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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/08/2017 in all areas

  1. 2 points

    Food scales

    I've been using the postage scale that we already had. Works great.
  2. 1 point
    Good luck! Hope all goes well!
  3. 1 point

    December 2017 RNY

    I completely agree!!!! I haven't told mine and I"m super nervous about it. I have been a huge person my whole life. I have also been an athlete until my late 20's so I fear that they may try to use that over my head by saying, "how can a person that was an athlete all their life end up needing weight loss surgery". That's my biggest fear. They don't understand. No one in my family is even close to my size. I am a freak of nature that is no longer a great athlete. I need help and this program and surgery is gonna help me with that. I sure hope they understand. Time will tell. I sure wish you all the best of luck with your surgery and start of your new life. Go Git'm!!!
  4. 1 point
    I'm responding with words I've had to tell myself over and over. None of us are perfect at this. The important thing is not to beat yourself down. Get back on the horse quickly. Don't let one bad day turn into weeks and months of bad choices. I want to stress, use your first year of surgery restriction to your advantage. It is your best weight loss phase. Don't waste it! Your weight loss will slow down and get harder to lose as time passes. When you find yourself tempted or actively eating off plan.... Try to remember this. You have two choices. The pain of discipline or the pain of regret.
  5. 1 point
    I am freaking out also. I started my liquids yesterday. My surgery is 12/19/17.
  6. 1 point
    I am freaking out also. I started my liquids yesterday. My surgery is 12/19/17.
  7. 1 point
    Hola Mili, muchas felicidades por ese logro. Me encanto encontrar este post y conocer tu historia. Soy nueva en este grupo y apenas aprendiendo a navegar la pagina, me gusta mucho este website ya que es de mucho beneficio encontrar la ayuda y soporte de personas que estan pasando por el mismo proceso. Te cuento que mi situacion es parecida a la tuya. Tengo 33 años y desde los 23 e sufrido de Diabetes II y ahora precion alta. Y no es nada facil tener que depender de tantos medicamentos para seguir viviendo. Por eso e tomado la desicion de someterme a esta cirugia y poder tener la posibilidad de mejorar mi salud. Tengo mi cita con el cirujano en 12/20/17 y te cuento que los nervios me tienen al 100%. Ya sabes la anciedad de que nunca e tenido un cirujia mayor y temor a el proceso de operacion y recuperacion. Pero ver tu historia y lo bien que te ves me dan fuerzas de saber que aunque el camino es dificil Dios me ayudara a sobrepasar esto y lograr una mejoria en mi salud. Por lo que vi tu cirujia ya paso mas de un año, me gustaria saber como te sientes? que tal a sido mantener el peso? que otros ostaculos has tenido que enfrentar para mantenerte? Gracias mil por compartir tu historia.
  8. 1 point
    Few thoughts on my 7 days of liquid diet. Its scary at first, but you will be ok. Drink lots of water and take walks If you drink coffee like me, 3-4 cups a day you will need to back off before you start the liquid diet I had a headache for 3 days, day 1 was real bad but got better each day I dropped 2-4 pounds a day Biggest day was 4.5 That day I was most active and most hungry What got me through the first few days was thinking of eating again. Crazy right! I was searching for high protein low carb recipes, fun things I could eat and still keep on track Lots of cool and great ideas posted, so don’t despair. On the plus side I lost 20 pounds in 6 days You will have moments where you want to scarf, but you will work through it. Each day goes by the stronger you get.
  9. 1 point
    Man, take two inches off my height, and give or take a month, and I feel like I'm your surgery twin. I'm also a little over half way to goal. I, too, was a doubter this would work for me because I failed so miserably on the lap-band. I'm going at a snail's pace at about a pound and a half a week, but I haven't had a stall yet. Everything you expressed is exactly how I feel. I eat much less than I used to, but I'm not starving and I know this is a new lifestyle I can live with. I'm so very happy I did this for myself.
  10. 1 point

    My tummy loves unhealthy food!

    It's not necessarily that your tummy loves unhealthy foods (good news!), but stuff like cookies are what people refer to as slider foods (not so good news haha). Slider foods are are soft simple processed carbohydrates of little or no nutritional value that slide right through the surgical stomach pouch without providing nutrition or satiation. When slider foods are consumed, they go into the stomach pouch and exit directly into the jejunum where the simple carbohydrate slurry is quickly absorbed and stored by the body. There is little thermic effect in the digestion of simple carbohydrates like there is in the digestion of protein so little metabolic energy is expended. The most commonly consumed slider foods include pretzels, crackers (saltines, graham, Ritz, etc.) filled cracker snacks such as Ritz Bits, popcorn, cheese snacks (Cheetos) or cheese crackers, tortilla chips with salsa, potato chips, sugar-free cookies, cakes, and candy. Definitely keep talking with your doc and nutritionist if you continue having issues with solid foods. Maybe try some vegetarian options that are higher in protein, like chili with beans but no meat. Good luck and keep us posted!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
