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I hate it when people post just to post.....

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I was drunk posting so bad last night I had to go back today to be sure that I didn't say or do something I'd regret. Like promise myself in marriage to some Sheik or something. :)

I didn't even wake up until 12:40 this AFTERNOON! :blink: And hubby wants to do it again tonight. :sad::blink:

First question from DH this afternoon was if I was going to make more drinks. I forgot I promised to work tonight. Hopefully I will just sit on the phone until they tell me I can go home. I have to be there at 4 a.m. (3 central) so no drinks for me.:crying:

I'm sorry, Tap. :crying:

And I hafta say, you must live just this side of hell. When it's not dropping miles and miles of snow for 10 months out of the year, it's raining. :crying:

I just did not realize that there were places in the US with such bad weather all year long!:)

I had no AM at all... :crying: lol

Wish I could say the same, but I was up at 5 like clockwork!

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Tap~ Love the dog story. You mentioned the dog was white, happen to be a Jack Russell - I have four of them and if they get out, they love to go on 2 hour adventures with us chasing them the whole way! Crazy dogs!

Lu~ I will come vacation at your place, sounds great. However, I would be the one that couldn't lounge around, I would be up helping around the place!

I agree about screaming kids - can't stand them! Of course, I have barking dogs, just as bad!

i thought the SAME thing when i read taps story, was it a JR???? i can't believe you have 4 of them, WHAT personalities. we 'had' one when we bought our ranch & nightly she would go chase the coyottes......we knew it was a matter of time before a pack got her & sure enough - she didn't last 3months out her.

....and i have PLENTY of barking dogs, seems everyone that visits also brings their dogs. we have a kennel off the side of the house w/heating-air. so we dump them out there when it gets CRAZED.

well, DH and i did the gym, lunch - dropped off goodies at party - then bought stuff to make diner. DH has a "recp" from martha he wants to try so i'm going to put my jammies on - let him cook while i veg & watch movies (still raining)......

**thinking of ya kat!!**

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Tap~ Love the dog story. You mentioned the dog was white, happen to be a Jack Russell - I have four of them and if they get out, they love to go on 2 hour adventures with us chasing them the whole way! Crazy dogs!

KC~ You are more than welcome to come and cook for my family - they would love every bite!

Lu~ I will come vacation at your place, sounds great. However, I would be the one that couldn't lounge around, I would be up helping around the place!

I agree about screaming kids - can't stand them! Of course, I have barking dogs, just as bad!

Glou~ Congrats! Funny how little things make it seem more real!

G4E~ Hope you get that lawn mowed, sounds really tall!

Kat~ My thoughts are with you at the funeral today. School shopping on a Saturday - ugh! Busy, noisy, pushy people - not fun at all. At least you get to spend some time with your mom! I had lunch with my mom and kids yesterday - it was nice!


What she said :). Yippeee, my smileys work again. I was seriously hating this new laptop. Might end up friends after all.


Seriously, I'm not overly freaked out about surgery. I moved the date because we're doing my dad's b'day either the 16th or the 23rd. Seemed like a trip to the hospital on the 20th was a bit much :blink:. I appreciate the concern though. I'm going Mon. for pre-op stuff. Since I don't have to pre-op diet yet, I'm pulling out the Sangria myself. It's raining and can't use the new deck :) or pool :sad:. And my back is giving me fits. Hurt so much I would have canceled dr appt yesterday. Today is not much better. Urgh. Booze is bound to help.

Have a great weekend everyone! Might BBL.


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i thought the SAME thing when i read taps story, was it a JR???? i can't believe you have 4 of them, WHAT personalities. we 'had' one when we bought our ranch & nightly she would go chase the coyottes......we knew it was a matter of time before a pack got her & sure enough - she didn't last 3months out her.

Poor dog. How did you all find out they got her?

....and i have PLENTY of barking dogs, seems everyone that visits also brings their dogs. we have a kennel off the side of the house w/heating-air. so we dump them out there when it gets CRAZED.

I can't imagine that many animals. Holy cow!

well, DH and i did the gym, lunch - dropped off goodies at party - then bought stuff to make diner. DH has a "recp" from martha he wants to try so i'm going to put my jammies on - let him cook while i veg & watch movies (still raining)......

If my DH decided to try a recipe, I would be scared of food poisoning!:)

**thinking of ya kat!!**

Me too Kat!


Seriously, I'm not overly freaked out about surgery. I moved the date because we're doing my dad's b'day either the 16th or the 23rd. Seemed like a trip to the hospital on the 20th was a bit much :blink:. I appreciate the concern though. I'm going Mon. for pre-op stuff. Since I don't have to pre-op diet yet, I'm pulling out the Sangria myself. It's raining and can't use the new deck :) or pool :sad:. And my back is giving me fits. Hurt so much I would have canceled dr appt yesterday. Today is not much better. Urgh. Booze is bound to help.

Have a great weekend everyone! Might BBL.


I have no doubt that you will do great with the surgery. I hope that your back is better soon.

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i thought the SAME thing when i read taps story, was it a JR???? i can't believe you have 4 of them, WHAT personalities. we 'had' one when we bought our ranch & nightly she would go chase the coyottes......we knew it was a matter of time before a pack got her & sure enough - she didn't last 3months out her.

....and i have PLENTY of barking dogs, seems everyone that visits also brings their dogs. we have a kennel off the side of the house w/heating-air. so we dump them out there when it gets CRAZED.

well, DH and i did the gym, lunch - dropped off goodies at party - then bought stuff to make diner. DH has a "recp" from martha he wants to try so i'm going to put my jammies on - let him cook while i veg & watch movies (still raining)......

**thinking of ya kat!!**

People always think that I am crazy for having 4 JRs but I absolutely love their quirky little personalities!:) Two of ours are rescues and the other two we purchased, I play agility with them and it is a bunch of fun. Especially now that I can run and almost keep up with them!

I knew I would love to come vacation at your place, heck I could even bring the dogs!:)

Lucky you, enjoy your evening! My DH "made" dinner the other night. He had to boil Water and warm up the leftover marinara sauce and I still had to head into the kitchen to help!

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slim - we have no idea what happened to her ... just saw her chase a coyotte and never came back home, i loved that dog (sophie)....personality on steroids!!!

DH has turned into a fine cook !!!! and if that's what he wants to do....HAVE at it, like when he decides to laundry. doesn't fold shit the way i do - but if he's going to do it....HAVE at it!!

ktork - i LOVE my dogs, w/no kids - they are them; spoiled rotten. i have a red heeler that i would love to do agility competitions with. i signed her up - we took one class, and i was handed my money back. her socialization skills are horrible. so i take my putter and a bucket of golf balls and send her off hunting each AM.

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That is so sad about your dog Luluc. Though I am scared of dogs, I can still understand how loved they are. My family loves to tell me that I had a puppy as a child. They also told me that he was run over in front of our house. I am really glad that I don't remember it.

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our place is a little bit of an escape from the city w/out so much the travel. we're far enough from downtown Dallas to have the peace/quiet - but also close enough to enjoy city perks.

DH said we made our guest qtrs a little bit too comfortable w/private bath & kitchen area / flat screens / comfy bed / balcony deck overlooking the pool/ranch- we'll be up & about and company is just laying around - taking it easy:rolleyes2:

Yes indeedy - it sound like the perfect spot...for guests, for a PJTP party, for retirement. What's your room rate???:sad:

Tap - I usually use spearmint but I also really like pineapple and apple mint - couldn't find the pineapple mint this year but my spearmint and apple mint are growing like crazy.

Will send the cake recipe your way tonight.

I've never tried pineapple mint - that sounds like an experiment in the making...

Then I am meeting my Mom to go shopping---------on a Saturday, just before school starts, there is nothing about either one that appeals to me today!

I sympathize - I hate shopping of all kinds. Shopping on a Saturday is hell. Shopping on a Saturday before school starts - shoot me now!

Tap~ You mentioned the dog was white, happen to be a Jack Russell ?

It's a mix of some sort - although it doesn't have a JR build, it has the colorings. Could be anything - but whatever it is, I'd bet on it at dog races! Man it was fast!

Lu~ I will come vacation at your place, sounds great. However, I would be the one that couldn't lounge around, I would be up helping around the place!

Me too, me too. You know I love to play in the dirt, so any gardening, just show me where you stash the implements and Im there!

We have had super hot weather this past week and looks like we might hit 100 today - ugh!

I repeat, oh shaddup!!! The sun did peek through for a bit today - but still rather chilly for this time of year. Rain in the forecast for tonight though

I didn't even wake up until 12:40 this AFTERNOON! :crying: And hubby wants to do it again tonight. :crying::blink:

I would be just so out of sorts if I did that! I just can't imagine it.

I hafta say, you must live just this side of hell. When it's not dropping miles and miles of snow for 10 months out of the year, it's raining. :crying:

But this is not usual weather - it's just been a horrific year! Normally the snow is moderate amounts from Dec to March, then a regular spring, and then a hot humid hazy breath-stealing smoggy summer - ahhhh! But not this year - and the ratsn-fratsn meterologists are predicting August will be the same -unusually wet and cold....:):cursing::)

well, DH and i did the gym, lunch - dropped off goodies at party - then bought stuff to make diner. DH has a "recp" from martha he wants to try so i'm going to put my jammies on - let him cook while i veg & watch movies (still raining)......

Watching any good movies, Lu? Sounds like a good way to pass a rainy Saturday to me! Just not EVERY Saturday!:blink:

Lucky you, enjoy your evening! My DH "made" dinner the other night. He had to boil Water and warm up the leftover marinara sauce and I still had to head into the kitchen to help!

I'm so glad that DH likes to cook. Not 'he doesn't mind it', he likes it! And is good at it too. His repertoire is not extensive, he is much less inclined to experiment, but what he cooks is good!

I got a few hours outside today... I kid you not there was a thistle taller than me!! Now I am relaxing with a glass of white wine (not my fav, and not a particularly good one either, but hey it was what we had) and considering what to do to occupy my evening while DH is out...

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That is so sad about your dog Luluc. Though I am scared of dogs, I can still understand how loved they are. My family loves to tell me that I had a puppy as a child. They also told me that he was run over in front of our house. I am really glad that I don't remember it.

Perhaps that's why you are scared of them - you witnessed or heard about this, and it frightened you.

I feel like Lucy...Psychiatrist is in, 10 cents a visit.

PS where did the cent sign go? It used to be on typewriter keyboards....of course this question is only relevant to those old enough to remember typewriters, which eliminates most of you!!!

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if that's what he wants to do....HAVE at it, like when he decides to laundry. doesn't fold shit the way i do - but if he's going to do it....HAVE at it!!

I couldn't handle that! I had to instruct DH on the proper way to fold T-shirts - 1/2 lengthwise, rt arm, lft arm, 1/2 again. Sort by color, stack sideways in drawer.

It works out though - he (ex military man that he is) was appalled at the way I ironed....I had to learn the 'right' way.

Relationships are compromise, right?!?:)

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Perhaps that's why you are scared of them - you witnessed or heard about this, and it frightened you.

You could be right. I hadn't thought of that being a part of the reason.

I feel like Lucy...Psychiatrist is in, 10 cents a visit.

PS where did the cent sign go? It used to be on typewriter keyboards....of course this question is only relevant to those old enough to remember typewriters, which eliminates most of you!!!

I remember typewriters! I took typing in junior high school. DS had no idea what I was talking about when I mentioned a typewriter. I don't know why there aren't cent signs on keyboards.

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I couldn't handle that! I had to instruct DH on the proper way to fold T-shirts - 1/2 lengthwise, rt arm, lft arm, 1/2 again. Sort by color, stack sideways in drawer.

It works out though - he (ex military man that he is) was appalled at the way I ironed....I had to learn the 'right' way.

Relationships are compromise, right?!?:)

Ok, I am being serious here. I was never shown the correct way to fold a shirt. I fold towels beautifully but have always hated the way the shirts turned out. Thank you for posting that. Now if you would just post some pictures so I know that what I am picturing in my head is what you just said.

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Hot dog! I just did it! I know that sounds pathetic, but my mother wasn't into cleaning/folding/hanging... She would rather go buy new than clean. Don't get me wrong, she does wash clothes, but they aren't put away. She sends most of her clothes to the cleaners just to avoid having to deal with it.

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Slim, personally, I fold the shirt in half--like the bottom half up to the neck opening half, lay it flat, top side down, fold the arms to the center, and then when it is folded lengthwise that way fold it in half again the same direction as the first time......wow that sounds so much more complicated than it really is!!!!!

When I was not working, I did all the cooking and laundry. Now that I am working again we have compromised! Because I am picky about some of my clothes being hung as opposed to dried, I do the laundry---he puts his own away tho. And he does all the yard work. I occasionally ride a lap or 2 on the mower is about it----or use the walk behind out front---I did once this year!!

But the cooking we are trying to do together, and the cleaning. The rule is we do it our way. And if the other person does not like it, they can do it alone and do it themselves!

He is doing good, he works one week early so he is home before me, and he cooks that week--not real imaginative in the kitchen yet, but he is getting better! Then the next week he works late so I am home first and I do the cooking. We always clean up together---and THAT is where the doing it our way come in, I was trying to order how he loaded the DW!! He now does it his way, and I shut up and let him!!!

Brother is here, see y'all later!

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        You look amazing!!! 😻 you have been killing it!

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        Congratulations! You're making excellent progress and looking amazing!

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        So proud of you Cat. Getting into those smaller size clothes is half the fun isn't it?. Keep up the good work!!!!

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