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Emma, congrats on the 1st fill. The 1st one is the scariest because of the unknown. Now that you know what to expect they are easier. Also as you lose weight the port is easier and easier to find. I don't even have to stick my belly up anymore. I got an aggressive 1st and 2nd fill too and think it helped me a lot. I got like 4cc in surgery and then 3cc at my first fill appt.

I had a slight unfill yesterday and was really concerned I'd be hungry and not have restriction, but so far so good. And no reflux last night, though i didn't have it every night but often enough. At lunch today I PB'd even, I think I had the mentality that I had less restriction and didn't have to be so careful and took too big a bite.

As for my Easter plans, on Saturday I am going up in the mountains with DS & DH while they go fishing they are dropping me off at an outlet mall for the day. WOOHOO!! There's an Ann Taylor outlet and a JonesNY one there. And I get paid tomorrow!! Sunday is church, of course, and then going to the inlaws for dinner. I got baskets for my kids even though they are 25 and 27, I still find it fun. No egg dying though. Although 2 of us at work stuffed 4000 eggs for the Easter egg hunt in our community on SAt. That's a lot of eggs when just 2 of us did the stuffing.

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    • Hey there, just me, the invalid again. Nothing new to report...I'm just moving along at the same pace and feeling about the same... I did finish the baby sweater I had started for my little great niece for Easter. Now if they will stop by before leaving town I will be happy....Janet, I love to do the egg thing and was so looking forward to it with my little girl... My daughter is a big stick-in-the-mud and probable won't even boil any.... Won't miss the candy much.... chocolate isn't my bag... You know it's been almost 2 weeks since I've had any food or drink in my mouth.... I've thought and thought about what it is I really miss the most... Or If the doctor said I could have only one thing, what would it be..... I can't really come up with anything.... not seriously... Lemonade sounds refreshing to me..... I think the morphine has warped my brain somehow.... I'm hoping this experience will give me a new lease on food and what it means to me..... I guess time will tell... Feeling tired again, so better take a rest.. Have a good day everyone... Julie

Julie - after a while of not eating I think our body adapts - we consintrate too much on food - and it's not for nutrution but for taste and comfort - I know that I can go all day without eating when I am busy and not be hungry - the only reason I eat is cuz I have to - and after that first bite the flood gates open up (taste buds go into over drive)

Glad you are getting better day by day - Can you tell us how you ended up with the problem - we are curious...

Hi Everybody,

I'd like to report that I just got my first fill this morning. After I went into the doctor's office, I told the nurse that how much I have been eating at every meal. She laughed and said "yes, you do need a fill". The PA asked me to lie on my back on the table, bump up my tummy then lift up my head. It was like doing an exercise. She then rubbed my tummy and found the port. My port is actually located right above the big incision (only 0.25 inch from the incision, very close) She pushed the needle in (it hurt a bit, felt like a sting) and moved up and down for a minute trying to locate the port access point. It hurt a little when she was moving the needle up and down, but it was bearable. Finally she found it. She gave me 4.4 cc to a 9cm realize band. She said that my port just sucked all the saline in. I was told that my band could hold maximum 11 cc of saline. The entire procedure took about 10-15 minutes. So it was not as scary as I thought before.

My stomach felt a little different than before after drinking one cup of Water. It felt a little like after the surgery. But I wasn’t burping or feeling nausea. So she released me.

She also told me to stay on liquid for two days then soft food for another two days. Then I could go back to regular food. I know that 4.4 cc is pretty aggressive comparing to most of the first fills that I read in this forum. Hopefully it would work out fine. I bought 2 cases of EAS brand Protein shake (coffee with caramel flavor). It tastes much better than what I had before. I drank half carton down, I was not hungry anymore.

My weight loss has really slowed down for the past three weeks. I hope with this fill, it could help me to get the scale moving again.

Emma - some doc's are conservative and others aren't - they are so diff - Also know that you may get tighter after a day or 2 or the oppisite can happen you will get looser - I know that I felt my 1st fill right away - but then about 2 weeks after I was calling for another fill - and then that second fill took a couple days to settle in ...

Emma, congrats on the 1st fill. The 1st one is the scariest because of the unknown. Now that you know what to expect they are easier. Also as you lose weight the port is easier and easier to find. I don't even have to stick my belly up anymore. I got an aggressive 1st and 2nd fill too and think it helped me a lot. I got like 4cc in surgery and then 3cc at my first fill appt.

I had a slight unfill yesterday and was really concerned I'd be hungry and not have restriction, but so far so good. And no reflux last night, though i didn't have it every night but often enough. At lunch today I PB'd even, I think I had the mentality that I had less restriction and didn't have to be so careful and took too big a bite.

As for my Easter plans, on Saturday I am going up in the mountains with DS & DH while they go fishing they are dropping me off at an outlet mall for the day. WOOHOO!! There's an Ann Taylor outlet and a JonesNY one there. And I get paid tomorrow!! Sunday is church, of course, and then going to the inlaws for dinner. I got baskets for my kids even though they are 25 and 27, I still find it fun. No egg dying though. Although 2 of us at work stuffed 4000 eggs for the Easter egg hunt in our community on SAt. That's a lot of eggs when just 2 of us did the stuffing.

Long - 4000 eggs omw that was alot - I love the egg dying with the kids - but I like tradtions that remind me of the good times I had as a kid with my Mom...

Well just cking in gang - you all know I won't be around Frid/Sat/Sun so don't go over board on the candy - and if you need help come and post and check in on each other -

Between Phyl Apple Long & Charlene & Becky (our long time posters) you will get an answer and the help you need.

Well I gotta pull out my winter stuff out - I had put it all away - but the weather at DS is suppose to be in the 60's and you know for a desert rat that's cold...

Will cbl:wink:

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Janet, I wish they would or could tell me how this happened... I just don't think they know... I believe it started a while back and has been building until this big pain attack I had on the 30th...... I have asked as many questions as I know how and don't get any real answers. Even though I seem to be improving while off food and drink, I worry about what happens down the road again.... When I asked about whether my body would "clean "itself up as time went by, he just shrugged and said he didn't know,,,, I'm a little nervous about the whole thing....Just keep praying that everything will work out... I'm not ready to die.... Thanks for asking and for caring... If I find out news I'll pass it along..... Time to go for tonight... Have safe Easter activities with you family...... Julie

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36_15_38.gif Long,..........glad the unfill helped. 4000 eggs.......wow. I can't imagine stuffing all those eggs.

When you say mountains.........sounds awesome.......since the only hill around here is at a landfill..:) I hope everyone has a HAPPY EASTER!


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Good Evening Girls! Thanks for the compliments on the photo. Not even my fav but sent it anyway.

Hope everyone has a Happy Easter. We will take DS out for Easter dinner. It is also DH's bday so that makes it extra special. He will be 55. I will hit 54 in Nov. I never think of age as a negative thing. Just doesn't matter to me. I'm happy, healthy and livin' life. Nothing holds me back and I feel good about where we are at in life.

Have a great trip to see your family, Janet and I hope everyone has a wonderful time with family. Kind of sad when younger (25) DS cannot be home for a weekend like this but not possible. Starting up a flight school in Atlanta and time and $ are tight for him right now. He moved to Alaska at 18, Santa Barbara at 20, Daytona Beach at 21 and Atlanta at 25. He makes my head spin!

The Easter candy thing will not bother me. Not a sweet eater. Just put Easter popcorn (no such thing) in front of me and it would ALL be gone. Easter cheetos, Easter fridos, Easter bagel chips, etc..............................................

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Doing well after my fill. I am on mushys still. But not getting hungry at all.

Well I hope everyone has a very Happy Easter.

We are taking my mother and mother in law out for brunch it will be a nice simple day all the kids have plans with the in laws so it will be weird this year.

Be safe everyone.

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Phyl may know - I don't do the fish oil since I eat so much of it :0) - PHYL ???

Ones I use are in the little foil packets... you squeeze it out into something... I use the 70 cal Jello puddings. Fish oil supplement is called Coromega Omega-3. Last time I bought it I got a BIG box at costco. But I'm pretty sure Riteaid carries it, too.

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Good Morning Gang

Just popping in before I go to wish all my peeps

Happy Easter


Love to you all - Have a great weekend !!!


Watch out for the candy and all the food that will be around for the holiday - Plan Plan Plan - have a little of this and that so you don't feel deprived - it's not about being deprived - moderation and if you over do it - then you have to comitt to extra exercise ...36_15_34.gif


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I am Janet and I am a recovering food addict :)

I was banded 7/17/07 - My starting weight was 250 - I'm 5'4

Today (just over 10 months out) I am 154 - size 8 pants (was 18/20) Medium tops (was 22/24)

I got banded as I wanted to extend the years that I have left on this planet and to do that I knew that I needed to lose weight.

The band has been the tool I needed. For the first time in my life I have been able to achieve this goal (actually getting to my goal weight)

If you want a buddy - support - help - suggestions - Please feel free to call upon me - I will gladly share my journey with you - the journey is still on going and by helping you I will be helping me (staying motivated and accountable) and then one day you can pay it forward and help someone else.


I wanted to thank you for always posting such useful information. Your profile and albums are such an inspiration to those of us who are just starting the banded part of our journey! I had a tough week last week, having gained 3 lbs of the 25 lbs I had lost since surgery on 3-2-09. But this morning I weighed and I was back to 277. I've been having 750-850 cal/day. Keeping my quantity to 1/2 c per meal and working the rest of the Protein and cal to fluids. It's been tough. I had my first fill on 4-7, only 3cc in a 10cc realize band. Here's where I wrote about the experience... http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f84/calling-all-march-09-bandsters-we-need-name-86511/index51.html

I will certainly join this thread, as it is so useful to read from someone who has been there and has TONS of wisdom and experience. : )

Gracias! : )

peas out!


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I wanted to thank you for always posting such useful information. Your profile and albums are such an inspiration to those of us who are just starting the banded part of our journey! I had a tough week last week, having gained 3 lbs of the 25 lbs I had lost since surgery on 3-2-09. But this morning I weighed and I was back to 277. I've been having 750-850 cal/day. Keeping my quantity to 1/2 c per meal and working the rest of the Protein and cal to fluids. It's been tough. I had my first fill on 4-7, only 3cc in a 10cc realize band. Here's where I wrote about the experience... http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f84/calling-all-march-09-bandsters-we-need-name-86511/index51.html

I will certainly join this thread, as it is so useful to read from someone who has been there and has TONS of wisdom and experience. : )

Gracias! : )

peas out!


Laura..welcome. Janet IS a inspriation to all of us and gives great advice. She does not mince words and has helped many get back on track.

Sounds like you are doing just fine and are watching what you are doing and following LB rules. I'm a believer in only weighing once a week. Fluid retention, etc. can play a role in the scale bouncing around. Set a day once a week that you hit the scale. Weigh buck naked on that morning. You will get a more acurate reading that way and not tend to obssess with the numbers on the scale.

Wishing you luck and happy to hear that you will be participating in this thread. :thumbup:

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Laura..welcome. Janet IS a inspriation to all of us and gives great advice. She does not mince words and has helped many get back on track.

Sounds like you are doing just fine and are watching what you are doing and following LB rules. I'm a believer in only weighing once a week. Fluid retention, etc. can play a role in the scale bouncing around. Set a day once a week that you hit the scale. Weigh buck naked on that morning. You will get a more acurate reading that way and not tend to obssess with the numbers on the scale.

Wishing you luck and happy to hear that you will be participating in this thread. :thumbup:

Thanks Apples~

You have done amazing as well! Good job! You are right about the weight fluctuations. I am premenopausal and any given day can +/- 2 lbs in Fluid. I guess I would just hate that the one day that week, would be a +2... when actually I had been down 4 and then up 2 and evened out. I completely avoided a scale for the last year and that's how 70lbs snuck in in that year! And I am a NP... and walk by scaled all day long!

I know the other thing I did last week was take some Aleve. Which on a normal day for me will make me retain... but post band it REALLY knocks me for a loop. I had overdone the lunges and squats with my trainer and my legs were so sore I felt and looked like I had knee braces on my legs! We both should have known better. With everything... .food, exercise... it's moderation, huh?

When you were in the first few months what calorie range did you aim for... and grams of Protein? What do you aim for these days?

Thanks... Laura

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Thanks Apples~

You have done amazing as well! Good job! You are right about the weight fluctuations. I am premenopausal and any given day can +/- 2 lbs in Fluid. I guess I would just hate that the one day that week, would be a +2... when actually I had been down 4 and then up 2 and evened out. I completely avoided a scale for the last year and that's how 70lbs snuck in in that year! And I am a NP... and walk by scaled all day long!

I know the other thing I did last week was take some Aleve. Which on a normal day for me will make me retain... but post band it REALLY knocks me for a loop. I had overdone the lunges and squats with my trainer and my legs were so sore I felt and looked like I had knee braces on my legs! We both should have known better. With everything... .food, exercise... it's moderation, huh?

When you were in the first few months what calorie range did you aim for... and grams of Protein? What do you aim for these days?

Thanks... Laura

Laura...in this journey you will find that those 2-3lbs bouncing back and forth is something that will always occur...our body weight is somewhat fickle and will never stay exact, even when in the maintenance stage. Did you check with your LB doc on taking Aleve. I am not sure if that is one that is not good for our new stomachs but maybe Phyll (or resident RN) can update you on that.

When I was in the weight loss stage I shot for about 900-1200 cals a day. Everyone is different but when you don't eat enough the body protects itself and goes into starvation prevention mode and plateaus. I am maintenance now but not the norm. Had a tough time taking off the last few pounds b/4 goal and then broke the plateau and matabolism really kicked in. I am now eating 2500 cals to maintain and have been for quite a few months now. Like I said, everyone is different. I actually am tired of trying to get that many cals in. Who would have thought? I am now maintaining at a lower weight than my goal. I am VERY active and always have been so know that has a lot to do with it. But cannot be a slug and sit on the couch either so I just deal with it.

On the premenapausal thing....have fun with that!!!!!!! Lots of fluctuations, moods, etc. But if you read up, you'll kinda know what to expect. I am far-post now (started full blown meno at 38) and so happy to be flat lined. I could go from zero to bitch in 30 seconds flat!!!!

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Emma, congrats on the 1st fill. The 1st one is the scariest because of the unknown. Now that you know what to expect they are easier. Also as you lose weight the port is easier and easier to find. I don't even have to stick my belly up anymore. I got an aggressive 1st and 2nd fill too and think it helped me a lot. I got like 4cc in surgery and then 3cc at my first fill appt.

I had a slight unfill yesterday and was really concerned I'd be hungry and not have restriction, but so far so good. And no reflux last night, though i didn't have it every night but often enough. At lunch today I PB'd even, I think I had the mentality that I had less restriction and didn't have to be so careful and took too big a bite.


Long, Thank you for sharing your first two fills with me. I am glad I am not the only one who got aggressive first fill. LOL. But occasionally I got this "congested" feeling in the chest" and sometimes my lower abdomen had this feeling of bloating & pain (bearable). Well It felt like when I was having my period and it is definitely not the time of the month for me yet. I don’t know if this symbols that my fill might be too tight?

I hope you have a great Saturday going into the mountain and shopping at the outlet.

Edited by EmmaWang

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Hi Guys- I am looking for some support. I was banded on March 10 after having my surgery moved from Dec due to my Dr. health etc. So I had a big reunion for my improv group from college that was very importnat to me. I bout a ticket in November thinking I would have lost some weight and I just e-mailed them and told them I can't come I feel so ashamed. But other than the firsdt 10 pounds I have lost 0. My first fill is on Monday. I now feel like this is a big joke and I am never going to get on top of things. I am so ashamed that I am letting my selfconsciencsness (my spelling sucks) stop me. But I am 100pds heavier since they last saw me. On top of it all , oneof my friends who will be there is a super big celebrity and I was so pysched to see him and get him to come visit my students- I have kept my surgery a secret form all but family and close friends - I am alone in a condo in Utah while my family skiis- I am supposed to get out there with them, but putting on gear only makes me feel fatter- boy I am really feeling sorry for myself- I am embarrased that I am so weak-

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Emma - some doc's are conservative and others aren't - they are so diff - Also know that you may get tighter after a day or 2 or the oppisite can happen you will get looser - I know that I felt my 1st fill right away - but then about 2 weeks after I was calling for another fill - and then that second fill took a couple days to settle in ...

Indio, thanks for the advice. I am still trying to settle in with my first fill as I occasionally have a "congested" feeling in my chest and bloating/pain mixed feeling in the lower abdomen area.

Have a great Easter holiday!

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