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The weather only shows the next 8 days and it will be in the 60's till then.

We are planning on having the 12 yr old over for the weekend on the 11th-13th. Don't know yet if this will interfer with me meeting yall. I do want to meet yall but My hubby and I want time with him to see his behavior for ourselves. We have spent time with him before and he has always been so obediant and pleasant. It is usually the others who lie and argue with you. He always is polite and helpful. I don't understand it. Maybe a weekend apart will do them both some good.

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Hey Jodi...it's so great to have you added to our mix. Another professional to pop in with advice. We have a P.A. (Laura), a nurse (Phyll), a commercial insurance pro (Janet), a teacher (Cheri), an engineer? (Eva), an accountant (Julie) and someone who will turn the lights on for you all to find your way (Linda).

Hey...I totally get you on the needing adult stimulation. It's me and my dog almost 24/7 during the almost 9 months of farming season. He has a very large vocabulary.

I hope you get as much catch-up sleep as my DH and DS get with their CPAP's. They are both average sized...no weight problems but were diagnosed with a rare sleep disorder. It's been two years for DS and about a year or less for DS. I can really tell the difference in them both. Makes such a difference in how I sleep also. DH would wake me up almost every half hour with his stirring, jumping and talking. I just hope you get as much peace from it as we have in our household.

Anyway, Jodi, I just wanted to tell you that I really enjoy your posts. You are so cute and full of life. I really, really hope you continue to visit and that we can follow you during your LB trip.

Good Morning everyone else. Went to bed about 9pm. Up at 4:30am. No reason...just wanted to get up and greet the dark, wind-whipping, snowy, painfully cold day! I will be so damned happy getting out of here tomorrow. And, you guys will get a break for me B&Ming about the cold. Any, you will also get about a week's break from my rambling.

OK...plan is that I will be picking up Lori at the airport. Her flight comes in early and will just head to Orlando a bit earlier to get her. So, it's Janet, Eva and Julie that Laura will pick up. Lori and might just have to check out an outlet mall or two cuz check in isn't till 4pm. Oh Darn.....Lori...better check first...do you like to shop?????????

I don't get the best internet connection at our cabin so posts will be iffy. If you don't hear from me, DO NOT send out the forest rangers. There is always service at the lodge so will try to get up there at least once a day IF I can steal the laptop from DH and run. He is so attached to his Ag Talk forum. Any another problem I ran into last year. Those 80-something guys at the lodge think that it's free game when a woman walks in without a man trailing behind her.

Excited to be taking this trip with DH, FINALLY seeing our son after a year (he's too busy..he picked up the workaholic syndrome) and I am super excited to be finally meeting you guys. I just wish you could all be there. I really, really do.

Thank you, Ive been enjoying yours as well!! I will deff....cont to post.....and read hope I can follow all the amazing advice, expertize and support of all of you wonderful bandsters who seems to have so much courage and connection!! :biggrin:

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Good morning Ladies,

I didn't realize ya'll were such a talented bunch. Plus those who made quilts, scarves and ornaments. I am so glad to get to know you all. My mental condition hasn't allowed me many friends. Ya'll are awesome though. I have already learned so much from you.

Before I got sick and couldn't work, I worked for a company that made handmade jewelry. I was a artist. They gave me beautiful (and exspensive) stones, gems, and beads and I would make jewelry out of it. I am not so great at picking out the colors that go together but the owner was. We were a perfect combo. It was the perfect job for me. I sat home and made jewelry all day. If you wanna see samples you can go to Kdasdesigns.com. I was amazed at what I could do with the little training they could give me. Plus I made about 500 dollars a week. I got paid per piece so if I needed more cash I just made more jewelry. I cried when I had to leave. Now I make jewelry every christmas for my MIL. Thats where I got my screenname from JeweI. I wish I could go back but I have moved out of the town that the company is based in.

I got off track a little with my eatting plan (or should I say lack thereof) and have gained a little weight back. I am going to get groceries today for my plan so I have no excuses for not sticking to it. My MIL was doing southbeach diet. The first 2 weeks are low carb. So she was buying everything I needed. Now she has moved past the first 2 weeks and is almost back to normal eatting. So I gotta get to the store now. It was nice while it lasted. I am just so disappointed I gained but I can't blame anyone but myself. Today I am getting back on that horse.

Well I gotta get to class. Talk to you later.

Jewel....I had a friend who made homemade jewelery and she sold her pieces to individual companies and stores until she finially got a contract with some company...

Maybe you can still make jewerly independantly? please excuse the spelling...im an infant teacher....lol. Since you allready have experience...and your creations....ive seen are really lovely. Unless you signed a contract that you wouldnt make anymore jewerely and sell it elsewhere ever again....why cant you start your own company???

Well, look at me...im no expert however even if you dont decide to do the above....you should continue to do what you love!! Create...

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Hey Jodi...it's so great to have you added to our mix. Another professional to pop in with advice. We have a P.A. (Laura), a nurse (Phyll), a commercial insurance pro (Janet), a teacher (Cheri), an engineer? (Eva), an accountant (Julie) and someone who will turn the lights on for you all to find your way (Linda).

Hey...I totally get you on the needing adult stimulation. It's me and my dog almost 24/7 during the almost 9 months of farming season. He has a very large vocabulary.

I hope you get as much catch-up sleep as my DH and DS get with their CPAP's. They are both average sized...no weight problems but were diagnosed with a rare sleep disorder. It's been two years for DS and about a year or less for DS. I can really tell the difference in them both. Makes such a difference in how I sleep also. DH would wake me up almost every half hour with his stirring, jumping and talking. I just hope you get as much peace from it as we have in our household.

Anyway, Jodi, I just wanted to tell you that I really enjoy your posts. You are so cute and full of life. I really, really hope you continue to visit and that we can follow you during your LB trip.

Good Morning everyone else. Went to bed about 9pm. Up at 4:30am. No reason...just wanted to get up and greet the dark, wind-whipping, snowy, painfully cold day! I will be so damned happy getting out of here tomorrow. And, you guys will get a break for me B&Ming about the cold. Any, you will also get about a week's break from my rambling.

OK...plan is that I will be picking up Lori at the airport. Her flight comes in early and will just head to Orlando a bit earlier to get her. So, it's Janet, Eva and Julie that Laura will pick up. Lori and might just have to check out an outlet mall or two cuz check in isn't till 4pm. Oh Darn.....Lori...better check first...do you like to shop?????????

I don't get the best internet connection at our cabin so posts will be iffy. If you don't hear from me, DO NOT send out the forest rangers. There is always service at the lodge so will try to get up there at least once a day IF I can steal the laptop from DH and run. He is so attached to his Ag Talk forum. Any another problem I ran into last year. Those 80-something guys at the lodge think that it's free game when a woman walks in without a man trailing behind her.

Excited to be taking this trip with DH, FINALLY seeing our son after a year (he's too busy..he picked up the workaholic syndrome) and I am super excited to be finally meeting you guys. I just wish you could all be there. I really, really do.

Thank you...I enjoy yours too...and everyone else. Its amazing as you said..to see so many professionals and lay people to share their experiences, stories, expertise and lives with strangers to support each others journey...I am truly lucky to have found you!!

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Jodi, if you click the multi at the end of each post...when you go to respond, it will bring up each one of the posts and you can respond to them after each one instead of making a new post each time. I just learned that and I've been posting here for 5 or 6 months.

Arlene, you know despite my size, I rarely wear black. Black is HOT here...I do in the winter, but not all that much. I have a lot of white shirts....in fact, I just tried several of them on and most of them fit or are a little big now. But I really like white shirts because in the summer, they are cooler. I also end up staining most of my white shirts because my food lands on my chest....most times. Even when I'm particularly careful. I refuse to wear cutsie shirts to hide the stains...so I go through a lot of white.

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We actually have 12 dogs right now. Our black lab just had a litter of 11. They will be ready to leave their momma soon. They are just today starting to emerge out from under the house. It was freezing a few nights so my FIL let them stay under there but now that it is warming up they are starting to wander out. I want to keep at least one of them because my 7 year old cocker spaniel died a year ago in august. He was snakebit. I miss him so much. But I have to pass on a puppy. I am so busy right now I don't have time to train one. I got so attached to my cocker because I have been home now for 6 years. He kept me company since before my son was born.

I know how you feel about your cocker...I have one as well and we love her to death!!

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Charlene - IMHO Soup is good and healthy as long as it's not full of cream ;0) - I make broth Soups all the time and I don't worry about calories with them - meat veggies and a little potatoes ;0) jalepenos ;0) - You would think I am mexican - I love hot food

I am not watching QVC for a while lol - Don't want to see next months bill !!!

Jessica - Where is DS DH what does he have to say .. He doesn't help - just cuz they don't have $$$ for priv school why can't they go to public school...

Jodie - We are glad that you found us :0)

Eva - I am piddling too - don't feel like getting dressed and really don't have any where to go - so got my bills paid - need to go get vit b script - took the dogs (only mine) for a short walk (gotta start slow with them too)

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Happy birthday Janet. Sorry I missed you yesterday.

Things in my house have been totally crazy. My SIL has 8 children and has another one due any moment. Two of the oldest children are adopted but one has left the house already. The other one is a 12 year old boy. She called here 2 days ago saying she didn't want him anymore. Can you believe that sh**? She adopted this boy 9-10 years ago and has just decided she doesn't want him anymore. She asked my MIL if she would take him. Well my MIL and FIL are old. Too old too raise a child. My FIL works 2 jobs and my MIL works but they are getting ready for retirement. They cannot take him so they told her that. SO, My SIL turns around and calls the department of children and families to find out how she can give him back to the state. They refered her to family social services, who refered her to a childrens foster home, who refered her to the abuse hotline. She spent all day on the phone yesterday trying to get someone to tell her how to surrender him. So now she is being investigated by the state to find out why she won't keep him and if she should be keeping the rest of the children. She could end up losing all of them to the state.

My Husband and I have been talking about it alot. We have decided that if she really goes through with this that we would like to adopt him. We are the only hope he has. If we don't he has to go back to foster care and we really don't want that. So we maybe adding another child to our family. I am so sad for him that she is doing this but happy at the same time that we may be getting another child. I have always wanted more children but I can't get off my meds in order to get pregnant. And I can't take my meds and be pregnant. I have wanted to adopt for years but my hubby was so scared to do it. He didn't want us to get a child that was too much for us to handle. But, we already know this child and think he is pretty good for a 12 year old boy. He does have some attention problems but we can deal with that. It is crazy timing but it could be perfect timing. We are moving out in May or June so we should know by then what is going to happen. And know what kind of place we will need. This situation is just so crazy I hope she lets him stay but if not we are prepared to take him.

It just baffles me why someone would do such a thing. This is something that can destroy someones life. I think she actually maybe going crazy. It would just break my heart to do something like this to anyone. It is also bringing back some bad memories of my own childhood. I know he is going to need therapy after all this. I am just really emotional about the situation. I could write on and on about how this is making me feel. But I won't.

On a lighter note, I signed my 5 year old up for tee ball today. We are both really excited. I even got him a little glove. He can't wait to get on the field and I can't wait to watch.

This is such an amazing sacrifice for and your husband to make at this time...Im an awe of you. Good luck with what ever you decide...and if you do adopt this child....god bless and please there should be more like you!!!

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Good afternoon everyone. Thanks to all for your kind words, I appreciate it very much.

Jessica, I'm just shocked at your SIL and her behavior -- hopefully she will not lose all her kids, but I can't believe what she is doing to this 12 year old boy! How tragic -- I do hope you end up adopting him anyway - sounds like he needs to be away from her. I hope it works out for you and him. Very sad.

Janet, I'm soooo envious of your weather -- it's sooo cold here -- I think around 10 or so - I would love to go outside and dig in the dirt. Hope you have a great day - I bet that webcam is neat -- I don't have one either. I love the new I-pads -- since I don't have a laptop I'll have to see about getting one -- supposd to be around $400 when they come out -- very exciting.

Julie, hope all is well with you today. Hope you get better rest tonight and hope Mimi is better today.

I slept in today as well - around 9:00 -- we were having a furnace service man come today around 10 -- well, he didn't come and didn't come and didn't come -- normally I work out in the middle of the living room but didn't want to do that until he came and left -- well he finally came after 1:00 -- I was so irritated. I did do about 45 mins. of my new zumba tapes this morning. i don't think I'll be teaching it any time soon. LOL. I think I will like it once in awhile - I love the music, but it did kinda hurt my back and hips doing it, so I'll have to "work up" to it I think. So, I didn't get much else done, will have to get on it tomorrow.

WE have a wedding reception tonight -- should be fun -- nice to have a party to go to -- should be a fun time - weather is good, just cold.

Cheri, congrats on goal - I already posted a comment on FB - so proud of you!! congrats.

Charlene, I still like to wear black -- in fact I wore black almost every day this week to work with different jackets - in the cold weather a black sweater, black pants black boots and then a jacket is necessary to keep me warm. I wear a lot of scares with them too.

Apples, you amaze me -- you ARE the energizer bunny for REAL. Hope you find some time to relax during this trip.

Laura I would love to go to Haiti too -- those children on the news just break my heart -- I just want to go sit and hug and kiss them all. How heartbreaking this all has been.

Well, gotta run DGD is arriving and need to visit with her. TTAL. Linda

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Hi everyone I am back I had a great time in Ca. My band was tight for the 1st two days. I went to the sunset strip in Hollywood and saw the celebs going to the premiere of Mel Gibson's new movie. The only one that walked by me was Jay Sanders he is in the movie. Also there were so many pan handlers down there that was scary. Don't get me wrong we have some here but not that aggressive. Good thing we were in a large group. We also went to rodeo drive that is pretty. I had a couple of drinks but not really alot of bad food but had a hard time keeping up my Water. We walked alot but time to get back to me.

It will take me forever to read all the posts I hope everyone is well and look forwarded to meeting all of you in Feb. i can't wait.

If something happen I need to be aware of if someone can tell me.

Laura - How is your Dad?

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Jodi, is your stomach bug called H. Pylori? Glad they found that so they can kill it. I hope it hasn't made you sick. I just learned about how they discovered it in microbiology. Pretty intresting but gross sometimes.

I wouldn't worry about the psych eval. I have had a couple therapist and they have all been awesome and understanding. I always feel comfortable enough to be frank too.

Congrats on starting you journey.

Other ladies,

I am doing good still hungry but trying to eat more earlier so I don't get ravaged at night. I had eggs for Breakfast, chicken for lunch, and shrimp for dinner. I also snacked on cheese, chicken and some other things that I am not suppose to have. Which explains why my weight hasn't gone down recently. I gotta get over this hump though. I am glad to of lost 20 pounds but I don't want to stop there. I gotta get back on track. I feel like I am struggling the same as in Nov when I first started. Doc says these next few weeks are the best predictor of how I will do with the band and I feel like right now I am failing. I have put too much into this to fail at it so despite my huger I am gonna stick to the rules today. I have a doc appt this morning so I gotta go but do apreciate all your encouragement.

Yes....that is what it is! Have no idea what this is or means just that it is a nasty bug that must be killed. so....hence the prev pac...sick to death from that itself!!

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Hey Guys....Hit a milestone today...had my first facial ever. Well, actually I had a micro-dermabrasion and facial. One of DS's friends has a business and talked me into it. Felt so good. She said my skin is in good shape for 54. Who woulda guessed? I've been thinking that I have crap for skin. Our dry winters can be the cause of a lot of skin problems. Anyway, got pampered for the afternoon.

Jewel...so good of you to consider taking in your nephew. Poor kid. But, may SIL is on the edge and does not know what to do. But to give him back to the state just kills me. Just the message that sends to him. I will be thinking of you and your situation.

Linda...sorry to hear about your mom's dog. Such a tough decision.

Just hanging with DH and DS. Bonding. Heading out at 6am for Fl. Looking forward to a month of relaxation. DS will be flying in quite a few times so it really won't be "goodbye" when we leave him tomorrow. I'll still cry...I cry every time I leave him.

Sorry, Cheri, must have missed your post about getting to goal. A BIG congrats and welcome to the maintenance phase of your life.

Talk to you all later. Have a wonderful weekend.

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Melissa....Here's the scoop:

Janet has a new house pet that she LOVES

Cheri reached goal

Phyll left on a cruise

Great is on a weekend honeymoon

Jewel has some huge life decisions to make regarding a nephew...worth reading her post....sad

Arlene....is hanging in achey weather

Linda is back at work and turning off lights all over the country and is swinging her hips to her new music

Eva is back on track and just hanging out in her white shirts

Laura is hanging with Nels and helping him recover from two broken bones in his hand. Darned Auntie, anyway

NYSparkle aka Jodi...has become our friend and has given us bits and pieces of her life in NY and her heritage

Deb is being Deb...and always has something to share

I am in Atlanta (Covington) at my son's and leaving for FL in the morning

That about sums it all up in a nutshell. Happy to hear you had a good trip. I would love to walk down (and make a few stops) Rodeo Drive. See you in a couple of weeks!

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OMG...sorry, Julie...forgot you

Julie is being the best GM ever and helping DD with Mimi. Poor little thing is having some ear problems and, as always, Julie has been there to help

OK...if I forgot someone in the recap...sorry

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Wow thanks Apples what a great memory.

laura - How did Nels break his hand?

Edited by 1day at a time

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