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I hate it when people post just to post.....

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tee hee - well it would.

i'm betting blueberry poptarts to my dogs that plain will be the first mod to answer anything i brought up today.

i'm letting them sniff the box - tails are a wiggling,

i win the office pool too:)

I guess an outright laugh at the thought of you losing a uterus doing 6mph wasn't too nice..

Sorry Lu.

Let's just say I am not betting against you!

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The 4.5 was not even something I could maintain for my runs lol I am a wuss though. It was slowly climbing in speed.. if I would of hit 6 they would of had to have a whole in the wall fixed.

LOL I think I would just need a better bra. I'd come home w/black eyes.

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PJTP: The Cardinals' magic number is now 4 :biggrin:

Okay, happy afternoon to everyone. As for being short and running...I'm with you there..over 3 mph and look out, wall. Crash, splat...OUCH :smile2:

I admire those of you who run though. Think I'll stick to wogging. But I am thinking about starting the C25K...we'll see. I sent in all 27 pages of my paperwork to the WLC...crossing my fingers that my insurance moves quickly. I figure with my luck, I'll be doing a pre-op diet for the holidays or my b'day in Jan. That would suck especially since I already did a pre-op for my non-surgery. Oh well....life goes on.

Take care and TTFN

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Oh god I am so thankful I didn't have to do that Pre op diet crap... I ate a huge ass italian dinner the night before........ Fried eggplant with parmesan and all the red wine I could dump down the trap

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I had plans for my "last meal". It was supposed to be my mom's birthday dinner last year. They moved my surgery up by a week, so I ended up starting my liquid diet before her birthday. I was so heart broken thinking about that meal. Of course, I have since had everything that I thought I wasn't going to eat again.

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He's sick today - I think it's allergies, he's hoping it's not the flu. But, he gets sick every Oct. so I think it's just hitting early this year.

I'm at work, about to start my day. How is everyone on this fine Monday?

Hope he feels better soon!

I'm doing well, thanks for asking! :wink2:

I need to go find a cocktail dress/semi-formal -

OH - and I'm contemplating getting an iphone - my pocket book is not going to be happy today.....

Ooooo, have fun shopping!!

Anyone ever heard of that country song - Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off? ...well, I relate to that song well.

Yep, have you seen the video? Grandma gets nekkid! :blink:

Morning all. I had to practically swim to work today. The storms are so bad that some schools had to close because it would be too dangerous for them to get to school.

Heartfire-don't forget to call your doctor today.

Be careful!!!

I called. Update below.

I thought, "where the HECK did we move to?????"

I'd a been asking the same thing! And maybe RE-packing!!!

yeah, well, whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you...like SUPERglue. Ha..


LOL! Dork or no, you're still funny! :biggrin:

The tropics.

What most people call torrential rains, Houston calls spring. :frown:

We had no idea the POTENTIAL for flooding when we bought, but we were very lucky that we were typically safe.

Yikes for you too! That would have had me a smidge worried!

Good Morning All!

My youngest daughter has H1N1 flu. It stinks that she is 1800 miles away. :blink:

Oh no! I sure hope she's feeling better soon! Prayers for all of you!

I have all but given up on my promotion for this go around... Always another chance. But atleast I have a job haha.

Well, crap! Sorry about that and you are right. A job is a job, right now.

PJTP: okay. I know y'all are gonna have a fit but I'm NOT going down the hill to the doc this week. I did a phone consult with one of the covering docs (this one I like, other one, not so much.), anyway, b/c I can get stuff thru AND I have hardly any pain, he says I'm doing ok and we'll just keep in touch by phone for now.

IF I close up suddenly again, get down to him immediately and he'll see me in between his surgeries tomorrow or in clinic on Wednesday.

He did NOT recommend getting liquid ibuprofen b/c he's afraid if the liquid sits too long at the stoma then it will start to cause problems.

I am feeling A LOT better today. Very little pain and that he attributes to the weekend stuff. I can get down chocolate milk and Odwalla smoothie things so I can now get some nutrition in me.

He is going to keep in contact with me over the next few days by phone to see how I'm doing and if we need to do anything further.

I made an appointment with my surgeon for the 12th while I was on the phone with the nurse today so we can go over all of this and make sure I'll be okay.

So. That's it. I'm off to get more milk. BBL.

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Originally Posted by ColoradoChick viewpost.gif

Good Morning All!

My youngest daughter has H1N1 flu. It stinks that she is 1800 miles away. :biggrin:

Praying for a speedy recovery for your DD.

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really ?:biggrin:

it's alex's site - so he gets to run it his way, but i do recall back in the day i got my bonuses based off of customer sat - not traffic.

i guess this site is cyclical - an maybe that's just something to consider, nothing like building a brand name & not treating w/kid gloves.

MO only - w/zero emotion involved .... cause well, sure deaf ears are abound.,

I usually sit back and fires usually die out by themselves. The permanent ban of HH seems to be a continued saga which is taking away from the purpose of LBT.

I haven't personally followed most of the threads but according to many of the emails and PMs I received (yes, I actually read every one) as well as watching "reported posts" it seemed to me that:

- If someone had an opinion different than him, he would reply in a very nasty, attacking manner to them.

- In about six weeks or so, we had over twelve reported posts on him.

- Several mods received multiple emails and pm's complaining about him as well.

- One of our mods sent him a pm asking him to tone it down. I know one of our ex-mods said something to him when she was a mod and I believe a couple of other mods also tried to reign him in.

- He had no problem with calling people idiots, making fun of their ethnic backgrounds, and was just incredibly demeaning to people.

- I don't deny, if you could find your way around all the nastiness he posted, HH had good information. The problem was, if anyone dared disagree with him, look out, they were in for it. Originally, I believe the ban was temporary. But then he kept making up new names and coming back and posting demeaning comments about our mods and another poster he didn't like which we won't name.

After that point, we made it permanent. He still keeps coming up with new names. Since Thursday or so, our mods have banned four new names he created.

- HH sent nasty and threatening emails to one of our mods.

I'm not sure who some of you are contacting and not receiving any responses ? I know all of our active mods respond very quickly when contacted via any method.

If HH would agree to behave and not cause unneeded and unnecessary headaches our mods would have GLADLY unbanned him.

It was the decision of multiple LBT moderators as well as myself to permanently ban HH. If anybody has an issue with it please go ahead and PM me.

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I agree Lulu that's when I left LBT.... No one was to be found and yep that's where I had to go to get help as well. I have done the report a post before and finally gave up.

Mods taking the personal issues to FB is bad.. Not only that as Lu pointed out that is also where I had to go to get a mods attention recently.

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Not my usual but a warning that this is long but worthy!

Ok all - I have a fat girl wanna fight back story for you guys:

So yes I'm shopping for the stupid cocktail dress today - needless to say first time ever buying a dress from a store where I could be one of like 4 different sizes (drove me crazy) - needless to say I was in the dressing room for a while.

Well it became very hard to ignore the vocal interactions between a mother and daughter like 4-5 rooms down.

No less than 5 times I heard the mother say :"Well if you weren't such a fat cow maybe it would be easier to find you a dress"

it got to the point where several times I could hear the girl just sobbing and saying "please don't say that mom - that hurts me so much - I know I have a problem - I'm trying. Can we please just go home- I wont go to the dance"

So I'm about livid at this point, and I can hear several other people in the dressing room (I bet the daughter could as well) making comments in their rooms - b/c everyone could hear.

Now I saw them walk into the room - the girl was adorable and was trying on 12-16's and the mom was not much different in size (maybe 10-12)

I thought about just walking away - but I couldnt - not after I heard the girl say she wouldn't go to the dance.

So I waited for them to come out and as soon as the mom opened the door I started:

I first turned to the daughter and said "sweetheart you are beautiful and I hope you go to your dance and I apologize if what I am about to say embarresses you any further."

I then turned to the mom and said "I dont know if I have ever been so embarressed in my life as you have probably just made your daughter feel in this room. You should be ashamed of yourself - do not ever talk to her like that again. You should cherish her and realize what a beautiful gift she is."

...Now at this point you can imagine the look she has on her face and her finger raises..... to which I raise my hand and and tell she can shut up until I am done - which I am not (didnt hurt that I was kinda blocking the exit.) :biggrin:

Then I continued: "You are no barbie doll and have no business degrading her - not only because it's incorrect but she is your daughter dammit"

...at this point she gets out: "mind you're own fucking business....big shock right - like I wasn't expecting that

I told her "actually I am - because when my ears and those of everyone in this fitting room are polluted with your filth and venom - you made it my business"

Thats it girls - except the best part - the look on the daughter's face when I was making the last statement - I knew she was still embarressed but she smiled it looked like she was grateful. I could be totally wrong and ruined her day even more - but I couldn't walk away - not after that.

I'm really surprised the mom didnt try to hit me - I think she was too shocked that someone stood up to her - who knows - just the way I read the situation. (Didn't hurt that 2 people were applauding from their rooms)

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if you go back and read what i wrote - i could care less that HH was banned. he broke the rules, you acted on it....

if i want to have dialogue w/him beyond this place - i know how to do that.

i have PM'd you over 4 times w/no response to date when there were no mods active here & abuses in play. NOTHING close in MO to what HH did - but again not my call. i actually had to go to susan and plain on FB about this - cause no one was here dealing.

the purpose of LBT? well i have been active in the food/nutrition - exercise - PTJP threads majorily for the last 2yrs. i tried to go into the complications section - but, since no mod was looking out for some of us that have had complications & nasty PM's were flung around....some of the veterans, such as myself NO longer go to any pre/post op threads to supply support....so there's your purpose.

Alex--I have to be honest and tell you this is why I am hardly on LBT here. It is hard to get help when you need it. There are WAY too many cases of where people get away with crazy crap. I got sick of the negativity and mostly post here and occasionally venture out. It makes me sad--I miss the way things used to be, it felt better.

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Furthermore, when obviously concerned intelligent site users feel that favoritism is being employed, to call them "followers" rather than to address their concerns is, well, puerile.

Plain did attempt to address issues with me, at least, but often his info was pocked with "Private Mod information" and an implication that as a 54 year old adult I didn't need to be privy to the machinations of the mods. Plain was ever polite, kind, and tried to be helpful, and I'm not disrepecting him. But good grief, this is a public site, is it not? If there is an appearance of favoritism, and the appearance of personal vendettas, something is wrong.

And are the rules not so straightforward that interpretation doesn't need to be performed behind a cyber smoke screen of some sort? Can they not say "he did this, we had to do this. Period".

If it's a problem, we didn't cause it, and repeatedly asking us all to shut up about it doesn't seem to be working now, does it. Maybe we're all obsessed and immature. OR maybe this was handled wrong from the start.

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if you go back and read what i wrote - i could care less that HH was banned. he broke the rules, you acted on it....

if i want to have dialogue w/him beyond this place - i know how to do that.

i have PM'd you over 4 times w/no response to date when there were no mods active here & abuses in play. NOTHING close in MO to what HH did - but again not my call. i actually had to go to susan and plain on FB about this - cause no one was here dealing.

the purpose of LBT? well i have been active in the food/nutrition - exercise - PTJP threads majorily for the last 2yrs. i tried to go into the complications section - but, since no mod was looking out for some of us that have had complications & nasty PM's were flung around....some of the veterans, such as myself NO longer go to any pre/post op threads to supply support....so there's your purpose.

Most of us work. However, I check LBT in the morning, during my lunch and usually have it opened in the evenings when I am at home. When we receive a reported post, we all are notified immediately via email. Like many of the mods, I have an email capable phone and it is acted upon immediately. Please understand, most of the time we try to handle situations privately, behind the scenes as opposed to publicly. Very seldom is a situation addressed publicly unless there are multiple people involved and a situation specifically warrants it.

We also cannot be in every thread at all times. That is why we rely on you, the members to use the report button when there is a situation that needs to be addressed.

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        You look amazing!!! 😻 you have been killing it!

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        Congratulations! You're making excellent progress and looking amazing!

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        So proud of you Cat. Getting into those smaller size clothes is half the fun isn't it?. Keep up the good work!!!!

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        That's brilliant! You've done amazing!! I should probably think about changing my profile picture at some point. Mine is the doll from Squid Games. Ironically the whole premise of the show is about dodging death. We've both done that...

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