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Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

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Hugs to you. I had lots of dreams after my mom died. It always felt like I'd seen her, so that part was nice, but made me sad too. Once my dad got remarried, dreaming that she was back was much more complicated!

My plans for this weekend include going bowling. Haven't been in years, but think this should be fun.

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After my grandmother died, I dreamed of her almost every night, and it was always the same dream. She was actually ALIVE and really upset that we'd gotten rid of / sold all her stuff. It wasn't cool at all. lol

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Awww Angie, thats a terrible dream! :-(

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Hi Ladies.

I really don't want to post this but I need to. I am really struggling. I have been eating very out-of-control for the last few days. My weight is up a several pounds and I am so ashamed of myself.

I did pretty good while on that health challenge I did, but since it has ended (August 1st) I haven't given myself any restrictions on what foods I'm eating. It hasn't been good.

It's 1 p.m. and I have not eaten one thing yet today because I don't trust myself to eat! It's ridiculous, I know, but yesterday I ate so terrible that I scared myself. I haven't felt this out of control since before my surgery.

I need to take a deep breath and get some healthy food to eat. I may start with a Protein Shake. I really need to refocus and regroup and remember what I'm doing here.

I think it will help me to go back and re-read my blog. I need to remember where I was in the beginning stages of this and get some of that back.

I just had to get that out.

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Hi Ladies.

I really don't want to post this but I need to. I am really struggling. I have been eating very out-of-control for the last few days. My weight is up a several pounds and I am so ashamed of myself.

I did pretty good while on that health challenge I did, but since it has ended (August 1st) I haven't given myself any restrictions on what foods I'm eating. It hasn't been good.

It's 1 p.m. and I have not eaten one thing yet today because I don't trust myself to eat! It's ridiculous, I know, but yesterday I ate so terrible that I scared myself. I haven't felt this out of control since before my surgery.

I need to take a deep breath and get some healthy food to eat. I may start with a Protein Shake. I really need to refocus and regroup and remember what I'm doing here.

I think it will help me to go back and re-read my blog. I need to remember where I was in the beginning stages of this and get some of that back.

I just had to get that out.

Don't beat yourself up...we've all been there! Just by getting it out is a huge step to getting back on track. And by recognizing that you need to reconnect with some things you did in the beginning is proof you're strong and just hit a little bump in the road. Again..DON'T beat yourself up..look how far you have come! You're doing fantastic!!

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Thank you.

I just finished reading my blog from the beginning again. What an amazing journey this has been. I think I forget sometimes where I used to be and too often I take for granted where I am now. I've been eating as if I'm a person who doesn't have to worry about their weight. That attitude is going to get me back in the 200s and even the 300s if left unchecked.

Yesterday was so much better. I probably had less than half the calories I'd had the day before. I feel more in control. I think I'm going to have to buck up and post about how I'm doing on my blog. It's gotten to the point that I only want to post positive things because I'm seen as a "success story" and "so inspirational." But I need to keep things real. It's not all sunshine and lollipops! Well, it shouldn't be lollipops anyway. :rolleyes:

Hope everyone is having a great weekend.

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Shiny - I'm so glad you're back on track. It's the beast that has gotten into so many of our heads. It's so easy to take the loss for granted and then you turn around and you're up several pounds. You seem to have caught it right away and got back on track. Please, please post here any time you notice you're not eating the way you should for more than a day or two. And I'm so glad you blogged it. Everyone needs to be aware of the things that trip us up. Forewarned is a very good thing.

How is everyone else doing? Did you guys have a good weekend? Mine was decent. Nothing too exciting, just a nice weekend. I did however, mess myself up. Since my last fill I've only been able to eat a small amount, which is great. But I took things for granted and decided that since I could barely eat food, I could have ice cream and Cookies and still lose. Wrong!! I'm up a couple pounds. I must adjust my head because I'm determined to be down at least 10 pounds when I go to the doctor's again in about 3 weeks. Gotta get on it.

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I actually hadn't blogged yet, but went ahead and did it. Here's my post from there:

I have been avoiding my blog the last while because I haven't been eating great and I didn't want to post about it.

Vacation was fun and I had a vacation from worrying about what I'm eating. It's been hard to get back on track. The other day was a particularly bad day. By the end of the day I felt like I had been so out of control it really scared me. I determined the next day would be better.

By 1:00 p.m the next day. I still hadn't allowed myself to eat anything because I didn't trust myself to make good choices. I decided that was stupid and had a Protein Shake to start my day of eating off. I actually did really well. The next day was also much better.

One of the things I did to help myself get back on track was to go back and re-read my entire blog from the beginning. I was reminded of my mindset from all those months ago. I really needed a readjustment back to focusing on making choices because they are healthy instead of making choices because they fit a certain plan or program. (I'm referring to the Health and Wellness Challenge I did for 12 weeks that ended just prior to my last vacation.)

During the challenge, I found myself working around the rules and eating things that weren't necessarily healthy, but still qualified for the rules of the program. For example: No Sugar Added ice cream fit the bill of No Sugar, but it was certainly not a healthy food to be consuming because it still had a lot of fat and calories. So I began seeking out treats that would qualify within the guidelines of the challenge.

Well, once the challenge ended, I was free to seek out treats that were no longer forbidden. Add that freedom to vacation and it quickly became a problem. It just became a constant mindset of "What treat can I have next? " I was always seeking out what there was yummy to eat next. Totally pre-band mentality. I cannot go there again and continue or even maintain losing weight.

So the scale reflected all of this struggle. The morning after my particularly bad day my weight was up several pounds. I didn't even want to know, but not knowing was scarier to me. So after 2 days of better eating, I'm back down a few of those, but still not back to my lowest, or even my lower numbers. I'm going to give myself a week and then I'll readjust my ticker to where I really am.

I really tend to avoid posting when I am struggling, but I don't want to give a false impression that things are always easy and that there aren't still obstacles and struggles. There are. I just need to remember that I'm in this battle for life.

Early on in my blogging, I said "In this weight loss marathon, I still need to keep jogging, not slow down for a walk, or even sit to rest." I found those words very profound the other day when I read them. What I've done recently is slow down to a walk and even sat down to rest for a while--even taking a few steps backwards. I need to move forward and that is what I am doing and plan on continuing to do.

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Shiny, don't beat yourself up. Just do what you need to do. You've done it before and You WILL do it again.

I am struggling right now but from a different angle. I get horrible heartburn every time I eat anything. I doesn't seem to matter what I am eating, soft, crunchy, solid, salad, etc, about 30 minutes later and for the next three or four hours, severe pain. I have an appointment for Thursday to see the doctor. This is miserable. I think I am going to stick to Protein Shakes until Thursday. Funny thing, ice cream doesn't make it hurt???? I can't seem to win.

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Hey everyone. Ezma, that is so horrible. I wasn't aware your husband died. I'm so sorry. I teared up when I read that. Just the fact you're able to go on is impressive, never mind about gaining weight!

That is so scary about the slips, and problems with scar tissue and being too tight. I feel terrible for everyone going through that. All of you seem to be handeling it well. My prayers go out to all of you. I'm always so afraid of those things happening to me. I never was afraid of those things until I started reading about it online! It seems to happen more than some of the stats admit. Do any of you wonder what it will be like after we've had the band like 20 years or a really long time?

Have any of you had surgery to remove extra skin? Do any of you think you will need to?

The surgery on my keloids has gone well so far, now it's a matter of time to make sure they don't come back.

I made it to onederland! Just barely, I'm 199. but I'm still excited to oficially be out of the 200s.

That's great that WW is working so well for you lil'miss diva. How much have you lost since you started that?

I'll talk too you guys soon. Take care

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I actually hadn't blogged yet, but went ahead and did it. Here's my post from there:

I have been avoiding my blog the last while because I haven't been eating great and I didn't want to post about it.

Vacation was fun and I had a vacation from worrying about what I'm eating. It's been hard to get back on track. The other day was a particularly bad day. By the end of the day I felt like I had been so out of control it really scared me. I determined the next day would be better.

By 1:00 p.m the next day. I still hadn't allowed myself to eat anything because I didn't trust myself to make good choices. I decided that was stupid and had a Protein shake to start my day of eating off. I actually did really well. The next day was also much better.

One of the things I did to help myself get back on track was to go back and re-read my entire blog from the beginning. I was reminded of my mindset from all those months ago. I really needed a readjustment back to focusing on making choices because they are healthy instead of making choices because they fit a certain plan or program. (I'm referring to the Health and Wellness Challenge I did for 12 weeks that ended just prior to my last vacation.)

During the challenge, I found myself working around the rules and eating things that weren't necessarily healthy, but still qualified for the rules of the program. For example: No Sugar Added ice cream fit the bill of No Sugar, but it was certainly not a healthy food to be consuming because it still had a lot of fat and calories. So I began seeking out treats that would qualify within the guidelines of the challenge.

Well, once the challenge ended, I was free to seek out treats that were no longer forbidden. Add that freedom to vacation and it quickly became a problem. It just became a constant mindset of "What treat can I have next? " I was always seeking out what there was yummy to eat next. Totally pre-band mentality. I cannot go there again and continue or even maintain losing weight.

So the scale reflected all of this struggle. The morning after my particularly bad day my weight was up several pounds. I didn't even want to know, but not knowing was scarier to me. So after 2 days of better eating, I'm back down a few of those, but still not back to my lowest, or even my lower numbers. I'm going to give myself a week and then I'll readjust my ticker to where I really am.

I really tend to avoid posting when I am struggling, but I don't want to give a false impression that things are always easy and that there aren't still obstacles and struggles. There are. I just need to remember that I'm in this battle for life.

Early on in my blogging, I said "In this weight loss marathon, I still need to keep jogging, not slow down for a walk, or even sit to rest." I found those words very profound the other day when I read them. What I've done recently is slow down to a walk and even sat down to rest for a while--even taking a few steps backwards. I need to move forward and that is what I am doing and plan on continuing to do.

Melissa, what a fabulous post!! Hang in there, because you are right. We are in this for life. We aren't going to stop or slow down at any stage. In fact, I've heard maintenance is the hardest part. :thumbdown:

I know how it feels to gain back. One would think this is not possible with WLS or the Lap-Band. Ha!! Whoever thinks that better do their homework!

The good thing about the Band though is that it is REALLY hard to gain it back fast. So, in theory, by the time we realize we are making a mistake, we won't have already gained all our weight back and then some.

:unsure: Best wishes to you! You have the right mentality - stay strong and fight, fight, FIGHT!!

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Shiny, don't beat yourself up. Just do what you need to do. You've done it before and You WILL do it again.

I am struggling right now but from a different angle. I get horrible heartburn every time I eat anything. I doesn't seem to matter what I am eating, soft, crunchy, solid, salad, etc, about 30 minutes later and for the next three or four hours, severe pain. I have an appointment for Thursday to see the doctor. This is miserable. I think I am going to stick to Protein shakes until Thursday. Funny thing, ice cream doesn't make it hurt???? I can't seem to win.

So sorry to hear your having bad issues. I'll keep you in my thoughts, and please let us know how the appt went.

Hey everyone. Ezma, that is so horrible. I wasn't aware your husband died. I'm so sorry. I teared up when I read that. Just the fact you're able to go on is impressive, never mind about gaining weight!

That is so scary about the slips, and problems with scar tissue and being too tight. I feel terrible for everyone going through that. All of you seem to be handeling it well. My prayers go out to all of you. I'm always so afraid of those things happening to me. I never was afraid of those things until I started reading about it online! It seems to happen more than some of the stats admit. Do any of you wonder what it will be like after we've had the band like 20 years or a really long time?

Have any of you had surgery to remove extra skin? Do any of you think you will need to?

The surgery on my keloids has gone well so far, now it's a matter of time to make sure they don't come back.

I made it to onederland! Just barely, I'm 199. but I'm still excited to oficially be out of the 200s.

That's great that WW is working so well for you lil'miss diva. How much have you lost since you started that?

I'll talk too you guys soon. Take care

congrats to you on onederland!! I hope to get there soon too!

I actually didn't lose anything last week. However I did lose an additional 3 inches from the week before, so something's going on!! :thumbdown:

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Thanks LittleMiss, my appointment can't come too soon, I ate the meat and cheese out of a lunchable (not the crackers mind you) and have been in severe pain since 1 oclock. I hope he can figure it out soon.

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Shiny - I'm so glad you're back on track. It's the beast that has gotten into so many of our heads. It's so easy to take the loss for granted and then you turn around and you're up several pounds. You seem to have caught it right away and got back on track. Please, please post here any time you notice you're not eating the way you should for more than a day or two. And I'm so glad you blogged it. Everyone needs to be aware of the things that trip us up. Forewarned is a very good thing.

How is everyone else doing? Did you guys have a good weekend? Mine was decent. Nothing too exciting, just a nice weekend. I did however, mess myself up. Since my last fill I've only been able to eat a small amount, which is great. But I took things for granted and decided that since I could barely eat food, I could have ice cream and Cookies and still lose. Wrong!! I'm up a couple pounds. I must adjust my head because I'm determined to be down at least 10 pounds when I go to the doctor's again in about 3 weeks. Gotta get on it.

I relate to this so much! My last fill has made it so that I can stop eating so I've been eating way less. So over the weekend I had ice cream, yesterday I had a big piece of pie! Now I'm like I need to stop before I ruin my new progress! :blushing:

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Shinyhappymommy, what you said is so true! It is very important to look back at where you were to remind yourself of all the progress. (I'm not saying I'm good at doing this!:thumbup:) But I think I should more often. It's so easy to get lost in being focused on whether or not you've lost for the week or focusing on the fact that I'm not at my goal yet. But like my husband tells me when I'm feeling down on myself, he's like"Do you want to weigh 258 again?!" :ohmy:It makes me think. Although my progress has been slow, and I wish I lost more, I am proud of where I am. Not only the weight loss but also I just feel proud of exercising and eating more healthy foods.

Lilmiss diva, You will reach onederland. You sound very deidcated and determined. Dedication+determination=success! :crying:

A high five to everyone's efforts:thumbup:

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      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

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      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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