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How many calories do you eat a day?

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Hey guys!
Just wondering, how many calories do you eat a day (on average)? and how far out are you? Also, how many times a week do you workout and for how long?
I eat about 500 cals a day and work out 3 times a week ( I try to burn 800 cals every workout )
How many calories I eat between 370to 800 depends on the day but my exercises are put on half until after I have a scope because I am so dizzy but I'm still loosing.

Sent from my RCT6A03W13 using BariatricPal mobile app

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10 hours ago, JessLess said:

@claricey, you didn't ask me, but I get a lot of Protein.

Breakfast: 1 scrambled egg, a slice turkey bacon, half a cup of coffee with fat-free milk, a small glass of Tomato juice (to take my pills)

Lunch: Healthy Choice Power Bowl, or a salad with no dressing and salmon or chicken on top if I go out.

Dinner: 5 oz. fish, half a cup of veggies

snack options if I get hungry: banana, yogurt, quarter cup mixed nuts

Water: 64 oz.

Almost every meal and snack is built around Protein.

I was stalled out and just decreased my calories to 800 and started losing again, which means skipping the Snacks. But In my first six months, I broke some stalls by eating more. Increasing or decreasing by 100 calories a day for a week isn't going to hurt anything, I don't think.

Thank you, this helps!! I still use a Protein Bar or shake and I want to get used to eating more real food. Appreciate you sharing!

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9 hours ago, Darktowerdream said:

Your question made me think about the connection between Protein and calories.

Each Dr. has their own nutritional guidelines. My nutritionist suggests between 60-80 grams of Protein.

There are a few things I’ve learned about protein.

Our concepts of protein are changing. It’s not just how much protein but when we have protein. Our bodies need the protein more at rest to build muscle than it does prior to exercise. Healthy fats fuel our bodies longer than excessive protein.

Too much protein converts to glucose when it’s not being utilized. Since I struggle with metabolic disorders and glucose intolerance I’ve kept my protein between 50-60 grams. (Averaging 50j

you need to get a feel for your own protein level. If you stall evaluate wether it’s too much protein or type of protein. If you want a protein boost BariatricPal has Protein Shots, you get 15 grams of protein in 3 ounces.

also if you stall , it’s not just about how much calories (either too much or to little ) but the type of calories. Not all calories are equal.

Im not an expert. I can hardly figure myself out. We just take it one step at a time and do the best we can.

Thank you so much for sharing. I agree that I need to understand the true needs of my body when it comes to protein. I've broken the stall this week and I think it was because I (unintentionally) dropped dairy the past couple days and stepped up the movement/exercise along with Water. I'm just relieved to see the scale moving again! My protein dropped to averaging 60 grams instead of 75. Could be on to something! :)

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Thank you, this helps!! I still use a Protein bar or shake and I want to get used to eating more real food. Appreciate you sharing!
I am at 1 month 2 days out I am between pureed stage and the soft food stages I'm not supposed to drink my protein I'm supposed to eat my protein except right now I have a blockage and hopefully getting it taken care of when I have a scope on the 4th of sept. But usually I exercise 5 days a week I walk around my living room to my kitchen I make 2 rounds then I use a chair I use leg lifts to standing I do 2 sets of those and I do while my arms are raised I stand up and back down I do 2 sets of these I also do some stretches of my hips and my back this takes me about 30 to 45 min but so far I've lost 38lbs from 371.1 to 340.1 I think I'm doing ok with 5he weight loss so far.

Sent from my RCT6A03W13 using BariatricPal mobile app

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On 9/2/2019 at 8:43 AM, claricey said:

I’m having a hard time getting in my 75 ounces of Protein. What does a typical day look like for you? I’d love some new ideas for ways to get up to 85 or 90 grams!!

my best day was 111g of Protein and 25 net carbs. I start my day with a Protein Shake (even when I don’t want to!),

I eat eggs, shrimp, tuna, beef Jerky, and cheese sticks to get in the protein. If I need crunch, I’ll eat cheese crisps by wisps (9g of protein for a small portion). For me, if I’m hungry, I try to get the protein in ASAP

I have a food obsession, so I not only meal prep, but snack prep. I have my beef jerky already weighed and labeled. It’s been a tough adjustment, but eating for fuel has helped me too. I could eat popcorn, or I could eat something I NEED to stay healthy.

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On 9/2/2019 at 7:34 PM, claricey said:

Thank you so much for sharing. I agree that I need to understand the true needs of my body when it comes to Protein. I've broken the stall this week and I think it was because I (unintentionally) dropped dairy the past couple days and stepped up the movement/exercise along with Water. I'm just relieved to see the scale moving again! My protein dropped to averaging 60 grams instead of 75. Could be on to something! :)

I’m trying my best to learn what I can but it’s hard. I did find if I upped my protein too much I’d stall. Sometimes just Changing things up can help break a stall. Sometimes we might be intolerant to something and it even realize it. Dairy can be problematic with a lot of people. It can be confusing but always a relief when we do something that works. Stick to the happy medium of 60 grams of protein and no dairy and see how it works out long term. You are doing great! All the best to you :)

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I'm 10 months post-op and have been in maintenance now since 7 months post op (you can see my weight loss details/progress in my signature, or for even more detail, in the "About Me" section of my profile.).

Being in maintenance, I'm about 1500-2000 calories most days now, but there will be days here and there when I get in 400-1000 cals (these are the days when I just got busy or was having a don't-feel-like-eating-day). I eat Protein forward and try to watch my net carb intake for the most part. I am not afraid of fats.

I run about 4-6km on average almost every morning, 15 mins of arm strength training almost every day, and 15 mins of core/butt strength training sporadically (I hate core/butt training!). Since summer started I may go to the gym maybe once every two weeks or so to do hot yoga or zumba, but will likely up the frequency again to 2x a week when the weather gets cooler.

With that said though, when I was in weight-loss mode, I averaged maybe 500-600 cals a day, protein-forward and mostly stayed under 20 net carbs daily. I was pretty strict on this plan the entire time. I also did not not run as much then as I do now.

Edited by ms.sss

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On 7/9/2019 at 6:06 PM, Darktowerdream said:

I haven’t moved past drinking mostly a Protein Shake a day (30 grams Protein in the morning) and some BariatricPal Soups and a couple of times their Protein Pasta. Also when I need it their protein juice drinks. I get around 50 grams of protein and average 300-400 calories the highest being 480. I started writing down each day what I’ve had and calories plus protein. I’m trying to track a few medical issues that have come up.

I started the RNY journey due to metabolic disorders. My body doesn’t burn enough calories as it should at rest. I’m hoping that the RNY will help that. I’d love to just eat like a normal person. It was getting ridiculous, I was fighting so hard to maintain the weight I’d lost on my own and watched it steadily climb despite my efforts. And seeing my mom eating nearly the same and be half my weight. She could have sweet treats and fruits as well.

It’s always been hard for me to be able to understand how normal people can eat 1,200 calories for weight loss and I would gain.

If you could incorporate some weights into your exercise routine you would increase your basal metabolic rate, so with your RNY you would have a much better resting metabolism :)

I know easier said than done, I will have to do the same once healed and feeling human again. Doesn't have to be a lot just enough to increase our muscle mass and kick that metabolism in its lazy butt!

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10 hours ago, Bastian said:

If you could incorporate some weights into your exercise routine you would increase your basal metabolic rate, so with your RNY you would have a much better resting metabolism :)

I know easier said than done, I will have to do the same once healed and feeling human again. Doesn't have to be a lot just enough to increase our muscle mass and kick that metabolism in its lazy butt!

Thank you. Although it’s true muscle burns more calories than fat I wish it were that simple a solution for me. I live with lifelong chronic illness, I studied holistic health and nutrition as well as fitness and tried everything under the sun that I could try. I’d get very sick. My body couldn’t tolerate exercise let alone basic living activities. I found out the hard way and recently research proved that the medical condition I have had nearly all my life is one of few of only conditions that exertion, mental or physical causes disabling symptoms. Actually damaging muscles (aging them) it’s complicated. And one of the things that makes all this so difficult. I have always tried to find some balance, but most days it’s a struggle to just keep going. I have a long list of medical conditions and had gotten to the point this was my last hope to at least have a tool to fight my weight problems. I don’t have a way to build muscle mass. I try to keep moving. But just day to day life tasks are physically like running a marathon. I get constant muscle spasms and pain.

Ive spent my life never really feeling human. But I’m not seeking pity. It is what it is and isn’t changing any time soon, except for the worse. Each piece I lose in pushing myself a little too far. I don’t get it back.


All that aside. It is interesting that muscles at rest burn 50 calories a day per lb of muscle vs fat cells only require 3 calories a day per lb.

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Me too I’m 4 years out and stay at around 1500 - 1700 calories a day

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I eat between 600-750 calories a day, and I'm 6 weeks out. I know that once I'm able to ditch the Protein Shakes that will come down. Exercise isn't consistent yet (that's July's goal), but I'm shooting for 5km walk per day, 5 days per week. At least for the good weather months.
Wow you are doing fantastically. great motivation you have!

Sent from my SM-G935F using BariatricPal mobile app

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Thank you. Although it’s true muscle burns more calories than fat I wish it were that simple a solution for me. I live with lifelong chronic illness, I studied holistic health and nutrition as well as fitness and tried everything under the sun that I could try. I’d get very sick. My body couldn’t tolerate exercise let alone basic living activities. I found out the hard way and recently research proved that the medical condition I have had nearly all my life is one of few of only conditions that exertion, mental or physical causes disabling symptoms. Actually damaging muscles (aging them) it’s complicated. And one of the things that makes all this so difficult. I have always tried to find some balance, but most days it’s a struggle to just keep going. I have a long list of medical conditions and had gotten to the point this was my last hope to at least have a tool to fight my weight problems. I don’t have a way to build muscle mass. I try to keep moving. But just day to day life tasks are physically like running a marathon. I get constant muscle spasms and pain.
Ive spent my life never really feeling human. But I’m not seeking pity. It is what it is and isn’t changing any time soon, except for the worse. Each piece I lose in pushing myself a little too far. I don’t get it back.
All that aside. It is interesting that muscles at rest burn 50 calories a day per lb of muscle vs fat cells only require 3 calories a day per lb.

Oh what a pain it is having weird and 'wonderful' health conditions. You will absolutely know for body the best and what works for you, i bet it's a pain trying to explain it to people too!

Sent from my SM-G935F using BariatricPal mobile app

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7 hours ago, Bastian said:

Oh what a pain it is having weird and 'wonderful' health conditions. You will absolutely know for body the best and what works for you, i bet it's a pain trying to explain it to people too!

It is quite a pain explaining it to people, even doctors don’t understand. Let alone trying to say the name Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and having them understand what I’m talking about. It’s known as ME though it is also known as chronic fatigue syndrome or chronic fatigue immune dysfunction syndrome. I have been sick since I was a baby though It all “hit the fan “ age 9 . But I didn’t get official diagnosis of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis until I was around 22.

Let’s just say it’s at least 35 years living with it. It’s like the trunk of a tree and other medical conditions branch off of it because it’s a immunodeficiency. Or neuroimmune condition. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia (secondary) started in my teens. I have late onset congenital adrenal hyperplasia, pcos, endometriosis, multiple chemical sensitivity, chronic myofascial pain, degenerative disc disease, chronic spondylosis, degenerating SI joints, “runners knee” chronic Achilles tendinitis, I had multiple foot and tendon surgeries in the past, muscle weakness, muscle wasting, chronic pain etc. etc.

Not that anyone really need to know this. My sister doesn’t believe it’s real. Then again my mother was in a wheelchair over 20 years after a doctor botched spine surgery and she had 3 major spine surgeries. Yet she didn’t think that was “real”

im also on the Autism spectrum, with sensory processing disorder, adhd. I will stop rambling since I think I need to go to a doctors appointment this morning. I’m exhausted from my shower this morning.

I fought to have RNY to have some tool to help me fight my weight even though I knew it would not impact too kindly on my other medical conditions. It was either take my chances or just give up.

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A week out and not getting many kcal. It will probably increase as I am able to advance my diet.

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17 hours ago, Darktowerdream said:

It is quite a pain explaining it to people, even doctors don’t understand. Let alone trying to say the name Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and having them understand what I’m talking about. It’s known as ME though it is also known as chronic fatigue syndrome or chronic fatigue immune dysfunction syndrome. I have been sick since I was a baby though It all “hit the fan “ age 9 . But I didn’t get official diagnosis of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis until I was around 22.

Let’s just say it’s at least 35 years living with it. It’s like the trunk of a tree and other medical conditions branch off of it because it’s a immunodeficiency. Or neuroimmune condition. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia (secondary) started in my teens. I have late onset congenital adrenal hyperplasia, pcos, endometriosis, multiple chemical sensitivity, chronic myofascial pain, degenerative disc disease, chronic spondylosis, degenerating SI joints, “runners knee” chronic Achilles tendinitis, I had multiple foot and tendon surgeries in the past, muscle weakness, muscle wasting, chronic pain etc. etc.

Not that anyone really need to know this. My sister doesn’t believe it’s real. Then again my mother was in a wheelchair over 20 years after a doctor botched spine surgery and she had 3 major spine surgeries. Yet she didn’t think that was “real”

im also on the Autism spectrum, with sensory processing disorder, adhd. I will stop rambling since I think I need to go to a doctors appointment this morning. I’m exhausted from my shower this morning.

I fought to have RNY to have some tool to help me fight my weight even though I knew it would not impact too kindly on my other medical conditions. It was either take my chances or just give up.

Oh my gosh, your list is never-ending you poor thing! I imagine every single day is pretty exhausting for you.

Great that you got the RNY because losing weight will at least ease some of the side effects like the pressure on your back, si joints etc.

So how many years did your sister study to become a medical specialist lol

I do really hope that as your weight reduces you get some relief from some of your issues :)

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