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Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

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my ticker will not work for some reason.

hi lynda how's u update ur ticker dear and sade them tickers are awful to work it took me ages and i think i done mine by accident lol hope your all keeping well peeps,cant wait to get refilled im starving all the time lol roll on next thursday :D

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Hi banders,

i was banded december 10 and have lost 3stones in fits and starts. had 4th fill last wed, now have 5.5 mil in a 7.5 mil helioscope band.

I felt ok thursday, then did a zumba class friday morning (fun but i'd not excercised in years). since sat the band seems to have tightened up lots. just managing liquids at the mo. had a couple of sick bouts too. i'm starting to worry a bit now, but don't know whether to wait a day or two to see if it calms down.

Anyone had anything similar? Do you think zumba might have shaken it about too much.

Also i'm flying to spain for 3 weeks on 21st and don't want to feel like this!


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Hi banders,

i was banded december 10 and have lost 3stones in fits and starts. had 4th fill last wed, now have 5.5 mil in a 7.5 mil helioscope band.

I felt ok thursday, then did a zumba class friday morning (fun but i'd not excercised in years). since sat the band seems to have tightened up lots. just managing liquids at the mo. had a couple of sick bouts too. i'm starting to worry a bit now, but don't know whether to wait a day or two to see if it calms down.

Anyone had anything similar? Do you think zumba might have shaken it about too much.

Also i'm flying to spain for 3 weeks on 21st and don't want to feel like this!


hi llam i would give it a couple of days to see if it settles down when i was overfilled i knew within an hour as i couldnt swallow my own saliva and was sick constantly,try having your Fluid for a few days and couple of lollies and see how you go xx

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Hi All,

I am new to this and whilst I have spent hours reading through this forum and elsewhere on the net there is sooooo much to get my head around.

I too am considering Dr Chris, simply because financially it is a sound decision and his results appear no different (maybe better) than his more expensive UK counterparts.

I have a number of questions that I still don't understand however:

1) Explain fills/defills? It it simply that a fill suppresses what can be digested and once you have achieved a goal weight you can defill to take on more normal foods?

2) How often are fills needed?

3) What is restriction? Is it simply the feeling that you cannot process food?

4) What does the band do? That might sound like a silly question but in lehman and practical terms does it simply supress the appetite? Does it tell your brain you are full, are there less cravings? Does your stomach rumble like mad?

5) What is the best way to book Dr Chris? There are different websites and companies which claim to represent him. I am based in Leeds so UK help is definately advantageous and assume fills can be done in Manchester.

6) I understand I need a pre-consult which can be done in Manchester, but after this how long does it take to get the surgery? Is there some sort of waiting list?

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Hi OSS83

I'm not seeing Dr Chris untill June, so im sure someone post band will be along soon to explain in more detail.

Fills tighten the band so that you are satisfied on much less food, unfortunately the demans are still in your head and you can still stuff if you really want to but you would do serious damage. You often need a few fills before you get a good restriction.

As far as i know you have de-fills if the band becomes to tight or some people will have a slight de-fill for a holiday so they can enjoy it

Most people never totaly de-fill total even after reaching their goal weight.

Fills are usually done every 1-2 months until you reach your sweet spot.

I booked direct through Dr Chris's assistant Freddy, I can give you his email if you want.

I also didn't have a consultation, you. Just have to fill In a medical questionnaire email it back then you have the consultation with Dr Chris in the hotel the night before. I believe you can arrange a consultation in the UK if you wish but you don't have to.

I hope this helps

Have you tried, ukgastricband.co.uk there are lots of people in there who have been with Dr Chris

Jo x

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Week 41

Been a good week in terms of flying by. Probably quite a few shocked that they had to do a 5 day week. Need the routine to keep me busy!

Had a fill last week, had 0.5ml, with Dr Chris. He's very good and very quick at doing the fills.

When he weighed me I was shocked that he had told me I had only lost x amount of kilos and so when I was walking along chatting to my husband on the phone I asked him to double check the kilos and it seems Dr Chris' scales may be out by 12 kilos! I am planning to email Frederik to ask him to check my computer record and get the scales recalibrated!

So have lost 90lbs (yes you have read it right!) can't quite believe that that was a magic number when I first started this journey back in July last year. One I thought I might never achieve or believed that the band would work so well. But it has. Although I have now been subjected to a few comments that I have taken it too far! One was my neighbour and the other was my mum! She said I looked haggered! Thanks a bunch. Well it's not going to deter me as I have a target and need to get to it. I don't want to go any lower than that though as I think it would be too much. So 16 pounds to go and I'll be there. I am going to book my GP appointment so that I can go and see him to get the ball rolling on the boobie side. Just keeping fingers crossed they agree to the funding on the NHS you know what it's like.

Anyway will check in again, hope everyone is looking after themselves and taking the journey at their own pace. Take care

Claire x

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Hi All,

I am new to this ...

I too am considering Dr Chris, simply because financially it is a sound decision and his results appear no different (maybe better) than his more expensive UK counterparts.

I have a number of questions that I still don't understand however:

1) Explain fills/defills? It it simply that a fill suppresses what can be digested and once you have achieved a goal weight you can defill to take on more normal foods?

2) How often are fills needed?

3) What is restriction? Is it simply the feeling that you cannot process food?

4) What does the band do? That might sound like a silly question but in lehman and practical terms does it simply supress the appetite? Does it tell your brain you are full, are there less cravings? Does your stomach rumble like mad?

5) What is the best way to book Dr Chris? There are different websites and companies which claim to represent him. I am based in Leeds so UK help is definately advantageous and assume fills can be done in Manchester.

6) I understand I need a pre-consult which can be done in Manchester, but after this how long does it take to get the surgery? Is there some sort of waiting list?

Fills - restriction via the band using saline usually given as a 3ml at first fill appointment then 2mls at the next one and then 0.5ml for third and then other amounts as discussed with Dr Chris or his colleagues,

How often? Varies from person to person. Can be monthly or could be like me where I went in September then October and then didn't go back until March and then May. Had good restricton from the October fill and didn't feel that I wanted to go back until March when I knew I needed a little fill. We are all very different.

Restriction makes the opening from the newly formed pouch to the stomach smaller so therefore you feel fuller quicker and it reduces down the portion sizes that you can manage. You have to have some self control over this aswell the band doesn't do it all for you! It's not a cheat it is hard work and those around you will soon come to realise this when they eat & live with you for long enough. I don't think there is any point in hiding it, be open and honest and people will be more understanding.

The band doesn't do anything except restrict. It is the receptors in the stomach that tell the brain that they are no longer hungry and we have to tune into these if you want to lose weight. http://www.lapbanduk...stric-band-work hth and explains more.

Book via Frederik and no one else especially a French based company. Frederiks details are: http://www.lapbanduk...-bruyne-belgium

I didn't have a pre-consult, if you do I think it's a £100. However I sent all my details to Frederik, booked a date, booked Eurostar tickets and arrived the day before and met with Dr Chris that evening.

Payment for my surgery I did in one transfer so that I didn't have to carry the cash with me and have the added worry.

HTH feel free to ask any questions.

Good luck and enjoy your journey - there will be ups and downs but that's just like life and I have to say it is well worth it in the end!!

Take care

Claire x

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What a wonderful uplifting few posts thanks, mummiesbb, although I have not posted for a very long time I still read all posts

Its great to read about weight loss journeys.

Hi to anyone who remembers me. Love mmm.

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What a wonderful uplifting few posts thanks, mummiesbb, although I have not posted for a very long time I still read all posts

Its great to read about weight loss journeys.

Hi to anyone who remembers me. Love mmm.

Good to see you here mmm. Well done on your weightloss. (Looking at your ticker - is this upto date?)

How are you finding the band?

Just thinking that it's so important to have good support on our weightloss journey do you have anyone near to you ho has been banded?

It's been a little quiet on here but I am sure everyone is either really busy with work or they are lurking around the thread.

Take care and thnaks for the positive comments

Claire x

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Hello all

Hope everyone is well and has had a nice weekend.

Me and hubs have had a celebratory one, as we finally got the news on Thursday that we have been referred to the IVF consultant again as my weight is now within the guidelines to have the treatment.

My blood test results showed normal hormone levels for the first time in 16 years since being diagnosed with PCOS, except for low progesterone so I still don't appear to be ovulating on my own although I have now had 5 consecutive monthly's, which hasn't happened for about 10 years.

So after 14 months of this life changing weird and wonderful and sometimes frustrating weightloss journey, my efforts have paid off and we are edging closer to our dream of one day having a family.

To say I am delighted is an understatement, and I spent most of Thursday evening swinging between being utterly gobsmacked and speechless to then hysterical crying!

We have no idea how long the wait will be to get the initial appointment to see the consultant again, but my doc said the only thing she was slightly concerned about now that may not go in our favour is my age, as I am 35 in 2 weeks, and the 2 neighbouring counties to ours PCT's have just cut their age limit to 34, so if you weren't already going through the referral process or on the consultants books you wouldn't now get in.

A little concerned but keeping everything crossed that lady luck is on our side this time, and I'm no longer going to worry about my crinkly little belly anymore as hopefully I will have a little one in residence in the not to distant future!

Oh how glad am I that I had this band fitted, just wish I'd done it years ago.

C x

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Hello all

Hope everyone is well and has had a nice weekend.

Me and hubs have had a celebratory one, as we finally got the news on Thursday that we have been referred to the IVF consultant again as my weight is now within the guidelines to have the treatment.

My blood test results showed normal hormone levels for the first time in 16 years since being diagnosed with PCOS, except for low progesterone so I still don't appear to be ovulating on my own although I have now had 5 consecutive monthly's, which hasn't happened for about 10 years.

So after 14 months of this life changing weird and wonderful and sometimes frustrating weightloss journey, my efforts have paid off and we are edging closer to our dream of one day having a family.

To say I am delighted is an understatement, and I spent most of Thursday evening swinging between being utterly gobsmacked and speechless to then hysterical crying!

We have no idea how long the wait will be to get the initial appointment to see the consultant again, but my doc said the only thing she was slightly concerned about now that may not go in our favour is my age, as I am 35 in 2 weeks, and the 2 neighbouring counties to ours PCT's have just cut their age limit to 34, so if you weren't already going through the referral process or on the consultants books you wouldn't now get in.

A little concerned but keeping everything crossed that lady luck is on our side this time, and I'm no longer going to worry about my crinkly little belly anymore as hopefully I will have a little one in residence in the not to distant future!

Oh how glad am I that I had this band fitted, just wish I'd done it years ago.

C x

claire your amazing and a good inspiration to us all well done on your weigh loss hun you deserve it you have worked dam hard for it go you xxx,oh patty im so pleased to hear your news,some good news at last hey,see your nearly there hun you never know what could happen next you enjoy yourself and keep thinking positive yipeeee xxx i cant wait to go for my fill on thursday i cant stop eating lol they took out 1.5ml and i deffo need at least 1 of it back lol hope your all doing well and hi to any newbies xx

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Me and hubs have had a celebratory one, as we finally got the news on Thursday that we have been referred to the IVF consultant again as my weight is now within the guidelines to have the treatment.

So after 14 months of this life changing weird and wonderful and sometimes frustrating weightloss journey, my efforts have paid off and we are edging closer to our dream of one day having a family.

To say I am delighted is an understatement, and I spent most of Thursday evening swinging between being utterly gobsmacked and speechless to then hysterical crying!

... slightly concerned about now that may not go in our favour is my age, as I am 35 in 2 weeks, and the 2 neighbouring counties to ours PCT's have just cut their age limit to 34, so if you weren't already going through the referral process or on the consultants books you wouldn't now get in.

A little concerned but keeping everything crossed that lady luck is on our side this time, and I'm no longer going to worry about my crinkly little belly anymore as hopefully I will have a little one in residence in the not to distant future!

Oh how glad am I that I had this band fitted, just wish I'd done it years ago.

C x

That's brilliant news - well done you for all your hard work.

Fingers crossed all goes well.

Take care and well done, keep us posted ...

Claire x

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      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

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