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    lyndeeboo got a reaction from Ms skinniness in Horrible comments   
    It makes me sad how mean people can be hidden behind their computers....so sad.
    People that have never had a weight problem /food addiction can't understand what it's like to fight a never ending battle with yourself
  2. Like
    lyndeeboo got a reaction from HadToDoIt40 in Gained 8 pounds in two weeks! WTH?   
    How are you today??? I just saw your above post...I say go to another doctor TODAY. No sense in waiting until your Doc returned Monday. What you are describing are reason to be concerned to me. don't wait!!! Maybe it's nothing and we can all laugh with you about it, but to me those symptoms don't sound like 'nothing'. Swelling, rapid weight gain, pain under a rib cage, tenderness and warmth don't sound like no big deal type of symptoms. Please go get it checked out TODAY!!!
  3. Like
    lyndeeboo got a reaction from HadToDoIt40 in Gained 8 pounds in two weeks! WTH?   
    I'm so glad you came back and updated...but HOLY COW! Girl, you were SICK
    Glad they got you in check and that your weight is going back down. How very scary. Since it was pneumonia I wonder if the pain in your ribcage area was possibly your lungs? Regardless, I'm happy you're on your way to recovery!
  4. Like
    lyndeeboo got a reaction from ProudGrammy in Is it realistic to not tell anyone I'm having surgery?   
    You all make me SO HAPPY!!!
    thank you for taking the time to share your personal stories with me and to tell me that I CAN "tell the truth" and get away with it.
    I am just SO READY for this to all be behind me and to be on the other side. Every single day I'm one step closer to being a healthier person and I CAN NOT WAIT! Daily I'm making better choices, and every time I make a good choice I get such a good feeling...it will be nice to be sleeved and have the willpower to keep on making great choices instead of what I've done my entire life, which is make good choices for a few weeks and then 'fall off the wagon'.
    Thank you for the wonderful feedback!
  5. Like
    lyndeeboo got a reaction from ProudGrammy in Is it realistic to not tell anyone I'm having surgery?   
    You all make me SO HAPPY!!!
    thank you for taking the time to share your personal stories with me and to tell me that I CAN "tell the truth" and get away with it.
    I am just SO READY for this to all be behind me and to be on the other side. Every single day I'm one step closer to being a healthier person and I CAN NOT WAIT! Daily I'm making better choices, and every time I make a good choice I get such a good feeling...it will be nice to be sleeved and have the willpower to keep on making great choices instead of what I've done my entire life, which is make good choices for a few weeks and then 'fall off the wagon'.
    Thank you for the wonderful feedback!
  6. Like
    lyndeeboo got a reaction from zbeeze in Anyone with a thyroid condition?   
    Okay, great, that is exactly what I was wondering! I first wanted to make sure that weight loss was still possible, and then I was curious to see if meds were able to be reduced.
    WOW, so it IS true that weight loss truly has positive hormonal effects. I had always heard that it did, but this is proof!
    Thank you for responding, ladies
  7. Like
    lyndeeboo got a reaction from nursepez in 3 NSVs in a 24 hour period   
    NICE!!! I love each of your NSV's and you give me hope that I, too, can have your success! Way to go for doing so well
  8. Like
    lyndeeboo reacted to O.T.R. sleever in PEOPLE WHO ONLY DID 3 day liquid pre op diet   
    I think we can all have differing opinions without being disrespectful to each other...... Can't we?
    There are a few posts in this thread that are completely uncalled for. Please think about what you post, posting inflammatory statements or taking pot shots at another member accomplishes nothing except calling attention to yourself.
  9. Like
    lyndeeboo got a reaction from ProudGrammy in Is it realistic to not tell anyone I'm having surgery?   
    You all make me SO HAPPY!!!
    thank you for taking the time to share your personal stories with me and to tell me that I CAN "tell the truth" and get away with it.
    I am just SO READY for this to all be behind me and to be on the other side. Every single day I'm one step closer to being a healthier person and I CAN NOT WAIT! Daily I'm making better choices, and every time I make a good choice I get such a good feeling...it will be nice to be sleeved and have the willpower to keep on making great choices instead of what I've done my entire life, which is make good choices for a few weeks and then 'fall off the wagon'.
    Thank you for the wonderful feedback!
  10. Like
    lyndeeboo reacted to IsB in Is it realistic to not tell anyone I'm having surgery?   
    Outside of my immediate family I didn't tell anyone. To the outside world it's just another diet like the ones I've been on for years only this time it's working. No one has questioned it these past 6 months.
  11. Like
    lyndeeboo reacted to Ms.AntiBand in Is it realistic to not tell anyone I'm having surgery?   
    I didn't tell anyone, but immediate family and like above everyone is so used to me dieting and losing and regaining they don't even say anything to me anymore. I've lost 40+ lbs and not a word. They have noticed I don't eat much, but that's what I always do on diets in the past.
  12. Like
    lyndeeboo reacted to ProudGrammy in Is it realistic to not tell anyone I'm having surgery?   
    lyndeeboo thats exactly what i said to myself
    DH, mom - 4 siblings and daughter - wasn't going to tell anyone else
    as time passed though, and lots of weight was lost....
    people would ask me how i lost the weight...at the beginning i literally took a minute to answer
    the first person i told (an acquaintance) heard the news and was very supporting
    I continued to tell people about the WLS - kindof kept waiting for a "disapproving" look
    for me - it never happened - no one spoke bad of me (or kept it to themselves)
    i just felt funny not telling people
    i was gonna say the common "exercise, watching calories, small portions et al"
    for me - i'm glad i now tell everyone
    some people were extremely interested to the point they started exploring the WLS too!!!!
    but.............as everything else with WLS - we are ALL different
    whatever you decide, will be the right decision for YOU!!
    hope insurance goes well
    i will keep my fingers and toes crossed for you!!!!
    good luck!!!
  13. Like
    lyndeeboo reacted to stepheff in Is it realistic to not tell anyone I'm having surgery?   
    As of today I have lost 63lbs and I was sleeved on 01/11/13. I only told my parents, my husband, and one friend. I have chosen to keep it to myself and if anyone asks I tell them exactly what you plan to. Eating better and exercising. This is not untrue whatsoever. And please don't say it is the easy way out! It is SOOOOOO not easy! It is harder than any diet you have ever tried. It is physical, mental, emotional...... I remember I was day 3 post-op and my husband said would you do it all over again.... I said no. I struggled with not being able to drink a lot of Water like I did pre-op. Now 3+ months later I don't regret it one bit, but trust me it is not easy at all! Please message me for any questions. You can do it and you can tell anyone who you want or don't want to! It is all about YOU!!
  14. Like
    lyndeeboo reacted to thinathart in Is it realistic to not tell anyone I'm having surgery?   
    I'm almost 6 months out and only my DH and BFF knows. When people ask I tell them, I REALLY watch what I eat. No sugar, limited carbs and high Protein. It's is the diet I am eating. I missed 4 days of work, so I don't think anyone thinks any different. I avoid the breakroom treats like the plague, so people know I'm not just saying I gave up sweets. I really did.
  15. Like
    lyndeeboo reacted to Chris P Bacon in Is it realistic to not tell anyone I'm having surgery?   
    I haven't told anyone. I'm a pretty private person. Even on here with the few posts I have made I try not to divulge to much info about me personally it may be shocking to learn but my name is not actually Chris P Bacon!! (Shocking!!)Lol but really I go to the gym like 6 days a week and people see me there working hard and if anyone else questions ( I say question but really mean compliment, which on a side note i have learned that I am actually terrible at taking compliments ) my weight loss I just explain that I started taking my diet more seriously by seeing a nutritionist and eating a low carb high Protein diet. That works for me and its not really a lie. I wish I was the type of person who could just tell everyone but that's just not how I'm built.
  16. Like
    lyndeeboo reacted to KristyM in Is it realistic to not tell anyone I'm having surgery?   
    Yes, it is realistic to not tell anyone. I told the same thing about the hernia, which was absolutely true---the hernia was planned to be fixed during my sleeve. You will get a lot of questions when the weight starts coming off. But, you will be able to walk during that 6 weeks, so you will truthfully be exercising. I just posted a blog about this same thing a few minutes ago. I get asked, almost on a daily basis, how I am losing the weight. My standard answer is HARD WORK! Everyone wants to know what "kind of diet" I am on. I tell them I am on a high Protein, low carb, and exercise program. And that is the absolute truth. I have not had anyone right out ask me if I had WLS. I have decided, if they do, to say "How rude. Why would you ask something so personal as that?" and walk away immediately. It is your body, your business, and you don't owe anyone an explanation about your body. Yes, they will be curious and yes you will get questions (ALL THE TIME), stares, and nosey folks all up in your business. But, you absolutely do not have to divulge anything that you do not want to. Just state that you made a life changing decision to be healthy and that you are sticking with it this time! Best wishes to you! If you have any questions, feel free to message me. I will be happy to share!
  17. Like
    lyndeeboo reacted to lory2922 in Is it realistic to not tell anyone I'm having surgery?   
    My surgery is in the morning and I am very anxious and a bit nervous.
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    lyndeeboo reacted to tparkerc59 in Is it realistic to not tell anyone I'm having surgery?   
    For what it's worth, I told people about my surgery. Most we're supportive, some curious, a few appalled I would do that! Lol. I have a hard time keeping secrets, so telling was the best way for me. No one has said to me that it was the easy way out..,.most have said it must have taken a lot of courage. Good luck on your journey, no matter you decide to say or not say, this is about getting your relationship with food on track so ignore unhelpful comments.
  19. Like
    lyndeeboo reacted to Takingcontrol in Is it realistic to not tell anyone I'm having surgery?   
    I'm 4 months out & only immediate family knows about the surgery.....everyone else knows I'm am eating high Protein low carbs & watching my portions...totally true!
  20. Like
    lyndeeboo reacted to kyllfalcon in Is it realistic to not tell anyone I'm having surgery?   
    I guess it's just such a personal decision and we are all different in our make up and circumstances. I never for a moment thought NOT to tell about my surgery. I told my family, friends, coworkers, and boss. I've told every single person who has commented on my weight loss. I had two folks voice concern and fear pre-surgery, but not one person has made unkind or thoughtless comments. Not one person has declared it the easy way out. Not one person has suggested I should have done otherwise.
  21. Like
    lyndeeboo got a reaction from ProudGrammy in Is it realistic to not tell anyone I'm having surgery?   
    You all make me SO HAPPY!!!
    thank you for taking the time to share your personal stories with me and to tell me that I CAN "tell the truth" and get away with it.
    I am just SO READY for this to all be behind me and to be on the other side. Every single day I'm one step closer to being a healthier person and I CAN NOT WAIT! Daily I'm making better choices, and every time I make a good choice I get such a good feeling...it will be nice to be sleeved and have the willpower to keep on making great choices instead of what I've done my entire life, which is make good choices for a few weeks and then 'fall off the wagon'.
    Thank you for the wonderful feedback!
  22. Like
    lyndeeboo got a reaction from ProudGrammy in Is it realistic to not tell anyone I'm having surgery?   
    You all make me SO HAPPY!!!
    thank you for taking the time to share your personal stories with me and to tell me that I CAN "tell the truth" and get away with it.
    I am just SO READY for this to all be behind me and to be on the other side. Every single day I'm one step closer to being a healthier person and I CAN NOT WAIT! Daily I'm making better choices, and every time I make a good choice I get such a good feeling...it will be nice to be sleeved and have the willpower to keep on making great choices instead of what I've done my entire life, which is make good choices for a few weeks and then 'fall off the wagon'.
    Thank you for the wonderful feedback!
  23. Like
    lyndeeboo got a reaction from ProudGrammy in Is it realistic to not tell anyone I'm having surgery?   
    I had it all planned out. I wasn't telling anyone except my husband and my two best friends. I had decided no one else needed to know because it was MY business. When people asked how I was losing the weight I was going to tell them eating better and exercising. When I needed to take a week off of work I was going to say I had to have a hernia repaired.
    But realistically, can I get away with that? I mean, most that have had this surgery drop weight crazy-fast. Will anyone truly believe I've lost 40 pounds in 2 months? Considering I won't be able to really exercise until 6 weeks post surgery, and that will be when I drop a BUNCH of weight (I'm thinking positive here...I WILL lose weight!!!) am I going to be the only one believing my lies???
    My reason for not telling is simple. When people hear you've had weight loss surgery, right away they think you've taken the easy way out. And I guess in a way, I AM taking the easy way out. BUT, I can't do it on my own. I've tried SO many times and just can't stick with it. I need something more powerful than myself. I don't think that people that don't have a food addiction can possibly understand the relationship I have with food, just as I cannot understand why someone can't just put down a pack of ciggarettes and stop smoking. I don't want people discrediting all of the hard work I'm doing (exercising, eating better, etc) and give ALL of the credit to the surgery. I know that's lame, but I want some of the credit!
    But for those of you that have done this...is it realistic to not tell anyone???
    I'm not a god liar, so if anyone ASKS me if I had WLS I would tell the truth...I'd rather tell the truth than be caught in a lie. BUT, dang it I don't want people to know I'm having surgery!!!
  24. Like
    lyndeeboo got a reaction from emr80 in Please give some answers or encouragement   
    I haven't been sleeved yet, but just wanted to say a huge CONGRATS on what you have already lost! I can't imagine how frustrating it must be to have stalled and still be doing everything correctly, BUT, don't forget that you didn't gain all of your weight in 4-6 months, don't be down on yourself for not losing it in that time frame.
    Keep up eating right, exercising right and don't give up. 61 pounds is great...go by the butter section at the grocery story and pick up a POUND of butter....Chic, you've lost SIXTY ONE of those...SIXTY-FREAKIN-ONE!!!! You're awesome!!!!
  25. Like
    lyndeeboo got a reaction from BuriedBombshell in Talking about sex too soon? DATING   
    First, just because you spoke about sex doesn't mean you've already jumped in to bed with this guy. It's never too late to change how far you go until you've already gone 'there'. If you're already regretting going too far in a conversation then tell him this. If he doesn't want to meet you because of it, then he really wasn't THAT great of a guy to start out with. Him not being receptive to your feelings and wishes now should be a HUGE red flag that he only wants one thing.
    I don't know you or him, BUT, if you've only been speaking a week and you're already having doubts about how far you should go, DON'T HAVE SEX YET. END OF DISCUSSION. if you're already regretting going too far in a conversation, imagine how you will feel Saturday morning after actually doing the deed.
    If you truly are looking for a relationship and not just a boy-toy I wouldn't jump in to bed with him yet. Is that me saying that no great, long-term relationships start out having sex the same week you meet? Absolutely not. My husband and I actually slept together much sooner than I normally would and we're now happily married...BUT, I was in college, looking to have a good time and wasn't going in to the night emotionally clinging to the hope that we would fall madly, deeply in love with each other and have lots of babies together. I wanted FUN and I got FUN. It wasn't until much later I got the ring and babies and all of that.
    It sounds to me like you're wanting LOVE...which is GREAT! Everyone DESERVES to be in a loving, long term relationship if that's what they want - - I just know a LOT of girls who are wanting the exact same thing you're wanting, they find a guy, give him what he wants right away, and then he's gone....that, or he ONLY wants them for sex, not a long term relationship because that is what they TRAINED HIM TO EXPECT!!! If you jump in to bed with someone right away they don't HAVE to get to know your likes and dislikes, they don't have to do sweet things to earn your respect and body.
    Just ask yourself this: Are you hoping for long term or a one night stand? If you're hoping for long term, don't sleep with him this Friday and tell him how you're feeling silly and regretting speaking about it so soon. If he feels more about you than a bootie call he will laugh at your honesty and you'll be good.
    If you just want fun, and you're not going to regret anything should things not work out, then go have fun

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