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Suzie, glad it helped to vent to someone who knows all the ins and outs of your situation. Hopefully he can help shoulder some responsibility.

I just come in from throwing a hissy fit in the yard!! Seriously! I got dressed to go out and help Rick shovel snow. He had his crew go on a 3 hour delay as the snow and visibility were so bad. So I get out there, and he is taking a break, his back hurt so bad---he had already done most of the neighbors. He wanted me to come in and watch a program he likes and I hate (don't think he realized that point to be honest). I told him I would take a turn, and then he could come back out. Oh hell no, just give him the shovel, he was being such a stubborn MAN. He did not care if I helped him, but neighbors were out, and he was not going to have me shoveling and him be in the house--------so his pride is going to tell ME what I can and cannot do? He kept reaching like he was going to take the shovel from me, so finally I THREW it loudly on the porch, and stormed in, put my jammies back on and he is on his own with snow removal! He took a break and found his TV channel changed too! I will NOT be told what to do and not do, he knows that, and does not do this normally, it has to be the other men being outside that made him think he had to be too. What he doesn't take into account, is that normally, he is at work, and I am outside with those same men shoveling. Oh well, it's his to deal with now. I feel a little bit bad about it, but still more mad than bad!! LOL

Will check in later!!! Maybe I'll just go make snow angels in the backyard! Yeah right, lay my butt down in the snow, I would never get back up!

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Kat-what Rick did is exactly what Frank does to me...ALL THE TIME. He calls it "helping" and I call it telling me what to do/not to do. So, I get that same...you do it all attitude. LOL

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hello all

I am just relaxing after my first day of class. my 30 hr training. Long day but great, going to be a great thing.

my brain is fried and my throat hurts so badly. I gained 5lbs of bloat, but it is gone already.

miss ya'll

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Went and saw Avatar today with hubby. Awesome movie. I really, really liked it alot. The effects were so cool. popcorn was too much. Now I'm bloated....ugh. But had a greaat day with hubby and than sister had to go a blow it.

She and her kids are draining me dry. It's an all me attitude and I'm done with it and I told her that right before I hubg up on her. She never called me back tonight but I'm sure I will be getting a call tomorrow, maybe. But I'm drained after this last week. Between just coming off with dealing with her son living with us and sucking us dry and stealing from us to her daughter calling yesterday asking for money to her demanding that I come and do things for her.

Right now I fell like trading places with Kat but I wouldn't wish this on her at all.

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Is anyone watching the Biggest Loser? WTH, Bob?!?!?!?! He just turned Jillian into the bad guy AGAIN! Dangit...all she did is tell that girl what she needed to hear. UGH!! He makes me sick. One of these days Jillian is gonna kick his butt.

Ok, sorry, I just had to vent a little.:mad:

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I like Bob but I just do not like how Jillian is made to look like a mean person when she is far from it! (I have it recorded, haven't watched it yet)

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Good morning everyone!

One kid is sleeping, the other one is almost gone too. sweet....

I need to go today and enroll Macy in her new school and withdraw her from her old school. Also need to go to the grocery store. Not fun with 2 kids but I know if all the other moms in the world can do it...so can I.

Go Saints.....

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I'm exhausted. Only slept a few hours. The wind is howling and it's pouring rain. A huge wind trying to blow my log swing across the deck outside my bedroom is what woke me up this AM! Yikes! It's a log A-frame holding the log swing so it's heavy!! :ohmy:

Hunckering down today. Will try to get some work done while we still have some power. Got the fire going and DD and DDog are fed. Should be an interesting day! :biggrin:

Have a great one!!

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Is anyone watching the Biggest Loser? WTH, Bob?!?!?!?! He just turned Jillian into the bad guy AGAIN! Dangit...all she did is tell that girl what she needed to hear. UGH!! He makes me sick. One of these days Jillian is gonna kick his butt.

Ok, sorry, I just had to vent a little.:biggrin:

Last night Jillian asked Bob what to do because that girl (m....something was going to bolt). Bob told Jillian to take the risk.

I do not think that there is a conflict between Bob and Jillian. The only thing that I see is Jillian IS selling products using here name.

MY DH watched the show AGAIN with me last night......there is a god!!!

As for everyone...

Suzie.... STOP being such a sweet heart and tell your sister and her family that they can NOT use you. PLUS,,I would tell them that there craziness is making you FAT>

Did you ever think that they are using your good nature and hurting you instead..

I had a family member try to break up my marriage...they made a full time job of it... no joke...had to cut themoff completely, due to the financial and mental torment that they did to us...very hard to to but it was worth it to have a :w00t:family.

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Hi I am Tonya banded 9-08-09. Finally reached my sweet spot and the scale is moving and so are the inches off my body. Feeling fantastic and down 45lbs so far. I have been a drifter on this sight but need friends so I guess I am homeless. Have had the sliming and throwing up episodes and I know it was me learning to work with the band. Now I think we are working together as I take the first tiny bite.... it is almost work till it becomes habit... Thanks everyone for your support:thumbup:

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HI Tonya, welcome to our happy little group!!! That is the good thing about us here, we can be happy, or grouchy, or mad, and vent it out, rather than eat it up. Please hang out, and let us get to know you.

For those of you here, who have been waiting with me, I finally heard from my Dr. He feels like it is good news!!! The biopsy is not normal. But the skin lesion is NOT cancerous. So he thinks I might be dealing with a ductal infection. So we are going to do a round of antibiotics, and then redo the biopsy. Not something I am looking forward to----but in comparison to the decision I thought I might be making today, it is way doable! There is a very aggressive form of breast cancer that presents with a scaly inflames skin lesion. He was concerned that we were dealing with that. We are not. I do still have a mass, and it is now palpable, meaning I can feel it from the outside. BUT he is leaning to the possiblity of it being infection. There is cellular change in the biopsy, the biopsy was not normal. But it is not cancer at this point. He cancelled my appointment with the surgeon!

Back many years ago --we are talking the 80's, I lost twin boys. I was carrying them in a placenta previa manner, and I hemhorraged. This happened on April 16th, and I was scheduled for C section delivery on May 8th. Due to the babies sizes, and my loss of blood, they did the section delivery, and managed to stop my bleeding, but it was kind of precarious for awhile. They give me a shot and also oral meds, to attempt to stop milk production. It did not work. I got engorged, and ended up with mastitis, which is an infection in the milk ducts. In retrospect, I did not treat it timely, nor probably as directed. I was in a mental place, that my health was low on my concerns. Probably the only thing pulling me through it was Manda.

So now the Dr. is thinking, maybe that is changing. He said it is possible that it is cancer forming, and we are not finished testing, but, he feels safe testing and not rushing in to do anything.

He did say that if this is an issue caused by the infection 30 years ago, that I might think about removal of breast tissue. He said it is pretty common. He said they remove tissue, and replace with implant, but it is not much reconstructive, because your own breast exterior as well as chest muscle wall remains intact. He said this would be a pro active approach.....IF we continue to have results following treatment.

He talked to me on the phone for 45 minutes. He said he was incredibly relieved when he got the report, and wanted me to be as well!

SO.....I AM!

Suzanne, if I could trade places with you for awhile, now, knowing this is good, I would do it in a heartbeat. Just to give you an emotional break.

I know it is hard, but you might need to be a hard ass, and pull away from your sister and her entire family and allow them to deal with their own issues for awhile. Maybe you NEED to tell them about your own, so they know you too have things to deal with.

I am sorry they are drowning you in problems and guilt right now, that is so hard to deal with. Big hugs my friend!!

Well I have some phone calls to make.....so will go, wanted to share the results, and thank you so much for being there, and praying with me.

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Kat-that is good news! I am so happy to wake up and see it. An infection is WAY better than the other. I know you must be relieved! YAY!

Suzanne-I agree with Laura and Kat. Some tough love is in order. I am so sorry that you have been so sad!

Jenn-how do you feel? Still have the sore throat? That is so miserable. Hope you are feeling better sista!

Michelle-how did you weather the storm? I love how you said dd and ddog are fed. I cracked up! ddog, too cute.

Cindy & Laura-I watched Biggest Loser lasst night. I totally agree think that Jillian and Bob were playing good cop/bad cop. She sent him up there to stop her from leaving 'his way'. That girl has a huge chip on her shoulder and something has happened to her. I wish she would talk about it. Oh, and that woman on the red team must think ALL of us are stupid to think she really only lost 1 pound. Give me a break. Why doesn't she just admit she is playing the game?

:) Hi Tonya! Stay around and talk with us. We have a wonderful group here! Congrats on finding your sweet spot and the loss. That is great!

All Homeless :) today I go and enroll dd in her new school. She is so excited and I am so nervous. Since she has an August b-day she is still behind in her class. Most of her classmates are 7 or turning 7 soon and she wont be 7 until August. She is passing but it is just squeaking by. I will talk to her teacher about my concerns. :)

Maybe I should hold her back...or just trust the school to do what needs to be done?!

Have a great day everyone! (((hugs)))

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All Homeless :) today I go and enroll dd in her new school. She is so excited and I am so nervous. Since she has an August b-day she is still behind in her class. Most of her classmates are 7 or turning 7 soon and she wont be 7 until August. She is passing but it is just squeaking by. I will talk to her teacher about my concerns. :)

Maybe I should hold her back...or just trust the school to do what needs to be done?!


MY DS is the oldest in his class and I had people bullying him so age is not the factor,,, thank god, he is fine now in a different school.

key is different school.

I would have the school check why she is behind academically (that is what you are writing). She may just need some school tutoring thru homework help. A lot of times it is that they are doing their homework wrong (the approach). Mine did his wrong and now...help me.. he does it and it is done, correctly. Thinking back mine would not do his work quickly and pondered over it...they found out he was a perfectionist (which he still is..ugh) but had to LEARN to just DO IT!!!!!!

Writing this now, reminds me of that time..which I have forgotten...will remind DS when he comes home from school and wanna know if he remembers how he drove everyone crazy.

My DS is ten years older than your DD wait till she is his age...omg

Have got to coordinate my old clothes and see what I have been saving.

Been very quiet on the boards...praying for a job, that I took an exam for.....OMG!! Think the person is lying to me...want the position locally and think they are trying to give me this seasonal postion over an hour away.

I know this sounds nuts... but need to be close to home..for MIL (who is doing fine..but needs help at times and it makes her feel better that we are around f0r her...DS, knows my eyes are there and DH who ya never know...me, locally feels like I AM NOT WORKING AND AM LESS STRESSED OUT

this area one in four are out of work and this is NY)

Gotta go...

Have a fun and blessed day

BTW.....You know me with my coupons, well one of the checkers at our local supermarket went home during college break. May he rest in peace, never returned home. Really nice college student and he was so nice..the whole store was crying...

May the other victims of the Disaster in Haiti rest in PEACE!

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Just finished shoveling snow.....again. We have well over a foot and it is still coming down hard. Supposed to get another foot minimally.

They shut the yard down, sent everyone home, so Rick was here, we had fun doing the shoveling. My DD did not even go in at all today, they were closing too, and schools were closed. It has snowed all day, just a fine flurry, but almost a white out at times.

I have a bird sanctuary on my back porch, they were looking for food, so I scattered seed out there. I felt so bad for them.

Made a big pot of potato soup---think I will have a bowl now, and eat early.

Everyone have a good one!!!

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Hi Laura-I think Macys problem is that she changed schools/curriculam a year ago. This is a higher level of education school district. She was doing fantastic at her other school but the change in curriculam has thrown her for a loop. I am planning on getting her some tutoring. I have a number of someone highly recommended.

Kat-I wish I were ther to see the snow and sit by a fire and visit with you!

Goodnight everyone...I am pooped. :)

Jenn & Suzanne????

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