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headhunter do you even know who you're arguing with anymore? Although I did consult more than 1 doctor to find the 1 i'd be most comfortable with I never claimed to have consulted 14 doctors. I also never quoted a medical journal or website ever and never discussed any specific seminars I attended either. I don't know who that came from but it was not me. again Ive researched all of the surgeries I just chose to use the input of real life people as well as research into my choice. People are not uninformed or ignorant just because they don't draw the same conclusions as you. I'm not an idiot again just someone that used real life people as we'll as research to make my decision. And yes I do agree that spending thousands of dollars on a surgery is a just to sabotage yourself is I a stupid act. I certainly don't have money to burn like that. But it also just proves that having type of surgery before you are mentally prepared isn't going to work. And I will stand by my statement that I'm properly informed of the WLS surgery choices. I'd never had any form of surgery so I made it a point to know what I was getting into and what other potential options were out there.

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headhunter do you even know who you're arguing with anymore? Although I did consult more than 1 doctor to find the 1 i'd be most comfortable with I never claimed to have consulted 14 doctors. I also never quoted a medical journal or website ever and never discussed any specific seminars I attended either. I don't know who that came from but it was not me. again Ive researched all of the surgeries I just chose to use the input of real life people as well as research into my choice. People are not uninformed or ignorant just because they don't draw the same conclusions as you. I'm not an idiot again just someone that used real life people as we'll as research to make my decision. And yes I do agree that spending thousands of dollars on a surgery is a just to sabotage yourself is I a stupid act. I certainly don't have money to burn like that. But it also just proves that having type of surgery before you are mentally prepared isn't going to work. And I will stand by my statement that I'm properly informed of the WLS surgery choices. I'd never had any form of surgery so I made it a point to know what I was getting into and what other potential options were out there.

Oh, Brother.

The more of your posts I read, the more I doubt you did ANY research. Or went to Nursing school. Or went to school of ANY kind.

So, now, let’s go over what you have just blathered out in single paragraph, and correct a few things. Again.

headhunter do you even know who you're arguing with anymore? Although I did consult more than 1 doctor to find the 1 i'd be most comfortable with I never claimed to have consulted 14 doctors. I also never quoted a medical journal or website ever and never discussed any specific seminars I attended either. I don't know who that came from but it was not me.”

When I stated This:….

“Then, why didn’t you merely say, for example, that you had spoken with 14 doctors, perused medical journals at the facility where you work as a nurse, and been to a handful of seminars on the subject, and you had concluded that the band was what would work best for you?”

….It was offered as an EXAMPLE of what you MIGHT have said if you had actually DONE any research. I never said that YOU said that you had spoken with 14 docs, etc. And I am absolutely FLOORED that you took that literally. But then again….I’m not. Most people on the Planet would have read that for what it was. You did not. Wow.

And this:

People are not uninformed or ignorant just because they don't draw the same conclusions as you.”

And precisely where was it I said that people had to come to MY conclusions be considered “informed”? What I WANT is for them to be informed and THEN come to their OWN conclusions. And when people like YOU post CRAP like you did, and then try and pass if off as some form of experiential evidence when all it is is EVIDENCE OF AN IDIOT RUINING THEIR SURGERY,…I get just a teensy bit annoyed.

How can you NOT get that? How can you NOT understand that? I have a theory…..

But, I’m not going to go there this time. This is a dead issue.

I’m glad you’re happy with your choice of WLS…that is what it is ALL about. Success for the individual.

I am happy with MY choice. It has worked well for me.

And I can only hope that your friend/co-worker/whatever who squandered the big bucks on their failed WLS will learn their lesson.

And that everybody who is contemplating this life-changing procedure will do the proper research and make the decision that is RIGHT – FOR – THEM.

I HOPING we can agree on THAT.

Ok. Done with this. Moving on.


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Be done but you've resorted to nastiness and accusations yet again just shows your own ignorance and plain out lack of respect for anyone who challenges you. And if you'd like I'd happily provide you my nursing license number to verify my 12 years of nursing experience. I voiced the same statements over and over again yet you keep trying to twist my opinions to suit what you want them to be. I never bashed anyones choices or spoke rudely to anyone. And anyone who is truly right dosent need to reduce themselves to the level of nastiness that you have. I've never disrespected any of your views or stated they had to be wrong. Your opinions don't deserve any more or any less than mine. And when people ask for peoples advice and experience everyone has the right to give there's. I've never lied or exaggerated just given my honest opinion. And haven't had to pick other peoples posts apart nor be rude or disrespectful of anyone. Bottom line other peoples opinions aren't CRAP just cuz they aren't yours!! For whatever reason you and several others have decided that your point of view are the only wants that count. God all this nonsense cuz I had the nerve to give my opinion on a post that asked for. And by a person who's already banded for crying out loud. All I ever said is that I personally knew people that were banded or sleeved that had significant regain and that my discussions with them helped me make my choice. And Id say I'm sorry that that statements seems to offend you so much but I truly don't care. You do have valid points and information but the way that you treat people that don't agree with makes your attitude the focus not the information you have to share. So I will now wish you the best of luck and be happily done with this as well .

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I got the last word. By saying I got the last word!!! LOL

By the way, the fact that you are or aren't an RN is totally irrelevant to me. But, to the ignorant, it may lead them to believe that you have some extra knowledge or expertise in the area. You very well may, or you very well may not. But, to keep indicating it, only seems to try and give this result, when I feel it really isn't appropriate. But, hey, do as you please.

If you can't see by now the error in the way you post and how it could be misleading to someone reading this later, then you probably never will. So someone will probably always have to correct what may be miscostrued and then you will act attacked, and then you will defend and then you will be a victom and so on and so on.

And here is where you try to get one more word in, and probably make yourself look less credible rather then more, but it makes no difference. The corrections have been made.

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This thread and the Anges thread really has me second guessing the decsion I made to have Lapband. I mean I went to two seminars, seen 2 different dr's, did all kinds of research, but seemed to have failed on the band revision to bypass, or sleeve research. I've only been banded a short time, and really there is not much I can do now, being a self pay, but I am feeling pretty down about things right now. I feel like I just made one huge big mistake. I really tossed around the idea of the sleeve, but truely felt in was more invasive, and I didn't like the idea that I would loose a part of my stomach, but now I am thinking it would have been better then the band. I do hope there are some people out there that are happy with their bands.

you lost 30 pounds!! you are doing great!!!

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This is ridiculous, and it would be helpful if we could get a moderator to step in. She was attacked. I felt attacked, too, and the original poster may very well be horrified that a simple question led to this. I would NEVER talk to someone the way some of you have talked to her. Common courtesy prohibits it. I have a feeling that, now that I am trying to stand up against the indecent behavior, that I, too, will be the target of hateful attacks if I continue to use LBT.

I am beginning to think that this forum is a very unhealthy environment, and perhaps I should leave. I'm sure it will not be a loss to those of you who behave this way, but it will be a loss to me. I enjoy the good conversations and have learned a lot from the personal experiences people have shared. However, the bad is beginning to outweigh the good. No pun intended.

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The tone really does have to change, and a moderator (me) is watching. I am sorry for the negativity that seems to have snuck in.

Back to the subject at hand. I'm a bandster who is happy with her band and very happy with the decision I made years ago to get banded. Even if the sleeve had been an option for me back then, I would have gone with the band as a first move. I'm of the opinion that implanting a completely removable device is less invasive than removing a significant portion of the stomach, and as such it would have absolutely been my first choice.

But that's me. Even with a BMI of 48 at the time I was healthy (relatively speaking) and my FIRST priority was minimizing postop complications so I could get back to taking care of my two (then) small children. It was the band or nothing, and I fought my insurer for over a year to get it. My band worked wonderfully for me for three-plus years, when I started to have complications. But the complications were relatively minor, I remained completely healthy and whole, and even now after three surgeries and significant regain I am still 100% positive I made the right choice for me.

I certainly don't rule out a possible revision to a sleeve or whatever else for me some day. But the arguments about which surgery is "better" than another are worse than pointless. Everyone is different and has unique needs. There are a lot of details to consider when making the decision to have WLS, and no one knows the right answer for anyone else.

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thanks for somoene else aknowledging the unecessary rudeness directed at people on this and other threads. i've learned that there are certain people you just cant win with. they attack if they dont agree with there views. then when defend yourself you get accused of being a liar and trying tp play the victim. some people just cant debate without reverting to shoolyard bully tatics so im going to amke an effort to just avoid such nasty individuals in the future. im well able to defend mtself but ive seen other posts that made the sings said to me look like compliments.

i just hope something is done to curb such nastiness in the future. i love this site. ive met lots of great people here. its been reassuring to me to have been to go when i need help on this journey. whether its a pat on the back because of done well or kick in the pants because ive slacked off, whichevers been needed someone here is always able to help.

this is a great place to come to get advice or voice an opinion. but if people cant do this with without fear of being attacked they will no longer come here. im not one of those people that thinks everyone has to be friends with or agree with everyone. but everyone does deserve a certain measure of respect no matter what there opinions are and what other people think of them. i just want this to remain the positive place it should be.

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I got a band because the sleeve wasn't widely offered at the time I had my surgery. For a long time afterwards though, I'd wish I'd had the sleeve.

A colleague got the sleeve though and in hindsight, I'm now glad I got the band. Initially I was madly jealous that she's managed to the sleeve, as she is doing fantastically and had hit her goal before me and was still losing.

But she herself isn't entirely sure about her choice now though (I guess the grass always looks greener on the other side! Lol!). She's seen the success I've had with the band, and when I was recently telling her that I am thinking of getting a slight unfill so that I stop losing and maintain my weight, she lamented that she and her Dr have no such 'control' over how much she loses, or any regain she has as as a result of increased stomache capacity, aside from dietary control.

And she chose the sleeve because she knew of someone with the band who gained all her weight back. That person, though, now has 'gotten back on the wagon', got some fills, and is losing again. She envies that 'adjustability', and feels like she 'shortchanged' the band by thinking it simply wouldn't afford her success. She now knows it's not true.

So while I am still a little jealous of how quickly she lost the weight with the sleeve, and without the PB episodes or the 'stuck pain', I can't be unhappy with my band anymore. I realise now that all surgeries have their pros and cons, and all you really want is one that actually WORKS for you.

That the sleeve works wonderfully for others doesn't reduce the success the band has had for me. And if ever the band stopped working for me, I'd get a sleeve without thinking twice. But so far it's helped me lose all the weight I needed to, plus some. I've had no complications with it whatsoever. I am maintaining easily, and in fact, as I said, still losing. It's done everything I need it to do. So it was a complete success for me and therefore absolutely the right surgery for me.

Edited by lellow

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lellow glad to hear you're so happy with your choice and things have gone well. And congratulations for getting to and maintaining your goal weight. I can't wait to get there myself.

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I got a band because the sleeve wasn't widely offered at the time I had my surgery. For a long time afterwards though, I'd wish I'd had the sleeve.

A colleague got the sleeve though and in hindsight, I'm now glad I got the band. Initially I was madly jealous that she's managed to the sleeve, as she is doing fantastically and had hit her goal before me and was still losing.

But she herself isn't entirely sure about her choice now though (I guess the grass always looks greener on the other side! Lol!). She's seen the success I've had with the band, and when I was recently telling her that I am thinking of getting a slight unfill so that I stop losing and maintain my weight, she lamented that she and her Dr have no such 'control' over how much she loses, or any regain she has as as a result of increased stomache capacity, aside from dietary control.

And she chose the sleeve because she knew of someone with the band who gained all her weight back. That person, though, now has 'gotten back on the wagon', got some fills, and is losing again. She envies that 'adjustability', and feels like she 'shortchanged' the band by thinking it simply wouldn't afford her success. She now knows it's not true.

So while I am still a little jealous of how quickly she lost the weight with the sleeve, and without the PB episodes or the 'stuck pain', I can't be unhappy with my band anymore. I realise now that all surgeries have their pros and cons, and all you really want is one that actually WORKS for you.

That the sleeve works wonderfully for others doesn't reduce the success the band has had for me. And if ever the band stopped working for me, I'd get a sleeve without thinking twice. But so far it's helped me lose all the weight I needed to, plus some. I've had no complications with it whatsoever. I am maintaining easily, and in fact, as I said, still losing. It's done everything I need it to do. So it was a complete success for me and therefore absolutely the right surgery for me.

An intelligent, very well thought-out reposnse; far, far different from the one that prompted this current firestorm.


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it's also polite and respectful and not the least bit nasty or snide towards others. Much like the posts the majority of others have written. And not once was someone called a moron or a liar. Very impressive.

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Because they weren't being a moron or a liar?????????

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yes it is refreshing to see people who don't have to stoop to name calling and twisting peoples words to try to prove a point. And as far as a moron or a liar I'm neither. Just someone who dosent backdown to rude people and bullies. Any point that's truly valid dosent need that kind of negativity to back it up.

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I think the saying "beating a dead horse" applies here. What EVERYONE agrees on is the fact that being overweight/obese is not healthy and that SOME people need weight loss surgery to improve their health. Of that group of people SOME choose the band while OTHERS elect a different surgery. ALL weight loss surgeries require work and a lifelong commitment to a healthy lifestyle.

EACH person needs to research ALL the options and make an INFORMED decision based on what type of eater he/she is. When that decision is made, the next phase involves more research to find the best surgeon (s) to do the desired procedure.

People can claim all sorts of things on the internet but there is no way to verify if it's true or not. For example, I have been an RN for over 25 years and hold a Ph.D. That happens to be true but how would you know that unless I gave you my name, my license number, and showed you my diploma?

Research is not stagnant. What's true yesterday is false today. Evidenced based practice findings guide the standards of care. So, come here to share experiences and ask questions but don't EVER let that substitute for the work YOU need to do in researching what is best for you.

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