bike again and use my wii fit but if I get sore I have to stop. And I can do leg lifts.. lol and I can go for longer walks and I can lift 15 to 20 lbs. My goal that I set for myself was 140 lbs. so not that far to go. But I should really be 128 or less. But we will see how it goes. Thank you everyone for being so supportive .. Nice to know that I have friends here who are going thru the same thing. Oh and Im going to be having a support group at my clinic here in town and the doctors are going to give me the list of patients who have had the lap band etc... will be super nice to be able to share our experiences with one another..




Had a abdominal hysterectomy may 11th

I had my abdominal hysterectomy on may 11th 2009 and Im still in quite a bit of pain yet but I know that it will be a long healing process 6-8 weeks. Once I heal I can then finally be filled and Im excited about that. I have only had 1 fill and that was in january. I have lost 45 lbs now and Im happy with that. I started out at 215 lbs and I cannot complain. I have bought new clothes and I am totally pumped that my pants are no longer in the plus sizes. My tops are an xl still but once im healed from this surgery will be able to exercise again and continue on my journey to reaching my goal. If anyone else has to have a hysterectomy give me a yell because I understand what your going thru. there is a web site called www.hystersisters.com but nobody there seems to have the lap band but thats ok, I can post it here and share that journey with everyone here. they took my cervix and my uterus but left my ovaries because my ovaries are healthy and Im young yet and they want me to go thru the normal menopause stage, which is an excellent idea. It will be odd not to have my period though but at the same time a blessing as well. I would have my period for a month at a time and it would wear me down. goodluck all in your lap band journey I have no regrets at all, it was the best decision I could have ever made for myself...




I have had some other medical situations going on ..

I had an abnormal pap smear and I needed to have a coloposcopy and they found that I have severe dysplasia so they told me they would have to do a cone biopsy and I had that done last friday and IM still a little sore. I found out yesterday that I dont have cervical cancer but I do need to have a hysterectomy and I go back to the doctor on march 16th and we will discuss it all. My gynecologist knows that I had my tubes tied years ago now but he still had to ask me if I wanted children, I chuckled and said NO. I am 41 so no i dont want anymore children. I am so happy that I dont have cancer but I have to see how they need to do this surgery and Im sure they are going to have to talk to my lap band doctor especially if they cant do a vaginal hysterectomy. That makes me nervous, they are not going to take out my band.. no way no how.. Im wondering if anyone else has had to have any abdominal surgeries since there band placement.   thanks for listenting Julie




interesting how some ppl are not informed more by the doctors/dieticians etc.

I have found out that some of my friends didnt receive the knowledge they should have from their weight loss clinics/hospitals. I think that its really interesting how much I have learned from my dietician,my physician, the surgeon and by reading alot of other ppl's posts on here and in myspace and in yahoo groups. I am so glad that I have had such great teachers. I always have asked alot of questions and Im thankful to all of you who have given me support and information. I just hope that when I am banded that I too can share my own journey with others who need more information before deciding on whether this is what they wish to truly do.   I have some close friends who are close to getting surgery dates as well and we talk alot. They too are having surgery at smdc as well. I will be the first one to have this though and always thought we would all have the same times or near the same times. Two of them have things they have to complete and the other friend of mine is just waiting for them to give her the date of her surgery. She goes to another hospital st lukes they do things differently as we all know how each doctor differs.   Anyway thank you for all of you who have put up with all my questions and I'm sure that I will have more after being banded on december 19th. Im doing fantastic with my liquid pre op diet. Its not as bad as I thought it was going to be. I am very proud of myself and will continue to remain positive even when things are going slow.   thanks for reading.. have a great day everyone..



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