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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    petal got a reaction from Changing B4YourEyes in Happy Dance   
    on 10th may 2012 I started my weight loss,, i weighed 84 kg (185 pounds)... today 5th november 2012 exacty 64kg (141 pounds).. that 20kg (44 pounds) gone OMG...so happy dance around the house and time to go shopping for those lovely new clothes ..yeehaaaa.. next step the final 4kg (8 pounds)
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    petal reacted to Wolfgirl1978 in Another Rant About Husbands/spouses   
    Thank you Catracks and Wheetsin for your input, I appreciate any input from senior, successful sleevers.
    I know this is a public forum and when I put it out there I'm gonna get input from all kinds of people and their opinions. However, with that being said, did that girl really say I shouldn't have had surgery if I can't handle saggy titties? Really? Has she even had surgery yet? And if she hasn't then she shouldn't have surgery, and be happy being fat.
    Sorry had to get that out
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    petal reacted to SML1997 in Another Rant About Husbands/spouses   
    Honestly, it's sort of a compliment. He believes that you're beautiful now, and will just be "A Knockout" if you have those procedures done. I don't feel you can put off something you really want, because of your husband's insecurities. Unfortunately, he has to deal with those. You have one life to live.. I say go for it if it helps you to feel better. Also, I think once you have those procedures done... You're husband will be like "Wow" and should feel good if other men think your beautiful. Because at the end of the day, he's the one that has you and not them.
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    petal reacted to DIRTYMESKIN in Ectasy And Cocain Lol   
    Lol I don't plan on doing it was really just a general question that me n my brother were talking about lol
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    petal got a reaction from CBT in What Did You Tell Your Kids?   
    I never told my son (15) or my daughter (22) anything at all,,, then again i have told absolutly no-one about my surgury period... all they knew was i was having tummy problems and had to get it sorted.. they were a bit concerned but didnt ask too many questions about it,, just wanted to know that i would be fine afterwards..my grandchildren were more concerned and were so sweet looking after megiving tummy kisses etc.. as for explaining my weight loss.... well everyone who knows me knows that i am always on some sort of diet or exercise program, so to them i am just doing that and this one i sactually working.. cheeky i know but as i see it its no-one elses business except mine.. maybe one day i wil tell my sister ..
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    petal reacted to ICandothis in We Are Not Alone!   
    First I want to say it is great to have a place to be. I am 4+ weeks out and excited and scared. I see a lot of posts about how this is our decision, and it is but it seems to be a common thread that this is about us, but we are not alone. At least I'm not. My family and friends have suffered right along beside me.
    Every time my kids needed to clean cause I couldnt stand long enough. The trips my family has missed out on because I am too fat to fly. The pre planning my husband would have to do so dinner out was not somewhere with sides on the chairs. The lack of sexual positions, or my husband not being allowed to touch me because I was embarrassed by the fat. Just to name a few of the sacrifices of others...
    We are not alone, and those who love us have been just as frustrated, overwhelmed and hindered by our disease as we have been and so they are not perfect right now, and they may not know how to show their fears but they never gave up on us......
    One of the problems as I see it is that we believe we are alone, no different then a crack addict, so we turn to our drug of choice......,,FOOD......food has become our companion, our solstice, our shelter and instead it needs to be those standing on the other side of this wall we have erected, those who would love to be our support if they knew how and if we let them....
    My new choice is my husband, I would have been exasperated tooin his shoes. My incredible kids, I chose them. These friends of mine who are my chosen family, they are my drug of choice now....
    God,the Universe or Kermit the frog.....don't care what you call it. I chose to accept I am never alone. I didn't get here alone and I can't cure it alone.....
    To succeed is to understand, to see all sides, to believe in your chosen outcome. Thank the ones your with, they have been living this hell with you, they just don't get the recognition.
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    petal reacted to karenb4729 in But I Do Wanna Be A Size 6   
    For me, it's not being a size 2 or 4... I would be happy to be an 8. BUT - I want BOOTS, tall boots that zip up and fit my calf, boots that I can tuck my jeans into. The day that happens I will be jumping up and down in the shoe store!
  8. Like
    petal got a reaction from AdeptDreamer in Chickening Out!   
    Band to sleeve for me.. definatly no regrets and 1000% happier 10kg loss is 4 wks yipp yip but defintaly do your research and do whats best for yourself and what will make you happy ..best of luck with it all x
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    petal reacted to angelakay2 in Thought I Could Trust My Husband!   
    I plan to tell people that I went a majorly strict, high Protein, low carb diet. Won't be a lie Just leaving out some details!! lol
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    petal reacted to Lissa in Pole Dancer On America's Got Talent   
    It's true. Our heads really do influence our perceptions of even positive things! I did some paperwork for a stripper recently and we started talking about her job. I've posted before that I actually went to a strip club with friends and that I would love to look like those girls do when I get to goal. Anyway, the stripper told me that I should come audition at her club and I was shocked. I'm nowhere near my goal weight and I'd never take my clothes off in public. Her advice to me was that I should really do the audition because they have clientele that wants to see girls who are bigger... she even gave me some advice on dealing with areas that I think are flaws, like my abdomen!
    Afterwards, I was stunned that I had to keep reminding myself that the conversation was intended by her to be flattering to me, because my brain kept concentrating on the negatives rather than the positive that this professional stripper was giving me.
    Unless I get really desperate or my business tanks, I don't think anyone will see me headlining at the local strip club, but it is nice to know I have career options!
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    petal reacted to SunshineSleeve in Things At Home ..   
    I agree with the others who've said drink more Water. The other thing I've found helpful is to go brush my teeth. I know it sounds odd, but "delaying" eating to brush my teeth does two things; my mouth feels nice and clean and I find I don't want to lose that, and the delay is usually enough to derail my hunger. I do take an acid reducer (Dr's RX) daily, I'd check with your doc before adding that.
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    petal reacted to sleevemeup in Tape Tape And More Tape   
    Olive oil!! I used it for my knee tape incisions.
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    petal got a reaction from Lissa in 9 Months Out - New Picture And A Nsv   
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    petal reacted to big guy in Is This A Problem For Anyone Else?   
    No way are you wrong....but if your tone was wrong then yes. My job presents me opportunity to craft my communication skills. So I'm very in tuned to to e and body language.
    Instead of saying "do you mind... " maybe you say "John, we're friends and I need your help. I just had this surgery and folks talk about all this fantastic food. It so hard for me. Do you have any suggestions to help me thru this? I trust your opinion." What you're doing is making your problem his problem and most people LOVE to solve problems....even though they can't.
    Funny thing....I do this to my wife all the time. She loves to help fix me.
    Just a thought.
    Surgery 4/11/12 lost 54lbs as of 5/28/12
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    petal reacted to kellythestarr in May Sleeve Buddies!   
    I have a nsv! I painted my toenails today!!!
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    petal got a reaction from Lissa in Medical Nsv...and It's A Huge One   
    excellent news.. well done x
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    petal got a reaction from NenaLinda in Band To Sleeve   
    hello.. I had the band in for about 6-7yrs was all good, then one day just stopped working , i started to regain and didnt matter what i did could not get the scales to move back down... I had my band removed 8 weeks ago. then exactly 2 weeks ago today I was sleeved.. i know its early days but so far I am sooo happy with it, down 7kg in 2 weeks .. pain wise i honestly thought the lapband in and out is more painful, but seriously not that bad,, the sleeve has given me no discomfort at all except obviously the first day but more in the wound site that the stomach it self.. was up and about the next day and still have no pain at all... but then i have a mind set that because i have chosen to do this to myself then I really have no right to complain about pain .. however i guess if I was really in sever pain then I would be crying like a baby lol.. for me it was easy and painless and best move I have done.. good luck with your surgery x
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    petal reacted to Lloydthumper in U Know What Made Me First Realize I Was Fat?   
    From my point of view this is an awesome thread. Women losing there panties. But I'm a guy and were visual lol
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    petal reacted to Lissa in Stupid Post-Op Gas!   
    Now, one of the other maxims of weight loss surgery: Never trust a fart.
    Congrats on being sleeved, especially with only one incision!
    Welcome to the loser's bench!!
  20. Like
    petal reacted to butterbean in Not Cool! Frustration To The Max!   
    I'm only on pre-op liquid diet, so my advice isn't from experience only what I've read, but walking at least 5 days a week, drinking your Water, and making sure you eat Protein first and veggies next. Don't get frustrated, you have a new stomach, it's a learning process!
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    petal got a reaction from PEvette in Close Encounters Of The Vst Kind.   
    ha Ha crazy lady.. i love it... I probably would of stalked him around the shop till i figured out who he was lol
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    petal reacted to BlackBerryJuice in Fiber Intake And Stalls..   
    I'm nearing 2 years out, so obviously I eat a fair bit compared to people just out of surgery, but I still only eat maybe 1/3 of what a normal person consumes in one sitting. For what it's worth, I go every single day, up to 3x daily now that I've upped my fiber intake. Raspberries, blackberries, and dragonfruit - if you are not on the crapper 2 hours after consuming one of those, I owe you $50.
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    petal reacted to Lissa in Close Encounters Of The Vst Kind.   
    So, I'm in Walmart this morning, doing a little shopping, when I look up and see this really handsome black man. He looks REALLY familiar, too. At first I thought he was someone else, but when I asked, he said no, but he's a Dr Domkowski patient, too. That's when I realized I was talking to Mr. J!!!
    I've been following his journey here and on You Tube, and I knew he lived here in Vero, but I was stunned to actually see him in person! BTW, Mr. J seriously needs to update his pic on here! If he hadn't been smiling, I might not have recognized him!
    It was nice to meet him in person. He's very charming and kind, even when accosted by strange women in Walmart! I imagine he's got his own NSV for today "Some crazy lady came up and talked to me out of the blue!"
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    petal reacted to StrangelyNormal in Omg   
    "I can't wait for my husband to be able to pick me up. That is what I want my GOAL pic to be; my hubby holding me in his arms like a rescued princess"
    I totally understand. I told Ken, my fiance, that we couldn't actually set a date to get married until he was able to carry me over the threshold. He says he could do that now and I let him know that carrying me slung over his shoulder fireman style doesn't count. lol
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    petal reacted to BenisaMartim4 in Omg   
    I can't wait for my husband to be able to pick me up. That is what I want my GOAL pic to be; my hubby holding me in his arms like a rescued princess :wub:

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