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LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Comments posted by Kime-lou

  1. I agree with you. I know I could eat more than that cup of food, maybe even as much as I use to at times, but I don't because that isn't why I had this surgery. I may not get the totally full stuffed feeling from a cup, but it satisfys my hunger and keeps me from getting hungry for 4 hours and that is great.

    Some people just have false expectations of what the band does and can do.

  2. For some people emotions won't set them back, but for me I believe the answer would be yes. I am on Paxil for an anxiety disorder. Before I started getting treated I felt like I had to be in control of everything or I was going to bust. I would eaisly get frustrated and irritated. I wasn't happy with that life. I spoke to my doctor about it and he suggested Paxil. I wasn't thrilled with taking meds, but I tried it because I was sick of living like that. My life has gotten so much better, I am happy and can let things roll off my back and I don't get so worked up over things.

    While yes, SSRI's can cause you to gain weight the reason is mostly because it increases your hunger. I haven't had much trouble with it, I have lost 50 lbs in 7 months. (starting at 244).

  3. I have only lost 50 lbs in 7 months, but you know what, I lost what I committed to lose. I could have lost more if I would have followed 100%, that doesn't mean my band failed nor me, it is what it is. You get out what you put in. People just don't get that. While I am not 100% perfect band patient I take full resposibility for that.

  4. I am right there with you Jim. My hubs and I have no problems getting pregnant, but I can't seem to carry past the 10-12 weeks. I have had 3 miscarriages. Each one broke our heart a little more. I decided to have lapband before we try again. We are suppose to try again this summer but I am so freaked the same thing will happen.

    People are always asking us about having kids, some times I get so feed up with it. One time I blurted out and said well after losing 3 babies I guess I will have one when my uterus cooperates any more questions. We have had lots of test done, but nothing has given us any answers as to why. So when I tell people my story they always reply with do worry it will happen when the times right- I want to scream at that one to. How the hell do they know my uterus will play nice next time.

    People have no tact what so ever. I wish I could make you feel better, but I know I can't. Just know you are not alone in your feelings.

  5. Welcome my friend to banster hell, it's a terrible place. During this phase in banding it's the toughest to stay on the game, but try, try, try!! Water will help, drink all the time. If you get sick of plain water add things like crystal light or lemon to it to give it a punch. During this time try to keep away from the processed and surgery foods, the more you eat of them the more you will want. It's like giving a smoker one puff and then throwing the box of cigs away. Try to stick to good clean foods- protein, veggies and fruits. If you have a sweet tooth try a SF popcicle or SF pudding. FF Greek yogurt is awesome.

    Good luck, you will get through this just hang on.

  6. Pure protein is pretty good. Slim fast protein shakes are good if you want a drink - if gotten extra cold it's like a frothy milk shake. I also like the nut trail mixes from target- they make a good snack- just portion them out a head of time in little snack bags. Greek yogurts are great for snacks to.

  7. Just a question, but do you still have your gallbladder? The lump in the throat thing I had all the time for 3 months. After running a ton of test they figured out I had gallstones and my gallbladder was majorly inflamed. I was admitted to the hospital for surgery and put on antibiotics. After that I never had trouble again.

  8. Difficult doesn't even come close to what it is. I remember one night thinking I was going to die if I couldn't eat something. I was fussing with the hubs and asking why the heck was I doing this.

    But, I was reminded why I was doing this by a quick look in the mirror in my birthday suit- yep that is why.

    It's hard, but it doesn't last long and you will forget how bad it is once it's over and you are eating again. All that difficulty will be worth it.

    Hang it and keep holding on. Remember to drink, drink drink- it does help, even if you add some flavoring like crystal light.

  9. I am not a black woman, but I believe what you are saying transends the color barrier. You are right on all your points and I am sure you are an amazing speaker- would love to hear you. Your view reminded me of a lot of things that I had forgotten or just overlooked for a while.

    I was lucky, my parents were wondeful and raised me well. But once I started school I was picked on horribly for not having fancy clothes, for not being as thin as others, then for being all out fat and then for glasses, then for being smart- the list goes on. I was an adult before I started to gain self esteem and it was because I over heard someone describe me. The person speaking was a former teacher of mine, he said that girl is as weak as a kitten so timid and shy, yet her dad is one of the most well spoken, repected and like law enforment officers in the county. I was shocked, that was what people thought of me. I made of my mind right then that this kitten was going to grow up into a lioness- and I have and still am.

    Keep speaking, keep preaching- all of us no matter our race, age, sex we need to hear these things you are saying. You are Awesome and I appreciate this post greatly.

  10. Before surgery I feared starving hunger and missing out on things i loves and not being satisfied. However, other than the first two weeks I have not experienced any of those things. I guess mindset makes it easier or harder on a person and my mindset is this is easy. I am thankful that my experience has been good, but I was determined after being told my almost all my family (mom, brother, mother-in-law) how bad this would be and how I would be miserable and unable to eat- I wanted to prove them wrong, I wanted to prove that the band can work and I think I have.

    My M-I-L will be here in two weeks for the holidays- she saw before surgery and she can't believe I've lost almost 50 lbs and I'm not having problems. Can't want to show her!!

  11. Different surgeons put them in different places. Mine is in the center about 3 in from my navel and two finger tips from the bottom of my sternum. A friend of mind who was banded 3 years ago has hers a half in below her belly button.

    I have been able to feel mine from the get go. Some people say that it is visable once you loose a lot of weight, but I haven't lost that much, yet!

  12. You are really early on. You don't normally get restriction before a few fills. I didn't really start feeling it until this last one, which was number 4! You body went through a lot in a short time, give it time to catch up before you get frustrated- I know that is hard to do.

    If you want to make sure you are doing all you can - walk as much as possible, drink your water, get your protein. For my counting calories with myfitnesspal and keeping my calories around 1200 works. If I drop to the 800-900 range I am hungry and don't lose. Each person is diffrent you have to find your calorie sweet spot. You just have to find what works for your body and as you get more fills things will get eaiser!

  13. It is unrealistic to think we can give up our favorite foods forever, but when we do have them we MUST do it in moderation. I love pizza to, my hubs and I use to order a large and eat the entire thing. Now we still eat pizza sometimes, but we order a small and I eat A piece and we have lunch left overs for the next day. When I want to go back for more I remind myself of how far I've come and I can't and won't ruin it.

    Enjoy your food in moderation and add your exercise in and you are much more likely to rock that band!!!

    Oh, and I can still eat salad - I just play the little engine that could - CHEW CHEW CHEW (lame I know, by my mom calls me that now :)

  14. very good. but what is the connection between BMR and calaries..how do you calculate.

    Hopeful- you can find a BMR calculator online- this calculation tells you how many calories you would burn if you stayed in the bed all day long; ie the number of calories you need to sastain life. I always make sure my daily calorie count is below that, mine is currently around 1600. I keep my calorie intake around 1200, so daily I should at the least have a calorie deficit of 400 calories (it would really be more since I don't stay in bed all day). A pound is 3500 calories, so it can help me calcualte about what my weight loss should be. If you track your working out that helps more.

    By running all these numbers you can better see how your body is working and how your metabolism is.

    I am a numbers person (boy would my high school math teacher be shocked) so seeing the actual numbers makes more since to my brain than other things.

  15. I do feel good and my clothes are looser. When I go to weigh at these appointments I always make sure to have on light weight clothes. I just really like when I go to the doctor for them to see the lower weight, because that is what they base my success on.

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