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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/20/2008 in Posts

  1. 1 point

    Thinking of Cancelling Surgery!!!

    If all of your friends are vomiting there is a reason for that because its not the norm. You vomit if you eat too much or if your band is too tight. It is a tool to help yout hrough your jouney to healthy. You remain in control of your food intake and changing your relationship with food. It helps you make the right decisions about food because your not hungry. If your not hungry you can make the right choices. The decision is ultimately yours but complications are limited and you can can always get it removed if you don't like it. I haven't seen anyone on these blogs talk about not like it. Just take a deep breath and have a good discussion with your physician. This is all about YOU...
  2. 1 point
    Welcome all the newbies! You have made the best choice in getting Dr. K to do your band! BIG BIG BIG NEWS: I am 4.5 months out and have lost 60 pounds as of this morning!!! Only 40 more to go and I am to goal!!! I will make it by my bandiversary!!!! :thumbup: :tt1: :w00t: :biggrin: :thumbup: :tt1: :w00t: :thumbup:
  3. 1 point

    What was YOUR Moment of decision?

    HH-I'm just curious here. I stayed out of your thread that has been moved twice concerning your health issues that have arisen (not sure that is proper grammar) from the lb. You state you want to warn those considering the lb to the possible side effects and complications so they are well informed. You had numerous people attack you and your posts because they sound as if you are trying to sell something later on to us. Then, someone finds you on an internet marketing website stating that you were thinking about writing one or two e-books on your experiences and those of other bandsters you have "interviewed". You came back with the stance that you have not written any e books or tried to sell anything. I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt even though I was catching a whiff of the bs the others were attacking you on. Now, I come on this thread and find you asking for stories on how people came to the decision to get the band. You even take the time to give your story as to how you came to the decision. Yet, you never take the time to write a complete history on your difficulties from the band in the other thread stating NUMEROUS times you don't have the time to do so. I'm not attacking you, just wondering about the inconsistencies in your threads. Also, you make no mention of your difficulties you have had, just give your story on your decision. To me, it just seems as if you are "interviewing" more bandsters to try and get their stories for one of your e-books. If this is not as it seems to me, and you are on the up and up, I apologize. However, I for one, will not be sharing my story with you. I don't want to inadvertently end up as a source for what I see coming down the line.
  4. 1 point
  5. 1 point

    Jaime's progress pics

    Here are some progress pics of me. I am down 40 lbs as of today! Before--2/23/08 (first day of liquid diet) Today--4/16/08 (7 weeks out)
  6. 1 point

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Yes, I am a believer, BigBaby (though a hedonistic/bratty one, at times) and thank you! Thank you, too, Suze! Thank you everyone! It will all be okay...I have complete peace with all of this now. I'm not worried in the least. I don't know if I will be successful at staying unfilled, but I WILL get to goal!
  7. 1 point

    April 2008 Exercise Challenge

    WOO! I got in another 45 minutes tonight! I'm off to update my ticker again...
  8. 1 point
    angel bear

    One Year Post Op Feb.14, 2007

    Wow Andrew, congrats on your success. I know how you feel - 100% better and loving life. Keep up the great work!
  9. 1 point

    April 2008 Exercise Challenge

    Hey Zannie the new lady on top is a member here. BoobooKitty she has gone from a size 30 to a size 6 and looks amazing. Look her up and check out her pictures.
  10. 1 point

    Tell me a story...

    For me, everything has changed...for the better. 1. I can actually PLAY with my son. 2. I have more confidence. 3. I'm physically stronger. 4. I take more pride in my appearance. 5. I LOVE shopping for clothes now! 6. I'm more aggressive with my husband. (wink, wink) 7. I don't focus my life around my next meal. I enjoy my time. There are others....just getting started. Good luck on your journey.

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