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I love your pics

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Thanks One day. I have had a day of reflection today working on that project. I am looking at all my youtube videos and old pics. I look so different. Can't wait to reach goal.

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Jessica, You are a Doll!!!

Well, gang......only got in one shake today. I was with my mother in the ER. She has pneumonia. I may be a hit and miss for a few days till I get her out of the hospital. I am just glad it wasn't her heart.

My shakes are going to be a challenge. I might just have to do two for a few days.

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Arlene - Sorry about your mom's hospital stay. The shakes will wait. Sending prayers for her.

Jewell - your transformation thru your pictures is truly amazing. Rock on.

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Charlene, hope your Mom recovers quickly. It's pretty scary for a woman her age (it's scary for anyone) but it's worse when it's your Mom.

Sorry folks, I just sort of skimmed the posts. It's been a busy weekend and I needed a day off today.

Lori, I had my "getting younger" appointment on Friday. Got my hair cut a little shorter too this time. It's the summer "do".

The purse party went very well...had 15 people besides the representative and it ended up being a $800 party for the representative. I was tweaking about the party because people were coming that had never been to my house and I get anal about everything being just right. I'll take pictures of my purses when they come in and post them then.

My sister from Phoenix and her husband were here from Friday until today. We had a nice visit and she seemed to enjoy the party. It was nice to visit.

Today, DH rode 50 miles on his bike and it about kicked his butt. He ran out of energy at about 40 miles and called me to meet him (two miles from home) and pick him up. Poor guy, he just hasn't been riding as much as he used to and it was a very long ride (this is a bicycle not a motorcycle).

I finally got my plum tree planted and some calla lilys, watered, finished laundry, cleaned the kitchen from the party, and made jambalaya with brown rice. A quiet day. So it back to the grindstone tomorrow and another hectic week.

Sorry I didn't post to each of you but know how much I appreciate that you are all here.

Have a great night.


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Hugs Charlene about your Mom!!! Like I always say - sometime life gets in the way... Just do the best you can

Jewel - Love your progress pic's you are doing so good..

On the outside our house look like Beaver Clevers - and it was sometimes and some time Physco ;0) - My Mom was a stay home wife till my parents got divoriced when I was in 6th grade and I think she had a job by the time I was in 8th grade - cuz I remember coming home and cooking dinner and I have been doing dishes since I was 5... In my younger years wasn't the best house keeper - mostly just clutter - but it wasn't my forte.. Now I am decent - but you can still come in and find my bed not completely made - comforter pulled up but pillows still on the floor and like right now magainze on out of place

Eva - How did the purse party go.. You wear me out with all the yard work you do.

I went to sleep about 6:30 a.m. slept till 9:30 got up dressed went to costco & Target - came home took a nap (1 hrs) and

Cheri - no my band doesnt' get tight - My band is the same when I wake up till I go to sleep - stress is the only thing that gets me tight

When I woke up - decided to Iron for tomorrow - ended up ironing all my pants 15 pairs - now off to fix Andrew dinner - not really hungry had popcorn a while a go..


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Someone asked how I made lamb chops - I just remembered as I was bbqing Andrew's hamburgers - - I bbq them :0) garlic salt and pepper - I like my rare - I like all my meat raw - well except for chicken and I don't like it well done - not raw like I like my lamb & beef :0)

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Someone asked how I made lamb chops - I just remembered as I was bbqing Andrew's hamburgers - - I bbq them :0) garlic salt and pepper - I like my rare - I like all my meat raw - well except for chicken and I don't like it well done - not raw like I like my lamb & beef :0)

Janet~ I knew we had a lot in common. I like my lamb and beef rare too. yumm. I like buying the lollipop lamb chops at Sam's/BJs/Costco- then slicing them individually. I brush or spray them with some EVOO and then put oregano, salt, pepper and garlic. I like to grill zucchini at the same time (since they both cook so quickly) and put the same spices on the veggies. I am so jealous of your naps. Tough with a 6 yr old. Oh, btw, LOVED the video of your DGD riding the motorcycle!!! What a cool young lady! I showed Nels and he wants one..LOL. Not. He still needs to learn to ride his regular bike without training wheels. We took them off (again) this weekend and he rode like 10 ft and then put his feet down and wanted them back on! He didn't fall or anything and was balancing. He's just scared he will fall. I am a toughie and refused to put them back on. He is not a dare devil at all and has to be pushed a little to do things. Hope ur day is going well. WTG on the ironing! Want to come do mine?! LOL xoxo Laura

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Good morning to the rest of you~

Arlene~ so sorry to hear about your mom. Hugs. How is she doing today? I am the queen of getting off track when with sick family. You will get right back on the wagon.

Eva~ Sounds like your party was a hit. I hear you on the house needing to be just right. I am the same way. LOL on DH pooping out. Good thing you were home to get him! How is the eating going? I still have to lose what I gained on my trip before I go back in two weeks! I have to ask, who came up with your goal weight? 117 seems awfully low.

Apples~ are you back yet?! How'd it go?!

Jewel~ Sounds like you are doing a really good job with everything. WTG on the exam! Your before/after photos are very noticeable. Isn't that the best?!

Cheri~ I am very tight in the mornings but have never noticed getting tight after lying down. I wish it were that simple for me! I'd LIVE horizontal! LOL

Joyce~ditto on arlene's advice.

ok gals, time to go get my work done. We had a killer storm last night (tornado warnings, heavy rain, T&L, flooding). DH had to take my SUV to work b/c the streets are flooded. It is already going down now just an hour after the rain stopped. He almost ruined his car the last time the street flooded- as it was had $1500 worth of damage to the engine. (old bmw) I didn't sleep last night very much b/c Nels was scared and came to our bed. The night before that I didn't sleep either. (not sure why). So I am running on fumes today.. need to recharge the ole battery. Will CBL. peasout.... Laura

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Morning ladies, I just finished reading and catching up again... Didn't have the energy to post yesterday... It was a busy day, but I didn't do much.... Mimi's birthday party, so lots of sitting around and visiting... DF's whole family was there..... very impressive... they really have accepted DD and Mimi into their family so nicely....

I'm waiting for a call from my doctor... Called there about 12:30 this morning, crying in pain, asking please to figure something out to help me..... Hope they get the message fast!!!!

DD wants us to go to Bismarck tonight to see the wedding dress she found.... This from the girl who thought jeans and a Mettalica t-shirt would be fine!!!! So, we will go with her to see what she picked out and if we can afford it!!!!

Nothing much else to report... I'm just sitting around doing nothing... DH is at work, but it is cold and rainy so he could come home anytime....Fine with me to have the company..... It seems so lonely around here without my Mimi....

Jessica, I love your new picture.........a real difference in the face this time.... You are doing so well.... As I've said before, I'm very proud of you........

Arlene, hope your mother is well soon.... It's tough sitting around at the hospital with nothing much to do... The time drags..... My mother will have shoulder surgery in June, and I'm not looking forward to that at all......

Lori, glad they are showing your house so much... Someone is going to snap it up soon.....

Laura, hope you can get some rest.... I completley understand that running on fumes notion.... sounds like you had a fun, but busy weekend...

Janet, I still Iron occassionally, too... try to get it all done at once as it isn't my favorite thing.... Had to do so much when I was a kid.... Had to iron everything back then and with a dad and three brothers, I ironed so many shirts that I could do it in my sleep almost... We used to have to sprinkle them first and roll them up so then when you ironed they steamed up nicely..... Yikes, glad that's over...............

Eva, you are like our little energizer bunny.....going, going, going.... glad you could go rescue DH.... he bit off a little more than he could chew this time....... Thank goodness for cell phones, huh?????

Cheri, that doesn't work for me either.... You must be the lucky one.....

Apples, how was the weekend??? It's downright cold here today... I had to turn the heat back up this morning.....

Well, I should go wander and see if I can spot anything little to do ..... It's almost time for Young and the Restless, so I can do that for an hour....

Hope everyone had a good day... Talk to you all later.... Julie

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Hello Chickie-poos!

Had a wonderful weekend. Saw some good friend that we had not seen since Sept (we call/email). Hung out with DH and helped him with some projects around the lake place. It looks wonderful and I am soooooooooo going to appreciate the extra space that the new deck provides.

I'm going to try to go by memory here. I have the same problem as most in their 50's...CRS and it does not just flare up when a weather front comes in. No medication helps so bare with me.

Janet...lamb...nope. Forced to eat it every Thursday growing up. I just never acquired a taste for it. I am a very picky meat eater. No roast beef cuz it has "stuff" in it. My oldest DS is a picky meat eater just like me. I will actually study my deli meat and pick away anything that does not belong. Ground turkey and chicken gross me out cuz don't know which parts they throw in. I grind it myself and it's usually the breast. Make my own ground turkey sausage too. Just the thought of some meats start my gagger going. I know, weird.

Eva...sounds like you had a successful purse party. It's just fun to do things like that sometimes just to have the girls over. Make a couple little fancy foods and visit.

Julie...hope your doc gives you a call back. Boy, I sure hope he is proactive in your care and will start some sort of regimine to get you some relief. I also hope your ins company does not do a screw job on you and hold back on the care you need. I'd be so pissed by now, I'd demand some action of some sort.

Arlene...sorry to hear of your mom's illness. Hope she is better and home soon. Thinkin of you as you go through this. Also, hope your FM is better. My first paragraph of this post was not poking fun at your pain when the fronts come in. I totally understand what you go through. I was diagnosed with FM 15 yrs ago. Went to a couple of specialists in Minneapolis and they both said the same thing. All the pressure point pain and sooooooooooo sore most days. Well, they were wrong. Think it was just plain osteoarthritis cuz after the weight dropped off so did all the pain. Not one ache or pain nowadays.

Cheri...my LB doc's nurse said that she learned with some ppl that when they lay down, the bottom part of their stomach sometimes come a bit into the stoma and stays there for a bit after getting up. She stated that that's where that tight feeling comes from Not sure about it myself cuz I don't remember taking a nap since being banded. We are all so different and you are lucky if you can lay down for awhile and control that loose feeling on the days you need to.

Great...hope you got some feedback on your house and the ppl that looked at it. Also, good luck with finding a home you like in SLC. You'll have to post a photo of your new "do".

Jessica...I so admire you for how you are keeping it all together and working on you. Sounds like you are enjoying your new found freedom. We all need to focus on our own little family and keep extended family at arms length when needed.

Also, took a peak at your new photos you posted in your public info. WHAT A DIFFERENCE! Such a beautiful woman you are. Keep up the hard work. You'll be at goal b/4 you know it and be giving advice to those that need it. You know your stuff and seems to me that you take the time to "study" up to make your LB life what it should be.

Hey LauraK...good luck with organizing the move. We have been through so many moves with the DS's...don't envy you.

Hey Laura....sounds like you had a "Family Fun Time" weekend. The days that Nels will remember forever. Hope you get some rest.

Hi Linda....hope you are rested after your week-long bday celebrations. Happy the swing set is done.

OK...gotta go get lunch for my men. Not sure where they are or if it will be a cooler lunch or at the table. Better think quick on what I am making.

Will catch up later and sorry to those I did not address. You know I love ya!

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Well, I got a call back from the doctor himself...... Said he doesn't seem to be able to help me and referred me to a neurosurgeon..... they called with an appointment........... May 14th................ How much more time is going to go by before someone helps me??? Don't know if I should just be happy with this news or be pissed that he didn't try for another shot since the general concensus is that it takes more than one shot.... I guess it's irrelevent.... He did tell me that I can take 2 pain pills when it gets real bad instead of only one and then another 3-4 hours later.... Maybe that will help.... I guess I'll see.....

Mimi had her post op check and there wasn't good news there either... One of her tubes is plugged... She has to have large dosses of ear drops ($47 a little bottle) for 10 days... keeping her lying on her side for 14 minutes each time.... 3 times a day... How is God's name are we going to do that..??? Hog tie her!!!! I told DD to try to get her in the morning before she wakes, at naptime, and after she goes to bed at night... That will probably be the easiest.... Then in 10 days he will try to unplug the tube.... If that doesn't work she has to go back in for more surgery.... dang it!!!!

Well, DH came home at noon.....rained out.. so he is working on my room.... Has a problem with electricity now.... had to call our electrician.... doesn't make him a happy camper....

So, since I have so very much to do I guess I'll go sit in my chair for awhile and nap!!!! That's what I do best these days..... I feel so useful!!! Oops, feeling sorry for myself again.... Need to stop that.....

Take care, dear one.... TTYL........ Julie

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Hi everyone,

Hope everyone is surviving this Monday -- it's cold and rainy here but the week ahead is supposed to be be good.

Apples, sounds like you had a great visit with your friends over the week/weekend and sounds like your place at the lake is ready for the rest of the season! Good for you - glad you will be enjoying your new deck.

Julie, so sorry to hear that your doctor can't help you between now and the time you go see the neurosurgeon. I'm so sorry you have so much pain again. Sorry to hear about Mimi's ears again, hope it gets better.

Arlene, sorry to hear about your mom. Hope she is better and back home soon.

My DB's surgery went well -- he had surgery on his lung Thursday -- everything went well the surgeon saw "nothing suspicious". He was still in ICU as of yesterday afternoon, but doing okay. With all his other problems (heart condition) they keep a close eye on him, for which we are grateful.

Eva, bet your purse party was fun. Laura, I think you're looking at her tickler wrong -- I think her goal is 117 pounds to lose, not her final weight goal - her final goal would be 135 I think which sounds more reasonable.

Jessica, your new picture is really wonderful - you look so great -- we're all so very proud of you. I'm so happy you are in your own place and enjoying your little family so much.

I had good news this a.m. - I'm down another pound which shocked me -- I'm so used to not losing. LOL. I'll take it!! I guess my band gave me a belated b-day gift.

Janet, hope you had a good Monday at work. Just think, only a few more days and then it's the weekend again. Just four more days. When's your next furlough day?

Poor Aylah had to come over yesterday dressed in her snowsuit and scarf over her face and gloves and hat on to play on the swingset. I went to take a picture, but battery was dead on camera. Darn, it would have been such a cute one. I plugged it in so I'll be ready for next time.

Lori, what's new -- anything going on with the house/move? How're the newlyweds doing? Did Grandma have a fabulous b-day?

Well, gang, hope you all have a great night. I'll CBL.


Edited by ljv52

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Hi gang! Thanks for all the well wishes for my mom. She is doing better. The pneumonia is in her right lung. For some reason her left elbow is hurting her. She probably bumped it and doesn't remember. Anyway, I am way off plan. I drank a shake at home, but then went down hill from there. I ate chicken nuggets....about 3, then I ate a Protein Bar. Now, I just ate some saltines. Okay, back to at least 2 shakes tomorrow. I go see Dr. Davis on Friday. Yikes! I better straighten up!

I will be gone all day tomorrow........sitting at the hospital. I hope to get my mother home by Thursday.

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      I've hit a stall 9 months out. I'm not worried, though. My fitness levels continue to improve and I have nearly accomplished my pre-surgery goal of learning to scuba dive! One dive left to complete to get my PADI card 🐠
      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
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        Amazing! Congrats!!! Watch out for the sharks. 🦈

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