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Job interview moved to 4 pm - I don't mind, I get to end my day on a HIGH note, and the interviewer now feels like she owes me one for being gracious about rescheduling. Keep the good thoughts / prayers / nekkid dancing (LOL Beth!) / sun salutations / incantations and rituals coming...I can use it all! :):w00t::lol:

It's at 4:00 today, or did you also have an interview on Thursday like I do?

Let me know so I know when to start rippin' mah clothes off. :thumbup:

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So Cool, Mac! WTG!! And good for DD for getting her butt out there too! She sounds motivated now! Hooray!!!

Okay folks, for those of you who would like to see pics of my vacation:

OMGosh!!! Beautiful pics, Fanny! Have you thought about getting serious about your photography? Your pics are always amazing! I love all the rock pics and you don't realize how big they are til you see the lady in the pic next to some of them. There is one I may have to purchase. It's towards the end of the 2nd set of pics and it's one of the sunset ones. It's only the sun and the water/shore. Beautiful! I also really liked the last pic too in that set too. Don't know why, it's just a rock but it really caught my eye.

I am home sick today. I don't know if it was something I ate or what, but have been up all night sick and feel just lousy.

Susan, I'm so sorry. Prayers that you feel better soon.

Lu, have a great secret vacation! How fun!

Ebony, you're welcome! LOL!

g4e, let us know as soon as you can!

Thanks. Feeling a little better this AM. I can tell tho that another Migraine is going to hit me later. I need to get some paperwork done for the Council Meeting tonight before it hits me again. I hate having to deal with numbers when I hurt. I can't think straight!

Better get to work! TTFN!

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good luck beth/ebony on the interviews!!!

i'm excited for a secret trip - DH is not one to do "proper gifts" on the exact days (ie - xmas/bday) & i turn 40 in 3wks, so i have no idea what to expect.

ok gross pjtp - walking out of the gym this AM, had water bottle in hand, "gulped" some down & forgot that i had a band. it spewed from my mouth , nose & eyes if possible. such a classy move.

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It's at 4:00 today, or did you also have an interview on Thursday like I do?

Mine is also on Thursday...

Let me know so I know when to start rippin' mah clothes off. :)

If the spirit moves ya, girlfriend...rip away! :thumbup:

good luck beth/ebony on the interviews!!!

Thanks, Lulu! I'm hoping for a positive result by the end of June so I can come back from my July vacation and go to a new, healthier, happier situation!

i'm excited for a secret trip - DH is not one to do "proper gifts" on the exact days (ie - xmas/bday) & i turn 40 in 3wks, so i have no idea what to expect.

Ooh - that sounds like fun...let us know what happens!

ok gross pjtp - walking out of the gym this AM, had Water bottle in hand, "gulped" some down & forgot that i had a band. it spewed from my mouth , nose & eyes if possible. such a classy move.

OMG - it's funny, but not funny...I've been there, done that...:lol:

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ok gross pjtp - walking out of the gym this AM, had Water bottle in hand, "gulped" some down & forgot that i had a band. it spewed from my mouth , nose & eyes if possible. such a classy move.

Ew, yum! lol

I have had acid indigestion since last night. Had a fill yesterday, so I'm trying to pay close attention. Never slept a wink last night because of it. Called my doc's office at 6:45 to tell the nurse what's going on, and right now it's possible it's due to what I had yesterday -- Tomato Soup, cheese Soup after 11pm, and a number of peppermint Altoids. :thumbup: I may have caused this, but I have to watch to be sure it's not also do to the swelling from the PBing in the days prior to my fill AND the fill itself. Feel kinda miserable. All I've had today is Mylanta and some sips of water. :)

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Mine is also on Thursday...

Omg, we'll both be interviewing on the same day at the same time!! :thumbup:

If the spirit moves ya, girlfriend...rip away! :)

Well, considering the above realization, you'll understand why I won't do it right then, hmmm? :lol:

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Ew, yum! lol

I have had acid indigestion since last night. Had a fill yesterday, so I'm trying to pay close attention. Never slept a wink last night because of it. Called my doc's office at 6:45 to tell the nurse what's going on, and right now it's possible it's due to what I had yesterday -- Tomato Soup, cheese Soup after 11pm, and a number of peppermint Altoids. :cursing: I may have caused this, but I have to watch to be sure it's not also do to the swelling from the PBing in the days prior to my fill AND the fill itself. Feel kinda miserable. All I've had today is Mylanta and some sips of Water. :sad:

dual action pepcid complete helped out my acid reflux/heartburn till i got an unfill really well!

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Hm, may have to check that out. As I write this, I think that I had an antacid filled when I had my surgery which I don't think I've ever used. Need to go see if I have that.

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Yea, you need to be stopping by more often! LOL! Where ya been?

Thanks, Lu. I'll feel better by the weekend. I'll probably cluster Migraine for a few days and then be fine. I just hate when this happens. Knocks me off my feet and yet I still have to function somehow. And thank GOD for spell check b/c I can't spell for shit right now! Fingers and brain aren't on the same page! I have payroll taxes to post this week too. Should be fun! DH should be home tomorrow for a couple of days, so he'll take over with DD so that will help.

Been addicted to FB of late!

I've been doing "numbers" as a full-time job since grad school, I guess (1993). I get stress headaches sporadically so I can sympathize. Thank goodness no one's paychecks relied on me like they do you!! Have you been to the doc for any meds? I had a headache for a week in March(?) and finally went. They gave me a shot and it was gone in a couple hours. I'd been in such pain for so long that my BP had spiked. Two days later, I had a surgeon appt and my BP had dropped considerably. Yeah! The GP prescribed treximet; heard of it? I've only had one headache since and it was shingles-related.

It dawned on me today while at Captain Personality's (aka the dentist) that since we were merged into the new dept in April, I've had a migraine, shingles, major back pain for a week and a half. Hmm, stressed much? In keeping with the posts of late, I looked in our budget system last Friday and figured out that 5 of the 12 in my "new" dept will be let go. So the stress just continues!!! I had my little freak-out-fest Friday and then went into planning mode over the weekend. I'm planning to save as much as possible between now and the end of the year and change my 401K contributions to get as liquid as possible. So that's the plan. Oh and meet with as many higher-ups as possible to get my name out there! I talked to my old manager who loves me. They don't have any openings currently but again, gotta get the name out there, right?!? Blah.

May we all be employed with a great job in no time!!!

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I am home sick today. I don't know if it was something I ate or what, but have been up all night sick and feel just lousy.

Sorry you are sick Susan. Hope you feel better soon.

Ew, yum! lol

I have had acid indigestion since last night. Had a fill yesterday, so I'm trying to pay close attention. Never slept a wink last night because of it. Called my doc's office at 6:45 to tell the nurse what's going on, and right now it's possible it's due to what I had yesterday -- Tomato Soup, cheese Soup after 11pm, and a number of peppermint Altoids. :cursing: I may have caused this, but I have to watch to be sure it's not also do to the swelling from the PBing in the days prior to my fill AND the fill itself. Feel kinda miserable. All I've had today is Mylanta and some sips of Water. :sad:

Beth sorry you don't feel so good either. Hopefully you can get something else down.


It dawned on me today while at Captain Personality's (aka the dentist) that since we were merged into the new dept in April, I've had a Migraine, shingles, major back pain for a week and a half. Hmm, stressed much? In keeping with the posts of late, I looked in our budget system last Friday and figured out that 5 of the 12 in my "new" dept will be let go. So the stress just continues!!! I had my little freak-out-fest Friday and then went into planning mode over the weekend. I'm planning to save as much as possible between now and the end of the year and change my 401K contributions to get as liquid as possible. So that's the plan. Oh and meet with as many higher-ups as possible to get my name out there! I talked to my old manager who loves me. They don't have any openings currently but again, gotta get the name out there, right?!? Blah.

May we all be employed with a great job in no time!!!/QUOTE]

Sick so sorry about all the stress and having to let go of employees.

Love and hugs to everyone who is sick or stressing. Heart hopefully your Migraines will subside.

Now to what you are all wondering about....I GOT THE JOB!!!!! They were so nice and understanding about my health problems. I was so shocked! I have orientation Friday and start Monday! God is so good. The electric was taken care of today. Just won't have the phone package for a while. Good luck Beth and Ebony on Thursday with ya'lls interviews.

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Hm, may have to check that out. As I write this, I think that I had an antacid filled when I had my surgery which I don't think I've ever used. Need to go see if I have that.

Feel better soon! And don't stress over the ice cream It may actually help some b/c it's thick and will coat the stomach.

Been addicted to FB of late!

I've been doing "numbers" as a full-time job since grad school, I guess (1993). I get stress headaches sporadically so I can sympathize. Thank goodness no one's paychecks relied on me like they do you!! Have you been to the doc for any meds? I had a headache for a week in March(?) and finally went. They gave me a shot and it was gone in a couple hours. I'd been in such pain for so long that my BP had spiked. Two days later, I had a surgeon appt and my BP had dropped considerably. Yeah! The GP prescribed treximet; heard of it? I've only had one headache since and it was shingles-related.

It dawned on me today while at Captain Personality's (aka the dentist) that since we were merged into the new dept in April, I've had a Migraine, shingles, major back pain for a week and a half. Hmm, stressed much? In keeping with the posts of late, I looked in our budget system last Friday and figured out that 5 of the 12 in my "new" dept will be let go. So the stress just continues!!! I had my little freak-out-fest Friday and then went into planning mode over the weekend. I'm planning to save as much as possible between now and the end of the year and change my 401K contributions to get as liquid as possible. So that's the plan. Oh and meet with as many higher-ups as possible to get my name out there! I talked to my old manager who loves me. They don't have any openings currently but again, gotta get the name out there, right?!? Blah.

May we all be employed with a great job in no time!!!

Bah! Best wishes on the job front! How are your shingles?

Yea, I'm the church's bookkeeper, I guess you'd call it, but I'm not actually a bookkeeper! Never been trained! I do all of the bills, payroll and taxes - monthly, quarterly and yearly, and generate weekly, monthly and yearly financial reports for the Council. When I started as secretary there, we only had a few employees and did strictly 1099s! Now, no way can I get away with that! Too bad. Life was so much simpler then. Tho if it was that easy, I wouldn't have a job either!

I take Maxalt for my Migraines. Usually my clusters are due to PMS. I'm on Depo shots but I still PMS thru them. Sucks but at least I'm not laid up for a couple of weeks like I was before Depo!

Now to what you are all wondering about....I GOT THE JOB!!!!! They were so nice and understanding about my health problems. I was so shocked! I have orientation Friday and start Monday! God is so good. The electric was taken care of today. Just won't have the phone package for a while. Good luck Beth and Ebony on Thursday with ya'lls interviews.

WHOOHOO!!!!!!! I am so incredibly excited for you!!!! Congratulations!!!!

PJTP: a friend told me about a computer game that she's addicted to. Should NOT have looked into it b/c I'm now addicted to it! It's called Bookworm. Yikes!

Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone! TTFN!

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Now to what you are all wondering about....I GOT THE JOB!!!!! They were so nice and understanding about my health problems. I was so shocked! I have orientation Friday and start Monday! God is so good. The electric was taken care of today. Just won't have the phone package for a while. Good luck Beth and Ebony on Thursday with ya'lls interviews.

Doing the happy dance for you!

PJTP: a friend told me about a computer game that she's addicted to. Should NOT have looked into it b/c I'm now addicted to it! It's called Bookworm. Yikes!

Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone! TTFN!

I have it on the desktop computer in the kitchen and on my iPhone! It is awful!

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Feel better soon! And don't stress over the ice cream It may actually help some b/c it's thick and will coat the stomach.


Got some sleep last night, but certainly not restful. Had a couple small episodes of reflux, then one BIG one at 3:30 that had me up and sputtering and drowning.

Called the nurse today and said it's better, but not gone, so she's having me come in about noon today for a slight unfill.

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Called the nurse today and said it's better, but not gone, so she's having me come in about noon today for a slight unfill.

good, you'll feel relief very soon!

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