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Happy, it is wonderful of you to apologize, that is very big of you. Thank you for that. I personally hope we can all move on and would definitely love to see old friends make up.

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Thank you LilMissDiva!

I'm trying to learn to not sweat the small stuff in life. This is easier said then done.

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Well that fill is definitely doing its job. I've lost 7lb in 7 days, which is more than I've lost in the previous 2 months. It is uncomfortably tight though :wink2:. I made a big mistake with lunch yesterday and was miserable all afternoon. Last night, Chris and I went back to the place where we had our first date and my tummy was so upset that I couldn't even tolerate the Soup that I chose, and we had to go home early *cries*. I'm kicking myself for ruining our anniversary dinner. I'm going to be very VERY careful today - liquids only! - and hope that things settle down again soon.

Edited by Fanny Adams

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Well that fill is definitely doing its job. I've lost 7lb in 7 days, which is more than I've lost in the previous 2 months. It is uncomfortably tight though :wink2:. I made a big mistake with lunch yesterday and was miserable all afternoon. Last night, Chris and I went back to the place where we had our first date and my tummy was so upset that I couldn't even tolerate the Soup that I chose, and we had to go home early *cries*. I'm kicking myself for ruining our anniversary dinner. I'm going to be very VERY careful today - liquids only! - and hope that things settle down again soon.

Oh Fanny! Great news on the WL but so sorry that you had a rough day yesterday! Isn't how that always happens? On the day you really want everything to go well, we mess it up with our eating. Habits! UGH!!!

Please don't stress on the "ruined" dinner. You can always go again and I know it's not the same but you can't stress out on it either. Liquids today is an excellent idea. I sure hope you're feeling better soon.


Got my work done and back down to the office. Went to the store and picked up a few things. On the way home had to stop for a wreck. So sad. Looked like a head-on and since the HS had just gotten out, probably involved teenagers. I'm hoping everyone is okay but by the look of the vehicles, it was bad. I said a prayer for all involved as we went thru. I sure hope everyone is going to be okay.

Hope everyone has a quiet evening.

EBONY- news?

TTFN! Gotta go!

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Ebony, oh Ebony - how did the interview go???

We are going down to Albuquerque on Friday night, to be there for the balloon Fiesta. Hundreds of hot air balloons----all shapes and sizes, amazing thing to see, and you can walk among them. ...The 4 year old went with us last year, during a small balloon rally, so she knows what the balloons are and how big they are, she just has no idea of the amount she will see. The grandson, has birthday party balloons in his head! He will be such fun.


That sounds like such a fun time, Kat! Some day I will take a balloon ride - it's on my bucket list!

Tap, as long as the weather is sunny and warm, you'll love it! LOL!! :wink2: (Couldn't resist!!)

DD slept in til about 9 this AM. She seems a little better but she'll stay home from school again tomorrow.

SOLD!!! I can pack my suitcase and be there in a flash!!!!

Hope DD is experiencing her one and only cold/flu/illness for the year!

It is uncomfortably tight though :redface:. I'm going to be very VERY careful today - liquids only! - and hope that things settle down again soon.

Fanny - I hope it isn't so tight that you are going to be causing yourself problems down the line...be careful!!!!

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OK - personal note....

so, where I work is not a great place - neither the city nor the job. But it does pay the bills etc. although I am not challenged, or experiencing new things or developing new friendships etc. In fact, we have NO social life even after 2 years here. So, all of this discontent has me actively searching for a new job and location isn't a problem (I've moved MANY times in my life, what's another one)....anyway, a job opportunity has arisen in a place that is pretty far away while technically still in continental north america. I have lived there before and still have friends there but no family. With the birth of the grandson, DH has made it somewhat obvious he doesn't want to move there...he really is now starting to want to be located within a couple of hundred miles of where both my and his family are. I don't believe that I should be looking for a place to live based on family - anything could happen; they could pack up and move some day, etc. I don't want to be 'guilted' into restricting my options. I think we are headed to a crisis...I want to consider this job opportunity, and if offered the job, would likely go. DH is for the first time ever saying nope, keep looking around here or around the city where his kids, grandson and my mother live. I forsee some tough times ahead.


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PJTP...Hi y'all!

Checking in...the interview went well (I think)...was primarily informational. They wanted to emphasize that they are looking for someone who will 'fit in' with the small company / family atmosphere of the place. It's a small employer - only a couple hundred folks, total - maybe not even that many, and they are more concerned with people fitting in personality-wise. They said over and over that they can train someone on tech stuff (and I have a lot of tech experience anyway) but that people skills cannot be taught.

They were running a little late, and we only talked for about a half hour. I knew it would be short. We talked about my current position, my past tech experience, and I worked in as much as I could about my people-to-people interaction skills and how I loved being part of a team.

I also told them how I loved being part of a smaller employer so that people knew other folks' jobs, and we all did whatever was necessary to get the job done - no cross-job issues as such.

I think it went well - and they said I would hear from them hopefully by the end of the week to schedule a panel interview. There are two positions open - one more senior than the other - and I would take either one right about now.

They know and love my hubby, so I'm hoping that works in my favor...I'll let y'all know as soon as I know something!

OK - personal note....

so, where I work is not a great place - neither the city nor the job. But it does pay the bills etc. although I am not challenged, or experiencing new things or developing new friendships etc. In fact, we have NO social life even after 2 years here.

That's a tough situation to be in, Tap...I understand your discontent...

So, all of this discontent has me actively searching for a new job and location isn't a problem (I've moved MANY times in my life, what's another one)....anyway, a job opportunity has arisen in a place that is pretty far away while technically still in continental north america. I have lived there before and still have friends there but no family. With the birth of the grandson, DH has made it somewhat obvious he doesn't want to move there...he really is now starting to want to be located within a couple of hundred miles of where both my and his family are. I don't believe that I should be looking for a place to live based on family - anything could happen; they could pack up and move some day, etc. I don't want to be 'guilted' into restricting my options. I think we are headed to a crisis...I want to consider this job opportunity, and if offered the job, would likely go. DH is for the first time ever saying nope, keep looking around here or around the city where his kids, grandson and my mother live. I forsee some tough times ahead.


This is a really tough one, Tap...I had almost the opposite situation with my DH. When he and I got back together (we were high school sweethearts, broke up, married other folks, started families, both ended up divorced and got back together after our 10 year H.S. reunion) it was me leaving my family, the place where I grew up, and a lot of friends, plus a good career-focused job to move to New England and start over with him.

I made the choice with my heart, not my head, and I have not regretted it. I chose to follow my heart and be with the man I love, ups, downs and whatevers along the way.

It sounds as if you are willing to take a stand for professional growth and personal happiness on this...sounds like your moving to the new community and reacquainting with your old friends is important to you. The opportunity for professional growth is not to be taken lightly, but...is this just bringing to a head issues that have already been there and are now just getting to the breaking point?

Would it be possible for you to generate new friendships and a happier social life in your current location, and let THAT fill the space that the relatively unfulfilling job has left?

I do not want to suggest that you settle - it sounds like maybe you've done that for a while - and please feel free to tell me I'm way off-base on this if I am. I also don't want to offend you - I consider you a friend, and it's hard to get my feelings across in this two-dimensional medium...:cursing:

If you are truly wanting to move on, with or without your DH, then there is something more going on here than just the job dissatisfaction, and perhaps the possibility of a new job has just given you the push you needed to make a more permanent change.

Please take your time in considering this...it is not a small thing to put that kind of distance between you, even for a short time...

My DH had the possibility of being a 'geographic bachelor' during one of his Navy assignments - he would have been assigned to American Samoa for a year and we would NOT have moved with him. At the time our kids were young - under 12 - and I was dead set against it. I felt it was more important for him to be with us at that stage in the kids' development. He chose to stay stateside, and we have kept it moving from there...I have had opportunities to move out of state for work, or to move our entire family to a neighboring state for work. We did a careful analysis of what the commute would be for both of us, the school systems, etc. In the end, I did the commute while the family stayed put (I was living at home with them) and we made it through.

I cannot tell you what to do, but I will say do your due diligence. This is not a decision to be made lightly - but you know that already. I know you to be reasoned, intelligent and sensitive, and I believe you will make the right decision. :wink2:

Feel free to PM me if you want, or we can continue the discussion here on the boards...it's entirely up to you! :redface:

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Tap I was kind of wondering the same things Ebony ask....have you looked into a similar position in the area DH would like to stay in?

I understand not making the decision solely on the fact that the kids are there right now, but at the same time, I totally "get" the wanting to be there.

Ebony, our stories are quite similar! Rick and I were not HS sweethearts, but we went to school together since 4th grade! Several years after HS we hooked up, lived together awhile, and then the economy here dived, and he moved to attend college. I stayed here, to raise my DD---where she had family etc. We both made more mistakes, and eventually found our way back to one another.

We did the long distance thing for a long time---hard but WELL worth it. Then we had to make a decision---for me to move to the city, or him to come here to the sticks!

Our final decision was based on the families. Our parents are both in the area, and getting older, and needing some help. We had kids here, so he moved back "home".

Back when that call was made, we had plans to "retire" early to our place in TX. Now, we are so spoiled to having the grandkids right here with us, and feel like we add to their lives too....I just don't know if I see us following through on the retirement plan or not!!!

It is a hard call Tap, and the hard thing is, there is no right or wrong for either of you. What you feel cannot be wrong. Might be hard for others to understand, but it is YOUR emotion, it cannot be wrong.

Michelle, hope the little one feels much better. There were cops EVERYWHERE on the drive home from the game tonight! It is 12 miles away---and we saw 8 different cops with people pulled over! All of them traffic stops tho--no accidents, that is so sad..what you saw I mean.

Well I am going to go read for awhile, and relax. Won our game by 1 point! 11-10!!! We were up by 8 at one point and they rallied. Then it was a series of 3 up-3 down, for 12 batters in a row! First ours, then theirs! It was a great game tho, well matched, and good attitudes all around. Lots of fun!

g'night all!

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Hope DD is experiencing her one and only cold/flu/illness for the year!

No such luck. She started preschool this year! It'll be off and on ALL year! And now I'm coming down with it!! :wink2:

She had a cold last month, then we both had that 24hr flu bug a couple of weeks ago and now another cold. We're in trouble!! LOL!!!

I forsee some tough times ahead.


I don't know that I have any advice for you. You have to decide some pretty tough stuff.

Question tho - When you think of moving and DH has said he WON'T move, how does that make you feel? (Are you heartbroken at the thought? Are you telling him to f'off in your head?) You don't need to answer that here, it's for you to answer to yourself. The answer may help you make some decisions.

You're in a tough spot. Know that I'm praying for wisdom and clear-thinking for you AND your DH.

I think it went well - and they said I would hear from them hopefully by the end of the week to schedule a panel interview. There are two positions open - one more senior than the other - and I would take either one right about now.

They know and love my hubby, so I'm hoping that works in my favor...I'll let y'all know as soon as I know something!

Best wishes for a call back! And lets hope this place will actually CALL you back!!!!

Michelle, hope the little one feels much better.

Well I am going to go read for awhile, and relax. Won our game by 1 point! 11-10!!!

She's feeling A LOT better today. She got a really great night of sleep last night and I think that helped a bunch. Me? Not so good tonight. Hopefully it doesn't hit me too hard. She's only been down for a few days so I'm hoping to do the same.

Maybe the cops were doing a checkpoint? Or they've been having problems in that area so they decided to saturate it. You always wonder tho.

Congrats on the win!


Heard from DH tonight. They were getting de-mob'd then heading to a hotel for some much needed sleep tonight. They'll be up and out at 6AM to then head HOME!!! DD was pretty excited! She said, let's go! I was confused til between her excitement and a light bulb over my head I figured out she thought we could go to the hotel and see papa tonight! I don't know where she got that idea but I had to put a kibosh on it!

I also had to explain that he doesn't actually get to "come home to the house" come home but he'll be back at the station tomorrow afternoon and we'll be able to go by and see him later. He's still on duty til Sunday. Thursday starts his regular shift.

I sure don't understand how a 3 year old thinks but it keeps me on my toes!!!

I'm headed to bed soon. 'Night all!

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Morning everyone!

Slim - Wish I could chat with you each morning. It just doesn't seem the same without a morning wave across the ethernet!

Checking in...the interview went well (I think)... They said over and over that they can train someone on tech stuff (and I have a lot of tech experience anyway) but that people skills cannot be taught.

they said I would hear from them hopefully by the end of the week to schedule a panel interview. There are two positions open - one more senior than the other - and I would take either one right about now.

I really hope this one works out Ebony. And their attititude that you can teach the technical stuff is spot on!! It is the personality stuff that is the real challenge in any job.

Would it be possible for you to generate new friendships and a happier social life in your current location, and let THAT fill the space that the relatively unfulfilling job has left?

I do not want to suggest that you settle - it sounds like maybe you've done that for a while - and please feel free to tell me I'm way off-base on this if I am. I also don't want to offend you - I consider you a friend, and it's hard to get my feelings across in this two-dimensional medium...:wink2:

If you are truly wanting to move on, with or without your DH, then there is something more going on here than just the job dissatisfaction, and perhaps the possibility of a new job has just given you the push you needed to make a more permanent change.

YOu posed some very good questions Ebony, and by no means would I take offense! I appreciate your insights/comments.

Tap I was kind of wondering the same things Ebony ask....have you looked into a similar position in the area DH would like to stay in?

I understand not making the decision solely on the fact that the kids are there right now, but at the same time, I totally "get" the wanting to be there.

It is a hard call Tap, and the hard thing is, there is no right or wrong for either of you. What you feel cannot be wrong. Might be hard for others to understand, but it is YOUR emotion, it cannot be wrong.

It was a great game tho, well matched, and good attitudes all around. Lots of fun!

Glad your game was fun Kat...that should be the point of any game - to have fun!

Appreciate your thoughts Kat. And yes, I am looking everywhere for a job including the city close to both of our families. But, the challenge for me (apart from employment in trying times) is that I NEVER want to do a job I've done before. The job must be new, something I've never experienced, and with the years of working I have, it becomes more challenging finding that job each time. As I will never make a lot of money in my field, the work must bring personal satisfaction and therein lies part of the problem.

She had a cold last month, then we both had that 24hr flu bug a couple of weeks ago and now another cold. We're in trouble!! LOL!!!

She's feeling A LOT better today. She got a really great night of sleep last night and I think that helped a bunch. Me? Not so good tonight. Hopefully it doesn't hit me too hard. She's only been down for a few days so I'm hoping to do the same.

Heard from DH tonight. They were getting de-mob'd then heading to a hotel for some much needed sleep tonight. They'll be up and out at 6AM to then head HOME!!!

I also had to explain that he doesn't actually get to "come home to the house" come home but he'll be back at the station tomorrow afternoon and we'll be able to go by and see him later.

I sure don't understand how a 3 year old thinks but it keeps me on my toes!!!

Heart - yes indeed, kids think in different ways! Glad to hear that DH is coming home!

Thanks for your insights ladies. By no means am I making a fast decision, and I know DH and I will chat more; the best scenario would be a great new job within 100 miles of both of our families. But that just doesn't happen by wishing for it!

I hope you don't mind if I continue to bounce thoughts and/or vent with you as we work through this....

Have a great day everyone!

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Hi Tap! I miss chatting with you too. It is just hard right now. I have been going to work later than normal and have started the bad habit of staying up later than normal. It really throws me off. I am taking a much needed breather at work right now. I have quite a bit more to do, but I have no time to do it in. I have no insights into what you are going through right now (no experience trying to make that decision), but I will be thining of you. I hope that you are able to make a decision that is right for you.

Ebony-good luck on the job front!

Heartfire-I hope your DD gets better soon.

Hi to everyone else. I had better get up and get back to work. Otherwise, I would sit here and not get finished. Have a great weekend!

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OK - personal note....

so, where I work is not a great place - neither the city nor the job. But it does pay the bills etc. although I am not challenged, or experiencing new things or developing new friendships etc. In fact, we have NO social life even after 2 years here. So, all of this discontent has me actively searching for a new job and location isn't a problem (I've moved MANY times in my life, what's another one)....anyway, a job opportunity has arisen in a place that is pretty far away while technically still in continental north america. I have lived there before and still have friends there but no family. With the birth of the grandson, DH has made it somewhat obvious he doesn't want to move there...he really is now starting to want to be located within a couple of hundred miles of where both my and his family are. I don't believe that I should be looking for a place to live based on family - anything could happen; they could pack up and move some day, etc. I don't want to be 'guilted' into restricting my options. I think we are headed to a crisis...I want to consider this job opportunity, and if offered the job, would likely go. DH is for the first time ever saying nope, keep looking around here or around the city where his kids, grandson and my mother live. I forsee some tough times ahead.


I echo the sentiment of others.....tough call. From subsequent posts, it seems like maybe you are not "sold" on the new location as much as you're wanting out of your rut. Is this an accurate assessment? Because it seems to me that this situation calls for either compromise, or.....something more drastic and unilateral?

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Hey y'all! Just a quick check in. I'm sick.

DH is home. Okay well, home in that he's back at his station and God-willing, not going out again anytime soon. Hoping he'll be HOME on Sunday!

Plain, here's a link for you.

ND woman's 7-foot-long dog could be record holder - Yahoo! News

Take a good look tho. That dog's got a Dane in him somewhere!

Slim, good to see you!

Have a great Friday everyone!!!!

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Plain, here's a link for you.

ND woman's 7-foot-long dog could be record holder - Yahoo! News

Take a good look tho. That dog's got a Dane in him somewhere!

I saw that! No Dane, that's pure Landseer, baby! While I prefer my Newfs in the more "pure" traditional colors, some folks are crazy about the 'seer.

My Newf Tug may not be as tall (at the shoulder), but he is clearly heavier, and I'll wager nearly as long (snout to tail). I'll try to measure him snout-to-tail tomorrow while he's sleeping.....because when he's not asleep, he keeps rolling over to get his belly scratched at my approach.

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Because it seems to me that this situation calls for either compromise, or.....something more drastic and unilateral?

The only thing I am 'sold' on, is leaving this job - another city for a different job, that's good,; same city different job - I'd do it, but definitely not first choice. Compromise has been the way in our relationship - which is why a first time of 'no' is difficult to accept.

oh well, no quick decisions for me on anything - besides, someone has to offer me a job first - I can't just show up at an organization, waltz in, sit down, arrange a salary and start working without being an employee....or can i?

My Newf Tug may not be as tall (at the shoulder), but he is clearly heavier, and I'll wager nearly as long (snout to tail). I'll try to measure him snout-to-tail tomorrow while he's sleeping.....because when he's not asleep, he keeps rolling over to get his belly scratched at my approach.


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