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February Exercise Challege

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Okay guys - I am on board with working my butt off this month - if ya got room for one more. I have lost all motivation for exercise since the holidays and I am ready to jump back into it. I have lost 102 lbs, and I have 30 more pounds to lose for goal. Let's see if I can't drop 10 of them this month!

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You go Arde!!!

Well up late tonight, needed to post my exercise..I did the treadmill, and my zumba DVD at home tonight..I went to the doc he said no fill Iwas losing the right amount...How is 1 1/3 pound a week a good amount..I really wanted 3 lbs a week atleast..Okay so he said if I get where I need one really bad to call in a few weeks...I guess I just want this weight off already!!!! I hit the gym in the morning tomorrow, and I am ready for that!!!

Okay well everyone have a great Friday!!

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Welcome Arde07! Send me your stats in a PM and I will add you to the spreadsheet. You too, Kevin! That is IF y'all want to be added! If so, send me your current weight, goal weight for the end of March, cardio/interval weekly goal minutes and resistance weekly goal minutes. Then send me your totals on Sundays and we will see how we all end up at the end of March! The spreadsheet will be MUCH easier to read next week after I take everyone out that I haven't heard from. (But then again, I wouldn't mind a BIT if everyone jumped back in and were participating!)


Today I went to the gym (of course...lol) for an hour and a half on biceps and triceps. Right now I stink to high heaven from all the Icy Hot I've put on my left shoulder...pulled a tricep REAL good. I really hope it's just a "crick" or something. (Yes, that's official Texas vocabulary! :wub:) If it really is a pulled muscle or tendon, then I won't be able to lift much for a couple weeks...and that would KILL me! :drool:

I had another breakthrough workout today, though! Concentration curls with 35 pound dumbbells! Oh yeah! Six sets of twelve, too! I'm a fantastically sore puppy!

After my weight lifting workout, I rode the recumbent bike for 25 minutes. I really LOVE that hill trainer plus program, but it makes me work way to hard. My goal is to stay in the fat burning zone, so the hills are out. The bike has a bunch of different programs to choose from, and one of them is "fat burning zone", so I did that one. It kept my heart rate in the right place, but I missed the hills kicking my fanny! It was an easy ride...too easy. :tongue2: But as long as it does what it is supposed to, I'll be happy. I'm at 26.1% body fat currently, and my goal is 23%...so I have a ways to go. :blush: (My original goal was 20%, but I found out below 23% is "underfat" for women. Hmmm...go figure!)

Okay, sorry for writing a book. I guess the "old me" is back on LBT, huh? You poor guys! :tt2: LOL

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...I guess I just want this weight off already!!!! Okay !

Jess i soooooooo hear you on this point... I too am getting a little impatient for this weight to be gone! I feel like a fit person now but im carrying around all this weight.

3 pounds a week is a heck of alot every week. Its so hard to be patient at this point.

I want to lose 10 a week! and thats just crazy dangerous i know.

Just keep going. The way i see it i may make goal by Summer of 09. That sounds so far away but i know everyday will be a little less of me.

O the Exersise: Friday : 35 min run (5k) 10 min walk..and 15 min swim...then i feel asleep in the hot tub :closedeyes:and was nearly late for work :tongue2:

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I had another breakthrough workout today, though! Concentration curls with 35 pound dumbbells! Oh yeah! Six sets of twelve, too! I'm a fantastically sore puppy!

WOW:w00t: i am amzazed by this!!! Thats alot of weight! holy molly...you must have so solid guns by now:thumbup:

Okay, sorry for writing a book. I guess the "old me" is back on LBT, huh? You poor guys! :drool: LOL --- Thank Goodness!!!!!!!

O i nearly forgot, Thanks for the footrub lady :tongue2:

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Hi Guys!

Well its been an interesting week for me. We have been dumped on with snow. Like 14 inches. It's crazy. I did make it to the gym last night thought for spin class. We had a different instructor which blah...I really like my instructor. She was okay I guess just doesn't push us as hard.

I do count snowblowing and shoveling as exercise though. I mean it was so deep I had to shovel it around first before i could snow blow some of it. Anyways my upper back is killing me. By my shoulder blades.

I've been really bad to about my nutrition. I like went a bit nutty while getting food while trapped in the house. Ohhh I have good news. I'm going on a trip in may to Panama with my g/f. Her work is paying for it all! So I have a new incentive to loose some more weight. Weee

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Wow! You Guys are SO AWESOME! I was banded almost a month ago (it will be tomorrow) and I am trying to get into an exercise regimen, but am having a hard time with it. Earlier in the week I went to our local rec center to get a membership, but felt totally weird as I walked up to the info desk, I just felt like everyone in the place was staring at me. I know that there were some that were, as I walked past the weight room so many eyes turned my direction, how in the world do I get to the point where that doesn't bother me?

My plan was to start walking on their track, but since that experience this week I haven't been able to bring myself to go back. My hubby will go with, he likes to run, but I have been avoiding it. I so want to help spur my loss. So far I have lost about 20 pounds which is great, but my first fill isn't until mid March so I am concerned about not keeping it off/gaining so I know exercise is the way to go, but I am having a hard time getting started.

What helped you to get over the anxiety of "the gym"?


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I wish I had some great advice for you...I am not sure anyone has gotten rid of that anxiety yet..If they have I hope you hear lots of positive ways to do this..I think it's one of those things where you say to yourself, I need this, and I am tired of letting people bother me by the way they look at me..I am entitled to work out, just like anyone else. I really believe that you need to get your mind set that your not going to let people bother you..I think it is easy to have good days, and bad days. Just whatever you do don't give up, it sounds like you have a hubby who is willing to go and be by your side and that is awesome..So if I were you I would go and sweat my booty off!

I would love it if hubby would go with me...It would be such an awesome thing.

Exercise: Reporting in...I hit the gym. It was so nice...I did my elliptical, and then I did my legs and abs for strength training. Then I hit the pool and swam...Fortunately, I didn't fall asleep! That is too much, whosyadaddy! I will hit it again in the morning to go and zumba!!!! I will talk to you all later..Have a great workout week...

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Boy, am I slow about finding the new thread! It's hard to keep up with you guys! Stef: I couldn't bring up the excel spread sheet. It took me to a google site that wanted a password. Did I do something wrong? Anyway, I've been keeping up with my weight training, elliptical and pilates. Seems lilke my weight loss has slowed down once again and it's clear that I won't make my goal by my plastic surgery. I'm losing inches though so, I guess I just keep plugging along! SIGH! Will report in on Monday. Is that still right?

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Originally Posted by Stefanie42467 viewpost.gif

I had another breakthrough workout today, though! Concentration curls with 35 pound dumbbells! Oh yeah! Six sets of twelve, too! I'm a fantastically sore puppy!

WOW:w00t: i am amzazed by this!!! Thats alot of weight! holy molly...you must have so solid guns by now:thumbup:

Oh I LOVE that you said "guns"! That is exactly what I think of when I flex in the mirror! (From the movie "Anchorman" I think it was called...with Will Ferrell?) I know...how stupid that I flex in the mirror...but I bet everyone does it when they start getting muscles...they just don't admit it because they will sound like an idiot! And we've established that I am fluent in "idiot", so there ya go! LOL

Yeah, I'm getting some serious "guns" and want more! I'm just a little bit concerned about how hubby is going to react when he comes home this time...I haven't seen him since the beginning of January and have made significant gains. He does not want me all muscle-bound!

Okay, sorry for writing a book. I guess the "old me" is back on LBT, huh? You poor guys! :thumbup: LOL --- Thank Goodness!!!!!!!

Thank you so much!

O i nearly forgot, Thanks for the footrub lady :thumbdown:

HUH? :confused2:


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Wow! You Guys are SO AWESOME! I was banded almost a month ago (it will be tomorrow) and I am trying to get into an exercise regimen, but am having a hard time with it. Earlier in the week I went to our local rec center to get a membership, but felt totally weird as I walked up to the info desk, I just felt like everyone in the place was staring at me. I know that there were some that were, as I walked past the weight room so many eyes turned my direction, how in the world do I get to the point where that doesn't bother me?

My plan was to start walking on their track, but since that experience this week I haven't been able to bring myself to go back. My hubby will go with, he likes to run, but I have been avoiding it. I so want to help spur my loss. So far I have lost about 20 pounds which is great, but my first fill isn't until mid March so I am concerned about not keeping it off/gaining so I know exercise is the way to go, but I am having a hard time getting started.

What helped you to get over the anxiety of "the gym"?


What Jess said is good, but I'm a little surprised because she really seems to enjoy it! (You DO, Jess! LOL) I don't know, maybe I'm just freakin' nuts, but I am totally addicted to working out at the gym. I don't recall when or how I got over being self-conscious at the gym...I just know that it didn't take very long after I ventured out of the cardio room and was introduced to weight lifting. I am completely in love with lifting. I just picked up the latest copy of "Muscle & Body" from The Vitamin Shoppe, and there is an article in there that is really good. The best part, though, is this quote:

"I had to fall in love with the sweat equity of exercise. It's not about how you look when you're working out, it's about pain --- you've got to fall in love with that pain. If you do, it's not a mater of IF, but WHEN the results come in."

I think this is SO TRUE. I just made myself go every single day (completely hating it by the way) and I think I was hooked and loving it by the end of the second week. Of course, back then I was only hitting the cardio room, but do whatever you can push yourself to do every day until you get those endorphins going and you love it, too!

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Stefanie!! LOL, I do love it now. Sometimes it's just hard to fit everything I need to fit in my day, and when my day gets crunched exercise is still the first thing in my head to cut...So somedays I dread it..but I do love exercise, and every time I am done working out, I am so glad I did it! I never regret it after I am done...

Well I hit the gym this morning...Oh zzumba was kick butt, but she is changing some of the routine and I get so confused. But good news, zumba is coming to my gym at 9:00 on Mon/ Thurs and 5:30-6:30 on Wed and my gym is now staying open til 11:00pm at night!!! Wooohooo!

I am excited about that... So anyways did the elliptical at home this morning, but hit the gym to do my zumba class, and strength training...I worked legs, abs today...Okay so I put a few new pics on my sparkspage...I am so excited!! I got myself into smaller size jeans and I am siked..Down from a size 26-28 to 20 in relaxed jean style..They are still snug but woohooo!!! I am so siked....So that makes ever moment I have ever dreaded going to exercise worth it!!!

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Alisa: I too had a lot of gym anxiety when I first started, especially because I got a trainer and really didn't like all that attention. That being said, I love it so much now. I get a little irritated if my trainer's attention wanders. I guess I got over my anxiety when I decided that it was about me and not everyone else. I started measuring my progress, if I could go longer or lift heavier weights, etc. I stopped looking around at what everyone else was doing. Now, I can see, that there are lots of people in a lot worse shape than me and lots in better shape. Who cares? What's important is the personal victory. Good luck!

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Oh I LOVE that you said "guns"! That is exactly what I think of when I flex in the mirror!

A good story for you steff...my daughter boyfriend when she was 15 was talking about his guns 'come to the gun show' and would flex his muscles...my other daughter ...6 at the time said ' O Mike...be careful with your guns..you dont want to shoot anyone'

It was so funny at the time

O i nearly forgot, Thanks for the footrub lady :thumbup:

HUH? :confused2:

You sent me a foot massage on sparkspeople!:thumbdown:



Today was a BIG gym day for me.....I RAN 10K!!!! Roughly i did 6.4 miles just to make sure. Took me 80mins about 75 of it running has i had a 5 min warm up walk.


Then swam for 20 mins.

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      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

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