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Exercise and what to do

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Hello Everyone,

I am new here and am pre-op. I have been working with my bariatric team for about a yr or so no give or take and looking forward to getting the hopeful green light for surgery. It has been a wild and crazy journey to say the least but I am so excited to be on it. My whole thing is trying to figure out what is the best to staying motivated working out.

So, a little back story on this. I have had a few injuries over the yrs. I had and ACL injury in my 20s and a neck injury in my early teens. I have been able to go to the gym for a max time of an hr lately (which is about 1x a week or 2x a week). Sadly I feel like I have lost motivation because despite feeling goo while at the gym and so proud of myself I ended up getting the worst Migraine and neck pain of my life since I had worked on my shoulders and back muscles that day. Needless to say this has made me a little unsure about going back due to the pain and a reward for the hydro beds at the end. But if I don't my team is worried I cant maintain it when surgery is over. I feel so stuck. I also feel stuck because PT therapy walking was ok as long as it was 30 minute min. a day but my psychologist wanted more like 150 minutes a week and weights then recanted.

(ugh sorry I am rambling and all over. Please be patient with me it is 1:30 am here)

I guess long story short here I am wondering:

1) What were you recommended from your teams?
2) What work outs work for you?
3) What keeps you motivated?
4) and if you have an injury, disability or pain what do you do to overcome fears at the gym with it?

Thank you.

Have a good one,

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The advice you are getting seems bizarre because I don't know why a psychiatrist has any business telling you what exercise is appropriate for you. That's the job of a PT and/or a doctor. If your team is insisting that you MUST exercise in this manner then something is wrong. In addition, exercise is only a small part of this and the majority of the work is diet related.

You shouldn't be doing ANY exercise that is causing you pain. Stop doing what you're doing immediately and here are your options:

1. Consult a physiotherapist who can help you learn how to exercise without hurting yourself. Even if you have to pay money for this it's worth it.

2. Get in the pool. Swimming or Water aerobics are a great workout and excellent for people with injuries. When I was 17 I dislocated each of my hips in separate snowboarding crashes. I did pool workouts to recover and it's still a great workout without straining your body. I still do them now.

3. Stay out of the gym and go for a walk. Really there is no reason we have to work out in gyms, especially if it causes you stress. I find a treadmill torture but going for a walk outside is the highlight of my day. If you don't like it, you don't have to do it.

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The standard recommendation by medical professionals for all adult humans is 150 minutes/week. That's how they come up with 30 minutes a day 5x/week or 10,000 steps a day on average. It's just a benchmark.

You can do lots of things with resistance bands and non-impact exercises like yoga or stretching that shouldn't aggravate your pre-existing injuries. What about Water fitness exercises in the pool at a local gym or the YMCA?

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don't do anything that causes pain. I have some of those issues as well because of a 16-year-old hip injury that never fully healed - plus mild arthritis in my knees. I CAN do strength training (within reason - there are some exercises I can't do because they stress my hip too much, so I don't do them), but it sounds like you can't, so find something else (or try resistance bands like GradyCat suggested. Actually, I have a set at home and mostly work with those now instead of the machines).

Walking works for a lot of people (unfortunately, with my hip issue, I can't walk far enough or quickly enough to provide much cardio benefit, but I do what I can because it's good for stress relief...)

I do mostly Water fitness classes and bicycling, because those don't bother my hip and I actually like doing them. I can also manage low-impact Zumba so I do that occasionally (but when the instructor is doing something that bothers my hip, I just do something else that doesn't. As long as I keep moving, I'm good).

so in summary, just find a couple of things to do that you like doing (or at least don't hate doing), and that doesn't cause you pain.

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9 hours ago, LaoDaBeirut said:

The advice you are getting seems bizarre because I don't know why a psychiatrist has any business telling you what exercise is appropriate for you. That's the job of a PT and/or a doctor. If your team is insisting that you MUST exercise in this manner then something is wrong. In addition, exercise is only a small part of this and the majority of the work is diet related.

You shouldn't be doing ANY exercise that is causing you pain. Stop doing what you're doing immediately and here are your options:

1. Consult a physiotherapist who can help you learn how to exercise without hurting yourself. Even if you have to pay money for this it's worth it.

2. Get in the pool. Swimming or Water aerobics are a great workout and excellent for people with injuries. When I was 17 I dislocated each of my hips in separate snowboarding crashes. I did pool workouts to recover and it's still a great workout without straining your body. I still do them now.

3. Stay out of the gym and go for a walk. Really there is no reason we have to work out in gyms, especially if it causes you stress. I find a treadmill torture but going for a walk outside is the highlight of my day. If you don't like it, you don't have to do it.

I felt the same way about my psychologist. I just thought I was being angry since she postponed me 2 times now for not "being fit with intention." I even asked her to clarify what that meant since I got a ring fit on the switch and religiously would do that as a workout routine with my son. We had competitions on that thing and the ring itself is a resistance band. It was so much fun. I even took the stairs versus elevators, walked 2-10 miles every day and went swimming 1-2 times a week. She told me she was concerned because I wasn't doing it with the intent of fitness I was just doing it because I liked it. She also told me at one point that she didn't like the ring fit because I couldn't tell her the muscles the were targeted even though I took screen caps of how many reps and the highlighted muscle groups.

We touched base earlier this month and she told me she never said that and she couldn't assess me for my mental needs it was up to the therapist programs I completed this passed year to tell me if I was a good candidate and that they needed to submit support letters to her proving that I was active in therapy. I got a little annoyed with her and told her," with all do respect I have not received a whole lot of support in this program. I get told vaguely what I am supposed to do and expected to know how to do it like a professional after 1-3 months. It's a lot to expect from someone that has always been an outside girl to focus 110% in going to the gym and not even know what to do to benefit me. You said go to therapy, I did and not just one therapist but 2 and have worked through a PTSD course with flying colors and continue to make huge strides in mental health. The intentional fitness... Why else do people get active the way I have? because they want to be couch potatoes? You give the option of netflix and chill or kick your butt walking, swimming and ring fit they would choose netflix every time."

I just felt hurt and invalidated in all my hard work. like none of it mattered despite the fact I literally did this 100% on my own because I was motivated to be better. I kicked my food problems and at super tiny portions. No more snacking late. conquered my pop addiction. Went to the gym . Made even small changes like stairs vs lifts. Got back into the things I loved to do that made me happy. Therapy. All of it. It's been on my mind a lot on what I should do If she denies me again since I passed my PT with flying colors.

Sorry I kinda went on a rant there. It felt so good to let it out. *deep breathes* Thank you so much for helping me not feel like a crazy person. I keep getting told do what she wants if it means you get approved. I have and still no results. so... *shrugs*

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8 hours ago, GradyCat said:

The standard recommendation by medical professionals for all adult humans is 150 minutes/week. That's how they come up with 30 minutes a day 5x/week or 10,000 steps a day on average. It's just a benchmark.

You can do lots of things with resistance bands and non-impact exercises like yoga or stretching that shouldn't aggravate your pre-existing injuries. What about Water fitness exercises in the pool at a local gym or the YMCA?

I have a pool at my apartment I just never go to it because kids and the current situations outside. I even bought myself mermaid tail which brings me so much joy to use but most pools wont let you now. So maybe figure out the best time for the pool downstairs. I'll look into potential Water fitness classes. A lot of my gyms near me sadly don't have pools. I love the idea though sounds fun. ^_^

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The process you are going through seem EXCESSIVE to say the least. My psych consult took 30 minutes and he just asked me questions regarding if I knew what I was getting into and that I understood it was a tool and not a magic cure. No one has ever asked about my current exercise routine or lack there of. Are all of your other pre op tests/procedures completed and satisfactory? If so, can you go to a different surgeon who won't put you through the ridiculous scrutiny you are going through? Most times the pre op tests/procedures can just get transferred to another surgeon. It's worth looking into.

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I agree. This seems excessive and kind of sadistic. I definitely got recommendations to exercise but so long as I was exercising there wasn't a lot of care as to the exact thing I was doing every minute.

Can you transfer to a different program. Alternatively, would going a cheap self-pay option in Las Vegas or Mexico be an option? Mental health matters too and I can't imagine going through the surgery with a team that seems to determined to make you feel like a failure.

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I have done zero exercise and it wasn't expected of me either other than walking directly after surgery for obvious reasons. I would find another team that suits your needs much better and who don't make you feel like this team has.

you should not be doing anything that causes you pain and for them to direct you to do so is just plain negligent.

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19 hours ago, Flab-U-Less Forever said:

The process you are going through seem EXCESSIVE to say the least. My psych consult took 30 minutes and he just asked me questions regarding if I knew what I was getting into and that I understood it was a tool and not a magic cure. No one has ever asked about my current exercise routine or lack there of. Are all of your other pre op tests/procedures completed and satisfactory? If so, can you go to a different surgeon who won't put you through the ridiculous scrutiny you are going through? Most times the pre op tests/procedures can just get transferred to another surgeon. It's worth looking into.

Most of my team has been absolutely amazing it has just been my psychologist that has been driving me mad. I remember the first meeting I had with her. She did an initial assessment and found my anxiety levels to be high same with depression and questioned if I had underlying mental problems that should be addressed. To verify her findings she then had me go do another 2 hour assessment in the clinic which we then talked over in regards to how this could play a role in my surgery if not dealt with. I agreed and told her I want to make sure I have everything I need ready to go being a single mom of an autistic child and no support network, it would be a good idea.

So she recommended prolonged exposure therapy. So I did that from AUG to NOV and passed my psych eval there and I have been working with a stress management therapist ever since sept. so the first time I was rejected was for mental health. Second time was because she wanted me to intentionally be working out and get into the routine of it and finish my PTSD work (granted, didn't want to be rejected but understood at least the PTSD part). Third time was because I am not working out enough or regularly for her to feel comfortable but at the end of the day it is dependent on what my therapists say I can handle.

Needless to say I plan on reaching out to my life coach about everything and seeing if there is anything else and why she is being like this. I would hate to lose the rest of my amazing team just because of her.

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8 hours ago, LaoDaBeirut said:

I agree. This seems excessive and kind of sadistic. I definitely got recommendations to exercise but so long as I was exercising there wasn't a lot of care as to the exact thing I was doing every minute.

Can you transfer to a different program. Alternatively, would going a cheap self-pay option in Las Vegas or Mexico be an option? Mental health matters too and I can't imagine going through the surgery with a team that seems to determined to make you feel like a failure.

Granted I was given the 150 minutes a week to work out. sometimes I would do it all in one sitting and sometimes I would do it scattered throughout the week just kind of depended on the craziness of it all. Tbh, the part that baffles me the most is "intentionally working out". What does that mean? " you are active for the sake of fitness not because it is required but you want to for your health." Why else do it? lol Idk, I'm not active all the time and I am looking into a neurologist for spinal concerns before continuing my weight loss goals but I feel like all that I have done and on my own is a good sign I want this. I have been cleared from everything but psych by april may ish of last yr. I thought for sure I would have my surgery by the fall. My life coach even said with how fast you are making changes and showing improvement I would say by christmas you will be all good to go . then the Mental health stuff got in the way so I agreed to go through with it for less stress on myself and everyone else but also it was time to heal. now its months later and still waiting.

As far as cost I have state insurance since most jobs I get doesn't seem to give benefits now days so they are paying it 100%. So needless to say I think reaching out to my amazing life coach and my nursing team may be the best way to go.

Wish me luck you guys. Thank you so much for supporting me on this journey it has meant a lot. You have no idea how many eye rolls I get trying to prep people for what is to come. I love you guys so much. I look forward to going on this journey with you.

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2 hours ago, Dfidelman said:

Most of my team has been absolutely amazing it has just been my psychologist that has been driving me mad. I remember the first meeting I had with her. She did an initial assessment and found my anxiety levels to be high same with depression and questioned if I had underlying mental problems that should be addressed. To verify her findings she then had me go do another 2 hour assessment in the clinic which we then talked over in regards to how this could play a role in my surgery if not dealt with. I agreed and told her I want to make sure I have everything I need ready to go being a single mom of an autistic child and no support network, it would be a good idea.

So she recommended prolonged exposure therapy. So I did that from AUG to NOV and passed my psych eval there and I have been working with a stress management therapist ever since sept. so the first time I was rejected was for mental health. Second time was because she wanted me to intentionally be working out and get into the routine of it and finish my PTSD work (granted, didn't want to be rejected but understood at least the PTSD part). Third time was because I am not working out enough or regularly for her to feel comfortable but at the end of the day it is dependent on what my therapists say I can handle.

Needless to say I plan on reaching out to my life coach about everything and seeing if there is anything else and why she is being like this. I would hate to lose the rest of my amazing team just because of her.

Sounds like she is trying to find reasons to keep you seeing her ( milking as much money as she can) I find what you are telling us a bit disturbing. Maybe confide in one of the other team members you trust cause as you can see none of us experienced what you are going through and it would be worth seeing if they agree with her methods

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10 hours ago, SleeverSk said:

Sounds like she is trying to find reasons to keep you seeing her ( milking as much money as she can) I find what you are telling us a bit disturbing. Maybe confide in one of the other team members you trust cause as you can see none of us experienced what you are going through and it would be worth seeing if they agree with her methods

I am reaching out to my life coach asap. I hope when getting my letters this week from my doctors as well that hopefully she will finally green light me in the meantime. Thank you guys so much for the help and insight its been wonderful and uplifting. *hugs*

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On 2/18/2022 at 11:28 PM, Dfidelman said:

I am reaching out to my life coach asap. I hope when getting my letters this week from my doctors as well that hopefully she will finally green light me in the meantime. Thank you guys so much for the help and insight its been wonderful and uplifting. *hugs*

update: She forgot to tell me about a therapy. so 6 more months. she says once this done she will green light me. I told her to put that in writing. I also reached out to my life coach and he said that he will make sure no later than sept/ oct this thing is gonna go down. its been a lot. it kinda made me angry tbh. I am all for mental health and such thats not what makes me mad. I think it ate at me knowing it was supposed to be my yr anniversary. So to relieve stress I let her have it as well as going to get a nose piercing. I'm tired of waiting to do the things that make me happy.

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I would like to know where her research is on your exercise. Research studies actually show the best exercise is one you WILL do consistently. I work with oncology patients and walking is what research shows is the best. I would discuss with your surgeons team (nurse, ma etc) the changing issues she has and how she keeps changing the goal and your concerns. Not in an accusatory way but more a concern on if it IS what is best for you. If you have to be consistent and intentional why doesn’t she?

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