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:thumbup:My journey with the band - On my way to the 2nd part of my life!

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Wow, long time since I've posted. Winter has gotten the best of me, was diagnosed with SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) and its time to get the winter weight off.   Will post later when I have more time, just wanted to reactivate my journal!





Todays menu:   Bfast coffee & cream - wasn't hungry and didn't eat bfast   Lunch meatloaf english cucumber salad   snack orange   Dinner talapia salad strawberry crumble   Wt 147.2





The slight unfill did the trick, slept like a baby last night for the first time in weeks! No acid reflux at all. I wish now I would have had him only take out 1/2 of a 10th of a cc. It probably would have worked and I would probably have better restriction.   But whatever, I'm living with what I have now. I have restriction, just not as good as it was before the unfill. But I just cannot live with the acid reflux. I need my sleep! It was so bad it was coming out my freaken nose. lol.   Today's menu:   bfast coffee with cream toast & strawberry jam (HOMEMADE WITH SF)   Lunch meatloaf (again, homemade and used SF barbque sauce I made) salad   Dinner chicken fahitas, no tortillia orange sorbet that I made - SF   Wt today 147.4




Unfill #4 update

Fill #1 - 3/6/07 - 2.2cc's   Fill #2 - 4/17/07 - 3.0cc's   Fill #3 - 7/6/07 - 3.5 cc's (I think it was only 2.5cc's because when I went back for fill #4, he could only w/draw 1.8 cc's)   Fill #4 - 7/20/07 - filled me back to 3.0 ccs - He should have filled me more!   Fill #5 - 8/17/07 - 3.4cc's   Fill #6 - 10/08/07 - filled me to 3.8cc's - the best restriction I've ever had,but still could eat big bites of food, so I figured I needed to be tighter.   Fill #7 - 11/21/07 filled to 4.0 cc's. By the evening could not hold anything down, not even my saliva. PBing all night - horrilble experieince   UNFILL #1 - 11/23/07 - unfilled to somewhere between 2.5 to 3.0 cc's - NO RESTRICTIONS AGAIN :eek:   Fill #8 - 1/18/08 Went in and the doc filled me back up to just right under 4.0, according to Flouro, it was perfect. Well, by next morning, could not hold down saliva again, ended up back in hospital   UNFILL #2 - 1/19/08 - Doctor had to unfill me to 3.0 again because of the swelling from all the PBing for being too tight. Again, NO RESTRICTION -   Fill #9 - 2/12/08 - 3.5 cc's - was tight for about a week, now feel lose again. grrrr, still have "some" restriction, just not quite enough! Next fill scheduled for 4/7/08 - I hate that it takes sooooooo long to get in to see the fill doc.   FILL #10 - 4/7/08 The doc just added .4cc's, making me at 3.9cc's. I think this might be the one!   FILL #11 - Was scheduled on 6/25/08 - but the doc did not fill me up, I was leaving for a cruise on 6/27 so he didn't want to risk me being too tight, so did not get a fill.   FILL #11 - 8/5/08 Went for a fill, this time the doc took all my fill out and all he could get out was 2.4 cc's. Filled me up to 4.0 cc's, I left, had to go right back because I could not drink, he took out a little over .2 cc's, he said I'm somewhere between 3.5 to 3.7 cc's. - I had great restriction for 2 weeks, but It has now loosened some. I feel I might need a tad more. I'm worried I have a very slow leak.   UNFILL #3 - 8/5/08 - Took a little over .2 cc's out, had pretty good restriction, but still a tad too lose.   FILL #12 - 9/17/08 - Added just 1/10th of a cc - I think I'm somewhere between 3.8 to 3.9 cc in a 4cc band. I am hoping and praying this is the fill that I stop with! I do not have another appointment for another fill, will wait this one out and see.   Fill #13 - 10/06/08 - Doc added about 2/10's of a cc. He took everything out and put it all back in and said I was about 3.7 to 3.8cc's. - which is where he said I was last time.   FILL #14 - 11/10/08 - Doc took everything out and I had about 3.6cc's, which is pretty good. He then filled me up to just under 4.0cc's I believe I'm about 3.9cc's. I ate some canned peaches and set around the office for a bit, made sure none came back up. Seems to be doing good so far. I hope this is my last fill!   FILL #15 - 08/10/09 - Added about 1/10th of a cc. I think I'm right at 4.0 cc. Wt on the morning of my fill was at 165. But was very bloated from steroids I was on for the previous week.   FILL #16 - 8/31/09 - My last fill lasted 2 weeks then I felt wide open. Went in for another fill, this time he did not take any out and just added 2/10th's of a cc. I think I'm just a little more than 4.1 cc's in a 4.0 cc band. I feel great restriction so far. I'm hoping this last. I'm sick of fills. lol. - I could tell my fill was wide open, I was starving all the time, wt at the time of fill was 170! grrrrrrr   FILL #17 - 10/30/09 - completely drained me, checked for a leak - no leak YAY - added 4.6 cc's - I feel like he didn't add anything, feel wide open! Hungry all the time   FILL #18 - 11/09/09 Doc did barium swallow test - I think he thought I was full of it. He saw what I was talking about and agreed I was way too loose. He added 2.5cc's. I feel restriction again, but not a real tight restriction. I have no idea where I'm at these days and I really don't care anymore how much CC's I have, I just want RESTRICTION!!!!!!   Fill #19 - 11/23/09 - I had a some restriction, but not enough, the doc added 3/10ths of a cc. I feel pretty good, not too tight, which means it probably will get looser. I will ride this fill out and see what happens. Very discouraged at this point.   FILL #20 - 12/28/09 - did not take any fluid out, just added 4/10th's of a cc. Still feel lose, but on the fluro it showed I was tight, so we'll see how it goes.........   FILL #21 - 02/01/10 - Doc did not take any fluid out, added 1/2 a mil then I told him it was still too loose, so he added another 1/10th of a cc. Feel really good right now - but as always we will have to wait and see.   FILL #22 - 5/17/10 - Decided to get just a little tweak, my last fill is still pretty good, but wanted to go just a tad tighter. Doc added just a little, probably 2/10th of a mil.   Unfill #4 - 6/7/10 - Fill #22 has been perfect, except my acid reflux has flaired up. Decided to get a slight unfill to see if that helps with it. doc took out 1/10th of a cc. We'll know tonight if this is going to work, fingers and toes are crossed.




Fill #22 is perfect but.........

Well had fill #22 exactly 3 weeks ago and it is the sweet spot I have been searchig for over 3 years! I love the restriction, I love everything about the way I eat, however, I noticed acid reflux at night. Lots and lots of acid reflux lately. grrrrrrrrr. I'm waking up choking and coughing and my lungs are feeling like I'm getting pneumonia, I know I don't have that, but thats the way it feels. I know its time to tweak this fill just a little.   I have Barrets Esophagus from years of acid reflux and its very dangerous to have acid reflux once you are diagnoxed with Barrets Esophagus, so my ENT doctor wants me to get just a slight unfil to see if that eases it up.   I am going back today to have the band doc take just 1/10th of a cc out. He only added 2/10ths with my last fill so I'm think 1/10th of a cc taken out might do the trick.   Weight this morning 147.7. Still would like to get to 145 before my cruise - which I have a feeling I will do it with no problem, my cruise is 5 weeks away. :thumbup:   Menu today:   Bfast Coffee/cream strawberry jam (homemade sf) toast   Lunch mini meatloaf with homemade SF barbque sauce I made and a radish salad   Snack orange and strawberry protein drink   Dinner fish & salad





Well, my weight is holding steady at 149.9, I'm hoping this stall will end soon and I drop a few more pounds. I was hoping to get to 145 by the end of the month when I move from HCG phase 2 to phase 3 and 4.   But if not, no biggie. I plan on doing another round when I get back from my cruise at the end of July. This should get me to my new goal of 135.   Menu today   Bfast coffee with 1 TBSP cream melba toast strawberry jam (homemade with no sugar)   Lunch 3.5 oz of beef grilled tomatoe salad   Snack apple, lemon juice   Dinner baked fish - 4oz salad




40 months ago.............5/20/10

40 months ago I got the band. What a roller coaster ride its been. Below are my stats - month by month - as you can see, the longer you have the band and the closer you get to goal, the harder its been for me. Some fly right to their goal, for me, its been hard work - and lots of it! Also, lots of ups and downs, the band helps with controlling eating, but not slider foods (ice cream - chips, etc.)   So emotional eating has been something I continue to deal with. When I'm down, I eat. Its something the band has not been able to fix, and I'm still working on it every day.   Consultation with Doc 11/24/06 - 248.9 Surgery Date 1/18/07 - 226 1 mo post op (Feb 18)- 206.8 2 mo post op (March 18) - 198 3 mo post op (April 18th)- 193 4 mo post op (May 18th)- 184.2 5 mo post op (June 18th(- 178 6 mo post op (July 18th)– 174 7 mo post op (Aug 18th)- 178 - went on vacation and ate big (7 day cruise) 8 mo post op (Sept 18th)- 174 9 mo post op (Oct 18th)- 170 10 mo post op (Nov 18th) - 167 11 mo post op (Dec 18th) - 170 - haven’t even been trying 12 mo post op (Jan 18th 2008)- 174 - again, not trying. But finally refocused - exactly where I was at 6 mos post op – so basically no weight loss in the past 6 mos 13 mo post op (Feb 18th) - 183 - Ouch! started taking steroids and made my weight go up, along with not eating right and no exercise! 14 mo post op (March 18th)- 185 - grrrrr 15 mo post op (April 18th)- 180 - weight is finally going down, but inches are actually coming off faster since I've been exercising a lot. 16 mo post op (May 18th)- 178 17 mo post op (June 18th)- 175 18 mo post op (July 18th)- 179- still not focussed:sad: 19 mo post op -(Aug 18th) - 178 - focussed again - This time I am committed to getting to goal and will not stray! I do not ever want to see the 180's again! 20 mo post op (Sept. 18) - 171 - :rolleyes2: 21 mo post op (Oct 18) - 168 22 mo post op (Nov 18) - 169 - I am focussed and doing good, but need to get back to exercising. I want to hit 160 by year end. 23 mo post op (Dec 18) - 166 - only 6 more pounds to get to my goal by year end. I don't think it will happen, but I will continue to try. 24 mo post op (Jan 18, 2009) - 168 - had hysterectomy and gained from all the fluid due to surgery 25 mo post op (Feb 18) - 168 - not losing, maintaining - joined Weight Watchers to give me some accountability and some structure. 26 mo post op (March 18) - 165 - WW going slow, but finally moving down again 27 mo post op (April 18) - 165 - grrrr - 28 mo post op (May 18) - 160 - FINALLY, almost out of the 160's. The lowest I have been in YEARS! 5 lbs away from being at a healthy weight, and 15 lbs away from my ultimate goal of 145!!! 29 mo post op (June 18 - 2009) - 165 30 mo post op (July 18, 2009) - 163 31 mo post op (Aug 18, 2009) - 163 32 mo post op (Sept 18, 2009) - 160 33 mo post op (Oct 18, 2009) - 164 34 mo post op (Nov 18, 2009) - 163.2 35 mo post op (Dec 18, 2009) - 168.4 - very discouraged and just giving up 36 mo post op (Jan 18, 2010) - 175.6 - depressed that its been 3 years and still not at goal! 37 mo post op (Feb 18, 2010) - 173.4 (decided it was time to take control and started HCG) 38 mo post op (March 18, 2010) - 161 39 mo post op (April 18, 2010) - 158.5 (had a little slip with vacation) 40 mo post op (May 18, 2010) - 150.7   Wt this morning 149.9 - holding strong in the 140's for the past couple of days. I will be glad when I see another drop, the further I get away from the 150's - the happier I will be. :confused:




only 4.9 lbs until I reach my original goal!

on 1/18/07 when I received my band, I set a goal to weigh 145. Well, I'm in the 140's now and only need to lose 4.9 lbs in order to reach that goal.   I've now decided I want to get to 135, but first I want to reach that goal of 145! I've already reached my doctors goal of 155. I've also already reached the goal of no longer being overweight. Its taken me over 3 years to do it, but I've done it! Or almost done it all. I'm just one happy camper today!




Guess what Fitday told me today?

I logged my weight into fitday.com today and guess what, I'm no longer overweight!!!!! I'm in the "healthy range" and my BMI is 24.94, see below: 24.94 A BMI between 18.5 and 25 is considered healthy. The healthy weight range for your height is between 111.2 lbs and 150.2 lbs. Your weight is within this healthy range. I'm doing a happy dance now.......




Fill #22

Fill #21 worked pretty good, but since I've lost weight, I can tell its a little loose so I decided to tweak it just a bit. Doc only added a little bit and it was perfectly tight again, not too tight, but just right!     Fill #1 - 3/6/07 - 2.2cc's   Fill #2 - 4/17/07 - 3.0cc's   Fill #3 - 7/6/07 - 3.5 cc's (I think it was only 2.5cc's because when I went back for fill #4, he could only w/draw 1.8 cc's)   Fill #4 - 7/20/07 - filled me back to 3.0 ccs - He should have filled me more!   Fill #5 - 8/17/07 - 3.4cc's   Fill #6 - 10/08/07 - filled me to 3.8cc's - the best restriction I've ever had,but still could eat big bites of food, so I figured I needed to be tighter.   Fill #7 - 11/21/07 filled to 4.0 cc's. By the evening could not hold anything down, not even my saliva. PBing all night - horrilble experieince   UNFILL #1 - 11/23/07 - unfilled to somewhere between 2.5 to 3.0 cc's - NO RESTRICTIONS AGAIN :rolleyes2:   Fill #8 - 1/18/08 Went in and the doc filled me back up to just right under 4.0, according to Flouro, it was perfect. Well, by next morning, could not hold down saliva again, ended up back in hospital   UNFILL #2 - 1/19/08 - Doctor had to unfill me to 3.0 again because of the swelling from all the PBing for being too tight. Again, NO RESTRICTION - :confused:   Fill #9 - 2/12/08 - 3.5 cc's - was tight for about a week, now feel lose again. grrrr, still have "some" restriction, just not quite enough! Next fill scheduled for 4/7/08 - I hate that it takes sooooooo long to get in to see the fill doc.   FILL #10 - 4/7/08 The doc just added .4cc's, making me at 3.9cc's. I think this might be the one!   FILL #11 - Was scheduled on 6/25/08 - but the doc did not fill me up, I was leaving for a cruise on 6/27 so he didn't want to risk me being too tight, so did not get a fill.   FILL #11 - 8/5/08 Went for a fill, this time the doc took all my fill out and all he could get out was 2.4 cc's. Filled me up to 4.0 cc's, I left, had to go right back because I could not drink, he took out a little over .2 cc's, he said I'm somewhere between 3.5 to 3.7 cc's. - I had great restriction for 2 weeks, but It has now loosened some. I feel I might need a tad more. I'm worried I have a very slow leak.   UNFILL #3 - 8/5/08 - Took a little over .2 cc's out, had pretty good restriction, but still a tad too lose.   FILL #12 - 9/17/08 - Added just 1/10th of a cc - I think I'm somewhere between 3.8 to 3.9 cc in a 4cc band. I am hoping and praying this is the fill that I stop with! I do not have another appointment for another fill, will wait this one out and see.   Fill #13 - 10/06/08 - Doc added about 2/10's of a cc. He took everything out and put it all back in and said I was about 3.7 to 3.8cc's. - which is where he said I was last time.   FILL #14 - 11/10/08 - Doc took everything out and I had about 3.6cc's, which is pretty good. He then filled me up to just under 4.0cc's I believe I'm about 3.9cc's. I ate some canned peaches and set around the office for a bit, made sure none came back up. Seems to be doing good so far. I hope this is my last fill!   FILL #15 - 08/10/09 - Added about 1/10th of a cc. I think I'm right at 4.0 cc. Wt on the morning of my fill was at 165. But was very bloated from steroids I was on for the previous week.   FILL #16 - 8/31/09 - My last fill lasted 2 weeks then I felt wide open. Went in for another fill, this time he did not take any out and just added 2/10th's of a cc. I think I'm just a little more than 4.1 cc's in a 4.0 cc band. I feel great restriction so far. I'm hoping this last. I'm sick of fills. lol. - I could tell my fill was wide open, I was starving all the time, wt at the time of fill was 170! grrrrrrr   FILL #17 - 10/30/09 - completely drained me, checked for a leak - no leak YAY - added 4.6 cc's - I feel like he didn't add anything, feel wide open! Hungry all the time   FILL #18 - 11/09/09 Doc did barium swallow test - I think he thought I was full of it. He saw what I was talking about and agreed I was way too loose. He added 2.5cc's. I feel restriction again, but not a real tight restriction. I have no idea where I'm at these days and I really don't care anymore how much CC's I have, I just want RESTRICTION!!!!!!   Fill #19 - 11/23/09 - I had a some restriction, but not enough, the doc added 3/10ths of a cc. I feel pretty good, not too tight, which means it probably will get looser. I will ride this fill out and see what happens. Very discouraged at this point.   FILL #20 - 12/28/09 - did not take any fluid out, just added 4/10th's of a cc. Still feel lose, but on the fluro it showed I was tight, so we'll see how it goes.........   FILL #21 - 02/01/10 - Doc did not take any fluid out, added 1/2 a mil then I told him it was still too loose, so he added another 1/10th of a cc. Feel really good right now - but as always we will have to wait and see.   FILL #22 - 5/17/10 - Decided to get just a little tweak, my last fill is still pretty good, but wanted to go just a tad tighter. Doc added just a little, probably 1/10 of a mil.





Todays menu;   bfast coffee, cream, strawberries made into a jam melba toast   Lunch chicken stuffed with spinach and marinara sauce poured over it, sf, ff marinara sauce.   Snack Apple   Dinner Chili with onions and jal peppers sliced tomatoes with a little sea salt





Scale was up today, not sure why, but more than likely its because my body is fighting me getting lower....well, I will win this fight!   I also need to drink all my water today, did pretty good yesterday on my water, but not good enough!   Today's menu:   Bfast coffee with 1 TBSP cream and capella drops melba toast strawberries mixed in magic bullet with a little stevia, made a jam out of it and spread on my melba toast   Lunch chicken breast stuffed with spinach   Snack apple   dinner bison asparagus   Exercise treadmill





Menu today   Bfast coffee with 1TBSP coconut milk, 10 drops fo capella flavor drops (vanilla custard) 1/2 grapefruit with stevia and cinnamon, 1 Wheat melba toast   Lunch chicken baked and stuffed with spinach and sugar free/fat free marinara sauce over it. Yum.   Snack 1 apple sliced and peeled with 1/2 lemon squeezed over it   Dinner Chili made with extra lean beef, 1 melba toast and extra onions over the top, 1 sliced tomatoe with salt & pepper   Exercise - still too sore from working in my garden over the weekend. whew, can barely sit on the toilet without screaming out in pain. I'm getting to old for this, lol.





Thought I would come by to post in my lonely journal. lol.   Anyhow, took a break from HCG for most of the month of April, not sure why I did it, just felt I needed a break.   The good news is, MAINTIANING my weight. Down in the 150's which is my doctor's goal. My personall goal is 145 or maybe even 135.   I started the HCG again this month and will do it until the end of the month and then will end it. I should be close to my goal by then.   I am very happy with the fact that as soon as I began eating more than the diet required, I didn't gain. It seems that the resetting of your hypotholamus (sp) is what the HCG is supposed to do, it seems it might have worked because I am not gaining. I didn't lose either, but I didnt try. I just ate normally, protein first and then the rest of my meal.   I will post more this month with my results. I plan on stopping on 5/30 then I will do a 3 week maintenance plan according to the manuscript and then 3 weeks slowly reintroducing the starches and carbs into my diet. Then I will be leaving for my cruise.....If I still have another 10 lbs to lose after my cruise I might do one more round.   It feels so good to be in a size 6 and being so close to my personal goal! Also, I'M NO LONGER OVERWEIGHT according to the charts. I'm a normal weight. Wow, first time in 22 years I'm normal!   Thank you Mr. band and thank you HCG. Together they have acheived miracles for me!   I also want to say that I owe most of my progress to the band! The band helped me lose 80 lbs! HCG is just helping me get to my personal weighloss goal. For some people they can get to goal with the band by itself, but for me, it just wasn't happening - I was sooooo close to goal, but yet sooooo far.   The last 20 lbs is by far the hardest. I tried Weight Watchers, low carb etc and just couldn't lose the last of my weight. So I decided to give HCG a try and it worked for me, very happy with the results if I havent mentioned that before. :thumbup:   Anyhow, I just don't want to confuse anyone especially newbies that they will have to go on some special diet with the band, that IS NOT THE CASE.   Follow the band rules, proteins first, no drinking with meals, exercise 30 minutes a day, stay up on your fills, etc. You will do great! And then when you get to final stage and having problems lose the very last 10 to 20 lbs, thats when you might think of trying something new for your body. But until then, I recommend eating the lap band way. It does work!





Well, back on the HCG diet - started it again on 4/01.   I did pretty good until Tuesday night (3/30). Had a late dinner and did not make good choices, ate fried chicken tenders, fried shrimp, and french fries, then had two drinks!!! Can you say yuk? Anyhow, by Thursday morning was up 7 pounds. Good news, I'm down 5 of the 7 pounds in 4 days. I know a lot ot it that I gained was water weight, alcohol seems to do that to me.   Anyhow, will stay on HCG until 4/21, leaving for my puerto vallarta trip on 4/22. So I will be taking another "break" for about 4 or 5 days from the HCG diet.   I will "try" and not over indulge in to much fruity alcohol drinks, but can't make promises. :thumbup:   I just love sipping on an umbrella drink by the beach or pool! I love the sunshine, I hate the winter!   Wearing a size 6 - thats right a size 6 capri pant today!!!!! I love it! I am totally loving my legs these days. My cellulite is even disappearing, I still have some, but not near as bad. I really am seeing the changes in my body, the fat is truly melting away. I'm a believer!





I'm off HCG now, taking a week break or otherwise known as a "planned interruption".   I ate so much yesterday, stayed away from sugar and carbs, and I was worried stepping on the scale this morning, but I lost another .6 oz. Crazy, but I did. Down to 157.5 now. Yay!   I am just in shock at my thighs, I can't say enough about them. They are my biggest problem area, always have been and now they are shrinking!   I have not been this small in 21 years! Its amazing!   Life is going good these days. :blushing:   Menu today   Bfast Coffee with coconut milk creamer (yum) strawberry jam (crushed strawberries with stevia) with melba toast   Lunch Spinach/ricotta cheese stuffed chicken breast (yummy again)   dinner Steak, salad, blue cheese dressing   ***I'm eating lower carb this week while taking a break from HCG diet. Will continue HCG on 4/1 until 4/18




My HCG update - FINALLY I'm in the 150's!

Today is day 39 on the HCG diet. I'm taking a few days off, also known as a "planned interruption". So today is my last dose of the HCG, then I will follow the diet for 72 hours until the HCG is out of my system. Then I eat "phase 3 style", or avoide my sugars and starches, I will be back on it around 4/2. I just have an event this weekend, and on the 30th. My plan then is to stay on it until 4/21, I will be leaving for Puerto Vallarta, Mexico on 4/22. Once I return, right back on the program. I believe I should be at my goal weight by the end of May or first of June if I still to the program.   I did have a few cheats on this round, but I still managed to drop around 22 pounds in 39 days. Not bad in my opinion. I probably could have dropped 25 if I had not swayed from the program.   Here are my daily results, I'm sure you will be able to tell when I cheated because the scale would go up for a few days.   Day 1 - loading days 179.8 Day 2 - 178.5 (another loading day) Day 3 - First day of VLCD 179.8 Day 4 - 176.2 Day 5 - 175.6 Day 6 - 173.4 Day 7 - 172.4 Day 8 - 171.1 Day 9 - 168.9 Day 10 - 168.9 Day 11 - 168.8 Day 12 - 169.0 Day 13 - 168.2 Day 14 - 167.6 Day 15 - 167.5 Day 16 - 166.9 Day 17 - 165.8 Day 18 - 165.4 Day 19 - 164.8 Day 20 - 166.1 (started cheating) Day 21 - 167.1 Day 22 - 166.8 Day 23 - 165.3 Day 24 - 164.8 Day 25 - 163.7 Day 26 - 163.3 Day 27 - 162.4 Day 28 - 161.2 Day 29 - 162.4 Day 30 - 161.2 Day 31 - 162.3 Day 32 - 162.2 Day 33 - 161 Day 34 - 161 - My body is stalling big time! Day 35 - 161.7 Day 36 - 159.3 FINALLY BROKE THE STALL Day 37 - 158.1 Day 38 - 158.8 Day 39 - 158 - Last dose of HCG Total loss 21.8 pounds!!!!!   Wow, I am in the 150's, I'm doing a Happy dance today! So close to my goal of 140!!!!!   I am going to try and not gain too much while I'm off the program this next week, I want to continue going down!




3/2/10 Day 18 of the HCG diet

Day 1 - loading days 178.2 Day 2 - 178.5 (another loading day) Day 3 - First day of VLCD 179.8 Day 4 - 176.2 Day 5 - 175.6 Day 6 - 173.4 Day 7 - 172.4 Day 8 - 171.1 Day 9 - 168.9 Day 10 - 168.9 Day 11 - 168.8 Day 12 - 169.0 Day 13 - 168.2 Day 14 - 167.6 Day 15 - 167.5 Day 16 - 166.9 Day 17 - 165.8 Day 18 - 165.4   Its so nice getting on the scales and seeing them continue to go down. And its nice not experiencing any hunger! Today's menu   Bfast 1/2 grapefruit, 2 cups of green tea   snack melba toast   Lunch Shrimp salad, celery   Dinner HCG approved chili Applie crisp made with stevia - yum   Wt this morning - 165.4





Well, I started a controversial diet on 2/16 and so far it has been going good. I have read lots of negative stuff about it, mainly from doctors. I am always surprised at the comments from readers which are all positive, they had all done the diet and quite please with it, so I decided to try Dr. Simeons HCG Protocal. I did something similar to it back in the 80's but it wasn't quit the same.   I am down to my last 20 lbs to lose and I'm finding it very hard with just the band. So I decided to do the HCG diet which is pretty strict and so far I have not cheated one time. I've followed it to the T and am down about 13 pounds (This is about the weight that I've gained thru the winter so no need to get too excited)   Day 1 - loading days 178.2 Day 2 - 178.5 (another loading day) Day 3 - First day of VLCD 179.8 Day 4 - 176.2 Day 5 - 175.6 Day 6 - 173.4 Day 7 - 172.4 Day 8 - 171.1 Day 9 - 168.9 Day 10 - 168.9 Day 11 - 168.8 Day 12 - 169.0 Day 13 - 168.2 Day 14 - 167.6 Day 15 - 166.9 (total 12.9 pounds)   I have about 25 more days to go. My goal is to lose a total of 25, but its slowing down, so I will be happy with a loss of 20.   Its amazing how little hunger I have. With the band and the HCG, it seems to control the hunger. I'm proud of my will power too. I have stayed on the protocol and have not strayed at all. I've become creative with my snacking too.   Today I made "apple chips". Sliced a green apple up (peeled it first) and sliced it very thin, sprinkled stevia on the slices and cinnamon and baked in oven and made the apple chips. They are great for snacking and I can have a few thru out the day. I get 2 fruits a day. It also helps with my "sweet tooth".   Well, thats whats been going on in my life lately. I will post more in my journal.   PS - I would appreciate no negative comments, I was reluctant to post this however, I am keeping this blog for my future reference and have kept it updated from the very beginning of my research with Lap band, therefore, I decided to detail the HCG in my blog.   Thanks!





My latest fill is still pretty good, I think I might need just a tad more then I will be done. I'm so glad he finally listened to me and quit taking all the fluid out each time. My way is working!!!! I am finally getting some restriction!   My menu today:   bfast 1/2 grapefruit, green tea   Lunch - saute'd grape tomatoes, with 3 oz of grilled chicken breast   Snack 2 melba toast, sliced apple   Dinner 4 oz of talapia (grilled) cabbage - steamed




Fill #21 - Lets see if it works.........

Now that the doctor has quit taking all my fluid out every time I get a fill, the fills are slowly but surely getting tighter. Fill #20 did pretty good, but still too lose, so I just had fill #21 and I'm having a hard time drinking my shake. I have to slow down a bit on it, that is GREAT! My fingers, leggs and toes are all crossed, hoping that this fill is the one that works - I am hoping to keep the restriction! I am to be on liquids for the next 48 to 72 hours.   Fill #1 - 3/6/07 - 2.2cc's   Fill #2 - 4/17/07 - 3.0cc's   Fill #3 - 7/6/07 - 3.5 cc's (I think it was only 2.5cc's because when I went back for fill #4, he could only w/draw 1.8 cc's)   Fill #4 - 7/20/07 - filled me back to 3.0 ccs - He should have filled me more!   Fill #5 - 8/17/07 - 3.4cc's   Fill #6 - 10/08/07 - filled me to 3.8cc's - the best restriction I've ever had,but still could eat big bites of food, so I figured I needed to be tighter.   Fill #7 - 11/21/07 filled to 4.0 cc's. By the evening could not hold anything down, not even my saliva. PBing all night - horrilble experieince   UNFILL #1 - 11/23/07 - unfilled to somewhere between 2.5 to 3.0 cc's - NO RESTRICTIONS AGAIN :bored:   Fill #8 - 1/18/08 Went in and the doc filled me back up to just right under 4.0, according to Flouro, it was perfect. Well, by next morning, could not hold down saliva again, ended up back in hospital   UNFILL #2 - 1/19/08 - Doctor had to unfill me to 3.0 again because of the swelling from all the PBing for being too tight. Again, NO RESTRICTION - :mad3:   Fill #9 - 2/12/08 - 3.5 cc's - was tight for about a week, now feel lose again. grrrr, still have "some" restriction, just not quite enough! Next fill scheduled for 4/7/08 - I hate that it takes sooooooo long to get in to see the fill doc.   FILL #10 - 4/7/08 The doc just added .4cc's, making me at 3.9cc's. I think this might be the one!   FILL #11 - Was scheduled on 6/25/08 - but the doc did not fill me up, I was leaving for a cruise on 6/27 so he didn't want to risk me being too tight, so did not get a fill.   FILL #11 - 8/5/08 Went for a fill, this time the doc took all my fill out and all he could get out was 2.4 cc's. Filled me up to 4.0 cc's, I left, had to go right back because I could not drink, he took out a little over .2 cc's, he said I'm somewhere between 3.5 to 3.7 cc's. - I had great restriction for 2 weeks, but It has now loosened some. I feel I might need a tad more. I'm worried I have a very slow leak.   UNFILL #3 - 8/5/08 - Took a little over .2 cc's out, had pretty good restriction, but still a tad too lose.   FILL #12 - 9/17/08 - Added just 1/10th of a cc - I think I'm somewhere between 3.8 to 3.9 cc in a 4cc band. I am hoping and praying this is the fill that I stop with! I do not have another appointment for another fill, will wait this one out and see.   Fill #13 - 10/06/08 - Doc added about 2/10's of a cc. He took everything out and put it all back in and said I was about 3.7 to 3.8cc's. - which is where he said I was last time.   FILL #14 - 11/10/08 - Doc took everything out and I had about 3.6cc's, which is pretty good. He then filled me up to just under 4.0cc's I believe I'm about 3.9cc's. I ate some canned peaches and set around the office for a bit, made sure none came back up. Seems to be doing good so far. I hope this is my last fill!   FILL #15 - 08/10/09 - Added about 1/10th of a cc. I think I'm right at 4.0 cc. Wt on the morning of my fill was at 165. But was very bloated from steroids I was on for the previous week.   FILL #16 - 8/31/09 - My last fill lasted 2 weeks then I felt wide open. Went in for another fill, this time he did not take any out and just added 2/10th's of a cc. I think I'm just a little more than 4.1 cc's in a 4.0 cc band. I feel great restriction so far. I'm hoping this last. I'm sick of fills. lol. :rant: - I could tell my fill was wide open, I was starving all the time, wt at the time of fill was 170! grrrrrrr   FILL #17 - 10/30/09 - completely drained me, checked for a leak - no leak YAY - added 4.6 cc's - I feel like he didn't add anything, feel wide open! Hungry all the time   FILL #18 - 11/09/09 Doc did barium swallow test - I think he thought I was full of it. He saw what I was talking about and agreed I was way too loose. He added 2.5cc's. I feel restriction again, but not a real tight restriction. I have no idea where I'm at these days and I really don't care anymore how much CC's I have, I just want RESTRICTION!!!!!!   Fill #19 - 11/23/09 - I had a some restriction, but not enough, the doc added 3/10ths of a cc. I feel pretty good, not too tight, which means it probably will get looser. I will ride this fill out and see what happens. Very discouraged at this point.   FILL #20 - 12/28/09 - did not take any fluid out, just added 4/10th's of a cc. Still feel lose, but on the fluro it showed I was tight, so we'll see how it goes......... FILL #21 - 02/01/10 - Doc did not take any fluid out, added 1/2 a mil then I told him it was still too loose, so he added another 1/10th of a cc. Feel really good right now - but as always we will have to wait and see.





Had my 20th fill, and I feel a lot more restriciton so I'm pretty happy with it. I've been exercising, but the last few weeks, eating has been bad! So, back on track now and have rid my house of all the bad chocolates my clients have sent me!   Menu today:   Bfast skinny latte   Lunch spinach turkey olive oil snack ff pudding   dinner grilled fish steamed spinach   Exercise upper body workout and cardio





Fill #1 - 3/6/07 - 2.2cc's   Fill #2 - 4/17/07 - 3.0cc's   Fill #3 - 7/6/07 - 3.5 cc's (I think it was only 2.5cc's because when I went back for fill #4, he could only w/draw 1.8 cc's)   Fill #4 - 7/20/07 - filled me back to 3.0 ccs - He should have filled me more!   Fill #5 - 8/17/07 - 3.4cc's   Fill #6 - 10/08/07 - filled me to 3.8cc's - the best restriction I've ever had,but still could eat big bites of food, so I figured I needed to be tighter.   Fill #7 - 11/21/07 filled to 4.0 cc's. By the evening could not hold anything down, not even my saliva. PBing all night - horrilble experieince   UNFILL #1 - 11/23/07 - unfilled to somewhere between 2.5 to 3.0 cc's - NO RESTRICTIONS AGAIN :tt2:   Fill #8 - 1/18/08 Went in and the doc filled me back up to just right under 4.0, according to Flouro, it was perfect. Well, by next morning, could not hold down saliva again, ended up back in hospital   UNFILL #2 - 1/19/08 - Doctor had to unfill me to 3.0 again because of the swelling from all the PBing for being too tight. Again, NO RESTRICTION -   Fill #9 - 2/12/08 - 3.5 cc's - was tight for about a week, now feel lose again. grrrr, still have "some" restriction, just not quite enough! Next fill scheduled for 4/7/08 - I hate that it takes sooooooo long to get in to see the fill doc.   FILL #10 - 4/7/08 The doc just added .4cc's, making me at 3.9cc's. I think this might be the one!   FILL #11 - Was scheduled on 6/25/08 - but the doc did not fill me up, I was leaving for a cruise on 6/27 so he didn't want to risk me being too tight, so did not get a fill.   FILL #11 - 8/5/08 Went for a fill, this time the doc took all my fill out and all he could get out was 2.4 cc's. Filled me up to 4.0 cc's, I left, had to go right back because I could not drink, he took out a little over .2 cc's, he said I'm somewhere between 3.5 to 3.7 cc's. - I had great restriction for 2 weeks, but It has now loosened some. I feel I might need a tad more. I'm worried I have a very slow leak.   UNFILL #3 - 8/5/08 - Took a little over .2 cc's out, had pretty good restriction, but still a tad too lose.   FILL #12 - 9/17/08 - Added just 1/10th of a cc - I think I'm somewhere between 3.8 to 3.9 cc in a 4cc band. I am hoping and praying this is the fill that I stop with! I do not have another appointment for another fill, will wait this one out and see.   Fill #13 - 10/06/08 - Doc added about 2/10's of a cc. He took everything out and put it all back in and said I was about 3.7 to 3.8cc's. - which is where he said I was last time.   FILL #14 - 11/10/08 - Doc took everything out and I had about 3.6cc's, which is pretty good. He then filled me up to just under 4.0cc's I believe I'm about 3.9cc's. I ate some canned peaches and set around the office for a bit, made sure none came back up. Seems to be doing good so far. I hope this is my last fill!   FILL #15 - 08/10/09 - Added about 1/10th of a cc. I think I'm right at 4.0 cc. Wt on the morning of my fill was at 165. But was very bloated from steroids I was on for the previous week.   FILL #16 - 8/31/09 - My last fill lasted 2 weeks then I felt wide open. Went in for another fill, this time he did not take any out and just added 2/10th's of a cc. I think I'm just a little more than 4.1 cc's in a 4.0 cc band. I feel great restriction so far. I'm hoping this last. I'm sick of fills. lol. :w00t: - I could tell my fill was wide open, I was starving all the time, wt at the time of fill was 170! grrrrrrr   FILL #17 - 10/30/09 - completely drained me, checked for a leak - no leak YAY - added 4.6 cc's - I feel like he didn't add anything, feel wide open! Hungry all the time   FILL #18 - 11/09/09 Doc did barium swallow test - I think he thought I was full of it. He saw what I was talking about and agreed I was way too loose. He added 2.5cc's. I feel restriction again, but not a real tight restriction. I have no idea where I'm at these days and I really don't care anymore how much CC's I have, I just want RESTRICTION!!!!!!   Fill #19 - 11/23/09 - I had a some restriction, but not enough, the doc added 3/10ths of a cc. I feel pretty good, not too tight, which means it probably will get looser. I will ride this fill out and see what happens. Very discouraged at this point.   FILL #20 - 12/28/09 - did not take any fluid out, just added 4/10th's of a cc. Still feel lose, but on the fluro it showed I was tight, so we'll see how it goes.........





Just updating my blog. I weighed on 12/11 and lost 5 lbs, weighed in at 168. I am not weighing again until 1/1/10. I still have not measured again, but will do that on my next weigh in.   I'm on my 4th week of my exercise plan. I was up at 4:45 am this morning, and let me tell you, its still not easy to get up and get to the gym. But I've got a buddy and I don't want to let her down, so I'm a firm believer in the buddy system!   Eating has been GREAT! I have been doing very good, lots of fish and chicken. I've had a few days that I splurged, but they were planned splurges, so I don't feel guilty.   Will check back later...............





8:15 am - South Beach Protein bar, Coffee w/cream - 210 cal   11:00 - 7 almonds - 48 cal     12:00 - grilled chicken and green beans from Goldies Patio grill, mini candy bar - 405 cal   3:30 - non fat yogurt mixed with all bran cereal - 130 cal   6:30 - 1 oz cheese (sharp chedder), 1 cup of homemade turkey chili - 410 cal   Total calories 1203   Exercise: Elliptical - 30 min   Quads/thighs   Hip Abductor - Inner - 3 sets - 1 @ 80bls, 2 @ 90lbs Outter - 3 sets - 1 @ 80 lbs, 1 @ 85 lbs, 1 @ 90 lbs.   Leg Press - 3 sets - 55 lbs each set   Bench step - 2 sets on each leg holding 5 lb dumbbells.   Ball squats - 1 set of 10, holding for 10 seconds.   Hamstrings/Glutes: Glute Machine - 2 sets @ 35 lbs (need to go up next time, easy with 35 lbs)   Seated Let Curl - 2 sets @ 45 lbs   Lying Leg Curl - 1 set @ 30 lbs   Calves:   Calve Machine - 3 sets - 1 @ 90 lbs, 2 @ 100 lbs   Standing dumbbell calf raises - 2 sets holding 8 lbs dumbbells   ABS:   Laying hip raises - 2 sets @ 15 each   Ab Crunch machine - 2 sets of 15 with 10 lbs weights   Incline sit ups - 2 sets of 25 each   Stretched - did not hop back on elliptical, I called it a night after 1 hr 40 min.   Notes: I'm starting to see my body change, my DH told me last night my butt sure is smaller. :tongue2:.   Still have not weighed, and excited to take my measurements to see how far I've come in 2 weeks!   Today is my 21 year wedding anniversary, I wonder if I could fit into my wedding dress? I might try it on tonight to see.



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