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Hi Everyone!

Been wicked busy, but had to stop in and give everyone an update...

Haven't bought the motorcycle yet - it was unfortunately sent out to auction before I got to see it, so we won't know until today (sometime this afternoon) whether it sold or not. If it didn't sell, I'll probably take it.

DH and I looked at a Kawa Ninja 500 that was also there - but I'm not as enthused about sport bikes as I am about the cruiser style. Since this is a present from DH to me (!) I get the final word...and I've gotta ride as much as I can before putting it away for the winter so we'll know if there's any problems with whichever one I get before the warranty runs out!

DD is doing fine - excited about her upcoming Disney internship. She leaves January 11 and I'll be an empty-nester!

Tap - I absolutely LOVE to ride...more as a passenger than a driver until I took the motorcycle safety course. I think I told y'all, DH tried to teach me to ride and I had an accident in a neighbor's yard - laid the bike down. Took me 16 years to get on another one...not something I recommend. I wish I hadn't wasted so much time, but I won't let that happen again!

Today is my one year Bandiversary! I'm happy, so happy that I was banded...my life is so much better now! :w00t:

Got another work related meeting today - I posted about it about a month ago - and the fallout is happening today. I'm almost ready to call it quits myself - the constant what-if my head goes through is a pain in the tuckus.

If I am fired, I'll take a few days to rest and recover and get on the stick regarding my other job applications - I continue to put applications in, but no bites yet. May check out the local temp agencies and beat the bushes a bit for local stuff. I'd really rather NOT do this commute again if I don't have to.

Course it will suck to be out of a job just before the holidays, but I'll cross that bridge when I get there. This meeting is being called an "Investigatory" meeting, but I have very few illusions that I'll be treated fairly. There will be four (4) people from my department and myself and my union rep.

Will try to check in and let y'all know what happens...either way, I'm not going to get cranked up - or at least I'll try not to...:lol:

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Still sick. Still love my hair. Going to bed soon.

Have a great Tuesday!

Michelle, so sorry you are still sick. I pray you get better soon. I loved the hair cut. It looks good on you.

I am trying to get my hair cut pixie short before it starts coming out to bad.

We really did have a good trip. We will go back in the spring.

Glad you had a good trip. Sounds like heaven. even with all the hard work you had to do.

Well......I am now unemployed! Come back after all the crap the week before I left, and the OM said I told her I would be in on Friday, and me not showing up they assumed I quit.

I am so sorry Kat. That was down and dirty!

I set her straight, then went to speak to the Dr. She followed me right in the office, saying for legal reasons they both needed to be there, he looked kinda perplexed, but said nothing, so I left. I did tell them that #1 we had ALL agreed I would be off a week, and back on Monday. At this point he looked at her in a quick turn of his head and she changed the subject to extreme absence. I went on to tell them that #2 was I did NOT quit my job, that her having my stuff packed, and my check ready told me she was firing me, and I would communicate with them through the unemployment office. And I left.

Later yesterday the Dr. called saying he would like to talk to me, I tried to get him to do it over the phone, he wants me to come in. I know if I do, she will just horn in on whatever meeting he has in mind. So I wasn't going to do it. Then I was thinking last night, that I have never used my benefit for eye exam we pay for through DH's work. So my plan is to make an appointment! Then she violates my HIPPA if I ask that she not be in the room! I am going to ask him for a letter of reference and see what he says!!

Good luck at getting the private meeting. Sounds like the OM had it all planned.

I will say, I slept through the night, no reflux, woke happy and relaxed, not even dreading the mountain of laundry following vacation.

My MIL is sick, I have a pot of chicken and noodles cooking, going to take it to her. I feel massive relief--I had not realized the amount of stress I allowed it to cause until this last week, and the thought of coming back made me so sad, and normally I am ready to come home. So wierd.

I pray she gets better soon. Nothing is as good as homemade chick. noodle Soup.< /span>

Anyway, I am unemployed, but happy.

It is good you are happy. Also glad you have most of your Christmas shopping done.

Most of my Christmas shopping is done, and we will keep our fingers crossed with DH's job.....will think about my next move!

OH! The snake! We were told they are chicken snakes. We didn't know how they were getting there....through the septic, or if they were in the house and using it as a den. Seems they are coming through the septic. It dries with us being gone so much, and Lord knows how old the system is.....

So this last visit, when we found them, we took a piece of heavy plate glass, and put over the commode......and there he was anyway. I guess on a positive note, there were no mice to be found!!! LOL

LOL I don't blame you! I would freak if I found a snake in my toilet also.

Nah, I am scared spitless of snakes, I did not want it for a roomate. Stayed with my Aunt!!

Time to change the laundry----I feel like Tap---loving my housework!!! LOL

Praying everyone is having a blessed day.

remember God may close one door, but He always opens another!

I am doing good right now.

Love y'all:wub:

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Came out of the meeting with the brass...so far, I still have a job.

The issue revolved around materials I sent out to applicants that I thought they had rights to (they are part of their files) but were not supposed to help write. Turns out they are not supposed to see them at any point.

HR Rep #2 agreed with me - or so it seems - I was not told explicitly that they could not see them. I did send out corrective notes to the affected applicants, and it has not happened again since.

My union rep thought it went well - I am just happy I still have a job for now. Stepping up the job search - every single day, I will do SOMETHING towards getting a new position. Maybe I'll send my resume out to some temp agencies and look for another temp-to-perm situation.

I just do not want to deal with the constant stress any more. Have been sending out applications when I hear of open positions, but I guess its time to take it to another level. If I can get something closer to home, I'll even take a small pay cut to get out of here...my band has been tight all day because of the stress, and I just don't need that right now!

On another note - no motorcycle for me right now. The one I wanted was sold, so the hunt continues...I can wait until spring! :redface:

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Came out of the meeting with the brass...so far, I still have a job.

Good. I pray you will get something soon.

On another note - no motorcycle for me right now. The one I wanted was sold, so the hunt continues...I can wait until spring! :redface:

So sad:crying:......Not really! That just means a road trip to Alabama to the Harley dealership. It is literally 5 min. from DD#3 home. about 15-20 min. from mine! :smile2:

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Just doing a drive-by to say hello!

Donna! How the heck have you been? I was wondering where you were, been missing you on the july thread.

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Just checking in, PJTP people. I've been slowly working more days than nights lately, and that severely curtails my LBT time.

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Oh Taps, I so channeled you yesterday! I got up and started cooking--early---6 AM! I chopped, and diced, and sliced, and sauteed, and mixed and kneaded......I planned on making a big pot of stew, enough to share with my inlaws, as my MIL has been sick. Well I was on a roll! We had stew, my inlaws had stew, my parents had stew, the neighbors had stew.....you get the idea, my one big pot, turned into a couple of big pots!! LOL, and french bread........I had a bowl last night, and a piece of toasted bread.....mmmmmmmm

Everyone was appreciative, and I have leftovers so don't have to cook tonight either! WIN!

Hope you are enjoying the new hours even tho you don't get to enjoy us as much here Plain.

Hi Brandy!

I am off to help my Dad again today. He built a new shop, so I am helping him get it insulated---well we did most of it yesterday. Today we will finish off the ceiling and insulate the roof. Then begin designing the wall panels/pegboard/shelving/whatever else I can figure out for storing the massive amounts of STUFF they have!!!

Yesterday my brother and I were both there, working with my parents, it was so nice---kinda strange it was just our old core family. My DH was at work, and he is always in the middle helping! We laughed and really enjoyed the day. Then come home and mulched and raked leaves--I was exhausted last night! But got my exercise in without question!

Having some serious arthritis pain this morning. Getting old is NOT for SISSIES!!!

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Just checking in, PJTP people. I've been slowly working more days than nights lately, and that severely curtails my LBT time.

Hi Plain!

My office is mostly down with the flu - many people out. I'm ducking and dodging germs like a maniac! :eek:

Hi. Don't get too excited---just checking things out. :)

Hi BBK! Nice to see you on LBT...come on back! :lol:

Oh Taps, I so channeled you yesterday! I got up and started cooking--early---6 AM! I chopped, and diced, and sliced, and sauteed, and mixed and kneaded......I planned on making a big pot of stew, enough to share with my inlaws, as my MIL has been sick. Well I was on a roll! We had stew, my inlaws had stew, my parents had stew, the neighbors had stew.....you get the idea, my one big pot, turned into a couple of big pots!! LOL, and french bread........I had a bowl last night, and a piece of toasted bread.....mmmmmmmm

Everyone was appreciative, and I have leftovers so don't have to cook tonight either! WIN!

That sounds SO yummy! I do like stews and Soups when it gets cold...my cocooning instinct kicks in big time!

Hope you are enjoying the new hours even tho you don't get to enjoy us as much here Plain.

Hi Brandy!

I am off to help my Dad again today. He built a new shop, so I am helping him get it insulated---well we did most of it yesterday. Today we will finish off the ceiling and insulate the roof. Then begin designing the wall panels/pegboard/shelving/whatever else I can figure out for storing the massive amounts of STUFF they have!!!

Wow - sounds like a really big project - the kind you feel a great sense of satisfaction from when it's all done!

Yesterday my brother and I were both there, working with my parents, it was so nice---kinda strange it was just our old core family. My DH was at work, and he is always in the middle helping! We laughed and really enjoyed the day. Then come home and mulched and raked leaves--I was exhausted last night! But got my exercise in without question!

I'll be handling leaves this weekend - DH rents a blower from a local place, I use a small blower / vac for the garden in the front, and we get to spend time outside...:confused:

Having some serious arthritis pain this morning. Getting old is NOT for SISSIES!!!

I heard THAT! Nice to see you here, Kat - and love the updates!

I'm hanging in there...work is...work! Glad to have a job, but still looking for a better situation. Got feelers out, so I'm praying for good results.

School is going well - I have an "A" in both classes with just over 5 weeks done. Just about halfway through the term - just about a year to go, and I'll have my Bachelors. Definately planning a trip to Chicago for the graduation ceremony. I'm at Kaplan University - all my classes are online - the only way I could do them!:scared2:

Everyone have a wonderful day! :wub:

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Stopping in to make a post about my morning!

Stop right here, and everyone repeat after me....

"I am so proud of you Kat!" LOL Here's what happened.

Got up with Rick at 6, chatted with him til he left, and then got busy. Was cleaning my kitchen, cleaning out the fridge etc. I decided now would be a good time to start roasting the peanuts Rick gives to eveyone at work. I could not find my season salt. I mix it with garlic powder, green chile powder, onion salt, all kinds of things, process it to a powder and season the peanuts. I then figured out I bet Rick left it next to the grill on the back patio. So I walked out through the garage (attached) to the patio, and sure enough there it was. I picked it and some Montreal seasoning he left out there, and headed in the house. Mind you I am wearing jammies and socks....nothing else. As I stepped into my garage, which is finished, and is a laundry room on that end, carpeted, etc.....crawling across the floor......is a....TARANTULA!!!!!

I screamed, and carried on for a few seconds, before I realized I was on my own, there was no one around to rescue me!!! I spied a bucket on the porch, so I grabbed it, and managed to put it down over the top of him....but the handle kept it from sitting flat, it would not contain him! So I got an old container---Rick uses them to store things in the shop, but I believe potato salad had originally come in it. Got it over the top of him. I am jumping around totally freaking out. I despise spiders, I am a HUGE chicken!

I was going to go around the house and remembered I locked the front door when Rick left! Did not care that there is snow on the ground and people about and I am in short jammies, and socks! I am that scared of spiders!

With the container on him, I sat to think....I was afraid I would forget in my daily habit and walk out and kick the container off---since usually that floor is empty. So once again I got brave..... I put a jar on the floor and used the mop to move the container, and as hard as it was to believe he acted trained and climbed right in the jar. I sucked it up, grabbed the jar and put the lid on, then lost it and tossed the jar!! Good thing it was plastic. It landed softly on the carpet.....

The biggest reason I HAD to catch it, was I needed to KNOW where it was. The idea of him being free in our home was not an option. Him hibernating in my garage is not an option.

I have no desire to kill him, but I need him away!

When I told my neighbor, she is an animal (and ANY other kind of critter) freak, she was concerned he is not getting air! So she brings me a terrerium---like I want this for a pet! I want it for one reason only. My darling Rick laughed his ass off at me, and kept asking me if I was sure it wasn't a Water spider, 'cuz you know they get pretty big'......GRRRRRR I KNOW a tarantula when I have one of the hairy legged beasts crawling on my floor! I am keeping it for him to see.

Then she asks me what do tarantulas eat? Like I care, it is NOT a guest in my home! LOL

If one were brave enough he would mostly fill the palm of your hand. He is moving fast now he is in the warmer part of the house in that terrerium. The cold he was moving much slower. He is in the terrerium thing with a giant book on top....sitting smack in the middle of the end table.....so nothing accidentally knocks it open!

I cannot tell you how freaked out I was, it took me 2 hours to get my heart rate back to normal. I feel like I slayed a dragon-------I am BRAVE!!! I am woman hear me ROAR!!!!

Need to get busy---gonna do a no-no, and cut and paste some of this to another thread, so I do not have to type it again!!!

Will be back to check in, just had to share my morning!!!

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LOL Kat. I am the same way. I hate spiders with a purple passion! I keep Raid in the kitchen and bathroom. I have no desire in catching them. I want them DEAD! I wouldn't be able to walk by the terrarium much less look at it. I would be to scared:scared2: that it would get out. So you are very brave. :thumbup:

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You ladies make me sad :unsure:. I have plans on getting one of our huge bird-eating spiders, which grow to about 6" to 8" span, to keep in a terrarium :thumbup:.

Anyhoo... sorry I haven't posted in so long. I do stop in to read now and then, but I don't have my laptop up on site any more as the connection was just too sucky to tolerate (I've been reading LOTS!). While I've been home for 3 days on weekends, I've been flat out like a lizard drinking!!

For example, yesterday I was wielding an oil paint brush and Allen key, putting together our new outdoor suite. It's an 11 piece suite in ironwood, and I had to unpack, oil, rub down and build every piece! I am teh QUEEN of the Allen key, baby!!



Chris was busy at the same time, playing Tonka Trucks with a hired excavator, turning over the soil so he could dig trenches for the garden bed foundations:




And before anyone says anything, yes, I know the fencing isn't very attractive but it is brand new and was put in by the developer who subdivided our plots, and would cost thousands to replace. We thought about covering it up with bamboo or twig fencing but decided that we wanted other things in our budget more, so we're going to live with it and just cover it over with greenery.

Today's project was to take the flower bed outside the dining room & kitchen from this:


To this!!


While Chris got to play with his new cement mixer (so from Tonka Trucks to mud pies!!):


And then dig more trenches!


PS: Isn't my man simply gorgeous! I love that photo of him - no way he looks his age of 51!!

Edited by Fanny Adams

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Fanny, you did a good job on the funiture. It is a beautiful set.

It looks like your back yard is coming along good also. Yes your man is good looking:drool: I think we established that fact a long time ago! LOL I am glad he treats you so well. Take care and have a blessed day.

P.S. You can have your spider hon. I will look at pictures, but that is it.

Edited by gone 4 ever

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Spiders are not my thing, nor are snakes. Some people freak out with blood, or what have you, that doesn't bother me a bit!

To each their own, thank heaven!!!

House looks great Fanny!!!

Off to take the spider to his new home. We have not abused him, he will be going to a nice home!!!

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Finally feeling better! Still have gunk but I will for awhile. That's just how it works with me.

LOL about the spiders! The only ones I get worried about are the Black Widows! The tiny town just south of us actually has a yearly Tarantula festival! They're pretty prominent around here.

Fanny, your place is looking great! Good job on the furniture! Don't ya just LOVE allen wrenches?! NOT!! Hate those things!

Paula, how are you feeling? Hanging in there? Spirits seem good.

Kat, love your new-found energy. I'm with Rick, I think it's definitely b/c you got fired! NO MORE STRESS!!! It ends up translating thru your entire life! Evil stuff!

Ebony, I'm sorry you're still having problems at work. Best wishes for a new job!

Plain, sounds like work is working out well? Bummer about the cut to LBT time but thank goodness you still have a job!! Didn't sound good the way things were going before the new position.

Tap, where are you??!!

Hi to Brandy, Donna and Cindy!!

It's going to be a busy week! Have a great Monday!

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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

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      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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