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Fly by this a.m. Well, I had to have an emergency unfill on Saturday. Woke up unable to take sips of Water. Had a 2nd night of horrible reflux. WTF? I have had NO FILLS in many MONTHS... only 3 unfills last 3 months. The more I know about this band... the more I don't know about this band. I just pray it hasn't slipped. Dr. reassures me that I would have more symptoms. I might do a barium swallow just for my own peace of mind in a couple weeks. (will be cash b/c we have a $3000 deductible). Hmmm.. New coach bag and shoes for birthday or BS (barium swallow)?


So for some reason mutli quote is not working

Laura - for my birthday I had to choose to pay a bill with my money or continue on with my tattoo on my back so I understand the conflict with spending your birthday money on something you really need (adult thing to do) or buy something you really want. Want versus Need that always gets in the way. Let us know how the swallow comes out.

Sorry someone gave you a hard time I guess they did not know that you were joking. How rude. At least all the important people knew you were joking

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Jewel - Awesome on the motorcyle riding. WTG girl. Did you go see that new doctor yet?

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Laura - sorry about the unfill. But thank you for explaining/sharing your journey. I still don't truly understand MY BAND. I know each of us is different. Last night I threw up at a restaurant after putting one bite of yogurt (I should not have had it) on top of a cup of chili. My husband gets soooo upset when I vomit. He really wants me to have band removed. I'm undecided.

Last week I threw up while trying to take my meds. I had eaten greek yogurt with 1/3 cup of Kashi Cereal mixed in. I know I need to visit my doctor again.

Arlene - so sorry to hear of your episode too. Usually, once the slime begins for me, I spit up/vomit and then I'm fine again. It has become a non-event for me.

Had a great workout with trainer this morning and I'm having a resting metabolic test tomorrow before hair appt.

The journey continues. Each meal is a challenge. However, 30 lbs. has remained off. rolleyes.gif

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Janet~ Thanks GF! (For everything you said.) And yes, you are right. Gotta push. Here's a goal for ya- (besides the obvious of LONG TERM HEALTH AND WELLNESS)........ In July I will meet my MIL for the FIRST TIME! We (me, DH and Nels) are traveling overseas (if everything is calm over there) for our 10th wedding anniversary! I will meet DH's 3 stepbros and wives/kids too. VERY excited but nervous. Most of them speak English too, but MIL says she doesn't. But they lived in PA for 2 years before DH was born! When I have spoken to her on the phone, she will say a few things in English. But sure- not sure we can have deep meaningful conversations..LOL. Yep, need to look smokin hot.

I usually take everything from others with a grain of salt- but today just rubbed me the wrong way. Anyway- nuff said bout that. My band is feeling lovely today. I did 24 hrs liquids and then mushies last night. This a.m. did shake and then for lunch made a 3.5 oz. tuna (90 cal, 18 gm protein) with small amt. greek yogurt. I ate slow slow slow. Low and behold- was full until now- 3 hrs! So, i feel like I got me a SWEET spot! I wouldn't wish that reflux feeling (choking on your own stomach juices, cough, sore throat) on my worst enemy! I know I have talked about this before but feel like putting it out there- if any of you get ulcer type pain or have suffered that choking reflux stuff- ask your practitioner for a Rx medicine called CARAFATE. (the liquid one). It's a liquid "band aid". It doesn't replace your Tagamet/Pepcid or Nexium/Prilosec but it will help HEAL your esophagus and stomach if you have had an episode of reflux. It's amazing that people talk about reflux and slipped bands and unfills- but never found any posts about carafate. life saver.

Cheri~ hope you are feeling better. Just a word to the wise- I despise tramadol. I have had the most problems with patients becoming accustomed to it. It is a derivative of morphine. Supposedly not as "addicting" as other pain medicines from the PI, but I beg to differ. In our clinic we cannot prescribe narcotics and many MDs and NPs write it. Patients cannot stop taking it without feeling "ill". Just be careful. (said with love and care only.) can't imagine the pain you are going through. I have never had chronic pain, so it is hard for me to understand. Just do what you need and know to do.

Melissa~ how are you feeling?

Others- sorry for the PBs- must be in the air! more later...gotta go

ok.. got the boy off the bus. Time for homework and dinner! DH on call. peasout............Laura

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Yes I went and saw the new doctor. He was nice but brief. He checked my band and said there were 4 cc and he gave me another 1.5. I will be on liquids the next few days. Hopefully it will give me a good jumpstart to get back on track. He did say I could have a high Protein snack if I needed it. He also said I could do mushies after liquids. My old Doc believed mushies were too high in carbs so he had us skip that step. I am just gonna focus on 5 pounds for now. Take it a little at a time. I have been holding steady for 2 weeks now. I want to get it going down again. I need to learn how to keep from gaining when I get upset.

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Laura~ WTH is wrong with people. When I saw that post I literally LOL! I think that whomever is "stalking" us has too much time on their hands. How annoying. I'm glad that you are feeling better. Acid reflux is no joke. It's awful. I had it when my band was giving me troubles and I get it. I didn't have it before though.

Janet~ You go girl!!!!! Have fun with the girls on Friday! Envious of your fun times with one another.

Linda~ Thank you for the kind thoughts this morning. I have had one slim fast so far today. The plan is to do this one week on, one week off. When I was really watching every calorie I put in my mouth in the beginning of this journey I would have my treats on Sundays, and I think I am going to do that again. So really, it is 6 days, but hey, whatever. Thanks again!

Oh ya! Melissa~ Sorry about your fall! I didn't post about it! I'm sorry. How are you doing now?

Well, I'm sorta frustrated today. I'm sick of everyone having something for me to do. After going to 12 weddings this summer, all between June 7th and Oct 30th, I am over it. Along with the weddings, there are the showers, the babies, doing the hair, the makeup, blah blah blah. And, all of this while going to school full time, and working almost full time. Anyhow, I'm ready for a break. Thats the reason why I took this semester off of school and kept my work schedule around 32 hours a week. It feels like there is always someone wanting me to do something and then making me feel guilty when I don't want to do it. Whew! VENT! Sorry. It's just that tonight one of the gals I work with wants me to go with her to see her cousin play with his band at a bar. Well, he plays every monday night and she has been badgering me to go for the last 4 weeks. I cherish my Monday-Wed nights with Andrew because we NEVER see one another and i make dinner and so on. She doesn't get it. So, needless to say, it gets quite annoying. She has told me several times this past week that she wants me to go tonight. We will see. I'm not driving because it is in the ghetto.

Ok, I am so sorry! I just cannot really talk to anyone here about it. I just cannot help the rant. I get upset when others try to force me to do things.

CBL, Hope all of you are having a great afternoon!!!!

Thanks for "listening".


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Oh I forgot to mention I am doing alot better. My headache went away overnight and the only thing left that still hurt was my right wrist and my right ankle. But as of today I feel alot better. I think falling on my wrist just aggrevated my carpal tunal which flairs up every so often. So all in all I am doing well. Thanks for all the love and concerns.

Meredith - Vent away you are aloud

Jewel - The Dr sounds nice. You are right take it nice and slow.

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Linda~ As I was posting about my week of liquids, I decided to do more research on your highly recommended 5-day pouch test. So I did. I read everything that you posted (Cheri too!) about it and decided that the pouch test was the way to go for me instead of the 700 cal plan. I think that I need to go by what everyone else thinks works, rather than what the dr thinks might be the way to go. I understand where he is coming from, but we know how our tool works from real life experience. Once I have my pouch where it should be again, I will better be able to do the plan my Dr wants. Do you agree? That week where I was eating between 700-900 cal everyday, and working out like a crazy person, I didn't lose a single solitary pound! I think my body was panicking and hanging on to the fat and going into starvation mode.

What do all of you think about this?

Melissa~ So glad you are feeling better. A fall is always so very scary! Glad you are going to be ok. I have some carpaltunnel issues in my wrists from doing hair for 10 years, so I hear ya!

CBL~ Meredith

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Wow! Quick fly-by. Laura and Arlene, hugs on the pb's. Weight gain is usually responsible for the difficulties. I know Kashi would make me pb. I can't do grains. I'm surprised after the very strong post on carbs that I didn't get any pms. Of course, I'm not sure I'd get notified or be able to find them. LOL. I have this thread listed as my favorite and go right to this and nothing else on LBT.

Some people just take themselves too seriously and are too sanctimonious. They need to get a life then maybe they'd have something to post about.

Gotta go to choir.



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Good Evening Gang! My DS took my mother to the doctor today because her back and chest were hurting. He did xrays. She must have fractured her back when she fell and broke her wrist. He prescribed pain Patches for her back. I just hope those aids feel real bad for fussing at her when she asked them to help her out of bed. They thought the pain was just in her head. She will be in the nursing home a while longer. We have lined up help for her in her apartment, but I think she will end up in assisted living.

I ate a little meat...maybe an oz.....then I ate steamed broccoli. All went down fine. I did go to the gym too.

Cheri, you just tell it like it is. I appreciate it.

Meredith.....good luck on the pouch test!

Melissa......glad you are feeling better today!

Laura.....I hope the reflux settles down. I am going to take pepcid for a few days to calm down the acid in my gut. I have gained ten, but I was down over thirty since my last fill.

Lori......you home yet?

Janet......I ordered those cookbooks then they had Cooking Light Comfort food cookbook today. I might order it too.

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Laura, WTF is wrong with people. If they don't know you enough to figure out that you are kidding then they shouldn't be responding. I am with Janet, let's kick some butt. Keep up the humor I love it and so do the rest of the girls.


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Good Evening All.....

Laura....sorry you got the "sour" PM's. Some ppl simply do not have a sense of humor. I had something similar happen about a year ago when I posted on another thread. I thought I could jump in and give someone some advice that was really struggling. Did not notice it was the "20's" thread and got jumped on, PM'd, called a wrinkely old lady, etc.....Hugs on your fill issues and reflux. Oh Hell! Go buy the Coach purse. To hell with your health! LOL...OK...now I'll be getting the PM's. Bring it on!!!

I doubt that this site has the availability to have a private thread. I know you can block ppl that are not members but a lot of good that does if someone wants to read. But, aren't we all here to share, help, get help, etc? That's how we all ended up here. I know that some ppl are more comfortable just reading and lurking. My DH has never ever posted on his Ag site. He types similar to a snail's pace and just does not do it. I have been pretty uncomfortable since Oct about things I say on this thread. I do not like the fact that someone took info off of here and made it possible for them to terrorize me personally. BTW...stilll an active investigation going on....

Linda....I have eaten my fair share of "crap" the last few weeks and I can tell you that I just don't feel the same the next day. Sluggish, bloated, gassy....etc. I feel better when I stay with healthy options. But, it's a trade-off. Sometimes a person just has to try 20 different kinds of fatty dips. LOL. Say Aylah's photo's on FB. Can you share her for awhile?????

Arlene...your stuck episode sounds horrible. I have a little thing I do that really has worked for me. I usually don't get stuck often. Has happened twice with Eva since we've been here. Gabbing, one extra bite and it might hit. I put my fists into my armpits and pump like I am doing the chicken dance. Granted, you might not want to do this in the middle of a restaurant...head to ladies room or outside. It most always works for me and no food popping back up. Sorry for your mom's continuted troubles. Hugs.

Joyce....sounds like you have had your share of PB's. Too tight maybe? I have always wanted to have the resting metobilic test. I asked my doc once and have forgotten to ask when I have my 6 mo appts. I need to do that when I get back. Just nice to know. I have done a lot of walking with DH and Tanker while here and have to be very careful not to do too much. But, some days it's so much fun and we put on way too many miles. (I don't even like posting things like this cuz I am sure it just makes you all think "lucky girl"). Figured out if I walk more I just eat 3-4 extra Protein bars and I stay level.

It's got to be tough when your DH worries so much. Do YOU feel you are PBing more than normal? If so, head to your doc's office and discuss it with him. Bring your DH with you so he gets educated on the band. Hugs.

Jessica...good going on the baby steps with taking off the weight. It's doable. 5lbs...5 day pouch test could make that work. Take a week or two to eat normal...pouch test again and you are on your way.

Janet...looking forward to our trip. I am going to be Thelma....Louise will be the one driving. I get the couch! Can't wait to hug you and Phyll. No fussing....

Meredith....gotta learn to say "NO", girl. And,without guilt. I used to try to do it all. I have no guilt over saying no anymore. When I do for others, it has to be close to my heart or I do a turn-down. Gotta take care of yourself b/4 you can take care of others. Hugs. You'll get it. Just keep in mind how far you want to be stretched. Your life with your honey should come first. Good luck with your new food plan. You CAN do this.

Melissa...happy to hear you are better after the fall. Take care. Just say NO to any carbs. Gotta clean them out of your system. It's tough but you CAN do it. If sugars are your drug of choice, clean it out of your environment.

Phyll....see your sweet little face soon.

Cheri...hi....silly...cannot remember if you commented on how you are feeling but hope better.

Great...pretty soon we will be calling you "Great Grandma". Exciting. Have fun with DD. How special to spend this time with her.

LauraK...you are always sooooooooooo willing to "kick ass". Love that about you.

OK...no guilt but just gotta tell you guys...I have not been very active on the thread cuz just toooooo busy and staying focused on our time together. We always throuroughly enjoy our vacations and that's just what we are doing. Miss the daily conversations but will get back to that when we get home.

Going to Eva's hair salon tomorrow to get younger. Then going to the Gem Show in the afternoon with her. Wed is busy with visiting friends north of here. This morning we just hung out. Went to a little shopping center near here to mail my Valentine packages to the fake grandkids and DS and GF. I think I have only been to Kohls once in my life. Ventured into the store. I am not sure what ppl see in that store. I must be off or something. I never seem to buy one thing there. Not sure what it is...we are all so different it what strikes our fancy. Not judging those who love the store.

Gotta hit the crosswords. Later. Sending the love. If I missed anyone, oops...

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Good Evening Gang

#1 We can't have a private thread - It was suggested pming - but I think that you are limited to like 5 pple - So we are stuck here - We could move to the 50's thread - it doesn't get much action..

But really I don't want to quit this thread - cuz we could have someone who needs help...


I'm still pissed off about that and ready to kick some butt....

Joyce - You may be too tight - and did you take your pills after you ate??? How soon ?? I usually take pills on an empty stomach then eat - the only pill I don't is my blood pressure pill and it's tiny so I don't have a problem and it's the only pill I take - besides my occasional xanax L0L .. Why Freaking computer is lagging again - typing and word don't appear - ok stopped now - Why does DH want you to remove your band - the yogurt and granola should be all that you can eat... You should be full till lunch on that and not take any pills afterward - but I guess you know that know lol - always take meds before you eat on an empty stomach - WTG on the gym

Meredith - Learn to say NO... It may be hard at first - but the more you use it - the easier it gets ...

You should be able to eat real food - just not much of it... I know that truly I can only eat about 3/4 of a lean cusine - I know that sometimes if I take one bite too many or eat too fast I will pb - did it yesterday on chip & gucamole - had 3 bites too fast (I was hungry) and up it came.

I will get stuck on yogurt - but again it's normally eating too fast..

Jessica 1.5 is a big fill... You can do mushies without to many carbs - fish - like tuna is considered a mushie.. scrambled eggs refired Beans - (i don't know carb count on them but again I only really count starches - not true carbs) well cooked zuchinne & yellow squash - butternut squash - get your pt from shakes - but eat the other stuff..

Laura - Ok girl you have a goal - now you just have to make 1 hr a day for you and hit the gym - and you can do it - Make good food choices - you know how - quit a bite of this or that ;0) make a plan and stick to it - just like you did in the beginning.. Hell if you don't have the time to go to the gym - then do some exercise tapes in the house - but

Charlene - I will have to ck out the other ones - but really like the ones I got - I am going to feed Eva & Apples from them

Well I gotta jam girls - it's 7:30 and I still have to cook - I'm starving - had good workout tonite..

Food today - Jerky & 1/2 bag of pt snack puffs - chicken Soup with 1/2 red potato - dinner fish & veggies - Snacks????

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Good Evening All.....

Laura....sorry you got the "sour" PM's. Some ppl simply do not have a sense of humor. I had something similar happen about a year ago when I posted on another thread. I thought I could jump in and give someone some advice that was really struggling. Did not notice it was the "20's" thread and got jumped on, PM'd, called a wrinkely old lady, etc.....Hugs on your fill issues and reflux. Oh Hell! Go buy the Coach purse. To hell with your health! LOL...OK...now I'll be getting the PM's. Bring it on!!!

I doubt that this site has the availability to have a private thread. I know you can block ppl that are not members but a lot of good that does if someone wants to read. But, aren't we all here to share, help, get help, etc? That's how we all ended up here. I know that some ppl are more comfortable just reading and lurking. My DH has never ever posted on his Ag site. He types similar to a snail's pace and just does not do it. I have been pretty uncomfortable since Oct about things I say on this thread. I do not like the fact that someone took info off of here and made it possible for them to terrorize me personally. BTW...stilll an active investigation going on....

Linda....I have eaten my fair share of "crap" the last few weeks and I can tell you that I just don't feel the same the next day. Sluggish, bloated, gassy....etc. I feel better when I stay with healthy options. But, it's a trade-off. Sometimes a person just has to try 20 different kinds of fatty dips. LOL. Say Aylah's photo's on FB. Can you share her for awhile?????

Arlene...your stuck episode sounds horrible. I have a little thing I do that really has worked for me. I usually don't get stuck often. Has happened twice with Eva since we've been here. Gabbing, one extra bite and it might hit. I put my fists into my armpits and pump like I am doing the chicken dance. Granted, you might not want to do this in the middle of a restaurant...head to ladies room or outside. It most always works for me and no food popping back up. Sorry for your mom's continuted troubles. Hugs.

Joyce....sounds like you have had your share of PB's. Too tight maybe? I have always wanted to have the resting metobilic test. I asked my doc once and have forgotten to ask when I have my 6 mo appts. I need to do that when I get back. Just nice to know. I have done a lot of walking with DH and Tanker while here and have to be very careful not to do too much. But, some days it's so much fun and we put on way too many miles. (I don't even like posting things like this cuz I am sure it just makes you all think "lucky girl"). Figured out if I walk more I just eat 3-4 extra Protein bars and I stay level.

It's got to be tough when your DH worries so much. Do YOU feel you are PBing more than normal? If so, head to your doc's office and discuss it with him. Bring your DH with you so he gets educated on the band. Hugs.

Jessica...good going on the baby steps with taking off the weight. It's doable. 5lbs...5 day pouch test could make that work. Take a week or two to eat normal...pouch test again and you are on your way.

Janet...looking forward to our trip. I am going to be Thelma....Louise will be the one driving. I get the couch! Can't wait to hug you and Phyll. No fussing....

Meredith....gotta learn to say "NO", girl. And,without guilt. I used to try to do it all. I have no guilt over saying no anymore. When I do for others, it has to be close to my heart or I do a turn-down. Gotta take care of yourself b/4 you can take care of others. Hugs. You'll get it. Just keep in mind how far you want to be stretched. Your life with your honey should come first. Good luck with your new food plan. You CAN do this.

Melissa...happy to hear you are better after the fall. Take care. Just say NO to any carbs. Gotta clean them out of your system. It's tough but you CAN do it. If sugars are your drug of choice, clean it out of your environment.

Phyll....see your sweet little face soon.

Cheri...hi....silly...cannot remember if you commented on how you are feeling but hope better.

Great...pretty soon we will be calling you "Great Grandma". Exciting. Have fun with DD. How special to spend this time with her.

LauraK...you are always sooooooooooo willing to "kick ass". Love that about you.

OK...no guilt but just gotta tell you guys...I have not been very active on the thread cuz just toooooo busy and staying focused on our time together. We always throuroughly enjoy our vacations and that's just what we are doing. Miss the daily conversations but will get back to that when we get home.

Going to Eva's hair salon tomorrow to get younger. Then going to the Gem Show in the afternoon with her. Wed is busy with visiting friends north of here. This morning we just hung out. Went to a little shopping center near here to mail my Valentine packages to the fake grandkids and DS and GF. I think I have only been to Kohls once in my life. Ventured into the store. I am not sure what ppl see in that store. I must be off or something. I never seem to buy one thing there. Not sure what it is...we are all so different it what strikes our fancy. Not judging those who love the store.

Gotta hit the crosswords. Later. Sending the love. If I missed anyone, oops...

You got a bed - I have 2 bedrooms - remember Andrew doesn't live here anymore - and I'm not going to fuss just like you wouldn't either LOL

So hush up and let me be a hostess with the mostest LOL - you will be told - Help yourself - me casa su casa... So act like you were at home....

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        You look amazing!!! 😻 you have been killing it!

      2. NickelChip

        Congratulations! You're making excellent progress and looking amazing!

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        So proud of you Cat. Getting into those smaller size clothes is half the fun isn't it?. Keep up the good work!!!!

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