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Back to basics and really doing it!

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Well done to everyone who is on a losing streak, stayed the same or even gained but still came back - you are all winners.

I still can't get back on track. I seem to have a couple of good days but then fall by the wayside again and then find it hard to pick myself up.[emoji853]

We were with good friends at the weekend, who we have not seen for a few months, and the husband has joined Slimming world, ,my husband chatted to him and came away interested (he needs to lose weight) but said he would only go if I went with him. The reason being that they have very few males go and he didn't want to feel awkward. I feel in two minds - I want to go and support him but then I think it is going backwards (slimming clubs being part of my before (sleeve) life but I do want to get things back together and maybe SW would help.

I'm with Liz on this, don't give up. We are all on this journey and we have good days and bad days. I murdered some chocolate brownies the other day and got in the "well I blew it, might as well just have more" mindset. Despite falling, I've decided that I will always get back up. Our tools are only a portion of weight loss, 90% of it is mental. We must renew our minds. Rooting for you

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Hello my fellow WLS peeps. I am on a mission to lose 50 pounds that I have regained. I am feeling hopeful and know that getting back to basics will do it. I would like this thread to be a place where we can come and be transparent and accountable. I plan on checking in with a weigh in every Monday starting tomorrow. If you want to join me, let's do this!
Heightist weight: 289
Lowest: 157
Goal: 150
Attached is my before surgery pic, me at my lowest and where I am today. IMG_0450.JPG.12aad880df5ece246b97f514b76006f1.JPG
May God bless you and keep you[emoji173]️

What Surgery did you have? And how long after your surgery did the regain start? My biggest fear is regain, I plan to monitor my weight closely to try and avoid any regain.

Sent from my SM-G950U using BariatricPal mobile app

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Hello All,
Glad I found this thread. I have also gain a little weight back and scared that I'm going to regain all my weight back. I have gain 10 pounds because of careless eating; I am a known stress eater. I know if I do not take control now, my regain will only get worse. I recently gave up chewing gum and notice that I have been substituting my gum chewing for carbs. I will try my hardest to start on Tuesday; it's going to be hard because we are having chips and all kinds of dips at work. I recently bought a treadmill and did great for about 2 weeks [emoji20]. I think having a support group that knows what I am going through would benefit me in my new start.
Thanks in advance!

What Surgery did you have? And how long after your surgery did the regain start? My biggest fear is regain, I plan to monitor my weight closely to try and avoid any regain. I think I'm still in the losing stage though, I will be 1 year post op in 3 weeks.

Sent from my SM-G950U using BariatricPal mobile app

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What Surgery did you have? And how long after your surgery did the regain start? My biggest fear is regain, I plan to monitor my weight closely to try and avoid any regain. I think I'm still in the losing stage though, I will be 1 year post op in 3 weeks.

Sent from my SM-G950U using BariatricPal mobile app

I had the gastric sleeve surgery May 2013; 4 years ago. I started at 230 and my lowest weight was 145. I maintained my weight until last year around August when my mother got sick and I was traveling back and forth to be with her. I do not cook so I was eating pizza morning, noon and night. I started going crazy on food choices like candy and fruit that was not good for me.

The scale started going up. At one point I stopped weighing myself because I knew I was picking up weight because my clothes were becoming too tight; I needed to go up in size. I really believe I got over 160 at some point in time. I didn't see it on the scale, but I did see 159 when I did decide to face the fact and weigh in.

My Nut from Mexico, which was actually one of my doctors from surgery, told me to jot down everything I eat. He also told me to cut my carb intake down to 25. I started at 100 carbs a day and worked my way down. I now range between 28-37 on a good day.

I don't know if my weight is maintained better because I opted for a smaller stomach than the normal sleeve stomach (bougie instrument used in surgery). I'm not a person that exercise on a regular basis. I have started now because I want to tone my legs. I noticed that it does help me maintain.

Watch out for fruit. We think it's help, which it is a better choice than some foods, but it can contain a lot of Carbs. My doctor to me to eat berries and not too many cherries.

Good look in you journey. Just make yourself aware of the things you put in your mouth. Carbs are the enemy for sleevers.


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What Surgery did you have? And how long after your surgery did the regain start? My biggest fear is regain, I plan to monitor my weight closely to try and avoid any regain. I think I'm still in the losing stage though, I will be 1 year post op in 3 weeks.

Sent from my SM-G950U using BariatricPal mobile app

I had gastric bypass in 2013. My regain began February 2015 because I stopped exercising, watching what I was eating etc. completely went back to pre surgery eating habits. After surgery I picked up a substance abuse addiction since I could no longer abuse food. In January 2015, i came to know Jesus as my Lord and Savior and He delivered me from all drugs. At that point I went back to food (hence the weight gain) but now with His help I am getting to the root of why I abused food and other things in the first place. Our weight is byproduct of something deeper going on and getting surgery and losing the weight will not solve the root. It's important for us all to get healing from whatever it is that was causing us to abuse food in the first place. This journey has been a wild ride but I wouldn't trade it and where I am for anything.

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I had gastric bypass in 2013. My regain began February 2015 because I stopped exercising, watching what I was eating etc. completely went back to pre surgery eating habits. After surgery I picked up a substance abuse addiction since I could no longer abuse food. In January 2015, i came to know Jesus as my Lord and Savior and He delivered me from all drugs. At that point I went back to food (hence the weight gain) but now with His help I am getting to the root of why I abused food and other things in the first place. Our weight is byproduct of something deeper going on and getting surgery and losing the weight will not solve the root. It's important for us all to get healing from whatever it is that was causing us to abuse food in the first place. This journey has been a wild ride but I wouldn't trade it and where I am for anything.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Praise God!


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I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Praise God!


Yes! Amen! He is so wonderful and gives us all we need to accomplish what He has called us to do

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Hello friends! I just wanted to encourage you all to keep going and not quit. Lets remember why we started this journey in the first place and how helpless it felt when we got our surgeries. We may feel that same sense of helplessness to a degree today with regain but know that if you continue making new choices, it will pay off! Drink more Water, exercise, Protein first, limit sugar and carbs and you will see results!!! Keep at it and don't buy the lie that you can't because you can!!! IMG_0008.JPG

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2 hours ago, chiquitabananaz14 said:

Hello friends! I just wanted to encourage you all to keep going and not quit. Lets remember why we started this journey in the first place and how helpless it felt when we got our surgeries. We may feel that same sense of helplessness to a degree today with regain but know that if you continue making new choices, it will pay off! Drink more Water, exercise, Protein first, limit sugar and carbs and you will see results!!! Keep at it and don't buy the lie that you can't because you can!!! IMG_0008.JPG

Thanks for your post, needed this today. Let me explain why....

Earlier this week I posted my weight, (180.4.) As I had mentioned, I was sick most of last week, which I believed accounted for a 2# weight loss. Just as I thought, the weight crept back on. Today I weighed 183.0. So disgusted!

I didn't work out this week because even though I was better, I still felt weak. I plan to start again tomorrow.

i had a beautiful day today. Weather is gorgeous, did some volunteer work, went to an art fest, flower shopping ( for my garden), lunch with the hubby. It is now 5:30. Instead of relishing in the joy of my day. I'm sitting here, upset that I am struggling to lose weight. This journey is soooo hard! I decided to get on BP for encouragement and that's just what I found.

Your words are simple but very true. Thank you. You helped at least one person today. Now back to living life. My pity party has ended.

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Thanks for your post, needed this today. Let me explain why....
Earlier this week I posted my weight, (180.4.) As I had mentioned, I was sick most of last week, which I believed accounted for a 2# weight loss. Just as I thought, the weight crept back on. Today I weighed 183.0. So disgusted!
I didn't work out this week because even though I was better, I still felt weak. I plan to start again tomorrow.
i had a beautiful day today. Weather is gorgeous, did some volunteer work, went to an art fest, flower shopping ( for my garden), lunch with the hubby. It is now 5:30. Instead of relishing in the joy of my day. I'm sitting here, upset that I am struggling to lose weight. This journey is soooo hard! I decided to get on BP for encouragement and that's just what I found.
Your words are simple but very true. Thank you. You helped at least one person today. Now back to living life. My pity party has ended.

Kathy, your message really blessed me. Try not to get down on yourself but begin to love and treat yourself kindly. This journey that we are on is so much deeper then the number we see on the scale. It is issues of our hearts that are surfacing as we push our own limits and force ourselves to face the very things we have tried to cover up. This is a journey and it's a day by day process that we will be in for the rest of our lives but Gods grace is sufficient for us all, for His strength is made perfect in our weakness. Remember that you are beautifully and wonderfully made and created to shine! You can do it and you will succeed!

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Good morning friends. Today is my weigh in day. I got a new scale but my weight is pretty much around the same as last week. My new scale tells me my body fat, muscle mass, Water weight and some other stuff which is pretty cool. It's reading up .6 which I'm not sure if it's the new scales calibration or what but I know I've been eating right and exercising so I feel great. This past weekend I caved and had like 3 Starbucks caramel mochiatos in the span of two days and learned that drinking my calories isn't the wisest choice. This journey is much more to me then losing weight, its healing my mind and heart and learning to truly love myself. It's not something that will happen overnight but I know that I am well on my way. I created this thread to keep myself accountable and a part of me wanted to run and hide because I didn't have a huge weight loss but I realized that I am not doing this for anyone but myself and this is my journey. I will not quit and I know that I will reap exactly what I sow, I'm expecting a harvest on these good food choices and exercise seeds I've been sowing lol. I hope everyone is having a wonderful week and sticks with it as this is a lifelong change that must be made and the longer we avoid it the deeper we get. We can do it! I can't wait to look back on these posts in 6 months and see how far I've come, the time will pass regardless, I am choosing go make my time count!

On another note, does anyone have an iWatch? We can share our activity to keep each other motivated. Let me know! IMG_0009.JPG

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Good morning friends. Today is my weigh in day. I got a new scale but my weight is pretty much around the same as last week. My new scale tells me my body fat, muscle mass, Water weight and some other stuff which is pretty cool. It's reading up .6 which I'm not sure if it's the new scales calibration or what but I know I've been eating right and exercising so I feel great. This past weekend I caved and had like 3 Starbucks caramel mochiatos in the span of two days and learned that drinking my calories isn't the wisest choice. This journey is much more to me then losing weight, its healing my mind and heart and learning to truly love myself. It's not something that will happen overnight but I know that I am well on my way. I created this thread to keep myself accountable and a part of me wanted to run and hide because I didn't have a huge weight loss but I realized that I am not doing this for anyone but myself and this is my journey. I will not quit and I know that I will reap exactly what I sow, I'm expecting a harvest on these good food choices and exercise seeds I've been sowing lol. I hope everyone is having a wonderful week and sticks with it as this is a lifelong change that must be made and the longer we avoid it the deeper we get. We can do it! I can't wait to look back on these posts in 6 months and see how far I've come, the time will pass regardless, I am choosing go make my time count!

On another note, does anyone have an iWatch? We can share our activity to keep each other motivated. Let me know! IMG_0009.JPG.40ffdf930dc26ff43d51972888b513d5.JPG

Your scale is awesome!!! I have an I watch but don't know how to use it like that. I use my fitness pal and instagram :)

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Your scale is awesome!!! I have an I watch but don't know how to use it like that. I use my fitness pal and instagram [emoji4]

IWatch is awesome to track your workouts and the calories you burn! It tracks your steps and all that. I'll send you a direct message with my phone number and we can add each other if you want

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On 6/22/2017 at 6:48 PM, chiquitabananaz14 said:

In January 2015, i came to know Jesus as my Lord and Savior and He delivered me from all drugs.

Praise Jesus! That's wonderful!

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20 hours ago, chiquitabananaz14 said:

I got a new scale but my weight is pretty much around the same as last week. My new scale tells me my body fat, muscle mass, Water weight and some other stuff which is pretty cool. It's reading up .6 which I'm not sure if it's the new scales calibration or what but I know I've been eating right and exercising so I feel great.

Did you keep the old scale, just to see if they weigh you the same? That would be a good starting point, to know if one weighs differently, then switch to the new one... maybe? Very cool scale!

I caught myself doing the Starbucks thing a couple weeks ago... and I didn't lose two weeks in a row. And I was order the SKINNY or the NONFAT, but still, it's liquid calories, and apparently, my body didn't like that. No weight loss for two weeks. But I know when I get to my goal, I can drink a Starbucks on a weekend as a treat. I won't need to lose then, just maintain. :)

Edited by Bears_Chick

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