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Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

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Garry and Homecare - thank you very much! xx

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I'm so sorry I missed you Sammy, glad your pregnancy is going well.

Sorry to everyone else, I just havent found the time to come here, so busy.

I go to Hong Kong on saturday, and will be away for 3 weeks.

Good luck to all of you with your ops and weight losses.

I was back today to the weight I was before my defill, so feel good.

Welcome to all the newbies.

Take care you all and see you soon xxxxxxxx

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Maggs on the birth of your darling grandaughter


Thank you so much for the above Sian I are so impressed :thumbup:

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Hi all I thought I would post today as this is my bandaversity.Yep one year ago today I was lying on a slab getting my insides poked about by dr chris de bruyne.Weighing in at 23st 2lb (324lb).As of today I am now weighing in at 16st (224lb).So 100lb in one year to the day I could not have asked for any more.The journey has not been easy but well worth it .I did not realy get restriction untill 7-8 months after I had the op so a lot if it was will power and dieting.

Before I had the op I weighed up the options of me not having surgery to having it .The positives were out numbering the negatives what was the worst that could happen. I could die on the operating table or I could die with the excess weight I was carrying or with all the problems you have with being obese.

Some of the things that have changed In my life since I have lost the weight have pleased me .I can now go to the swimming with my kids which I never done when I was at my heaviest as I was too embarrassed .

I am also able to fit in the seats on roller coasters now where a year ago I would never have even tried .Im now like a big kid when we go to the fun fair.We have even booked up for orlando for next june due to the weight loss.Im also able to take the kids round the the park on the bikes which they love.They have a new dad now which is one of the reasons I had the op .I don’t want my children’s lives to pass me by with me not being able to do things normal dads do.

I have also set a date for my wedding which I would not have done if I had not lost the weight.Its only taken me 8 years to set the date lol.

I have lost at least 10 inches from my waist 12 inches from my chest and 3 inches from my neck.So the only negative is I have had to buy a full new wardrobe of clothes.

Although I have not lost all the weight I want too if I had to stay at this weight I would be quite happy.The last time I was at this weight I was 16 years of age.

So for anyone thinking of getting the band done or is just starting the journey I would say it can be done go for it.

I have been using this site for a year now and it has given me so much inspiration reading other peoples success story and looking at the before and after photos really spurned me on .

I only hope my story can inspire someone thinking of getting the band that it can change your life round and all for the better.

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Hi all I thought I would post today as this is my bandaversity.Yep one year ago today I was lying on a slab getting my insides poked about by dr chris de bruyne.Weighing in at 23st 2lb (324lb).As of today I am now weighing in at 16st (224lb).So 100lb in one year to the day I could not have asked for any more.The journey has not been easy but well worth it .I did not realy get restriction untill 7-8 months after I had the op so a lot if it was will power and dieting.

Before I had the op I weighed up the options of me not having surgery to having it .The positives were out numbering the negatives what was the worst that could happen. I could die on the operating table or I could die with the excess weight I was carrying or with all the problems you have with being obese.

Some of the things that have changed In my life since I have lost the weight have pleased me .I can now go to the swimming with my kids which I never done when I was at my heaviest as I was too embarrassed .

I am also able to fit in the seats on roller coasters now where a year ago I would never have even tried .Im now like a big kid when we go to the fun fair.We have even booked up for orlando for next june due to the weight loss.Im also able to take the kids round the the park on the bikes which they love.They have a new dad now which is one of the reasons I had the op .I don’t want my children’s lives to pass me by with me not being able to do things normal dads do.

I have also set a date for my wedding which I would not have done if I had not lost the weight.Its only taken me 8 years to set the date lol.

I have lost at least 10 inches from my waist 12 inches from my chest and 3 inches from my neck.So the only negative is I have had to buy a full new wardrobe of clothes.

Although I have not lost all the weight I want too if I had to stay at this weight I would be quite happy.The last time I was at this weight I was 16 years of age.

So for anyone thinking of getting the band done or is just starting the journey I would say it can be done go for it.

I have been using this site for a year now and it has given me so much inspiration reading other peoples success story and looking at the before and after photos really spurned me on .

I only hope my story can inspire someone thinking of getting the band that it can change your life round and all for the better.

Happy bandiversary BoBo and well done. Its been far too quiet on this site we need more posts from people with experience and goals that have been met. Something to inspire us like you have so well done again Bobo and keep posting.

I am feeling pretty down with this band at the moment. I havent done anything wrong or different from last month but the scales havent moved in the last two weeks:cursing: and I feel they should have. Really dissapointed but will keep pressing on. Jx

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Hi all I thought I would post today as this is my bandaversity.Yep one year ago today I was lying on a slab getting my insides poked about by dr chris de bruyne.Weighing in at 23st 2lb (324lb).As of today I am now weighing in at 16st (224lb).So 100lb in one year to the day I could not have asked for any more.The journey has not been easy but well worth it .I did not realy get restriction untill 7-8 months after I had the op so a lot if it was will power and dieting.

Before I had the op I weighed up the options of me not having surgery to having it .The positives were out numbering the negatives what was the worst that could happen. I could die on the operating table or I could die with the excess weight I was carrying or with all the problems you have with being obese.

Some of the things that have changed In my life since I have lost the weight have pleased me .I can now go to the swimming with my kids which I never done when I was at my heaviest as I was too embarrassed .

I am also able to fit in the seats on roller coasters now where a year ago I would never have even tried .Im now like a big kid when we go to the fun fair.We have even booked up for orlando for next june due to the weight loss.Im also able to take the kids round the the park on the bikes which they love.They have a new dad now which is one of the reasons I had the op .I don’t want my children’s lives to pass me by with me not being able to do things normal dads do.

I have also set a date for my wedding which I would not have done if I had not lost the weight.Its only taken me 8 years to set the date lol.

I have lost at least 10 inches from my waist 12 inches from my chest and 3 inches from my neck.So the only negative is I have had to buy a full new wardrobe of clothes.

Although I have not lost all the weight I want too if I had to stay at this weight I would be quite happy.The last time I was at this weight I was 16 years of age.

So for anyone thinking of getting the band done or is just starting the journey I would say it can be done go for it.

I have been using this site for a year now and it has given me so much inspiration reading other peoples success story and looking at the before and after photos really spurned me on .

I only hope my story can inspire someone thinking of getting the band that it can change your life round and all for the better.

Thanks for this, what an inspiration to people like me who are due for the op in a couple of weeks and getting quite nervous about it all. I have written a list of all the reasons why I need this and whenever I feel myself getting panicky I just read it, it helps to calm me. It is also good to hear how the band works for others as I am not expecting miracles immediately but know that it is a long term journey.

Thanks again and good luck with the rest of your journey.


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Hi all I thought I would post today as this is my bandaversity.Yep one year ago today I was lying on a slab getting my insides poked about by dr chris de bruyne.Weighing in at 23st 2lb (324lb).As of today I am now weighing in at 16st (224lb).So 100lb in one year to the day I could not have asked for any more.The journey has not been easy but well worth it .I did not realy get restriction untill 7-8 months after I had the op so a lot if it was will power and dieting.

Before I had the op I weighed up the options of me not having surgery to having it .The positives were out numbering the negatives what was the worst that could happen. I could die on the operating table or I could die with the excess weight I was carrying or with all the problems you have with being obese.

Some of the things that have changed In my life since I have lost the weight have pleased me .I can now go to the swimming with my kids which I never done when I was at my heaviest as I was too embarrassed .

I am also able to fit in the seats on roller coasters now where a year ago I would never have even tried .Im now like a big kid when we go to the fun fair.We have even booked up for orlando for next june due to the weight loss.Im also able to take the kids round the the park on the bikes which they love.They have a new dad now which is one of the reasons I had the op .I don’t want my children’s lives to pass me by with me not being able to do things normal dads do.

I have also set a date for my wedding which I would not have done if I had not lost the weight.Its only taken me 8 years to set the date lol.

I have lost at least 10 inches from my waist 12 inches from my chest and 3 inches from my neck.So the only negative is I have had to buy a full new wardrobe of clothes.

Although I have not lost all the weight I want too if I had to stay at this weight I would be quite happy.The last time I was at this weight I was 16 years of age.

So for anyone thinking of getting the band done or is just starting the journey I would say it can be done go for it.

I have been using this site for a year now and it has given me so much inspiration reading other peoples success story and looking at the before and after photos really spurned me on .

I only hope my story can inspire someone thinking of getting the band that it can change your life round and all for the better.

Hi Bobo



You really are an inspiration to all of us who have just been banded and those that are due to be. Had a look at your picture – you look wicked.

Also, congrats on your up and coming wedding and also to the kids for getting a new playmate.

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Hey everyone

Havnt been on here in months but im back going for another fill want to have a stone off for xmas well i actually want another stone and a half off but i think another fill will help i hope as usually after a fill i used lose bout 10lbs in 2wks after...

Anyway Bobo my old bander pal congrats bet ya cant believe its a yr and you have done fab its whole new life aint it... And congrats on booking ur wedding il be waiting my invite lol any excuse these days to get in a dress lol But seriously well done and ur fab the weight u are even if u never lose another lb ya dont wana be a skinny man i dont aprove of them lol

Hows everyone else doing i need updates???

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Hi Carriejess,

Thanks for that, have had a look but not found.... such is life!! Was wondering are there any food you can't eat after the band? x

Hi Jerseybean, I am getting banded on 27th November, is that around the same time as you?

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Hi Carriejess,

Thanks for that, have had a look but not found.... such is life!! Was wondering are there any food you can't eat after the band? x

Hi Jerseybean, I am getting banded on 27th November, is that around the same time as you?

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BOBO that was a lovely post, it just brought back how life changing having a band is and that not only you, but all your close family have benefitted from the decision you made only 1 year ago. By proud of your achievements and the great time you can now give your kids. GOOD ON YOU. xx

Flirty, thanks for your message, I'm so glad to hear from you again, and to know that you are well and err!!!!! FLIRTY, xx

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Hey MMM yep im defo still flirty maybe more now than ever lol But yeah im doing well id say im only really recovered from my op now i had to go back into hospital bout 7or8wks after op got a seroma which is collection of Fluid which was quite large like a hotwater bottle on my belly so got infection in it and had to get drains put back in but im all better now and so happy i didnt get implants my boobs seem to be getting bigger all on their own even though id say their just settling into their own shape now but if i win the lotto il be getting my thighs done but unless i win the cash i cant see it happening too soon lol

How is ur loss going?

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Hi all I thought I would post today as this is my bandaversity.Yep one year ago today I was lying on a slab getting my insides poked about by dr chris de bruyne.Weighing in at 23st 2lb (324lb).As of today I am now weighing in at 16st (224lb).So 100lb in one year to the day I could not have asked for any more.The journey has not been easy but well worth it .I did not realy get restriction untill 7-8 months after I had the op so a lot if it was will power and dieting.

Before I had the op I weighed up the options of me not having surgery to having it .The positives were out numbering the negatives what was the worst that could happen. I could die on the operating table or I could die with the excess weight I was carrying or with all the problems you have with being obese.

Some of the things that have changed In my life since I have lost the weight have pleased me .I can now go to the swimming with my kids which I never done when I was at my heaviest as I was too embarrassed .

I am also able to fit in the seats on roller coasters now where a year ago I would never have even tried .Im now like a big kid when we go to the fun fair.We have even booked up for orlando for next june due to the weight loss.Im also able to take the kids round the the park on the bikes which they love.They have a new dad now which is one of the reasons I had the op .I don’t want my children’s lives to pass me by with me not being able to do things normal dads do.

I have also set a date for my wedding which I would not have done if I had not lost the weight.Its only taken me 8 years to set the date lol.

I have lost at least 10 inches from my waist 12 inches from my chest and 3 inches from my neck.So the only negative is I have had to buy a full new wardrobe of clothes.

Although I have not lost all the weight I want too if I had to stay at this weight I would be quite happy.The last time I was at this weight I was 16 years of age.

So for anyone thinking of getting the band done or is just starting the journey I would say it can be done go for it.

I have been using this site for a year now and it has given me so much inspiration reading other peoples success story and looking at the before and after photos really spurned me on .

I only hope my story can inspire someone thinking of getting the band that it can change your life round and all for the better.

Congrats Bobo, a real inspiration for all of us well done m8 :Yawn:

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    • Theweightisover2024🙌💪

      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

      I've hit a stall 9 months out. I'm not worried, though. My fitness levels continue to improve and I have nearly accomplished my pre-surgery goal of learning to scuba dive! One dive left to complete to get my PADI card 🐠
      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
      Just for fun last week, I ran two 5Ks in two days, something I would have never done in the past! Next goal is a 10K before the end of this month.
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    • Teriesa

      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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