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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    Tinka504 reacted to indi1 in 5 Confessions (Join In)   
    I confess that I too, think about food way too much, but I know Im not really hungry.
    I confess, because of number 1, that I am totally addicted to sunflower seeds
    I confess that I drink caffeinated coffee everyday, but add Unjury unflavored to it.
    I confess that since I quit smoking in December, I still think about smokes everyday. (prolly explains #2)
    I confess I eat chocolate once in a while, but I think that is why I DON'T eat it everyday.
    I confess that I USED to get upset about missing my old eating habits, but now Im proud of the fact that I don't give a crap about it anymore
    I confess that I lie to my husband when he wants to go out to eat and I don't. I tell him I don't feel like it. The truth is, I have better things to do than to sit and watch him and the boys make 5 trips to the buffet.
    I confess that I am secretly amused when my husband eats a big plate of carbs and fat... I just think "Keep going skinny man, one day you wont fit into that chair".
    I confess that I am proud of the fact that I am forty something and getting physically fit. I make sure everyone in the house knows I just came from the gym.
    I confess that I looked in the mirror way too much today, the first day I have worn size 14s.

  2. Like
    Tinka504 got a reaction from Vidalia in All food tastes bad since surgery.   
    I had that same problem. I could not stand the smell much less the taste of food. After about three months...all of a sudden, certain foods started to smell good, like grilled chicken...red Beans. Things that I thought were going to make me hurl just a week ago were now smelling good. The doctor told me that this was actually pretty normal. Its because of the "trauma" to your pouch from surgery. Eventually it gets back to normal...dont worry
  3. Like
    Tinka504 got a reaction from Bebee in Louisiana   
    Im in the New Orleans area, and had mine May 10th of this year
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    Tinka504 got a reaction from HoosierGirl in How long before you were comfortable?   
    I also had my surgery on a Thursday and went back the following Thursday. I have a sit down job, but I think I could have went back Monday, but I was really really tired. So to me the week off was more a resting period for me. I was super tired, but after about a week it got better
  5. Like
    Tinka504 got a reaction from Bebee in Louisiana   
    Im in the New Orleans area, and had mine May 10th of this year
  6. Like
    Tinka504 got a reaction from Dark Ranger in Being cold   
    I'm going to go out on a limb and say its because you are not as "well insulated" as you used to be. I think it has to do with the change in our skin as well.
    With that being said, I FREEZE! I always have a jacket or a sweater handy, and have learned to lightly layer my clothing, so that I dont look like a tard with my hands in my shirt ;
  7. Like
    Tinka504 reacted to JPSnAZ in Surgery & Relationships   
    Ive been watching some youtube videos of people that have had WLS and a lot of them said that their SO liked bigger girls and werent attracted to them when they lost weight and thats what ultimately ended their relationships. I know I wont have that problem! But still, theres a multitude of other things that could pop up unexpectedly.
    But Im not going to let the fear of the unknown stop me from having VSG!!
  8. Like
    Tinka504 reacted to SunnyCox in Surgery & Relationships   
    I didn't think that my relationship with my SO would change, but it has in an odd way. I am much more concerned with how I look, and in return, I want him to look good too. I've been buying more shoes and clothes, and I have my hair and make up done when I leave the house. My SO, admittedly, has no fashion since, so I buy his clothes and shoes too. I am more concerned with how he looks when we go out too. Otherwise, it hasn't changed. We have been together for several years. We have a very easy going, open relationship. He was not one of those people who love BBW, but he doesn't prefer very skinny women. We haven't had any issue directly related to weight, and the attention I get now that I am thinner. He gets a lot of compliments on how pretty I am, and he eats it up.
    My bigger fear is my relationship with my best friend. She is also heavy and has no desire to have WLS. I was at that point a few years ago. I thought I could do it on my own, and I wouldn't consider surgery. I am a few years older than her. I didn't tell her I was having surgery, and she started dieting a few weeks before I had surgery. We lost about the same amount of weight for the first five months. Then, she slacked off, and I passed her by 15lbs now. I haven't seen her in a month, but I have a feeling that she has gained some. She is super competitive, and I don't want to lose my friend over something as stupid as body fat and jealousy.
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    Tinka504 reacted to O.T.R. sleever in I am advanced member!   
    Wait till you get to Sarcasm Specialist.
  10. Like
    Tinka504 reacted to Rootman in Affair   
    Well, some semi-legal advice: GET OFF THE INTERNET and do NOT post any more about this. As much as we'd like to help you may let something slip that your hubby can use against you and jeopardize your interests. This can be a major life, health, legal and financial issue and you are not going to get any real help on the internet.
    Get some REAL help next, seek advice form councilors or a help group. Talk this out with HIM, NOT us. If things escalate then secure the services of a good lawyer and decide what to do.
    Above all PROTECT YOUR INTERESTS - NO ONE else is going to, so YOU have to.
    We all wish you the best.
  11. Like
    Tinka504 reacted to GiGi3 in 16 days post op....AMAZING   
    I am now 16 days post op. I feel amazing. I haven't felt this great for at least eight years. I have so much energy. I don't snore anymore, so I am getting better sleep. No need for a pad in my panties anymore, I can cough and sneeze all I want. No more depression, no more constant coughing. Just amazing.
    I have made Cookies galore for Christmas, and I do not feel one ounce of temptation or "I wish I could eat one". I feel liberated that I can make them, enjoy giving them to people and know I am not going to gain any weight this year from Christmas. It feels great.
    I remember going in the hospital that morning and wondering if I was doing the correct thing. As the Nurse put the iv's in me, I kept thinking, maybe I shouldn't do this.
    No regrets. I feel amazing. Just amazing.
    You know that feeling when you slip your pants on, and it buttons with ease---I am there, what a great feeling!
  12. Like
    Tinka504 got a reaction from christy38 in Did anyone ask their surgeon!   
    Check this out, its been discussed before
  13. Like
    Tinka504 reacted to vsginnj in Arghhhhh   
    Don't take it out on Nate because he is funny and your boyfriend is a dixk!
  14. Like
    Tinka504 got a reaction from DreamsOfSkinny in Crushed   
    Mentioning the best rate, My doctor only charged me around 9,500, because he knew I was self pay
  15. Like
    Tinka504 reacted to BKMama in Period Question (Sorry, Boys!)   
    *ahem* *points to forum title and description*
    "why are there men in the powder room??"
  16. Like
    Tinka504 reacted to Jessielynn in Why Do I Hate The Word "hubby" So Much?   
    I can't stand wifey or old lady! And I would never say hubby, lol, that's so not us!
    He calls me his dirty pirate hooker...lol
    And I cal him jack as in jack@$$
    We are so loving!
  17. Like
    Tinka504 reacted to lizv123 in Why Do I Hate The Word "hubby" So Much?   
    Hubby irks me when I can "hear" what I've read in that sickly sweet fake romance tone. Sometimes I just pass over it without noticing. But I don't think I'd like "wifey"...it's too sing songey for me. I'm all for pet names with each other but sometimes, not always, in a social or public setting its just silly.
    And my fiancé called me his ol' lady once.
  18. Like
    Tinka504 reacted to BKMama in Why Do I Hate The Word "hubby" So Much?   
    right. commenting on threads about our periods with "eewww..."
  19. Like
    Tinka504 got a reaction from Avillias in Where Is Everyone From?   
    New Orleans, Louisiana
  20. Like
    Tinka504 got a reaction from Ms skinniness in Crushed   
    You can also make a loan. My hospital actually offers loans to patients for just this purpose.
  21. Like
    Tinka504 reacted to FDclerical in Feel Fat   
    im sorry that you feel this way! please know that you look amazing and that your progress is such motivation for us who are waiting to be sleeeved. i cant say anything to make you change how you feel but you are getting healthier and healthier every day just by the way you have changed your eating habits! feel better you are strong!!!!
  22. Like
    Tinka504 reacted to Butterthebean in Delete   
    You can start calling people fatso and make ugly references about obese people and your account will disappear real quick. It's already happened once today.
  23. Like
    Tinka504 reacted to GeauxForIt in Am I Loosing Fast Enough? (Got The Sleeve At 154#)   
    I'm not "coming down" on anyone and I resent you insinuating otherwise. I am merely shocked that any physician worth his or her salt would perform such a drastic weight loss procedure on a person needing to lose only 34 pounds.
    I simply asked a question. It's quite possibly a typo.
  24. Like
    Tinka504 reacted to Getting There in Am I Loosing Fast Enough? (Got The Sleeve At 154#)   
    I don't think we're coming down on her. I think we're a little incredulous that 1) a doctor would perform this surgery on someone that clearly doesn't meet the typical BMI/Obesity guidelines and 2) that someone with only 34 pounds to lose would chose to do so this way. Can't deny that this surgery is a pretty extreme measure to lose 34 pounds.
    I'm not being critical of her - just surprised at her choice.
  25. Like
    Tinka504 reacted to AngelBaby in My Pants Fell Off!   
    I stood up this morning to go get coffee and my pajama pants fell off and hit the floor hahahaha YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! normally I would have been horrified, but I actually shouted "YES!". I should mention no one else was around to witness my awkward moment LOL
    also, all my jeans look like I took a dump in them because the butt is sagging so much.. need to try a smaller size I guess!
    gotta go.. time to hit up Goodwill for some new clothes

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