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LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Comments posted by ☠carolinagirl☠

  1. i am most afraid of my grandbaby being ashamed of me because of what i look like...the insecurity monster is still nearby and all those years of dieting ups and downs and comparing myself to whomever def has took its toll...but she will now be able to see her meme healthier and def more happier. and that is what made me take that final push to do something about it..to be (healthy). not a number on a scale. but to be able to push her around the block in her stroller. i can now.

  2. Nutritional Info

    • Servings Per Recipe: 12
    • Amount Per Serving
    • Calories: 230.8

    • Total Fat: 6.7 g
    • Cholesterol: 74.1 mg
    • Sodium: 802.8 mg
    • Total Carbs: 17.5 g
    • Dietary Fiber: 6.7 g
    • Protein: 24.9 g

    i looked up deer chili and found this

    if you ate a cup, you did fine....filling and nourishing...excellent choice

  3. i do not have a fill and i am losing weight. i am proof you do NOT need a fill to lose weight. if you are not losing weight, you are not eating properly. you can eat 1/2 cup but if its cheap slider foods/high fat etc, its not helping...you need to be eating protein filled and filling foods, veggies and fruit and drinking ALOT.

    i have followed you since you were banded and i know you teach and i know you have kids...but you got to do this for YOU>

    the band will NOT make you not hungry or stop cravings. it is there to help you eat less. that is all...it will help you stay full longer.....and if you eat filling protein foods, you will be (satisfied).

    its a matter of want power. if you want to lose weight, then do it.

    dont wait for a doctor or a doctors visit it do it.

    and when you get into the dr, then get that fill but until then, make it happen.

  4. Thank you :D ...

    This is pretty hard; but like you my husband definitely will not eat anything I will not be able to around me which is wonderful :D ... He even put the grill away so no more grilling until I am able to nibble on something from the grill lol...

    I understood it was going to be difficult I just didn't really think about how difficult :D ... But << MIND OVER MATTER>>> IS THE KEY :D

    100% shows me you have the mindset. it is mind over matter. those box of cheese its at walmart is not making me eat it.....I either choose to or not. I see success on YOU...yep, I does......

  5. for me the first 4 or 5 days it was (hard). my hub, who I adore, actually did not eat in front of me pre or post op. bless his heart.....but it will get easier...keep drinking, keep your mental attitude in check. it seems like forever, but the pre and post is only for a small smidge of time...proud of ya

  6. great job on the swimming. that is great exercise.

    am also glad you stopped weighing as much because sometimes the scale is just not right and if you gain (for whatever reason) it just ruins your happy attitude esp when you KNOW you are on it and doing fabulous. as long as you are losing inches, then you are losing and i know you are. good luck on the upcoming fill

  7. yep, there is such a thing as head hunger. i found that out to be true on my liquid pre op...i still have it...now if i (think) i am hungry, i drink to see if i am......but if i am hungry, i eat...

    45 is worth bragging. next time put it in ALL CAPS

  8. i had bruises for about a month (i also had to take 2 shots per day in my tummy for blog clots) so i looked like i got beat up in a gang jump in. it does get better..great weight loss so far. as the swelling subsides, you will be able to eat/drink more..just make the best choices. sounds as if you are doing GREAT. keep it up.

    ps-i dreaded going back to work and i was exhausted after that first day. operations, major ones, do take alot out of you.

  9. It is who we are that make us who we are. So much negative in the world to be dealt with negative from people close to us. I find as I stated before, those who complain the loudest are the ones who d not adhere and can't fathom why. YOU are doing fantastic. I am beyond proud of you. You mentioning me in your blog was special to me. I am honored and I thank you. I hope I can offer a ray of hope or a positive thought on a day when you or others need it. I think your blogs/comments are awesome and they are very appreciated.

  10. sometimes those who lose (faster) are a lot bigger than the others who are just starting (aka me for one).....and its now I am at when the majority people have surgery...each person is different and will lose different and be different. I compare myself daily to everyone on this forum (those with fills for example, could I be doing better if I had one??)......we be our own worst enemy. part of that diet mentality we were brought up with I guess. YOU my dear are doing super duper fantastic. GREAT JOB.

  11. you didnt fall off the wagon, you just took a day or two off.......do better now and dont worry about the rest....you have a life time to make yourself well...there is no time limit to get to your goal weight....one day at at time.

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