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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    erp reacted to Fallenangel2904 in 6 months post op -98lbs so far   
    Today is officially my 6 month surgiversay. I'm down 98lbs (wanted so badly to make it an even 100 but didn't quite get there lol) I'm happy with my progress thus far though I know now is the time I need to step up the exercise since I admit I haven't excersied much at all. But now that I'm down quite a bit and moving around is easier I can actually do it without feeling like I'm going to die.
    Surgery has changed my life honestly. I have had some emotional issues the last few months and I don't think I expected those things. Surgery is such an emotional process, more then I ever imagined. I won't lie to you pre ops, before surgery I kinda thought I would hgave surgery and all my issues would go away and my life would magically be amazing. Not quite the case. I still had my emotional baggage and even more so after surgery, but I am working on them. All in all though, I am SO happy and proud of my progress. I has changed my life for the better. Before surgery my health was going down hill very fast at only 23 years old. At my heaviest I was nearing 400lbs. I do not know my exact high weight but it was darn close to the 400 pound mark. I couldn't really walk more then a block with out feeling like I was going to passout. I was in SO much physical pain, more then I ever admited to. My knees hurt so badly (I have had several knee injuries over the years) I couldn't LIVE life anymore. I live in NYC and as you can imagine mobility is your life line and I had outgrown this city. I didn't have this surgery for vanity, though of course wearing smaller clothes and being able to shop anywhere you want is a huge plus, but I did it for health. I never, and still don't really strive to be a size 6. I want to be a size healthy.
    I was 379 at my recored heaviest and in a size 26/28. Today I am sitting at 281 and am in a size 18/20. I am still big by most peoples standards but where I am now is day and night. I have never been less then 270 in my adult life and that is only 11 pounds from now. Excited to get there. I am a work in progress and am going to keep going and see where I wind up.
    This was way longer then I meant it to be lol. Now for pictures- the real reason you all are here haha.

  2. Like
    erp got a reaction from TES in Thinking about going vegan   
    Have you tried Beyond meat? 18g protein/serving and the ingredients aren't scary. http://www.beyondmeat.com/products/grilled/
    May help bridge the Protein gap.
  3. Like
    erp reacted to Sky61777 in FEBRUARY SLEEVERS 2013....how you doing after you've been Sleeved   
    went shopping today at Kohls, started out in the women's section as I am used to doing but when I tried things on they were way too big. Had to hit the regular size section, amazing b/c I don't remember the last time I could do that. Its crazy how much more they have in regular sizes. Feels great!
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    erp reacted to kkramer185 in FEBRUARY SLEEVERS 2013....how you doing after you've been Sleeved   
    So excited! Went shopping for a new outfit and had to keep getting smaller sizes!!! Finally landed on an 18/20 top and XL skirt!!! I was wearing 3-4X, and 26/28!!! I think my outfit is not quite accurate but feels good anyways!
  5. Like
    erp got a reaction from rickyswife in Curiosity on your appearance   
    I do! Been over 200 for 20 years.
  6. Like
    erp got a reaction from AmandaRaeLeo in Quest Protein Bars   
    Ordered a box of mixed berry blissllast night using the code. :-)
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    erp reacted to Susie1226 in FEBRUARY SLEEVERS 2013....how you doing after you've been Sleeved   
    Sleeved on 2/19. Weight before surgery 261. Day of surgery 251. Now I weigh 221. Doing good but I hit a stall. Can't wait to get to the 190's.
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    erp reacted to mvickyway in FEBRUARY SLEEVERS 2013....how you doing after you've been Sleeved   
    Sleeved 2/20/13 and down from 224 DOS to 198 today. Thrilled so far and anxious for more
  9. Like
    erp got a reaction from coloradogrl in Shout out your Nsv's   
    Love all the NSV everyone! A few of mine: not spilling over onto the person next to me on the airplane, lost a chin (still have a gobbler neck though), can wear high heels all day, down to a 14w was a 20 prior to surgery.
  10. Like
    erp reacted to Joy0125 in Today I am no longer a 2 girl... 1's it is!   
    Today I hit a major milestone. I am now the lightest I've been in at least 15 years. I finally weigh under 200 pounds. It was so exciting to see it on the scale. I've been dancing around it for a few weeks. I am just thrilled with my new body as it emerges. Is it perfect? Certainly not but I'm embracing it. I can do more with my body than I've been able to in a long, long time. I am spending more quality time, active time, with my children. I get dressed and feel like I can go out with my head held high. I'm really proud and love the sleeve for helping me get there!
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    erp reacted to It's all new in I Want To See Before & After Pics!   
    Today is my one year surgiversary!

  12. Like
    erp reacted to DEZ1975 in Getting the Tatas Reduced Tomorrow   
    Home from surgery and it's really not that bad. I anticipated far more pain. Just tired and sore. Thanks everyone for the encouraging words.
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    erp reacted to SqueakyWheel&Ethyl in Ideas for what to tell people?   
    Fascinating how hostile and threatening these responses are. The irony is that discretion is needed due to criticism and negative judgments by others. And yet, THOSE who should be MOST supportive of each other - those who are going down this same life-changing path - are turning on each other with passionate criticism!
    I support each person here who NEEDS to be an open book with John Q Public. I support each person here who NEEDS to withhold information from outsiders. And, I support each person here who NEEDS to spin their own truth to minimize the questions and gossip in their own inner circle. So what, if a story is spun? In this situation, how is it harming the recipient?
    I support whatever my brothers and sisters here NEED to make this transition as calm, peaceful and stress-free as possible. Why? Because THIS is my Sleeve Family and I believe that a family should lift each other up, not tear them down. TO EACH HIS OWN. I may not handle my "story" the way you would, but I respect your need to handle it in your own way.
  14. Like
    erp got a reaction from DEZ1975 in Getting the Tatas Reduced Tomorrow   
    Wishing you a speedy recovery. Good luck.
  15. Like
    erp reacted to No game in Going out to lunch   
    Well I'm back it went well,,, there were a few weird moments, but all and all it went ok.
    She said she felt a bit weird eating with me but it turned out more informative than anything else.
    She talked about body dysmorphia in the sense that she doesn't see an obese person when she looks at herself. she does understand why I did it though (kinda)... I had high blood pressure and was taking meds, whereas she does not have any of these type of issues.
    She in no way would ever do anything so drastic though. I have to respect that she knows what she wants in life and she's happy.
    I'm happy with my choice. I feel more free moving around in public, something she always felt by the way.
    We sat in a booth, after we sat the waiter asked if she wanted a table for comfort and she said no without batting an eyelash. I remember a couple of months before surgery going out to eat with my family and the booth was uncomfortable for me. The table was squished against my stomach.
    Today I felt room all around me.
    When I picked her up I had to help with the seatbelt because she couldn't do it by herself.
    Flash back for me.. I buckle much differently now when I get into my car. I can see what I'm doing now whereas before it was more a "feel" situation buckling in.
    I love her, she loves me and we both have different comfort levels.
    But I keep going back to my admiration for her, I want to work on having something that she has but still eludes me. Self esteem.
    Big or small I want to get to a place of self acceptance.
  16. Like
    erp reacted to It's all new in Bodybuilders?   
    Ok, here is my starting photo. I will hope that with a lot of hard work and attention to diet I can put on sufficient muscle mass to not make a complete and total fool of myself. One year ago I had a before picture, and then I lost the weight. This is my new before picture, before I gain the muscle.

  17. Like
    erp reacted to ste_fun_ny in 4 1/2 weeks down   
    Went to see my Dr today I'm down 35lbs since my surgery. He set a 30lb goal for me and I'm happy to know I passed it by 5. This makes me really happy knowing my 4am and 6pm work outs are paying off. For those of you struggling keep your head up you're gonna get through this everyone else keep doing what your doing!!!!!! Ok that's all just really proud right now!!!
  18. Like
    erp reacted to Chris R in feb 2013 sleevers weigh in   
    Starting weight, May 5, 2012. Weight 450 lbs.
    Sleeved February 12, 2013 by Dr. Catania at Catholic Medical Center in Manchester, NH. Weight 389 lbs.
    12 weeks post op, May 8 2013. Weight 343.4 lbs.
    61 lbs. in 9 months pre-op.
    45.6 lbs. in 12 weeks post-op.
    106.6 lbs. total loss in 1 year.
  19. Like
    erp reacted to neneh_vsg in No fashion sense...where do I get some?   
    I've found my people!
    I'm 5'3.75" (that .75 matters because my mom is 5'3.5") and definitely have that legs-as-tree-trunks thing going on. I do wear skirts and dresses, however, because other people are less worried about my legs than I am. Pencil skirts in particular are always a hit because of our body shape.
    I might have to try out some Ann Taylor post-sleeve (June 18th!) -- my thighs are huge, so I wear generously-cut 18s sometimes but mostly stay in size 20.
  20. Like
    erp got a reaction from neneh_vsg in No fashion sense...where do I get some?   
    Aside from the age difference (your a lot younger than me)- you and I have a lot in common! I'm African-American and just under 5'4". You just described my body type completely- booty and all! Dressing for my shape is critical.
    Cuts that are more flatting to our shape include: jackets that end at or slightly above the hips, same with shirts, we can wear longer tunic styles but then you may want them to be a bit looser and balanced out with a skinny jean or fitted pant. Empire waist dresses are our friend. They emphasize the girls up top and skim the hips on bottom. If your waist is well-defined, belted dresses can also work well just pick wider belts and wear then at the natural waist. Belts right above your hips will only emphasize them. I have to be careful with skirts. Fitted (think pencil) or straight cut look better on me for two reasons: I'm short so I need a leg-line that flowy skirts don't offer and if I wore an A-line skirt that goes out from my hips, I look even wider. Calves, sigh. Yeah, I got a lot there too. Heels do help, you can try kitten or low heels and see if they are comfortable. I wear heels a lot because they give my calves a slimmer look but really I just wish they were smaller! I have worn maxi dresses and if I can find a way to cinch them in the back, some have ties in the back, then I can create some shape with them and I look better in them.
    I guess the synopsis of all these tips is: Highlight the good stuff, the girls, deemphasize the stuff you don't like hips/thighs, and find clothes that create that curvy silohoutte (sp) for you.
    PS- Booty is smaller as I've lost weight but definately not gone. I like the shape of it better now in clothes but I do have some sag when looking unclothed.
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    erp got a reaction from Afrodite82 in No fashion sense...where do I get some?   
    I wouldn't suggest booking an appointment with no intention to buy. While it is a free service, it is expected that you make at least one purchase. Otherwise the stores will start charging for this but the trade off is totally worth it. A quality item that you like plus style and fit tips from someone with a trained eye. There is no expectation that you buy everything. Also if you do take pictures be respectful of the environment. You will have to leave the dressing rooms. The last thing I would want is the lady next to me snapping away photos while I'm dressing and undressing.
  22. Like
    erp got a reaction from TES in No fashion sense...where do I get some?   
    Oh don't worry, Antiband, I have moments. I still love my velvet track suit. Lol!
  23. Like
    erp got a reaction from TES in No fashion sense...where do I get some?   
    I have a pretty strong personal style. Even at my higher weights, I was a bit of a fashionista. After losing weight, I really hope to pare down. My focus will be quality basic and classics (white cotton tees, button downs, pencil skirts), layering pieces (cardigans, blazers), and then what make it me- girly, feminine touches (sheer blouses, lace, ruffles, floral). Yes, I'm all girl. For you, think about what styles or people you think are well put together and 'borrow' from them. Over time your personal preferences will take over. For example, I generally don't like a lot of prints, especially all over or large scale prints. I learned over time that those were the items I wore the least and were the least versatile in my closet. Now I generally don't buy them, I prefer jewelry as my embellishment instead. My advice, start with basics and then add from there. Have fun and remember as long as your tush is covered that's really all anyone cares about. :-D
  24. Like
    erp got a reaction from TES in No fashion sense...where do I get some?   
    Oh don't worry, Antiband, I have moments. I still love my velvet track suit. Lol!
  25. Like
    erp got a reaction from TES in No fashion sense...where do I get some?   
    I have a pretty strong personal style. Even at my higher weights, I was a bit of a fashionista. After losing weight, I really hope to pare down. My focus will be quality basic and classics (white cotton tees, button downs, pencil skirts), layering pieces (cardigans, blazers), and then what make it me- girly, feminine touches (sheer blouses, lace, ruffles, floral). Yes, I'm all girl. For you, think about what styles or people you think are well put together and 'borrow' from them. Over time your personal preferences will take over. For example, I generally don't like a lot of prints, especially all over or large scale prints. I learned over time that those were the items I wore the least and were the least versatile in my closet. Now I generally don't buy them, I prefer jewelry as my embellishment instead. My advice, start with basics and then add from there. Have fun and remember as long as your tush is covered that's really all anyone cares about. :-D

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